Meetings/TPAC 2021
APA WG Meetings during TPAC 2021
The Accessible Platform Architectures (APA) Working Group will meet dring the Technical Plenary (TPAC) 2021.
Because this year's TPAC is entirely virtual, it is a set of meetings at various times during the TPAC time frame. Meeting times are shown below and are available in a calendar to which you can subscribe.
TPAC in 2021 begins on Monday 18 October and runs through Friday 29 October.
Remote Participation
[Teleconference information for each meeting] is in the joint meetings table, fourth column, first link in the cell. Also added to the Agenda below
All times are given both in Boston time and in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). Use the session hyperlinks to ascertain agenda items in your local time.
Teleconference information for all APA joint meetings is on the APA at TPAC teleconference page.
Signing Up For A Session
Please first register for TPAC.
Thereafter you can use individual session links below to register for specific events and find session details, add the event to your calendar, etc.
You will need to be logged in to your W3C account in order to register. Please also note this page includes only APA sponsored TPAC events. There are additional accessibility events scheduled throughout TPAC, only some of which are cross referenced below.
Note: Events below are listed in chronological order.
Rescheduled for Pre-TPAC
Personalization TF with I18N
- Finished: Monday 13 September at 10:00 (Boston) / 1400Z (Concluded)
- Minutes:
- Description: I18N Issues in AAC Symbolic Language
- Key Invitees: I18N, COGA
- Contact: Addison Phillips; Richard Ishida
- Clear Issue 144
Week 1 Breakout Sessions
Personalizing the Web for Better Accessibility: Personalization Module 1 Overview
Details on Cvent for Personalizing the Web for Better Accessibility
- Finished: Monday 18 October, 10:00 (Boston) / 1400 UTC (Confirmed)
- Minutes:
- Contact: Lionel Wolberger
- Description: Introducing Module 1 CR
- Key Invitees: EPUB / Silver / Low Vision
- Ask for implementations
Remote Meeting Accessibility
Details on Cvent for Accessibility of Remote Meetings
- Finished: Tuesday 19 October at 9:00 AM Boston / 1300 UTC (Confirmed)
- Description: What does it take to hold a successful virtual meeting inclusive of a wide range of persons with disabilities?
- Key Invitees: +
- Contact:Scott Hollier / Judy Brewer
Accessibility of Remote Meetings FPWD
Auto Accessibility breakout
Details on Cvent for Auto Accessibility session
- Finished: Ted Guild (Geotab)
- Additional speaker[s]:
The W3C Automotive activity is producing standards around telematics data and services for connected vehicles. While not directly defining user interfaces, there are opportunities to influence this industry at a formative stage for better accessibility inclusion in its technical architecture. Together with WAI Accessibility Platform Architecture (APA) Research Questions Task Force, we want to explore and prioritize potential work scope.
Determine scope of work for Accessibility in W3C Automotive either for technical specifications or in best practices document.
Slides: (better explain scope of current W3C Auto work, adoption and perhaps some of the potential topics from BP wiki)
Introduction to Synchronization Accessibility User Requirements (SAUR)
Details on Cvent for introduction to Synchronization Accessibility User Requirements (SAUR)
- Finished: Wednesday 20th Oct at 10am Boston / 1400Z (Confirmed)
- Minutes:
- Description: Media Synchronization, SAUR draft, Second Screen
- Key Invitees: RQTF, TTWG / Silver
- Contact: Jason and Steve
- Update on co-ordination with related interest groups.
- Acceptable parameters for tolerance in captions - how this relates to Silver/WCAG 3.
- Relationship with Media Accessibility User Requirements (MAUR).
- Relationship with Second Screen devices.
Synchronization Accessibility User Requirements FPWD
Accessibility & CSS
Details on Cvent for CSS Accessibility
- Finished: Wednesday 20 October at 12:00 (Boston) / 1600Z (Confirmed)
- Minutes:
- Description: Open and any new topics
- Key Invitees: +Silver
- Contact: Amy
- Additional MQ5 a la APA MQ Presentation. Note the github issue!
- Could CSS programatically mediate against flashing video if some X ms
buffering is acceptable?
- Same question for controlling audio autoplay?
Framework for the Accessible Specification of Technologies
Details on Cvent for FAST session
- Scheduled: Thursday 21 October at 10:00 AM Boston / 1400 UTC (Confirmed)
- Description: Introducing Progress and current work in FAST
- Key Invitees: Jake Abma, Charles Hall, Toddy Libby, Jeanne.
- Contact: Josh, Michael
- Presentation on FAST work in functional needs subgroup. Discussion of its evolution and development.
for how this work may relate to Silver?
