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Discussions about the SVG Working Group's charter, including re-chartering.
- 2016-12-22:
- 1. Testing
- 2. Add advice on how to handle className conflict in DOM?
- ACTION-3865 - Add clarification for svgelement.classname (on Nikos Andronikos)
- 3. What to do with z and w properties of DOMPoint?
- 4. Mesh gradient polyfill
- 5. New year telcon plans
- 2016-11-17:
- 1. Publish SVG Animation CR
- 2. Make SVGUnitTypes a regular interface with only constants
- 3. Interaction of `x` attribute and `startOffset` in a textPath element
- ACTION-3864 - Update text prose with text/textpath offset resolution (on Tavmjong Bah)
- 2016-10-27:
- 1. Daylight savings switch
- 2. Discussing issues
- ACTION-3858 - Set up a section in changes for changes since cr (on Nikos Andronikos)
- ACTION-3859 - Make example pr for updating svg 2 cr (on Nikos Andronikos)
- 3. SVGz in SVG 2
- ACTION-3860 - Submit tests for svgz (on Thomas Smailus)
- ACTION-3861 - File github issue regarding spec clarification for svgz (on Thomas Smailus)
- 4. SVG MIME Type (image/svg+xml) is misleading to developers
- ACTION-3862 - Move svg mime type issue to wicg (on Nikos Andronikos)
- 5. Other Github issues
- 6. Spec synthesis of viewBox/preserveAspectRatio for viewBox-less SVGs in image contexts
- ACTION-3863 - Move issue #249 to wicg (on Amelia Bellamy-Royds)
- 2016-10-20:
- 1. New charter
- 2. Testing
- ACTION-3857 - Think about how we can mitigate the issues that arise of being part of a large repository (on Nikos Andronikos)
- 3. Moving some SVG 2 features to WICG
- 2016-08-04:
- 1. SVG 2 CR publication update
- 2. Self review - security and privacy questionnaire
- 3. fill and stroke shorthand
- ACTION-3851 - Review css fill and stroke to ensure it captures everything from svg (on Tavmjong Bah)
- ACTION-3852 - Make edits to svg 2 to remove things going to css fill and stroke (on Nikos Andronikos)
- 4. SVG Animation and SVG Integration specs
- ACTION-3853 - Edit svg 2 to include processing modes from svg integration spec (on Doug Schepers)
- ACTION-3854 - Prepare a blurb for front page news (on Nikos Andronikos)
- 2016-07-21:
- 1. Use element re-write & related changes
- 2. Does conditional processing mute sound playback
- ACTION-3848 - Update switch prose to make it conditional display (on Nikos Andronikos)
- 3. Allow transforms on textPath
- ACTION-3849 - File issue on css transforms (on Nikos Andronikos)
- ACTION-3850 - Update spec to reflect no transform on inline elements (on Tavmjong Bah)
- 4. Use CSS gradient rules for transitioning semi-transparent stop-colors
- 2016-06-30:
- 1. Publishing new drafts of SVG Accessibility specs
- 2. Avoiding camel case name for meshGradient
- 3. Better error handling for nested links
- ACTION-3847 - Make changes wrt nested a elements (on Amelia Bellamy-Royds)
- 4. SVG 2 CR publishing plans
- 5. Restore SVGSVGElement.prototype.getElementById
- 6. Gradient stop colours with transparency values
- 7. Unknown elements behaving as g
- 2016-06-02:
- 1. Switch and conditional processing issues
- 2. systemLanguage attribute
- ACTION-3844 - Have a go at changing systemlanguage to allowreorder by default (on Doug Schepers)
- 3. no title/desc in switch
- 4. Switch with non rendered (audio and visual ) content
- 5. removal of requiredFeatures
- ACTION-3845 - Add a note regarding removal of requiredfeatures (on Amelia Bellamy-Royds)
- 2016-05-26:
- 1. Closepath & missing coordinates
- 2. Issues blocking CR
- ACTION-3843 - Look at issue #103 (on Nikos Andronikos)
- 2016-04-28:
- 1. London F2F recap & SVG 2 status for CR
- 2. Potential Editor's meeting / F2F in June
- 3. Is window.SVGDocument required?
- 4. The HTML <base> element and same-page URL references
- 5. Work on SVG Authoring Guide
- 2016-04-22:
- 1. Next F2F
- 2. TextChapter
- ACTION-3841 - Update table in render chapter to include overflow behaviour for text (on Nikos Andronikos)
- 3. Github issues
- 4. zero value for pathLength
- 5. Direction of markers and line caps on segment boundaries
- 6. Limit pattern & gradient attributes that are inheritable using href
- 7. Full glyph cell term is not defined
- 8. How should text following <textPath> be positioned?
- 9. Marker element percentages are missing reference values
- ACTION-3842 - Update refx/refy to define what it's all relative to (on Amelia Bellamy-Royds)
- 10. Clarify whether 'filter' attribute is valid for <tspan> elements
- 11. positioning attributes on textPath directly
- 2016-02-05:
- 1. SVG Integration spec
- 2. coordinate precision in generated content
- ACTION-3836 - Add non-normative authoring guidance about content precision to conform.html (on Satoru Takagi)
- 3. SVG stroke/corner demo
- 4. Future F2Fs
- 5. SVG feature interest from implementors
- 6. SVGZoomEvent
- 7. Exclusion shapes for text
- 2016-02-03:
- 1. Path stroking conformance
- ACTION-3831 - Add examples pointing out stroke painting inconsistencies between platforms, warning the author (on Nikos Andronikos)
- 2. arc linejoin fallback
- ACTION-3832 - Fix the linejoin algorithm to handle parallel miter-clip issue (on Cameron McCormack)
- ACTION-3833 - Survey whether option 2 or 3 would be better for arcs fallback (on Tavmjong Bah)
- 3. Animation of SVG paths with Web Animations
- 4. initial value of 'd' property
- ACTION-3834 - Ask csswg if disallowing fill rule in path() for d is good (on Shane Stephens)
- 5. Animation of path data
- 6. GitHub
- 7. SVG 2 issues
- 1. Path stroking conformance
- 2016-01-14:
- 1. Bounding box for text
- ACTION-3829 - Clarify that getbbox on tspan/textpath includes only that element's glyphs, but that objectboundingbox values still are computed relative to the entire text element (on Nikos Andronikos)
- 2. position and accuracy of spatial data
- ACTION-3830 - Draft a couple of sentences describing lat/long map data accuracy issue (on Cameron McCormack)
- 3. SVG 2 Chapters
- 1. Bounding box for text
- 2015-11-12:
- 1. Accessibility Task Force documents
- 2. ARIA Graphics module
- RESOLUTION: SVG WG approves publication of WAI-ARIA Graphics Module draft
- 3. new TR stylesheets
- 2015-11-05:
- 1. <a href= ""></a>
- 2. Removal of viewTarget attribute
- ACTION-3827 - Draft text related to viewtarget and some examples (on Amelia Bellamy-Royds)
- 3. SVG 2 progress update
- ACTION-3828 - Write up text about sizing, either in svg 2 or integration (on Bogdan Brinza)
- 2015-10-08:
- 1. writing modes
- ACTION-3822 - Come up with a list of properties to explicitly allow unitless values in (on Cameron McCormack)
- 2. Path stroking for paths that end with tight curves
- ACTION-3823 - Look into implementation of path stroking in various libraries with view to what recommendations svg 2 spec should make (on Nikos Andronikos)
- 3. Declarative animation and conformance
- ACTION-3824 - Add an issue to conformance appendix noting that it needs review/rewriting (on Cameron McCormack)
- 4. back to writing modes
- 5. Anchor tag nesting and HTML harmonization
- ACTION-3825 - Investigate behaviour of nested links in svg and html (on Amelia Bellamy-Royds)
- ACTION-3826 - Look at adding extra html attributes onto svg a element (on Amelia Bellamy-Royds)
- 1. writing modes
- 2015-08-25:
- 1. SVGSVGElement.viewport
- RESOLUTION: We will remove SVGSVGElement.viewport.
- ACTION-3815 - Remove svgsvgelement.viewport. (on Erik Dahlström)
- 2. Filtering elements when creating use shadow trees
- 3. Media fragments issues
- RESOLUTION: We won't add transform-origin/perspective values for view specs.
- RESOLUTION: viewspec's transform applies after performing the viewbox transform
- RESOLUTION: The view element always applies to the outermost <svg>, even when inside an inner <svg>.
- RESOLUTION: Missing viewspec values use the values specified in the document, not resetting them back to their defaults.
- 4. zoom media features
- 5. Behaviour of getCTM on root svg element
- 6. changing overflow behaviour of markers in UA style sheet
- RESOLUTION: We will leave overflow:hidden in the UA style shet for marker and symbol
- 7. initial clipping path
- 8. base and xml:base
- RESOLUTION: fill:url(#something) is resolved against the base URL, just like other CSS properties.
- RESOLUTION: Remove xml:base.
- ACTION-3816 - Add a note to the spec for authors to beward of url(#localid) resolving against the base url. (on Erik Dahlström)
- 1. SVGSVGElement.viewport
- 2015-07-16:
- 1. Canvas2D API
- 2. Fitting mesh in a bbx
- 2015-07-09:
- 1. Behavior of overflow:auto
- RESOLUTION: Overflow:auto should be treated as overflow:visible if scrollbars are not possible for the given element; overflow:scroll should be treated as overflow:hidden if scroll bars are not possible
- 2. Paris & Sydney F2F meetings
- 1. Behavior of overflow:auto
- 2015-06-25:
- 1. Publishing an SVG Path Module
- RESOLUTION: We will publish a first draft of the Paths module at the same time as an updated draft of SVG 2
- 2. Sydney 2016 Face-to-Face
- RESOLUTION: The SVG WG will have a F2F meeting in Sydney 2-4 February 2016, co-located with and partially overlapping the CSS WG meetings.
- 3. Update on SVG Accessibility Task Force
- 4. Update Web Annotation WG
- 1. Publishing an SVG Path Module
- 2015-06-12:
- 1. Whether writing-mode should have a presentation attribute
- ACTION-3806 - Present a few different ways of defining the list of presentation attributes to support (on Cameron McCormack)
- 2. shadow trees on text content elements and text positioning attributes
- ACTION-3807 - Attempt to make text positioning attributes apply to shadow tree content (on Cameron McCormack)
- 3. how textPath works with path seg lists
- RESOLUTION: pathSegList on textPath should only reflect the d attribute, not the href'ed path
- ACTION-3808 - Make pathseglist on textpath only reflect the d attribute, not the href'ed path (on Erik Dahlström)
- 4. adding pathLength to textPath
- RESOLUTION: We won't add pathLength to <textPath>
- 5. Add x/y/dx/dy to textPath
- RESOLUTION: We won't add text positioning attributes to textPath
- 6. transform-origin on SVG elements
- 7. Impact of CSS Transforms Level 2 on SVG
- 8. definitions in Transforms Level 1
- 9. SVGTransformList
- 10. Coordinates chapter
- 11. pAR defer
- RESOLUTION: We will refer the defer keyword from pAR; encountering it would be a parse error.
