The mission of the Automotive and Transportation Group was to act as an incubator of ideas for standardization for connected vehicles and the broader transportation data space. It had produced some early draft specifications for making vehicle signals available in a browser runtime as a first class object. Those specifications were the basis for launching the W3C Automotive Working Group (which closed on 22 February 2024).
Fuller description of the scope is in the charter.
Note: Community Groups are proposed and run by the community. Although W3C hosts these
conversations, the groups do not necessarily represent the views of the W3C Membership or staff.
If you have any questions, please contact the group on their public list: Learn more about the Automotive and Web Platform Business Group.
If you have any questions, please contact the group on their public list: Learn more about the Automotive and Web Platform Business Group.
Thanks to all who came to the W3C Automotive Business Group’s third face to face in Santa Clara on March 17th and 18th. It was a well attended, productive meeting with over 20 participants from Access, Continental, Daimler, Elektrobit, GM, Google, Intel, JARI, KDDI, LG, OBIGO, OpenCar, Openstream, Pandora, PSA, QNX and W3C. There was very good discussion (and action items) around the maturing vehicle information specification and group direction as well as some excellent presentations by W3C staff, KDDI, OBIGO, Elektrobit, and Continental.
Split spec into two docs: one for interfaces that will not change (durable) such as the VehicleInterface (getting/setting data) and one for data interfaces that are likely to come, go and/or change
Add better handling, at a global level, for units of measure/localization
Add better facility for extensibility of data interfaces
Add facility for availability/capability
Address interface grouping/categories
Address location – which specs to reference?
Address get history
Fill out supported use cases
Address relationship to visual data if appropriate – What to reference?
Address additional specs to be referenced as appropriate
Move sections from guidelines to specs
Security section reference. see KDDI presentation too
Continuation/formalization of Vehicle Information Task Force (small group that has been working on spec)
Vehicle Information Task Force to complete spec by May 23
Group Direction
Timeline laid out to potentially create an automotive working group by October 2014
Potential Task Force Groups
Multimedia in vehicle
Speech and Multi-modal
Containerization and off-line storage – managing in a secure way
Next face to face will be on May 23 in conjunction with the GENIVI All Member Meeting
Immediate action items for the group are as follows:
Create timeline, actions and assignments for Vehicle Information Spec completion. ***Please let us know if you are interested in participating. We will start moving forward starting early next week.***
Form task forces. ***Please let us know if you would like to form and lead a task force.***
Set up next face to face at GENIVI AMM on May 23. ***Please let us know if you can attend.***
“For more than a decade, the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) has been at work on a set of coding standards intended to enable a single piece of code – be it for an app or a website – to display across a broad range of connected devices. And the automotive industry has been paying close attention, hoping this new set of standards, known as HTML5, would increase the number of apps available for the connected vehicle, or, at the very least, bring down development costs.
By the look of it, the W3C, which acts as the main international standards organization for the World Wide Web, is getting close. In December 2012, it published the complete definition of HTML5 specifications – an actual set of standards is expected before the end of this year. And the connected car industry is now part of the official process. The W3C’s Automotive and Web Platform Business Group launched in February 2013, and the first draft of an HTML5 automotive standard is expected in April.”
Happy new year
The Automotive business group has been very active in the last weeks with a lot discussions about the vehicle API and the next Face to Face meeting.
Some discussions in progress to finalize the date for this meeting.
Let’s keep in touch for more news
Even during this summer period of vacations, the Automotive and Web Platform Business Group is moving:
Now that QNX has contributed its API proposal as well (joining proposals from Genivi, Tizen and Webinos), the group has started to look into merging and harmonizing these individual proposals into a common specification, targetted for December 2013
The group is also discussing the next Face to Face meeting date and location.
The W3C Automotive Business Group has just completed his second face-to-face meeting in Tokyo on Wednesday, May 29 2013. This meeting was a great success, with active discussion from over 30 participants related to the automotive industry in one way or another—automakers, tier one suppliers, hardware and software suppliers, telecom carriers, academia, government and the W3C organization itself. We all gathered to discuss how to move forward standardization of automotive-specific uses of HTML5. Much helpful guidance was provided from the co-chair of the W3C’s Web & TV Interest Group, by discussing how sometime similar issues that our automotive team raised were resolved in the TV group.
The day was jam packed with presentations. KDDI, Access, Obigo, and Intel presented on various use cases in the automotive space that used HTML5. There are currently four proposals for standardizing HTML5-based vehicle APIs: from Tizen, Webinos, GENIVI and QNX (as yet unpublished). There were presentations made by GENIVI (represented by LGE), Tizen (represented by Intel), and QNX on the findings on how those various proposals differed and how they could be made to work together.