Intro to Content Usable
Details on Cvent for COGA Content Usable: user needs to specifications
- Scheduled: Thursday 21 October 11:00 AM Boston / 1500 UTC (Confirmed)
- Description: Introducing Content Usable
- Key Invitees:
- Contact:
APA Meetings Week 2
Accessible Platform Architectures WG, Accessibility Guidelines, Silver TF and EPUB 3 WG
Accessible Platform Architectures WG, Accessibility Guidelines, Silver TF and EPUB 3 WG
- Finished: Monday 25 October at 10:00 Boston /1400Z [Confirmed)
- Minutes:
- Description: Registries; Various TTS Specs; Personalization & MQ5 Implementation Opportunities
- Key Invitees: AGWG/Silver; Epub/Publishing
- Contact: Jeanne; AGWG Chairs; Avneesh
- Normativly Referencing Registries (esp. non W3C)
- When/how to develop new W3C registries and avoid clashes
- Personalization CR & CSS MQ5 Implementation Opportunities
- Silver may need a media schema for lang, captions, video descriptions (text
and/or audio), Etc as supported by HTML Track
- EPUB / Silver / Low Vison TF - Personalization & Pronunciation, relationship with EPUB 3 Text-to-Speech Enhancements 1.0
APA & ARIA: The Future of Accessibility APIs
Details of meeting on Cvent APA & ARIA - The future of A11y APIs (Session 1)
Details of meeting on Cvent APA & ARIA - The future of A11y APIs (Session 2)
- Finished: Tuesday 26 October at 1600-1800 UTC, Wednesday 27 October at 0000-0200 UTC
Minutes from Session 1 (Pronunciation)
- Minutes from Session 2
- Description: Near term and long term needs
- Key Invitees: ARIA; Pronunciation TF; TAG? Specific individuals
- Contact: James
- Resolving P11N's Dilemma
- Are our AAPIs End of Life?
- Spoken Presentation and the AX Tree
- Differing Requirements Discussion
- Approaches Brainstorming
- Next Steps
IMPORTANT: Compare github issues filed by ATs with those filed by browser vendors. How much longer can we expect the current AAPI approach to be viable? What use cases will prove so difficult that a new approach may be needed?
Janina's recommended reading on bias in machine learning
APA Research Questions TF and APA/ARIA Cognitive TF
Details on Cvent for APA Research Questions TF and APA/ARIA Cognitive TF
- Finished: Wednesday 27 October at 10:00 AM (Boston) / 1400Z (Confirmed)
- Description: COGA requested, see pointer in Notes below.
- Key Invitees: RQTF, COGA
- Contact: Jason White, Scott Hollier; Lisa Seeman, Rain Michaels
- Introductions, getting to know each other
- How can RQTF help COGA:
- COGA is currently working on mental health research,
- Suggestions for the form to submit notes on after reviewing an article and instructions for contributing to the literary review
- Can RQTF help with the literary review?
- COGA is also working on writing specifications with Silver, and have a few research topics that are coming up (example, how search helps or creates a cognitive barrier). Are these research questions ones that RQTF can help with?
- Can we bring granular questions to this group, such as some of the ones we are working through with Clear Language
- How can COGA help RQTF
- Coga has a lot of user needs. Can we build inclusive research methods to include user needs and research around individuals with cognitive differences
- Can we contribute to the RQTF process to help ensure coga groups are represented. (Many of our user needs are described in Content Usable)
- Next steps and approaches to communication to support those next steps
APA Personalization TF and APA/ARIA Cognitive TF
Details on Cvent for APA Personalization TF and APA/ARIA Cognitive TF session
- Finished: Wednesday 27 October at 11:00 AM Boston / 1500 UTC (Confirmed)
- Description: Intro to Module 1 CR; Prospects for Module 2
- Key Invitees: COGA; Silver/AGWG
- Contact: Lisa, Rain
- See COGA's TPAC Wiki
- Overview content & topic owners: Lionel Wolberger and Matthew_Atkinson as backup
- COGA content & topic owners: Lisa Seeman is the owner, with Matthew_Atkinson as backup
- Ask for implementations of specifications
Accessible Platform Architectures WG and EPUB 3 WG
Details on Cvent for Accessible Platform Architectures WG and EPUB 3 WG
- Finished: Thursday 28 October at 10:00 Boston / 1400Z for 2-hours (Confirmed)
- Minutes:
- Description: Horizontal Reviews; Spoken Presentation; Other specs of interest
- Key Invitees: AGWG/Silver
- Contact: Avneesh
EPUB Specs Horizontal Review Discussion
- Epub 3.3
- Reading Systems
- Accessibility 1.1
- github issues (for reference)*
- Complete Epub Publications List (for reference)
General TPAC Info
- Consult the Main W3C TPAC Page for other TPAC activities.
- A video introducing TPAC is available.
- Fellowships and funding in support of participation are available through the W3C Diversity and Inclusion Fund.
- APA is coordinating several meetings with the Silver Task Force of the Accessibility Guidelines Working Group. AGWG/Silver may also request certain APA presentations during AGWG/Silver meetings.
- Also, our COGA Task Force is planning for TPAC this year.