- ACTION-3809 - Remove par's defer keyword. (on Cameron McCormack)
- 12. blending with backdrop of multiple fill/stroke
- RESOLUTION: Multiple fills and strokes are not isolated; they are all blended with the backdrop
- ACTION-3810 - Update the painting chapter about multiple fills/strokes not isolating (on Dirk Schulze)
- 13. publishing another WD of SVG 2
- RESOLUTION: Publish a new WD of SVG 2 next week
- ACTION-3811 - Organise another svg 2 wd publication (on Cameron McCormack)
- 14. F2F planning
- RESOLUTION: Tentative resolution that we meet for 3 days either right before or right after the CSS/Houdini meetings in Sydney
- 15. Upcoming TPAC meeting
- RESOLUTION: We cancel the TPAC 2015 SVG meeting.
- ACTION-3812 - Look at svg spec for references to <use> element, to make sure there is no confusion about implementation/accessibility. (on Amelia Bellamy-Royds)
- 1. Whether writing-mode should have a presentation attribute
- 2015-06-11:
- 1. defer in preserveAspectRatio
- 2. SVGSVGlement.currentView and SVGSVGElement.useCurrentView
- RESOLUTION: remove currentView and useCurrentView properties on SVGSVGElement and remove SVGViewSpec interface
- ACTION-3800 - Remove currentview, usecurrentview and svgviewspec (on Cameron McCormack)
- 3. SVGLength/SVGAngle constructors
- RESOLUTION: remove constructors from SVG data type interfaces
- ACTION-3801 - Remove constructors from svg data type interfaces and note deprecation of create methods (on Erik Dahlström)
- 4. Should the SVGAnimatedPathData interface be a [NoInterfaceObject]
- RESOLUTION: SVGAnimatedPathData interface should be a [NoInterfaceObject]
- ACTION-3802 - Make svganimatedpathdata a [nointerfaceobject] (on Erik Dahlström)
- 5. What should image { width:auto } result in?
- RESOLUTION: for width and height on foreignObject, video, and iframe - auto means 300x150
- RESOLUTION: SVG image elements with no width or height is sized just like HTMLs image element
- ACTION-3803 - Update spec to say what auto means for each element that uses it (on Rossen Atanassov)
- 6. Testing
- 7. animVal and baseVal
- RESOLUTION: animVal will alias baseVal
- ACTION-3804 - Make animval change to all chapters (on Cameron McCormack)
- 8. Logical block-size and inline-size properties and svg/rect width/height
- 9. Changing <text> attribute 'extent' to 'measure'
- RESOLUTION: Rename text attribute 'extent' to inline-size and it's a presentation attribute for that logical property
- 10. lacuna values
- RESOLUTION: Replace "lacuna value" with "initial value"
- ACTION-3805 - Update "lacuna value" to "initial value" (on Rossen Atanassov)
- 2015-06-10:
- 1. removing features without replacements
- 2. path segment list DOM API
- 2015-06-09:
- 1. Resolving on getting SVG 2 to CR
- RESOLUTION: Drop getTransformToElement
- RESOLUTION: SVG 2 will leave external <use> as undefined and mention in a note that we plan to work on defining it in a future/separate spec
- RESOLUTION: We will remove the Feature Strings appendix and the requiredFeatures="" attribute.
- ACTION-3793 - Remove gettransformtoelement (on Cameron McCormack)
- ACTION-3794 - Make external <use> be explicitly undefined and remove crossorigin attribute (on Erik Dahlström)
- ACTION-3795 - Make objectboundingbox on meshes cause the path syntax to be interpreted as 0..1 bounding box values (on Tavmjong Bah)
- ACTION-3796 - Remove the svg path list interfaces, and move the new proposed api to the path module (on Erik Dahlström)
- ACTION-3797 - Remove <number> from geometry properties (on Dirk Schulze)
- ACTION-3798 - Remove feature strings (on Cameron McCormack)
- 1. Resolving on getting SVG 2 to CR
- 2015-05-21:
- 1. SVG 2 accessibility appendix update
- 2. transform on root <svg>
- RESOLUTION: the default value of transform-origin on a root svg element is a default of 50%,50%
- ACTION-3792 - Contact css working group regarding default style rule for transform on root element (on Cameron McCormack)
- 2015-05-14:
- 1. Switching to webex
- 2. SVG 2 Issues
- ACTION-3791 - Attempt to align error processing appendix with dom/css error processing and recovery (on Bogdan Brinza)
- 2015-05-07:
- 1. HTML parser lowercasing SVG names
- RESOLUTION: selectors in general will match SVG attributes and elements case insensitively
- 2. Continued SVG 2 open issue discussion
- ACTION-3788 - Look at definitions for image in html and see what applies to svg as well - reference html spec from svg where appropriate (on Nikos Andronikos)
- 3. Linking chapter issues
- ACTION-3789 - Resolve issue 2 in linking chapter (on Bogdan Brinza)
- 4. Linking chapter - issue 5
- ACTION-3790 - Resolve issue 5 in linking chapter as part of work on other media fragment actions (on Cameron McCormack)
- 5. Linking chapter - issue 7
- 1. HTML parser lowercasing SVG names
- 2015-04-30:
- 1. telcon day
- 2. blink's intent to deprecate SMIL
- RESOLUTION: Move the SVG Animation features to a separate spec
- ACTION-3785 - Look into animval/baseval (on Cameron McCormack)
- ACTION-3786 - Coordinate a gap analysis between features in svg animation and css animations/transitions (on Cameron McCormack)
- 3. SVG2 issues
- ACTION-3787 - Investigate if #xywh is being implemented (on Cameron McCormack)
- 2015-04-23:
- 1. June F2F
- 2. Telcon day
- 3. CORS in SVG
- RESOLUTION: We'll add crossorigin attribute on script, image, use.
- ACTION-3781 - Add spec text for crossorigin attribute on script, image, use. (on Erik Dahlström)
- 4. Layout properties
- 5. issues listed under "needing discussion"
- 6. Paths chapter issues
- RESOLUTION: Remove the requirement to limit line lengths to 255 characters.
- ACTION-3782 - Remove the 255 character line limit. (on Rossen Atanassov)
- 7. embedded content chapter
- ACTION-3783 - Write up concrete proposal for handling embedded content html elements in svg (on Cameron McCormack)
- ACTION-3784 - Produce test cases for clip regarding embedded.html#issue3 (on Amelia Bellamy-Royds)
- 2015-04-16:
- 1. stroke-dasharray="0"
- ACTION-3777 - Clarify the wording around stroke-dasharray=0 to say that that means draw the stroke but don't dash it (on Amelia Bellamy-Royds)
- 2. meeting at TPAC?
- ACTION-3778 - Respond to the tpac organizers saying svg will meet at tpac 2015 (on Erik Dahlström)
- 3. SVG 2 open issue discussion
- 4. chapter 19, extensibility
- ACTION-3779 - Merge the embedded content and extensibility chapters (removing the ext chapter) (on Rossen Atanassov)
- 5. animations chapter
- RESOLUTION: align what is considered whitespace in animations chapter with CSS, by referencing css' definition of whitespace
- ACTION-3780 - Reference css' definition of whitespace for the s production in the animations chapter (issue 2) (on Rossen Atanassov)
- 6. deprecating xlink:href
- 1. stroke-dasharray="0"
- 2015-04-09:
- 1. Update on Telcon Time Survey
- 2. SVG 2 Open Issues Discussion
- RESOLUTION: Stroke dashing should work as normal on text, but the specifications will not define the starting point for a dash offset.
- RESOLUTION: SVG 2 should recommend but not require that image resampling is done in a linear color space.
- ACTION-3776 - Test browser-interoperability with respect to stroke dashing on basic shapes (on Tavmjong Bah)
- 3. more SVG 2 issues
- RESOLUTION: Remove all wording suggesting that you can use the DOM `hasFeature` method
- 2015-03-26:
- 1. Declarative animation
- 2. SVG 2 open issue discussion
- 3. Interactivity chapter issue 5
- 4. Interactivity chapter Issue 4 - Focus management
- ACTION-3775 - Compare focus text in svg spec vs html spec to determine the differences (on Erik Dahlström)
- 5. SVG 2 Appendices
- 2015-03-19:
- 1. SVG2 (and modules) publication status/deadline
- 2. SVG 2 open issue discussion
- ACTION-3773 - Create test case for preserveaspectratio defer (on Bogdan Brinza)
- ACTION-3774 - Come up with solution for issue 17 in co-ordinates and units (on Tavmjong Bah)
- 3. Rendering chapter issues
- 4. Animation
- 2015-03-12:
- 1. Telcon time
- 2. Transform on SVG View
- 3. Controlling box-sizing for ObjectBoundingBox units ("box-rendering" property?)
- ACTION-3772 - Reply to paul's email regarding bbox reference for paint servers (on Cameron McCormack)
- 4. SVG 2 status
- RESOLUTION: That SVG will support ::before and ::after pseudoelements with text content (and possibly other types of replaced content), subject to resolving other text layout issues first
- 5. Stroke-dash animation of paths
- 2015-03-05:
- 1. computed value for <length>
- RESOLUTION: Properties defined in SVG will have <length> values compute down to absolute px values.
- ACTION-3763 - Update svg 2 to make properties with <length>s compute down to absolute px values. (on Erik Dahlström)
- ACTION-3764 - Talk to tab about implicit number units in properties (on Cameron McCormack)
- ACTION-3765 - Add a note about avoiding unitless values (on Cameron McCormack)
- 2. SVG 2 Chapter Assessment
- 3. Text Issue 3 - semantics of foreignObject
- 4. Issue 13, 15: Allow 'shape-inside', 'shape-outside' to reference an image
- 5. Issue 35: Does shape-padding effect text laid out using 'extent'
- 6. Issue 54, 55, 56, 57 - should shadownodes ever be returned in getIntersectionList/getEnclosureList/checkIntersection/checkEnclosure?
- RESOLUTION: getIntersectionList and friends can return a <use> but not the elements it references
- ACTION-3766 - Make getintersectionlist and friend return a <use> but not the elements it references (on Erik Dahlström)
- 7. Issue 49 and 50 - issues belong in geometry or styling chapters (should be defined once for all presentation attributes)
- 8. Issue 48 - we need to reference for this, can we do that? html5 REC doesn't have this
- 9. Issue 39 and 40 - types chapter removed the list-of-t definition, use HTML's set of space-separated tokens definition instead?
- 10. Issue 34 - wasn't entirely clear from f2f minutes, should scripts in external <use> documents run?
- ACTION-3767 - Help erik test unusual elements inside <use>d subtrees (on Bogdan Brinza)
- 11. Issue 32 - drop the offending paragraph? Still add example?
