The core ontology introduces concepts for the structural elements of VSS defined through the rule set in the specifications. Figure 1 gives an overview of those. The root node is the Vehicle itself. From there the structure is given through so-called Branches. They serve as sorting element for the leaf nodes and are not specified in the specification itself in greater details. The leaf nodes contain the semantic information of signals, which expext to describe and hold information, which changes in greater frequency and of attributes, which are more static. The core of the ontology defines this structure in an OWL ontology and serves as a basis for the defined signals of the standard catalogue and potential further development of the branches as more than structural information.
The namespace for VSSo Core is Namespaces and prefixes used in normative parts of this recommendation are shown in the following table.
VSSo Core serves as a domain ontology and relies on the following other ontologies:
Normative namespaces
Prefix Namespace IRI Source xml rdf rdfs xsd owl dcterms vann vsso-core
Owl Class: | vsso:VehicleProperty |
Definition: | VehicleProperty - Central concept for defining a vehicle, either through a VehicleComponent structure or connected directly to the vehicle. Every VehicleProperty shall be instantiated with a vehiclePropertyValue. It is good practice to set the time when the value was updated through propertyValueUpdatedAt The VehicleProperty follows the concept of a ssn:Property |
See also: | |
Owl Class: | vsso:StaticVehicleProperty |
Definition: | StaticVehicleProperty - Follows the definition of an attribute in
VSS. |
Sub-class of: | VehicleProperty |
See also: | |
Owl Class: | vsso:Vehicle |
Definition: | Vehicle - Core concept of the ontology. Collects VehicleComponents and VehicleProperties belonging to a vehicle |
Owl Class: | vsso:VehicleComponent |
Definition: | VehicleComponent - First of all a sorting element for VehicleProperties, following on the definition of a branch. It is encouraged to use the concept for actual parts modeled as `VehicleComponent. |
See also: | |
Owl Class: | vsso:ActuatableVehicleProperty |
Definition: | ActuatableVehicleProperty - Follows the definition of an actuator in VSS. It is a DynamicVehicleProperty, which can be changed. Refers to sosa:ActuableProperty |
Sub-class of: | DynamicVehicleProperty |
See also: | ttps:// |
See also: | |
Owl Class: | vsso:ObservableVehicleProperty |
Definition: | ObservableVehicleProperty - Follows the definition of an sensor in VSS. It is a DynamicVehicleProperty, which can be observed but not changed. Refers to sosa:ObservableProperty |
Sub-class of: | DynamicVehicleProperty |
See also: | |
See also: | |
Owl Class: | vsso:DynamicVehicleProperty |
Definition: | DynamicVehicleProperty - In contrast to a StaticVehicleProperty,
this property is expected to change frequently, even within an ignition cycle. Examples are the vehicle |
Sub-class of: | VehicleProperty |
Owl Class: | vsso:PositionInVehicle |
Definition: | PositionInVehicle - Frequently VehicleProperties and VehicleComponents will appear in several different positions in the vehicle. Typicle examples are windows, seats, etc. This concepts shall be used to define the different position of the vehicle. They can be named with the positionName property. |
OWL Object Property: | vsso:belongsToVehicleComponent |
Comment: | belongsToVehicleComponent - The property defines for VehicleProperties to which VehicleComponent they belong. |
Domain: | VehicleProperty |
Range: | VehicleComponent |
OWL Object Property: | vsso:hasDynamicVehicleProperty |
Comment: | hasDynamicVehicleProperty - This property connects an instance of a Vehicle or VehicleComponent to a DynamicVehicleComponent. |
Range: | DynamicVehicleProperty |
OWL Object Property: | vsso:hasStaticVehicleProperty |
Comment: | hasStaticVehicleProperty - This property connects an instance of a Vehicle or VehicleComponent to a StaticVehicleComponent. |
Range: | StaticVehicleProperty |
OWL Object Property: | vsso:partOf |
Comment: | partOfVehicleComponent - This property is used to built a partOf hierarchy of VehicleComponents instances. |
Domain: | VehicleComponent |
Range: | VehicleComponent |
OWL Object Property: | vsso:partOfVehicle |
Comment: | partOfVehicle - This properties conncects VehicleComponents instances with an instance of a Vehicle. |
Domain: | VehicleComponent |
Range: | Vehicle |
OWL Object Property: | vsso:postionedAt |
Comment: | postionedAt - This property connects a VehicleProperty or VehicleComponent in the PositionInVehicle it appears in. |
Range: | PositionInVehicle |
OWL Datatype Property: | vsso:positionName |
Comment: | positionName - DataProperty in order to name the PositionInVehicle. |
Domain: | PositionInVehicle |
Range: | |
OWL Datatype Property: | vsso:vehiclePropertyValue |
Comment: | vehiclePropertyValue - Assigns a value to a VehicleProperty. |
Domain: | VehicleProperty |
OWL Datatype Property: | vsso:propertyValueUpdatedAt |
Comment: | propertyValueUpdatedAt - A timestamp representing the time of the last update of a vehiclePropertyValue |
Domain: | VehicleProperty |
Range: | |