KDDI spoke about how head unit capabilities could be augmented with mobile phone APIs through HTML5. Access described the work they’re doing integrating HTML5 as a tool in the process for creating automotive engine tone generation systems. Obigo showed a short video on how navigation systems can be enabled by mobile phones with web servers. Intel discussed the types of advanced features that can be enabled by navigation systems that are web server savvy.
At the last face to face meeting in Barcelona, it had been discussed to start with OBD-II being the least common denominator of vehicle functions, as every vehicle supported it. LGE showed that the intersection of OBD-II data and what was supported through GENIVI, Tizen, and Webinos APIs was very small; the functionality represented in the existing APIs is not captured in OBD-II. However there was still support for integrating OBD-II APIs so that diagnostic applications could be supported. QNX described findings that lead to ensuring HTML5 specifications would be able to support mobile developers not just automotive, and that they should support applications and not just built-in HMIs. Part of this was ensuring synchronization with Apache Cordova.
It was generally agreed by the presenters that although the four proposals cover much of the same ground, there are a lot of specific differences that would need to be rectified. It was discussed that the best strategy would be to create a superset of the four proposals, taking the best from all, to which there did not seem to be any objection. LGE and QNX took the action to begin the process of merging the four contributions for approval by the group. Intel has volunteered as the specification editor, and has creating the initial skeleton for the specification.
A presentation from ISO about how synchronization of ISO and W3C Automotive Business Group standardization efforts would be beneficial for both parties was the last of the day’s presentations.
There were suggestions from a number of parties about areas beyond vehicle data APIS (the group’s original charter) that will also need addressing, like navigation, speech, multimedia, and even ADAS APIs. It seems there is a high degree of interest in broadening support for HTML5 applications in many aspects of the vehicle, and collection of the related use cases is encouraged through a mailing list discussion. Overall, it was a productive day full of constructive dialog and collaborative efforts to ensure a rich future for HTML5 in the car. For future efforts, the group will be hosting a monthly conference call. And we’re looking to schedule another face to face—possibly at ITS in Tokyo or at the W3C Technical Plenary session in November in Shenzhen, China (near Hong Kong).
The W3C Automotive Business Group would like to thank the Linux Foundation and Intel for picking up the tab for the meeting room, audio/visual equipment and lunch.
The W3C Automotive and Web Platform Business Group held its first face to face meeting in Barcelona on the 22 April.
A lot of ideas were discussed during this meeting between BMW, VW, PSA, Visteon, Continental, Intel, KDDI, LG, Magneti Marelli, QNX, Ford, Strategy Analytics, Genivi and W3C with agreement on next steps to prepare the next face to face meeting in Tokyo (29 May).
The group decided to first focus on an API that would provide read access.
Decision on next steps include:
Creating an overview of the superset of the proposed Vehicle APIs to look for overlaps and gaps.
Considering whether the mandatory dataset provided in OBDII could serve as a starting point for a common dataset to be shared by different OEMs via a Vehicle API.
Creating a document that maps current W3C work onto the requirements of the automotive sector (e.g. geolocation, packaging, …).
Don’t miss the opportunity to drive the automotive technology evolution, join the W3C Automotive and Web Platform Business Group.
Following the first conference call organized, the next step is a Face to Face meeting to move on the Business group activities.
F2F meeting in Barcelona:
Monday April 22
This is the same venue as the GENIVI All Members Meeting
GENIVI is sponsoring this F2F meeting. Thank you to GENIVI!
Time: 12 noon until 9 or 10pm
These Face to Face meetings will be restricted to Business Group participants with the Business Group Agreement finalized or in process to be finalized.
Any question, support, contact Alan Bird ( or Bernard Gidon (
This next step is the starting point of this Automotive Business Group activities, DON’T MISS IT
A second face-to-face meeting is planned for May 29 in Tokyo at the same venue as the Automotive Linux Summit and LinuxCon – more details on the relevant wiki page
I wanted to quickly schedule a couple of conf calls. Both will be scheduled for next week (one to cover Europe and one to cover APAC). Details are on our wiki under the current events page on the left hand side. If you would like me to send you the calendar appointment, please send me an email (address below).
Also, please notice I’m also suggesting that we add a F2F meeting in Tokyo during the Automotive Linux Summit and LinuxCon. My rationale for this is to cover both Europe and APAC since we have participants from both geos.
Conf Call #1: Tuesday, March 26, 2013 9:00 AM US Pacific Time
Conf Call #2: Tuesday, March 26, 2013 9:00 PM US Pacific Time
If you have additional topics please send me an email at adam . m . abramski at intel . com