- ACTION-3768 - Think of an example of struct.html issue 32 (on Amelia Bellamy-Royds)
- 12. Issue 23 - other namespaced markup in title and desc, what is the purpose?
- ACTION-3769 - Add purpose for markup within title/desc (on Erik Dahlström)
- ACTION-3770 - Add an issue to describe the behaviour of markup within title/desc (regarding line breaking, at least) (on Erik Dahlström)
- 13. Are xpointer target fragments still supported?
- ACTION-3771 - Clean up the reference to xpointer in the spec (on Amelia Bellamy-Royds)
- 1. computed value for <length>
- 2015-02-26:
- 1. SVG 2 WD publication date
- 2. deprecating target=replace
- RESOLUTION: make the '_replace' keyword for @target obsolete and add a note explaning why it was removed
- ACTION-3760 - Make the '_replace' keyword for @target obsolete and add a note explaning why it was removed (on Amelia Bellamy-Royds)
- 3. #svgView(transform(...))) behavior
- RESOLUTION: svgView(transform()) will apply on as an additional transform outermost transform on the transform stack
- ACTION-3761 - Add text to say that svgview(transform()) will apply on as an additional transform on the root element, outermost to the transform stack (on Amelia Bellamy-Royds)
- 4. should viewTarget match :target
- ACTION-3762 - Email www-style about :target and view fragments (on Cameron McCormack)
- 2015-02-12:
- 1. superpath
- ACTION-3734 - Further develop the protoype including with animation support (on Jean-Claude Moissinac)
- 2. optimizing for machine generation
- 3. Miter line join
- RESOLUTION: We will add line-join:miter-clip in SVG 2.
- ACTION-3735 - Add line-join:miter-clip to svg 2. (on Tavmjong Bah)
- 4. auto closing path closing
- RESOLUTION: We will allow a Z to fill in any final coordinate pairs missing from the previous command.
- ACTION-3736 - Add the new z behaviour. (on Tavmjong Bah)
- 5. Text on a shape
- RESOLUTION: We will allow <textPath> to reference shapes and a flag to say which side of the path the text is put.
- ACTION-3737 - Update textpath for text on a shape. (on Tavmjong Bah)
- 6. x/y/width/height on <symbol>
- ACTION-3738 - Mail www-svg about the symbol x/y/width/height issue and report back in two weeks (on Tavmjong Bah)
- 7. svg2 issues
- RESOLUTION: don't make the layout properties into presentation attributes on the gradient elements
- RESOLUTION: add a new keyword value to the x and y properties that means use-the-list-of-lengths in the attributes, and set that with the UA stylesheet
- RESOLUTION: make defer do nothing (and investigate removing it later)
- ACTION-3739 - Add a new keyword value to the x and y properties that means use-the-list-of-lengths in the attributes, and set that with the ua stylesheet and add a note to say that it's still an open issue (on Dirk Schulze)
- ACTION-3740 - Review the svg2 coordinate chapter (on Dirk Schulze)
- ACTION-3741 - Make defer be ignored in par (on Dirk Schulze)
- 8. Text bounding box
- RESOLUTION: for text bounding boxes with specified width, % or px, then the bounding box is the specified width with height being the height of CSS box that is created - otherwise bounding box is union of all child text bounding boxes
- ACTION-3742 - Spec behaviour of getbbox on text (on Cameron McCormack)
- 9. Open SVG 2 issues
- RESOLUTION: The fill dictionary parameter doesn't affect bounding box of iframe, canvas, etc
- RESOLUTION: svg:transform attribute will be moved to a new module
- RESOLUTION: Will create SVG path module
- RESOLUTION: remove attributeType and deprecate animation of multiple values in x/y
- RESOLUTION: lacuna value of y2 on linearGreadient should be zero
- RESOLUTION: masking.html, issue 2 - Drop overflow-x,y issue and don't do anything specific in SVG
- RESOLUTION: masking.html ISSUE 3: should overflow:auto really be equivalent to visible? Should be moved to integration spec and removed from SVG 2
- ACTION-3743 - Make stable issue identifiers in the spec (on Cameron McCormack)
- ACTION-3744 - Update spec for fill dictionary parameter when called on iframe, canvas, etc (on Cameron McCormack)
- ACTION-3745 - Move catmull-rom to svg path module (on Cameron McCormack)
- ACTION-3746 - Add use counter for multiple x/y values on text element (on Erik Dahlström)
- ACTION-3747 - Take care of overflow section in the masking chapter (on Cameron McCormack)
- 10. svg2 issues in the color chapter
- RESOLUTION: Drop SVG color profile rule interface.
- ACTION-3748 - Finish css color 4 (with stuff from svg). (on Tab Atkins Jr.)
- 11. Remove above two interfaces.
- 12. Painting chapter issues
- RESOLUTION: arc line caps are affected by miter-limit by measuring along the middle arc and clipping a straight line perpendicular at that point
- ACTION-3749 - Make miter-limit work on arc line caps in this way (on Tavmjong Bah)
- 13. Issue: stroke-dashcorner doesn't work well for rounded rects
- RESOLUTION: Move new marker features to a separate marker spec.
- RESOLUTION: 'text-indent' applies to <text> as it is part of the CSS paragraph level properties.
- RESOLUTION: dx/dy/rotate are ignored for text with a wrapping context
- RESOLUTION: Change width/height on <text> to extent
- ACTION-3750 - Make the text changes from today's meeting (on Tavmjong Bah)
- 1. superpath
- 2015-02-11:
- 1. Publication of the Accessibility mapping document
- RESOLUTION: SVGWG agrees to publish the accessibility mappings document as a FPWD
- 2. Adding new integer enum values in light of not going ahead with new SVG DOM
- ACTION-3701 - Add usage counters to blink to measure usage of animval / baseval (on Erik Dahlström)
- 3. Avoiding new camelcase names
- RESOLUTION: Rename <meshGradient> to <mesh> and make the child element names lowercase
- RESOLUTION: Rename <hatchPath> to <hatchpath>
- RESOLUTION: Rename <solidColor> to <solidcolor>
- RESOLUTION: Rename hatchTransform to transform
- ACTION-3702 - Write up a list of all new camelcase attributes with a proposal of how to handle them (e.g. rename, keep etc.) (on Erik Dahlström)
- 4. Attribute parsing overhaul
- 5. What to do with the embedded content chapter
- RESOLUTION: Allow HTML NSed elements audio, video, canvas, iframe in an SVG subtree as a child of a container element with the containing block being the nearest SVG viewport and blockyfied
- ACTION-3703 - Change embedded content chapter to allow these things from resolution: allow html nsed elements audio, video, canvas, iframe in an svg subtree as a child of a container element with the containing block being the nearest svg viewport and blockyfied (on Cameron McCormack)
- ACTION-3704 - Write the svg layout spec (on Tab Atkins Jr.)
- ACTION-3705 - Convince hixie to make the hmtl parser changes + x/y presentation attributes on the canvas,... elements for svg (on Tab Atkins Jr.)
- ACTION-3706 - Allow templates in svg which needs html parser changes (on Tab Atkins Jr.)
- ACTION-3707 - Investigate which html elements like <link> we might want to also allow in svg (on Cameron McCormack)
- 6. What is going to happen to the SVG DOM
- 7. Requiring foreignObject HTML behavior
- ACTION-3708 - Reference integration spec and update conformance class for html support on foreignobject (on Cameron McCormack)
- 8. Requiring style sheet support
- ACTION-3709 - Add stylesheet requirements to the spec (on Cameron McCormack)
- 9. Drop xml:base/lang/space attributes
- RESOLUTION: Remove xml:base/space/lang from the SVG DOM interface
- RESOLUTION: Remove xml:lang in favor for HMTL lang
- RESOLUTION: Map xml:space to whitespace property values in CSS3 Text
- ACTION-3710 - Remove xml:base/space/lang from the svg dom interface (on Erik Dahlström)
- ACTION-3711 - write tests and come back to the svg for xml:base (on Cameron McCormack)
- ACTION-3712 - Remove xml:lang in favor for hmtl lang (on Erik Dahlström)
- ACTION-3713 - Write tests and come back to the svg for xml:base (on Erik Dahlström)
- ACTION-3714 - Map xml:space to whitespace property values in css3 text (on Erik Dahlström)
- 10. Proposal: drop the SVGPathSeg* interfaces and related methods/attributes
- RESOLUTION: Drop the SVGPathSeg* interfaces if Erik verifies the use counter values are correct
- ACTION-3715 - Verify that the svgpathseg interface use counter values are correct and to drop the interfaces if they are (on Erik Dahlström)
- 11. camelcased attributes
- RESOLUTION: gradientTransform on mesh is renamed to transform
- RESOLUTION: keep current namign of hatchUnits and hatchContentUnits
- RESOLUTION: rename hatchTransform to transform
- RESOLUTION: timelineBegin attribute name and keywords are lowercased
- ACTION-3716 - Do the attribute lowercasing (on Erik Dahlström)
- 12. Open issues that require discussion
- RESOLUTION: remove unit accessors on SVGAnimatedLength
- RESOLUTION: remove unit accessors on SVGAnimatedLength
- RESOLUTION: remove nearestViewportElement and farthestViewportElement
- RESOLUTION: remove hasExtension
- RESOLUTION: adopt whatever Web Animations behaviour is specced and link to it from here.
- RESOLUTION: Leave 'em
- RESOLUTION: Drop the paragraph
- RESOLUTION: Drop the <g> example
- RESOLUTION: remove this sentence
- RESOLUTION: remove paragraph and example
- RESOLUTION: Drop the offending sentence about styling <title>.
- RESOLUTION: Remove issue 22.
- RESOLUTION: Remove issue 22.
- RESOLUTION: Remove the example about foreign-namespace content in <desc>.
- RESOLUTION: Animations in external resources should run
- RESOLUTION: switch does not effect style
- RESOLUTION: ViewCSS should be on window and DocumentCSS on document
- RESOLUTION: Remove ViewCSS and DocumentCSS
- RESOLUTION: Remove pixelUnitTo....
- RESOLUTION: Remove getElementById on SVGSVGElement
- ACTION-3717 - Don't stop (on Cyril Concolato)
- ACTION-3718 - Rework chapter 2 and incorporate references to external specifications (on Nikos Andronikos)
- ACTION-3719 - Merge 2.5 into 2.7-2.9 (on Nikos Andronikos)
- ACTION-3720 - Resolve issue 2 in chapter 3 (on Cameron McCormack)
- ACTION-3721 - Mark classname as deprecated (issue 4 in chapter 3) (on Cameron McCormack)
- ACTION-3722 - Specify that converttospecifiedunits should throw an exception if converting to percentage with 0-sized viewport. (on Cameron McCormack)
- ACTION-3723 - Put this in the presentation attribute section (on Cameron McCormack)
- ACTION-3724 - Do testing around currentscale, ctm, transform, viewport, etc. on 'svg' element (on Dirk Schulze)
- ACTION-3725 - Measure usage (on Erik Dahlström)
- ACTION-3726 - Specify something simple and consistent for timeline start in web animations. (on Brian Birtles)
- ACTION-3727 - Add the idl for <discard> and move it to animation chapter. (on Cyril Concolato)
- ACTION-3728 - Talk to rich about issues 24/25 (terminology around title/desc/aria stuff) (on Erik Dahlström)
- ACTION-3729 - Talk with pdr and dmitri about how to describe <use> with web components (on Tab Atkins Jr.)
- ACTION-3730 - Define viewport for external document when an element references an element in this document (on Erik Dahlström)
- ACTION-3731 - Pausenaimations and onpauseanimations do not effect css animations (on Brian Birtles)
- 13. chapter styling
- RESOLUTION: first rule on UA style: remove svg and image
- RESOLUTION: svg:not(:root) { overflow: hidden; } goes in the UA style sheet
- ACTION-3732 - Update presentation property table (on Cameron McCormack)
- ACTION-3733 - Investigate whether |symbol { overflow: hidden }| ua style sheet rule is needed (on Cameron McCormack)
- 1. Publication of the Accessibility mapping document
- 2015-01-29:
- 1. marker orient
- ACTION-3699 - : draft text to implement the resolution just passed re orientation of markers. (on Cameron McCormack)
- 2. SVG 2
- ACTION-3700 - Compose email about intentions to devise the current spec, and move to a more rapid pace of updates (on Bogdan Brinza)
- 3. Accessibility taskforce
- 1. marker orient
- 2015-01-22:
- 1. F2F
- RESOLUTION: June F2F will be Tuesday 9th June to Friday 12th June
- 2. Welcome
- 3. forceRedraw
- RESOLUTION: forceRedraw and suspendRedraw will be neutered/deprecated and may be removed in future depending on the results of Erik's tests in Blink?
- 4. deselectAll
- RESOLUTION: The SVG text selection methods will be defined in terms of selection API calls and also deprecated
- 5. SVG Accessibility API Mappings
- 6. SVG 2
- 1. F2F
- 2015-01-15:
- 1. Accessibility taskforce
- 2. Invited experts
- 3. data-* attributes
- RESOLUTION: "We will reserve "data-*" attributes to be used in SVG content. The API for handling them is on element.
- ACTION-3694 - Add "data-*" attributes notes to spec. (on Cameron McCormack)
- 4. <length> type
- ACTION-3695 - Fix length to point to types chapter and flag unitless lengths (on Cameron McCormack)
- 5. context-* values
- ACTION-3696 - Look at applying context-* outside of referenced things. (on Tavmjong Bah)
- 6. feTurbulence
- ACTION-3697 - Fix feturbulence for zero length vectors (on Erik Dahlström)
- 7. SVG 2
- 2015-01-08:
- 1. SVG 2
- ACTION-3693 - Get the svg 2 issues document on the wiki with doug's help (on Bogdan Brinza)
- 2. Hinting
- 1. SVG 2
- 2014-12-11:
- 1. F2F
- 2. Mailing lists
- 3. Mailing lists
- ACTION-3690 - Look at creating public-svg-logs which bots can post to but humans cannot (on Doug Schepers)
- 4. Accessibility taskforce
- 5. Annotations
- 6. use element style inheritance
- 7. SVG fragment rasterization
- 2014-12-04:
- 1. Connectors
- 2. F2F
- RESOLUTION: we'll have a f2f in Linköping in early june 2015
- 3. Teleconferences
- 4. Focus
- 5. Hinting
- 2014-11-20:
- 1. Tests
- ACTION-3688 - Write up documentation for directory structure, test naming scheme for the svg tests on web-platform-tests (on Cameron McCormack)
- 2. SVG 2
- 3. Focus
- 4. Mailing lists
- RESOLUTION: we will deactivate public-svg-wg, keeping the archives, repository changes will go to the w3c-svg-wg and tracker + technical discussions to www-svg
- 5. Paint server rendering when objectBoundingBox is zero
- ACTION-3689 - Make some tests for gradients on zero-sized bbox (on Erik Dahlström)
- 1. Tests
- 2014-11-13:
- 1. Teleconferences
- ACTION-3687 - Update the telcon bridge to add the new time (on Erik Dahlström)
- 2. feImage
- RESOLUTION: If feImage refers to a missing resource, it should produce transparent black such that it fills the filter primitive subregion
- RESOLUTION: If there are broken references within the filter chain, the filtered element must not be rendered
- 3. Filter clipping
- RESOLUTION: SVG filter primitives must clip their input to the filter region, not the filter primitive subregion
- 4. Filter animations
- RESOLUTION: Publish another working draft of Filter Effects
- 5. no-composite
- 6. Introduction chapter
- 7. Blending of fill and stroke
- RESOLUTION: Support blending for fill and stroke properties as discussed at the London F2F 2014
- 1. Teleconferences
- 2014-10-31 F2F/TPAC 2014 day 1:
- 1. NVIDIA path rendering
- 2. Coordinate precision
- ACTION-3674 - Spec that calculation of ctms should use double precision (on Satoru Takagi)
- 3. Dashing
- 4. Planning
- 5. Hinting
- ACTION-3675 - Publish hinting requirements document (on Bogdan Brinza)
- ACTION-3676 - Discuss this issue with the responsive image group (on Bogdan Brinza)
- 6. Planning
- 7. Icon use problems
- 8. Planning
- RESOLUTION: We will prepare SVG2 for LCWD by the February F2F
- ACTION-3677 - Make all svg wg specifications discoverable, due december (on Chris Lilley)
- ACTION-3678 - Drive the assessment of svg2 to get it to lcwd by the february f2f (on Bogdan Brinza)
- 9. HTML in SVG
- ACTION-3679 - Follow up on template - file bugs and investigate the stand alone case (on Brian Birtles)
- ACTION-3680 - Find someone at blink to implement support for all html elements directly in svg (on Tab Atkins Jr.)
- ACTION-3681 - Help brian describe layout for svg in html integration (on Tab Atkins Jr.)
- 10. Namespaces
- ACTION-3682 - Try putting svg elements in the html namespace in blink and see what breaks (on Tab Atkins Jr.)
- 11. Demo
- 12. Demo
- 13. Demo
- 14. Non-scaling features
- ACTION-3683 - Add non-scaling patterns to the spec (on Thomas Smailus)
- ACTION-3684 - Add "how to edit the spec" to the wiki (on Erik Dahlström)
- 15. Minimal rendered stroke width
- ACTION-3685 - Write a test on zoomandpan (on Thomas Smailus)
- ACTION-3686 - Put together a tutorial telcon for spec and test editting for next telcon. (on Doug Schepers)
- 2014-10-30 F2F/TPAC 2014 day 1:
- 1. Agenda
- 2. Blending
- RESOLUTION: <img> should isolate and we remove the at-risk item of the spec
- 3. Accessibility taskforce
- 2014-10-16:
- 1. Accessibility taskforce
- RESOLUTION: the WG accepts the proposed work statement of svg-a11y-tf -
- 2. Annotations
- 1. Accessibility taskforce
- 2014-10-09:
- 1. TTML
- ACTION-3671 - Review the ttml wd and send comments to the ttwg (on Cyril Concolato)
- 2. Gradients
- ACTION-3672 - Update the content model for elements using paint servers (stop, mesh row, mesh patch) (on Brian Birtles)
- 3. F2F
- 4. Accessibility taskforce
- 5. Old specs
- ACTION-3673 - Prepare wording for updating the old specs (on Chris Lilley)
- 1. TTML
- 2014-09-25:
- 1. Filters
- 2. Charter
- 3. Accessibility taskforce
- 4. Text
- 5. F2F
- 2014-09-11:
- 1. F2F
- RESOLUTION: the SVG WG will meed in Sydney, 12 - 14th February 2015
- ACTION-3669 - Update with dates and registration form (on Erik Dahlström)
- 2. Attribute parsing
- RESOLUTION: accept Brian's proposal for handling trailing semi-colons on animation attributes
- ACTION-3670 - Update svg 2 to apply changes relating to handling trailing semi-colons and trailing commas (on Erik Dahlström)
- 3. pointer-events
- 1. F2F
- 2014-09-04:
- 1. textPath
- RESOLUTION: x and y attributes do apply to glyphs within a text path. x supplies horizontal text. y applies to vertical text.
- ACTION-3666 - Take an action to check to make sure on the text layout. (on Tavmjong Bah)
- ACTION-3667 - Clarify in the text that startoffset is an additional transform to any x or y (on Tavmjong Bah)
- ISSUE-2462 - Should y move glyphs orthogonal to the text path?.
- 2. use
- ACTION-3668 - Investigate how web components work for these custom element definitions that you might be importing from another documen (on Cameron McCormack)
- 1. textPath
- 2014-08-26 F2F/London 2014 day 4:
- 1. Superpath
- 2. Hinting
- ACTION-3657 - Come up with hinting proposal for svg (on Rossen Atanassov)
- 3. z-index
- ACTION-3658 - Review z-index addition to svg 2 (on Rik Cabanier)
- ACTION-3659 - Review z-index addition to svg 2 (on Dirk Schulze)
- ACTION-3660 - Review z-index addition to svg 2 (on Rossen Atanassov)
- 4. Web Animations
- 5. stroke-position
- ACTION-3661 - Look at algorithms for path offsetting to support stroke-position (on Tavmjong Bah)
- 6. Annotations
- 7. Symbol reference position
- RESOLUTION: We will add top/center/bottom, left/center/right keywords to refX/refY on marker/symbol
- ACTION-3662 - Add top/center/bottom, left/center/right keywords to refx/refy on marker/symbol in the spec (on Tavmjong Bah)
- 8. Test repository
- RESOLUTION: SVG tests will live in web-platform-tests, with Shepherd managing test results.
- ACTION-3663 - Add a couple of svg tests to w-p-t and mail the wg with those examples. (on Cameron McCormack)
- 9. F2F
- ACTION-3664 - Mail the list asking if we need the polycom for tpac (on Erik Dahlström)
- 10. Units in path data
- ACTION-3665 - Gather use cases that might be solved by units in path data (on Dirk Schulze)
- 2014-08-25 F2F/London 2014 day 3:
- 1. Panning and zooming
- 2. HTML integration
- ACTION-3648 - Write up a more concrete proposal for allowing html elements directly in svg (related to (on Brian Birtles)
- 3. HTML integration
- ACTION-3649 - Discuss svg layout using css during the coming css f2f meeting (on Rossen Atanassov)
- 4. tref
- ACTION-3650 - Inform the community why we removed tref and how to solve the use cases (on Doug Schepers)
- 5. Blending of fill and stroke
- ACTION-3651 - Investigate blending for fill and stroke (on Tavmjong Bah)
- 6. Geometry properties
- ACTION-3652 - Add a note to the spec to clarify the use of viewport units versus the use of percentage of viewport (on Dirk Schulze)
- ACTION-3653 - Make the initial values for the svg layout properties dependent on the element, r on radialgradient is different than r on circle (auto?) (on Dirk Schulze)
- 7. SVG Integration
- RESOLUTION: foreignObject will paint its box (including background, borders, etc.) and be a "CSS OM" root for offsetTop etc.
- ACTION-3654 - Make foreignobject paint its box and be a css omroot (on Cameron McCormack)
- ACTION-3655 - Look into whether and how animations should run in resource documents. (on Cameron McCormack)
- ACTION-3656 - Reword the smiley example text in svg integration (on Cameron McCormack)
- 2014-08-23 F2F/London 2014 day 2:
- 1. SVG DOM
- 2. Raw cubic bezier coordinate list accessors
- ACTION-3645 - try implementing path data array and get performance numbers (on Brian Birtles)
- ACTION-3646 - Make topic scripts capture actions and issues too. (on Cameron McCormack)
- ACTION-3647 - Add math for catmull-rom curves to the spec (on Cameron McCormack)
- ISSUE-2461 - Look into shape morphing.
- 2014-08-22 F2F/London 2014 day 1:
- 1. Agenda
- 2. The topic index
- 3. Putting SVG 2 spec on GitHub
- RESOLUTION: We will move SVG WG's specs from the W3C mercurial server to Github
- RESOLUTION: We will migrate tests from svg2-tests to either the CSS test repository or web-platform-tests (or both)
- 4. Symbol reference position
- RESOLUTION: symbol will be overflow:visible by default by the UA style sheet in SVG 2
- RESOLUTION: All viewport-establishing elements will be overflow:visible by default, except for root <svg> of SVG whole documents.
- 5. Variable stroke width
- 6. New SVG DOM
- RESOLUTION: We will remove SVG DOM attribute accessors pending web compatibility checks
- RESOLUTION: We want better accessor methods for list type things. e.g. return array of plain javascript values
- 2014-08-14:
- 1. New W3C Process document
- 2. Accessibility taskforce
- 3. New W3C Process document
- 4. New SVG DOM
- 2014-07-31:
- 1. first-line and first-letter
- 2014-07-24:
- 1. Geometry properties
- 2. Geometry properties
- 3. F2F
- 4. Developer event
- 2014-07-17:
- 1. List objects
- RESOLUTION: Appending an SVG item that is owned by another item should create a copy before appending
- ACTION-3634 - Edit spec: appending an svg item that is owned by another item should create a copy before appending (on Cameron McCormack)
- 2. Accessibility taskforce
- 3. Charter
- 1. List objects
- 2014-06-26:
- 1. altGlyph
- RESOLUTION: We will remove altGlyph and company from SVG2
- ACTION-3632 - Remove altglyph and company from svg2 (on Erik Dahlström)
- 2. Path methods
- RESOLUTION: getPointAtLength will return a 0,0 point if there is no path data and we will add an issue about this to the spec
- RESOLUTION: getPointAtLength and getPathSegAtLength with clamp their input to be at the start / end of the path appropriate and so always return a valid point / path segment index
- ACTION-3633 - Add text for getpointatlength and getpathsegatlength to describe behavior when there is not path data or when the index/length is beyond the ends of the path (on Erik Dahlström)
- 3. feBlend
- RESOLUTION: Add all the additional modes specified for the CSS property to feBlend
- 1. altGlyph
- 2014-06-19:
- 1. cursor
- 2. Geometry Interfaces
- RESOLUTION: Publish Geometry Interfaces Last Call pending removal of [Array Class]
- 3. altGlyph
- ACTION-3631 - Write tests to determine whether altglyph is implemented (on Erik Dahlström)
- 4. Path methods
- 5. CSS Masking
- RESOLUTION: Publish CSS Masking CR
- 2014-06-12:
- 1. SVGAngle
- 2. SVG Integration
- 3. getSVGDocument
- RESOLUTION: SVG2 will remove the definition of getSVGDocument and it will move to the HTML spec
- 4. Geometry Interfaces
- 5. Geometry Interfaces
- 6. Geometry Interfaces
- 7. F2F
- 2014-06-05:
- 1. CSP
- ACTION-3629 - Start a page on the general w3c wiki on security (on Doug Schepers)
- 2. F2F
- RESOLUTION: London Face to Face: Friday, Saturday, Sunday
- RESOLUTION: Google hosts Sydney face to face jan/feb
- ACTION-3630 - Add a wikipage for sydney f2f (early 2015) - hosted by google, co-located with csswg (on Erik Dahlström)
- 1. CSP
- 2014-05-22:
- 1. SVG 2
- ACTION-3626 - Review css text decoration and css3 text and compare it with svg (on Tavmjong Bah)
- ACTION-3627 - Review css text decoration and css3 text and compare it with svg (on Dirk Schulze)
- 2. text-decoration-color
- 3. textLength
- ACTION-3628 - Propose clarifications for textlength and <tspan>, and to submit some tests to the svg2 testsuite for this (on Thomas Smailus)
- 4. Baseline properties
- 1. SVG 2
- 2014-05-08:
- 1. SVG 2 User Agent Implementation Guide
- 2. tref
- RESOLUTION: Remove TREF from the SVG 2 spec.
- 3. pixelUnitToMillimeterX and pixelUnitToMillimeterY
- ACTION-3623 - Deprecate deprecate pixelunittomillimeterx, pixelunittomillimetery, screenpixeltomillimeterx, screenpixeltomillimetery in the spec. (on Dirk Schulze)
- 4. unrestricted double for SVGLength etc.
- 5. Presentation attributes
- ACTION-3624 - Modify the sentence in the spec. to allow the globall css keywords like inherit and initial (on Erik Dahlström)
- 6. Event attributes
- ACTION-3625 - Event attributes on graphics and container elements added to svgelement just like htmlelement does (on Erik Dahlström)
- 2014-04-09 F2F/Leipzig 2014 day 3:
- 1. Filter regions
- RESOLUTION: For filter primitives that are unbounded, and the size cannot be computed automatically, the default filter region will be -10%,-10%,120%,120%
- 2. Animating filters
- 3. Advanced gradients
- RESOLUTION: We will rename <meshPatch> to <coonsPatch>.
- RESOLUTION: SVG WG is happy for CG to be formed to begin looking into diffusion curves.
- 4. Teleconferences
- RESOLUTION: new telcon is 3PM Thursday Euro time
- 5. Variable stroke width
- 6. Non-scaling features
- RESOLUTION: Takagi-san to add vector effects extension proposal to SVG 2 specification
- ACTION-3619 - Add vector effects extension proposal to svg 2 specification (on Satoru Takagi)
- 7. Variable stroke width
- 8. SVG Integration
- RESOLUTION: Publish FPWD of SVG integration once list of issues is included
- 9. Text
- RESOLUTION: text-decoration doesn't paint on a <textPath>
- 1. Filter regions
- 2014-04-08 F2F/Leipzig 2014 day 2:
- 1. buffered-rendering
- 2. buffered-rendering
- RESOLUTION: will drop buffered-rendering in favour of will-change
- ACTION-3612 - Replace buffered-rendering with will-change in svg2 (on Brian Birtles)
- 3. z-index
- ACTION-3613 - Add z-index text to svg 2 specification before feature cut off date (on Cameron McCormack)
- 4. foreignObject
- RESOLUTION: make width and height attributes on foreignObject element presentation attributes
- ACTION-3614 - Edit svg 2 to make width and height presentation attributes on foreignobject (on Erik Dahlström)
- 5. marker-segment and marker-pattern
- RESOLUTION: drop marker-segment in favour of marker-pattern
- 6. Marker knockouts
- ACTION-3615 - Write up proposal for clipping sections of path around markers (on Tavmjong Bah)
- 7. stroke-dashcorner and stroke-dashadjust
- 8. Bounding boxes
- RESOLUTION: Will use an approximate bounding box for stroke-box keyword
- ACTION-3616 - Write specification text for approximate bounding box that is used with stroke-box keyword (on Dirk Schulze)
- 9. Canvas Path2D
- 10. F2F
- RESOLUTION: 23-26th August next F2F
- ACTION-3617 - Check office space for london f2f (on Cameron McCormack)
- 11. version
- 12. Symbol reference position
- RESOLUTION: Add refX/refY to symbol element
- ACTION-3618 - Add refx/refy to symbol (on Tavmjong Bah)
- 13. Implementations
- 2014-04-07 F2F/Leipzig 2014 day 1:
- 1. Charter
- ACTION-3601 - Update the charter (on Chris Lilley)
- ACTION-3602 - Talk to michael cooper about uag (on Chris Lilley)
- ACTION-3603 - Publish media access events as a note (on Cameron McCormack)
- 2. pointer-events
- ACTION-3604 - Prepare spec text for pointer-events on root svg elements for svg2 and svg integration spec and make edits (on Erik Dahlström)
- 3. SVG sizing
- RESOLUTION: Unless there is feedback to the contrary (e.g. from Tab), accept David Vest's SVG sizing proposal
- ACTION-3605 - (or pdr) to get tab's feedback on davvel's svg sizing proposal (on Chris Lilley)
- 4. Overflow on viewport creating elements
- RESOLUTION: outer-most svg elements of inline fragments will be overflow: hidden by default
- RESOLUTION: svg:svg elements should allow overflow: scroll to create scrollbars
- RESOLUTION: overflow property on root svg elements still controls if there should be scrollbars but there should be a clipping rectangle that
- ACTION-3606 - Figure out the overflow behavior in svg (on Erik Dahlström)
- 5. Bounding boxes
- RESOLUTION: getBBox and resource bounding box (for gradients, mask, etc) to return the union of the glyph cells and ink extends by default.
- RESOLUTION: for now we won't provide APIs for a tight ink bounding box on text for getBBox or gradient object bounding box or hit detection
- RESOLUTION: text decoration to be included in the bounding box calculations
- ACTION-3607 - Do spec edits for bounding boxes of text elements: give the union of full glyph cells and the painted area, and include text decorations in the bbox (change for getbbox too) (on Erik Dahlström)
- ACTION-3608 - Talk to alan stearns about adding fallback baseline calculations to the css line layout spec and if they will stay in the spec (on Dirk Schulze)
- 6. Attribute parsing
- RESOLUTION: URL attributes will be parsed like in HTML, by stripping leading/trailing white space.
- RESOLUTION: We will allow leading/trailing white space on integer,number,length,angle but not trailing garbage.
- ACTION-3609 - Update attribute parsing according to these resolutions. (on Erik Dahlström)
- 7. switch
- ACTION-3610 - Reply to www-svg mail to say what can be done with existing @media queries and if <picture> exists in svg (on Cameron McCormack)
- 1. Charter
- 2014-03-27:
- 1. Bounding boxes
- 2. Accessibility taskforce
- 3. switch
- 2014-03-13:
- 1. paint-order
- RESOLUTION: The WG is happy with implementations shipping paint-order in release builds
- 2. F2F
- 3. Attribute parsing
- ACTION-3600 - Test behavior on type parsing in html and svg (on Erik Dahlström)
- 4. SVG in OpenType
- 1. paint-order
- 2014-03-06:
- 1. paint-order
- 2. Reference box keywords
- RESOLUTION: we will handle new box keywords in units attributes in level 2 of Masking
- 3. Reference box keywords
- RESOLUTION: fill and stroke keyword values in clip-path and mask property get renamed to fill-box and stroke-box
- 4. Bounding boxes
- RESOLUTION: path/polygon/polyline with no data set (empty or zero valid commands) should not render
- RESOLUTION: getBBox for path/polygon/polyline with no data set (empty or zero valid commands) should return [0,0,0,0]
- RESOLUTION: Bounding box for path/polygon/polyline with no data set (empty or zero valid commands) should not contribute to ancestor bounding box
- RESOLUTION: bounding box for path with some invalid data following some valid data will include the data which is rendered
- ACTION-3599 - Update specification with path/polyline/polygon resolutions regarding bounding box for missing data (on Nikos Andronikos)
- 2014-02-27:
- 1. F2F
- ACTION-3596 - Set up leipzig meeting questionairre (on Cameron McCormack)
- 2. SVGMatrix.rotateFromVector
- ACTION-3597 - Define svgmatrix.rotatefromvector(0,0) in svg 2 not to throw (on Erik Dahlström)
- 3. Engineering diagram requirements
- 4. canvas
- RESOLUTION: We will allow the standard container element content model within SVG <canvas>.
- ACTION-3598 - Change the content model of <canvas> in svg to allow the same child elements as <g>. (on Cameron McCormack)
- 5. CSS Masking
- 1. F2F
- 2014-02-20:
- 1. F2F
- 2. Linking to elements outside a document
- RESOLUTION: if an element that is referenced as a gradient (and similar) is removed from the document, it is no longer able to be referenced
- ACTION-3594 - Update the spec to clarify behavior of references to elements when they are removed/added from the document (on Erik Dahlström)
- 3. Attribute parsing
- ACTION-3595 - Summarise the kinds of attributes we have and proposed handling of leading/trailing whitespace (on Erik Dahlström)
- 4. paint-order
- RESOLUTION: Keep the current order of paint-order even though it is different to background layers
- 2014-01-31 F2F/Seattle 2014 day 2:
- 1. Animation
- 2. outline and background
- RESOLUTION: outline will resolve to our definition of stroke bounding box
- RESOLUTION: add outline, background-color, and padding to SVG2 with hit-testing to be determined later
- 3. Engineering diagram requirements
- ACTION-3572 - Break his presentation out into specific issues that need to be addressed and take it to the mailing list (on Thomas Smailus)
- ACTION-3573 - Work with smailus to create examples of the issues (on Chris Lilley)
- 4. SVG sizing
- ACTION-3574 - Investigate why firefox needs to treat svg as a replaced element (on Cameron McCormack)
- ACTION-3575 - Create inline svg sizing tests (on Erik Dahlström)
- ACTION-3576 - Make width and height attributes presentation attributes on the svg element (on Dirk Schulze)
- 5. symbol
- 6. pointer-events
- RESOLUTION: background-color on SVG elements will never influence hit testing area
- RESOLUTION: The effective content box of an SVG element is the decorated bounding box.
- ACTION-3577 - Make background-color, padding-*, outline-* apply to svg elements. (on Doug Schepers)
- 7. Non-scaling features
- RESOLUTION: We will accept the new transform(ref) proposal but with different syntax for SVG 2.
- ACTION-3578 - Add the new transform(ref) functionality to svg 2 (on Satoru Takagi)
- ISSUE-2453 - Consider allowing non-rotation, non-scaling/rotation of fill hatch/pattern options to the new non-transform functionality.
- 8. Shadow DOM
- RESOLUTION: SVG 2 will remove the SVG instance tree for <use>.
- RESOLUTION: SVG 2 will base <use> on shadow tree spec.
- ACTION-3579 - Ask somebody what to do about content/shadow inheriting from htmlelement (on Erik Dahlström)
- ACTION-3580 - Remove <use> element instance tree. (on Erik Dahlström)
- 9. getBBox
- RESOLUTION: SVG 2 will extend getBBox with a dictionary parameter, including whether clip-path is included, and getStrokeBBox will go away.
- ACTION-3581 - Add the extended getbbox to svg 2. (on Cameron McCormack)
- 10. Illustrator output
- 11. RelaxNG
- ACTION-3582 - Ask mike whether we need an rng schema for svg to validate in the validator (on Doug Schepers)
- 12. SVG 2
- RESOLUTION: We will publish a WD of SVG 2 on Tuesday Feb 11.
- ACTION-3583 - Prepare svg 2 for publication on tuesday feb 11. (on Cameron McCormack)
- 13. Selection
- RESOLUTION: SVG WG will request selection of non-text elements in DOM Range/Selection/whereever is appropriate.
- 2014-01-30 F2F/Seattle 2014 day 1:
- 1. F2F
- RESOLUTION: The April F2F will be April 7-10, where the 10th is an optional stay-for-spec-editing day.
- 2. switch
- RESOLUTION: <script> is not affected by <switch>
- ACTION-3561 - Clarify <script> is not affected by <switch> and will be run in there, but is still disallowed by the content model. (on Erik Dahlström)
- 3. hasFeature
- 4. Event attributes
- RESOLUTION: We won't add an onzoom IDL attribute, but we will add onbegin, onend, onrepeat to SVGAnimationElement.
- ACTION-3562 - Add onbegin, onend, onrepeat to svganimationelement. (on Erik Dahlström)
- 5. rootElement
- RESOLUTION: We will deprecate rootElement in SVG 2.
- ACTION-3563 - Mention in svg 2 that rootelement is deprecated. (on Erik Dahlström)
- 6. SVG in OpenType
- ACTION-3564 - Send cameron an email with details on how to send a liaison statement to mpeg about svg in opentype (on Chris Lilley)
- ACTION-3565 - Propose something for marking up graphics with equivalent text (on Cameron McCormack)
- 7. objectBoundingBox percentage values
- ACTION-3566 - Think of text to clarify whether transforms are taken into account with % objectboundingbox values in resource elements (on Tavmjong Bah)
- 8. Event attributes
- ACTION-3567 - Add ref to html5 for attr reflection (on Erik Dahlström)
- 9. SVGResize and SVGScroll
- ACTION-3568 - Remove svg prefix on svgresize and svgscroll events (on Erik Dahlström)
- 10. Performance scaling
- 13. Reference box keywords
- ACTION-3569 - Add decorated bbox option 3 to svg2 with issue explaining option 4 (on Dirk Schulze)
- 14. SVG 2
- ACTION-3570 - Write spec text on transforming tspans (on Cameron McCormack)
- ISSUE-2452 - Should we have both buffered-rendering and will-change?.
- 1. F2F
- 2014-01-16:
- 1. animateColor
- RESOLUTION: We will remove animateColor from SVG2 (and mention it in the changes appendix)
- ACTION-3557 - And brian to figure out who gets the action (on Erik Dahlström)
- ACTION-3558 - Remove animatecolor from svg2 (on Erik Dahlström)
- 2. The Graphical Web
- 3. F2F
- 4. objectBoundingBox percentage values
- ACTION-3559 - Investigate what browsers actually do for percentage values for objectboundingbox with pattern, mask etc. (on Dirk Schulze)
- 5. Resource element percentage values
- ACTION-3560 - Create a test case for the test suite covering percentage units resolved against the viewport of the referencing element (on Dirk Schulze)
- 6. Reference box keywords
- 1. animateColor
- 2014-01-09:
- 1. role
- 2. viewbox property
- 3. SVG sizing
- ACTION-3556 - Summarise sizing issues on the wiki (on Brian Birtles)
- 2013-11-14:
- 1. Coordinate precision
- RESOLUTION: Remove performance class requirements from SVG 2
- ACTION-3535 - Look at the performance class requirements and decide whether to remove points or move them into general requirements (on Cameron McCormack)
- 2. Resource priorities
- 3. Zoom media feature
- RESOLUTION: We will spec what browsers are currently doing - use SVGElement interface for unknown elements.
- ACTION-3536 - Review resource priorities specification (on Cameron McCormack)
- 4. Accessibility
- RESOLUTION: <desc> should allow HTML markup and we should have tests for this and recommend this practice
- ACTION-3537 - Reference aria 1.1 in svg 2 (on Richard Schwerdtfeger)
- ACTION-3538 - Clarify html content in <desc> and <title> elements (on Doug Schepers)
- ACTION-3539 - Work with gerardo and tab to come up with haptic, tactile and 3d media queries (on Doug Schepers)
- 5. z-index
- 6. Using Bikeshed for SVG specs
- 7. shepherd for svg repo
- ACTION-3540 - Linss deliver document to adapt specs to shepherd (on Peter Sorotokin)
- 8. new SVG DOM proposal
- 9. SVGAnimatedBoolean
- ACTION-3541 - Remove svganimatedboolean and svgfeconvolvematrixelement.preservealpha from the svg2 dom (on Dirk Schulze)
- 10. SVG DOM continued
- 11. SVGElement implementing global event handlers (onfoo)
- RESOLUTION: We will have "SVGElement implements GlobalEventHandlers" in SVG2's IDL.
- ACTION-3542 - Ask in the thread about whether svg specific event handlers should go on globaleventhandlers, or separately on svgelement (on Erik Dahlström)
- ACTION-3543 - Make svgelement implement globaleventhandlers in svg2. (on Erik Dahlström)
- 12. nearestViewportElement and farthestViewportElement
- RESOLUTION: We will make nearestViewportElement / furthestViewportElement be Elements, not SVGElement
- ACTION-3544 - Add use counters to see if nearestviewportelement/furthestviewportelement are used (on Erik Dahlström)
- ACTION-3545 - Change nearestviewportelement/furthestviewportelement to be element (on Dirk Schulze)
- 13. Animation Elements
- RESOLUTION: We will take on Animation Elements as an official WD.
- 14. SVG Streaming
- 1. Coordinate precision
- 2013-06-03:
- 1. agenda
- 2. should fill-rule apply to text elements?
- 3. marker orientation issues
- ACTION-3496 - Integrate the marker resolutions in the spec (on Cameron McCormack)
- 4. feBlend issues
- RESOLUTION: Keep feBlend's current behavior (where it blends and composites), but add an attribute that turns off compositing.
- ACTION-3497 - Define a new attribute (nocomposite?) on feBlend that turns off the compositing effect. (on Dirk Schulze)
- 5. enable-background issues
- RESOLUTION: Remove e-b from this level of Filters.
- 6. What makes a stacking context?
- 7. buffered rendering
- 8. Stacking contexts, cont.
- RESOLUTION: buffered-rendering:auto/dynamic never create a stacking context; "static" does.
- ACTION-3498 - note those things that create a stacking context in the spec (on Rik Cabanier)
- 9. review of hatches
- RESOLUTION: Hatch will only support solid color paint servers
- ACTION-3499 - Gather ideas for solving IDPF issues and send that as a liaison (on Cameron McCormack)
- 10. multiple paint servers on one element
- RESOLUTION: We will allow multiple paints in the fill and stroke properties in SVG 2.
- RESOLUTION: <hatch angle> will be renamed <hatch rotate>.
- ACTION-3500 - Put multiple fills/strokes in SVG 2. (on Tavmjong Bah)
- 11. Text flow
- 12. CSS syntax in presentation attributes
- 13. SVGSVGElement.current{Translate,Scale,Rotation}
- ACTION-3501 - Specify unspecified behavior of currentScale and currentTranslate (on Dirk Schulze)
- 14. Security of resource documents
- RESOLUTION: images should not allow any external resources and run in Secure Animated Mode
- ACTION-3502 - Talk to Doug, Anne, Boris and Roc about resource handling security in SVG and ask for review of the model (on Dirk Schulze)
- 15. SVG streaming
- RESOLUTION: SVG Streaming can get ED
- 16. global coordinate system
- ACTION-3503 - Investigate the issues that require the global coordinate system feature (on Brian Birtles)
- 17. zoom feature for media queries
- 18. Progress report of browser implementation for SVG Map
- 19. Variable Width Stroke
- ACTION-3504 - Update the syntax of the variable stroke width proposal (on Brian Birtles)
- 20. Color interpolation: scaling, etc.
- ACTION-3505 - Draft some wording for recommended scaling techniques in SVG 2 (on Tavmjong Bah)
- 2013-02-06:
- 1. border brushes
- RESOLUTION: We will continue developing border brushes in a separate specification
- ACTION-3440 - Create a module to define SVG border brushes (on Rik Cabanier)
- 2. variable width stroke
- ACTION-3441 - Specify variable width stroking in SVG2 (on Rik Cabanier)
- 3. Media fragments and SVG stacks
- RESOLUTION: SVG 2 will use Media Fragments.
- ACTION-3442 - Add Media Fragments support to SVG 2. (on Cyril Concolato)
- ACTION-3443 - Define how #t= is interpeted in Web Animations. (on Brian Birtles)
- 4. SVG/CSS Matrix harmonisation
- RESOLUTION: SVG 2 will reference the new Matrix specification and replace SVGMatrix with Matrix, once that spec is ready.
- ACTION-3444 - Write up a spec for Matrix (on Dirk Schulze)
- 5. Changes to Filter Effects and Custom Filters
- RESOLUTION: Filter Effects changes to use @filter.
- RESOLUTION: accept proposed descriptors for at-filter rule
- ACTION-3445 - Email www-style about at-supports filter function (on Dirk Schulze)
- 6. CSS OM and SVG DOM improvements; exposing calc values
- RESOLUTION: add a 'value' attribute to read or write the CSS serialization of a unit length
- ACTION-3446 - Add a string accessor on SVG animated length and to make 'calc', 'attr' and 'var' work (on Cameron McCormack)
- ACTION-3447 - Update SVGAnimatedAngle as well (on Cameron McCormack)
- 7. Web Animations
- 8. Web Animations continued
- 9. Requirements reevaluation continued
- RESOLUTION: We will drop the unknown-elements-are-rendered requirement from SVG 2.
- RESOLUTION: We will drop the "foreignObject can be automatically sized" requirement for SVG 2.
- RESOLUTION: Keep the "Improve the fallback mechanism using switch" requirement in SVG 2.
- RESOLUTION: The "Provide a way to control audio level and playback" SVG 2 requirement does not need any action, as we will get this functionality from HTMLAudioElement.
- RESOLUTION: We will keep the "Provide positioning information in MouseEvents" requirement in SVG 2.
- RESOLUTION: We will keep the "Support CSS3 image-fit" SVG 2 requirement.
- RESOLUTION: We will defer the "Make it easier to write a zoom/pan widget" SVG 2 requirement unless a concrete proposal is forthcoming.
- RESOLUTION: We will keep the "Align with CSS Value and Units" SVG 2 requirement.
- RESOLUTION: We will keep the "Deprecate baseline-shift and use vertical-align" SVG 2 requirement.
- RESOLUTION: We will keep the "Allow video elements to have captions, tracks, etc" SVG 2 requirement.
- RESOLUTION: We will keep the "Allow clip to reference any element" SVG 2 requirement.
- RESOLUTION: We will keep the "Promote some attributes to properties" SVG 2 requirement for now, and hope Dirk gets time to do it.
- RESOLUTION: We will defer the "Have an advance font metrics interface" to the canvas spec.
- ACTION-3448 - Clarify the behaviour of unknown elements in SVG 2. (on Cameron McCormack)
- ACTION-3449 - Do the "Improve the fallback mechanism using switch" requirement. (on Erik Dahlström)
- ACTION-3450 - Do the "Provide positioning information in MouseEvents" SVG 2 requirement. (on Cameron McCormack)
- ACTION-3451 - Do the "Support CSS3 image-fit" SVG 2 requirement. (on Erik Dahlström)
- ACTION-3452 - Align SVG 2 with css3-values. (on Cameron McCormack)
- ACTION-3453 - Allow the clip-path property to reference non-<clipPath> elements in SVG 2, and to allow <g> in a <clipPath>. (on Rik Cabanier)
- ACTION-3454 - Do the "Promote some attributes to properties" SVG 2 requirement. (on Dirk Schulze)
- ACTION-3455 - Investgate making the canvas font metrics interface without needing a <canvas> element. (on Rik Cabanier)
- 1. border brushes
- 2012-09-19:
- 1. radialGradient @fr
- ACTION-3374 - Specify radial gradient behaviour when the focal point is outside the circle (on Tavmjong Bah)
- 2. Mesh Gradients
- ACTION-3375 - Find out what method Adobe uses for smoothing mesh gradients and report to group (on Rik Cabanier)
- ACTION-3376 - Write up a proposal for a triangular representation for gradient meshes (on Cyril Concolato)
- 3. GetSVGDocument deprecation/removal
- 4. SVGDocument interface (alias to Document?)
- ACTION-3377 - Make SVGDocument into an alias for document (on Erik Dahlström)
- 5. XLink deprecation
- ACTION-3378 - Add href on all elements with xlink:href and add src to image and script (on Cameron McCormack)
- 6. Cameron's stuff
- ACTION-3379 - Make SVGMarkerList item method return an exception when the index is out of range (on Cameron McCormack)
- ACTION-3380 - Make the SVGPoint changes to take a mouse event in the constructor (on Cameron McCormack)
- 7. Hatchings
- RESOLUTION: SVG 2 will have a modified version Tav's hatch proposal
- ACTION-3381 - Work out the details of the modifications of the initial proposal (on Tavmjong Bah)
- ACTION-3382 - Think about a compound paint server proposal (on Tab Atkins Jr.)
- 8. extrapolated line join
- RESOLUTION: We will add extrapolated line joins to SVG 2, using Tav's proposal.
- ACTION-3383 - Add extrapolated line joins to the spec. (on Tavmjong Bah)
- 9. GetSVGDocument interface
- RESOLUTION: Keep GetSVGDocument in SVG 2.
- 10. spaces/commas in SVG view specification
- 11. HTML integration
- 12. SVG DOM improvements
- ACTION-3384 - Write up how SVG types should work with CSS OM objects (on Tab Atkins Jr.)
- 13. rendering-mode: animate
- RESOLUTION: {shape,text}-rendering should say that "auto" means that pixel snapping shouldn't be done when animating
- ACTION-3385 - Add notes to {shape,text}-rendering auto to mention not doing pixel snapping when animating (on Doug Schepers)
- 14. SVG documentation
- 15. CSS Variables and Params
- 16. rounded corners
- RESOLUTION: We add Doug's r="" proposal for rounded corners for shape-y elements, and pending the math, for paths too.
- ACTION-3386 - Add the r="" proposal to SVG 2. (on Doug Schepers)
- ACTION-3387 - Extend rx/ry on rect to allow lists of values. (on Chris Lilley)
- 17. JSON serialization
- ACTION-3388 - Investigate paper.js' arcThrough (on Tab Atkins Jr.)
- 18. JSON serialization of SVG
- 1. radialGradient @fr
- 2012-07-24:
- 1. Marker proposal review
- 2. Revised text layout proposal
- RESOLUTION: textPath must not surrounded by text element anymore.
- RESOLUTION: Add Camerons proposal to spec and ask for wider feedback
- 3. white spaces edits in SVG
- ACTION-3323 - Work out things on removing XML ns stuff on text and figure things out with the CSS WG (on Chris Lilley)
- 4. SVG in Web IDL
- ACTION-3324 - Do all this interface stuff (Proposals/IDL interface reorganization) (on Cameron McCormack)
- ACTION-3325 - Atkins to take HTML and Iframe view-box property to the CSS working group (on Tab Atkins Jr.)
- ACTION-3326 - Birtles to write up a proposal for view-box property for SVG (on Brian Birtles)
- 5. Quick question about mask: <funciri> auto
- ACTION-3327 - Rewrite the SVG2 Concepts chapter to make more sense in 2012 (on Chris Lilley)
- 6. Mapping update
- 7. buffered rendering and image flattening
- RESOLUTION: SVG <image> will allow declarative or frame-based animated images
- RESOLUTION: SVG2 won't have a flatten to image feature
- 8. HTML5 drag and drop
- RESOLUTION: SVG elements will support the HTML drag & drop API
- ACTION-3328 - Add the drag & drop functionality to SVG2 (on Erik Dahlström)
- 9. SVG 2 section signoff for publication
- RESOLUTION: SVG2 will drop support for top-level <font-face> in favour of @font-face, but keep <font-face> child of <font> for SVG Fonts
- RESOLUTION: SVG WG agrees with publishing the Compositing spec
- RESOLUTION: We will publish SVG2 FPWD mid August
- ACTION-3329 - Remove support for top-level <font-face> for external font referencing support (on Chris Lilley)
- ACTION-3331 - Add back property definition tables (on Cameron McCormack)
- ACTION-3332 - Add notes to SVG2 referencing Compositing, and remove any duplicated text if that can be done before publication (on Nikos Andronikos)
- ACTION-3333 - Remove eRR from SVG2 (on Cameron McCormack)
- ACTION-3334 - Define "default object size" so that css3-images <image> works for SVG paints (on Cameron McCormack)
- ACTION-3335 - Work out whether to add a new repo for all new modules, or a new repo for each (on Cameron McCormack)
- 10. SVG/HTML integration
- 11. SVG DOM improvements
- ACTION-3336 - Propose SVGAnimatedLength improvements (on Cameron McCormack)
- 12. SVGOpen F2F meeting
- ACTION-3337 - Set up a wbs for SVG Open F2F and let Andreas know (on Cameron McCormack)
- 2012-03-29:
- 1. Finishing SVG 2 reuirements
- 2. SVG next phase
- 3. extract part of an SVG image by its id
- 4. next svg f2f meetings
- 5. SVG functionality in Canvas
- 2011-07-29:
- 1. SVG Color
- 2. SVG Vector Effects
- RESOLUTION: We will add new paint values currentFillPaint, currentStrokePaint etc. to SVG 2
- RESOLUTION: Keep constructive geometry operations in VE and see if it's possible.
- ACTION-3094 - Write up spec text for currentFillPaint, etc. (on Chris Lilley)
- ACTION-3095 - Go through the last few f2f minutes to find resolutions for SVG2 items, and add them to the wiki page. (on Erik Dahlström)
- 3. SVG Compositing
- 4. Advanced Gradients
- RESOLUTION: rename stop-path to 'd' or 'path'
- RESOLUTION: mesh gradients are accepted by the WG for SVG 2.0.
- ACTION-3096 - Update the coon's mesh proposal to make it both a geometric primitive and a paint server. (on Tavmjong Bah)
- 5. current gradient issues.
- RESOLUTION: the spec. should say that when the focal point is on the circle edge, with repeat, then the distance between the first and last stop for the repeating colors is 0 and the paint should generate a color that is the average of all the gradient stops.
- ACTION-3097 - Propose wording for the edge case where a radialGradient's focal point sits on the edge of the circle and the gradient repeats. the spec. should say that when the focal point is on the circle edge, with repeat, then the distance between the first and last stop for the repeating colors is 0 and the paint should generate a color that is the average of all the gradient stops. (on Erik Dahlström)
- 6. fr attribute on radialGradients
- RESOLUTION: add an fr attribute to <radialGradient> for SVG 2.0.
- ACTION-3098 - Provide spec. wording for the fr attribute on <radialGradient> (on Erik Dahlström)
- 7. Compositing
- ACTION-3099 - Give a description of how porter-duff behaves differently from blend modes (group invariance) (on Rik Cabanier)
- 8. css dependencies
- 9. Next F2F
- RESOLUTION: We will meet on 27th and 28th October for the first half of our F2F
- 10. SVG 2 scope
- ACTION-3100 - Look at SVG Tiny 1.2 and come up with a list of major features that aren't in 1.1 (on Cyril Concolato)
- 11. Media resources spec review
- ACTION-3101 - Respond with comments on the API for Media Resources 1.0 spec (on Cyril Concolato)
- 12. sharing path segments
- ACTION-3102 - Write up proposal page for path shared edges (on Cyril Concolato)
- 13. polar element
- ACTION-3103 - Make a wiki proposal page for polar/star/polygon/path extensions (on Doug Schepers)
- 2011-07-27:
- 1. Glyph Selection
- ACTION-3073 - Define how to use <glyphRef>'s glyphRef attribute to point to an openType glyph and make sure it works with the different openType format variations. (on Rik Cabanier)
- ACTION-3074 - Work with vhardy and text experts on x/y positioning and altGlyphDef and altGlyph. (on Rik Cabanier)
- ACTION-3075 - Create a proposal for "Groovy Text", i.e., a solution for easily provide the graphical rendering of a piece of text with SVG graphics. (on Doug Schepers)
- 2. text warping
- RESOLUTION: We will provide a way to get glyph path data via some API.
- ACTION-3076 - Come up with API proposal for exposing glyph path data. (on Cameron McCormack)
- ACTION-3077 - Reach out to Bob Hopgood for information about path warping for text. (on Vincent Hardy)
- ACTION-3078 - Contact Israel about path warping information. (on Cameron McCormack)
- ACTION-3079 - Contact Nathan Hurst about lib2geom for information about path warping. (on Cameron McCormack)
- 3. Event attributes in SVG2
- RESOLUTION: SVG2 will move all events to Element, in accordance with the similar move in HTML.
- ACTION-3080 - File a bug on DOMCore to remind Anne about the event move. (on Cameron McCormack)
- 4. image-rendering property and why Tab is redefining it
- 5. SVG in Canvas
- ACTION-3081 - Work with charles pritchard to propose a canvas function that uses svg paths (on Tab Atkins Jr.)
- ACTION-3082 - Investigate ISSUE-2419 (on Cameron McCormack)
- ACTION-3083 - Propose a new API for constructing svg trees (on Doug Schepers)
- 6. SVG Accessibility
- 7. Starting SVG 2
- 8. <switch> in SVG 2
- 9. Starting on SVG 2
- 10. path extensions
- ACTION-3084 - Create a proposal where the R/r commands impact the following commands (until the next r/R command occurence) and add a way to set the rotation to the current tangent on the path. (on Cameron McCormack)
- 11. Catmul curves
- RESOLUTION: we will add a Catmull Rom syntax to the path syntax with a tension parameter to control the whole curve (not per-point control).
- RESOLUTION: we will add a path rotation command.
- ACTION-3085 - Make a Catmull Rom editor that takes variable tension parameters. (on Doug Schepers)
- ACTION-3086 - Suggest audio-volume control properties to CSS WG (on Doug Schepers)
- 12. Easier integration of HTML into SVG
- ACTION-3087 - Put on the FXTF agenda, discussion about HTML positioning in SVG and contact dbaron (on Erik Dahlström)
- ACTION-3088 - Illustrate the three options put forward by Tab in the SVG/HTML integration proposal (on Vincent Hardy)
- ACTION-3089 - Propose auto viewBox sizing and SVG container box sizing for bare <svg> in HTML (on Jennifer Yu)
- 13. Text layout
- ACTION-3090 - Produce a condensed description of the problems and solutions (on Cameron McCormack)
- ACTION-3091 - Upload the tests for complex text cases (on Cameron McCormack)
- 14. Canvas in SVG
- 15. event attribute
- RESOLUTION: We decide to resolve ISSUE-2176 by introducing evt as an alias to event in event handlers
- ACTION-3092 - Collect the events from SVG as a delta with respect to HTML (on Erik Dahlström)
- ACTION-3093 - Add a note to the SVG spec about ISSUE-2176 (on Cameron McCormack)
- 1. Glyph Selection
- 2011-03-03:
- 1. object-fit and object-position
- RESOLUTION: SVG 2 will require object-fit and object-position
- ACTION-3001 - Gather up issues regarding object-fit and it's applied to SVG and email CSS Working Group (on Jonathan Watt)
- 2. Accessibility
- RESOLUTION: We will start an accessibility document for SVG
- 3. z-index
- RESOLUTION: We will add Jonathan Watt's z-index proposal to SVG 2
- ACTION-3002 - Add z-index proposal to SVG 2 (on Jonathan Watt)
- 4. text-overflow
- RESOLUTION: We will add text-overflow in SVG 2
- RESOLUTION: We drop xml:space from SVG 2 and remove the relating tests from the SVG 1.1. test suite
- ACTION-3003 - Add text-overflow in SVG 2 (on Erik Dahlström)
- ACTION-3004 - Remove the tests from the SVG 1.1 tests suite that relate to xml:space (on Chris Lilley)
- ACTION-3005 - Draft a proposal to use CSS whitespace in SVG 2 (on Jonathan Watt)
- 5. F2F
- ACTION-3006 - Tell CSSWG that we want to meet them! In Tokyo in June. (on Chris Lilley)
- ACTION-3007 - Coordinate with Fujisawa-san to organise hosting for Tokyo SVG F2F (on Anthony Grasso)
- ACTION-3008 - Liaise with MS for the F2F meeting around SVG Open (on Chris Lilley)
- 6. buffered-rendering
- RESOLUTION: We won't add buffered-rendering to SVG 2 unless implementor feedback indicates that it is needed
- 7. Connectors
- 8. SVG Integration
- RESOLUTION: We will publish SVG Integration after Doug addresses feedback
- 9. pointer-events
- 10. Charter
- 1. object-fit and object-position
- 2011-03-01:
- 1. Compositing
- RESOLUTION: Move compositing spec to last-call, after references have been fixed
- ACTION-2982 - Request puiblication of compositing spec (on Chris Lilley)
- ACTION-2983 - Fix the images in the compositing spec (on Doug Schepers)
- ACTION-2984 - Clarify clip-to-self behavior (on Anthony Grasso)
- 2. Advanced Gradients
- ACTION-2985 - Fix advanced gradients spec (on Anthony Grasso)
- 3. WOFF in SVG 2
- RESOLUTION: We will mandate WOFF support in SVG 2.
- 4. SVG Fonts
- RESOLUTION: SVG 2 will mandate support for SVG Tiny fonts support, and SVG Full fonts will be specified in a separate module.
- 5. SVG IG Japan report
- 6. SVG in EPUB3
- ACTION-2986 - Mail the EPUB WG to ask whether width/height on root <svg> elements should be allowed (on Chris Lilley)
- ACTION-2987 - Contact Murata-san about an RNG schema for SVG 1.1 Second Edition (on Chris Lilley)
- ACTION-2988 - Talk to Yves Lafon about adding a new profile to the CSS validator for EPUB3-supported properties (on Chris Lilley)
- 7. compositing a bit more
- 8. SVG DOM list object identity
- ACTION-2989 - Write spec text about insertItem etc. throwing when the object already has an owner (on Jonathan Watt)
- ACTION-2990 - Review to see if he agrees with it (on Erik Dahlström)
- ACTION-2991 - Review to see if he agrees with it (on Patrick Dengler)
- 1. Compositing
- 2011-02-28:
- 1. CSS transforms 2d and 3d
- RESOLUTION: svg wants to allow rotation about centrepoint in svg, to align with css. sysntax not yet decided
- ACTION-2973 - Harvest fx minutes looking for missed actions (on Anthony Grasso)
- 2. svg2 dom
- 3. performance issues
- ACTION-2974 - Draw up a spec around simple dom core api (on Doug Schepers)
- 4. array getters/setters
- ACTION-2975 - Spec out lenght and array indexing for svg list types (on Erik Dahlström)
- 5. Global ECMAScript constructors
- RESOLUTION: add array style indexing and .length and .item to svg list types
- RESOLUTION: We will draft on global constructors for selected dom objects
- ACTION-2976 - Draft on global constructors for selected dom objects (on Cameron McCormack)
- 6. svg 1.1 se testsuite status
- 7. DOMActivate deprecation and SVG 2.0
- RESOLUTION: drop script-handle-02-t.svg from the testsuite
- ACTION-2977 - Drop script-handle-02-t from the SVG 1.1F2 testsuite (on Cameron McCormack)
- 8. SVG Parameters
- ACTION-2978 - Follow up with roc and to provide feedback on the svg params spec (on Jonathan Watt)
- 9. Draft with the href resolutions
- RESOLUTION: in svg2 href will not be in xlink namespace
- 10. SVG integration
- ACTION-2979 - Write a proposal for external reference restrictions, with whitelists and blacklists (on Doug Schepers)
- ACTION-2980 - Add examples to each referencing mode in svg integration (on Doug Schepers)
- ACTION-2981 - Add another referencing mode for the banner ad use-case, noscript but with interactivity (on Doug Schepers)
- 1. CSS transforms 2d and 3d