See also: IRC log
<birtles> <break 15min>
<nikos> AmeliaBR: ping we're back
<heycam> ScribeNick: heycam
nikos: Bogdan will be an editor of this spec
BogdanBrinza: there are a few
issues that might be worth discussing and knocking out
... might be more of an FYI
BogdanBrinza: first issue is all
the different scenarios of SVG integration
... foreignObject, CSS context
... the thing that is mostly concerned for CSS/SVG
implementaors is sizing SVG documents in CSS, sizing HTML
content in foreignObject
... can you give me a sense of the relative priority of other
... metadata?
heycam: not important, focus on the sizing
BogdanBrinza: so with initial
containing block with foreignObject viewport, I don't think
this is an issue
... for CSS sizing I have half of the change in progress, still
working on that
... don't think anything else in issue 1 needs talking now
BogdanBrinza: issue 2, this talks about referencing the Fetch algorithm
heycam: this is about CORS etc.
BogdanBrinza: not sure how this applies to referencing modes though
heycam: sounds like it might be better to reference the Fetch spec from different places in the SVG spec then, e.g. in the <image> definition etc.
ed: agreed
AmeliaBR: maybe we'd want to use Anonymous mode for resource documents for example
BogdanBrinza: sounds likes an extension of the referencing mode rather than something about the Fetch algorithm
AmeliaBR: I don't think we have any referencing modes where Anonymous mode is explicitly mentioned
BogdanBrinza: issue #3 now
AmeliaBR: animations in resource documents
BogdanBrinza: just looking at the issue and the context around the issue, I don't think anything int he current wording suggests they shouldn't run
AmeliaBR: an example is using content from another file, and that file has declarative animations, then should your reused copy of that reflect those animations
BogdanBrinza: why not?
AmeliaBR: I don't see an issue
BogdanBrinza: so you define the
resource, as part of the definition there are some
... saying there shouldn't be any animations running doesn't
make sense to me
AmeliaBR: one issue that has come up before which we have waffle language in SVG 2 about is that resource documents don't have a medium, so has problems with media queries, resolving percentages
Rossen: 300x150!
heycam: yes, why not
BogdanBrinza: so if the resource references percentages how do they get resolved
ed: right
BogdanBrinza: similar to background-image?
AmeliaBR: this is SVG resources
ed: say you referenced an
external gradient file
... fill: url(externalfile.svg#gradient)
Rossen: how is this different frmo use?
ed: it's not, but it's not defined well there
AmeliaBR: percentages come up in use elements. in same document use elements, percentages are resolved on the original document not the referncing element
Rossen: not for us
AmeliaBR: right now if you have an SVG file with nested viewBoxes, and you want to reuse content into the local viewBox, it doesn't adjust to the local definition of what 100% is
Rossen: is this based on implemnetations or spec?
AmeliaBR: I'm pretty sure it's in
the spec, not necessarily intentionally
... but it is consistent everywhere we tested it
... the other thing is that most implementations don't run CSS
in resource documents, so if you have a <style> they
don't have any effect on the reused content
... again that's not specced, just what implementations do
ed: do you see it as an external document or as nodes being cloned?
Rossen: use is basically
... you have a hosting context
... if your <g> element everything inside depends on
where it's being hosted, with percentages, if you need to
recreate/restyle/recalc the subtree that's in the g element,
then you only do it in those contexts
... for external referenced documents I wouldn't expect
different behaviour
... at the very least in terms of sizing and percentages
... it's a separate discussion about animations/transitions
... so in CSS we have two separate cases where people may or
may not expect aniamtions to run
... there is the case of something that is not visible on the
screen and do run, and there is the case where it's not on the
screen that they don't run
... that's the difference between display:none subtree, with
animations suppressed, and visibility:hidden, in which
animations do run
... so to compare the question we have at hand here, we should
ask whether we're considering external documents as
display:none case or similar to visibility:hidden case
heycam: for me I don't think about it as a display:none document
Rossen: in general we try to load
and run as few things as possible, for perf and power
... running animations would be wasteful
... I don't want to make this problem worse
... so if we can help it, I'd be in support of not running
BogdanBrinza: then the style
example maps nicely to that. if you have <style> in your
referenced resources you don't want them to affect the outer
... the more I think about it the more I think it makes sense
to think about them as display:none
<AmeliaBR> Worth looking at our current text in SVG 2: Starting "The element referenced by ‘use’ may be in a separate document."
AmeliaBR: a good compromise would
be resolving styles in that resource document, they only apply
to that document, but that document does not have an animation
... and the other issue was if you're resolving styles you need
to resolve media queries
... the logical approach is set a default size, or to say use
the media dimensions of the referencing element
Rossen: that would apply you'd
need to resolve properties twice
... once in the lwoer document and once in the host
... and that would be bad
... you could go a step further and say resolving styles
shouldn't happen, but that would prevent sharing too
shepazu: I'm sympathetic to what
Rossen said
... I think it seems most consistent/performant
... I think we should make clear what things are referenceable,
what are not
... if animations can'tb e expected to be run, authors should
understand why that is
heycam: I'd love to see tests but happy to go with not running animations for now
AmeliaBR: for styles and CSS animations afaik nobody resolves styles except inline styles on external use
BogdanBrinza: the way to spec is
that things that are context dependent, we just don't have the
context for the referenced document
... when did the timeline start?
BogdanBrinza: next one, issue 4
RESOLUTION: Animations do not run in resource documents.
BogdanBrinza: should CSS
Variables that map palette colours be mapped into the document
here too?
... issue suggests removing this issue, so let's do that
BogdanBrinza: issue 5, this one
I've made the changes to this section
... the changes I made are something Cameron mentioned earlier,
CORS applying
... the current state of things is that as far as I tried,
Chrome does apply CORS, Edge has same domain restriction,
Firefox allows any reference
heycam: I'd be happy for that to be tightened up
BogdanBrinza: this would be a good test case
<Zakim> AmeliaBR, you wanted to add a new issue re the "font document" section
AmeliaBR: it's not currently marked as an issue but there's a lot of stuff in that font document section that uses these context-* values, which we're no logner defining in SVG 2
heycam: context-fill,stroke are
in the SVG 2 spec, context-value might not be though
... I'll figure out where those other things should be defined,
since the OpenType spec is referencing this for the UA style
BogdanBrinza: so that's a requirement and it sounds like the course of action is to ask the OT people to update this?
heycam: I'll write up some text for this
BogdanBrinza: we have this issue
about protecting infinite reference cycles
... Chrome/Edge/Safari limit to one level
... Firefox has no limit
heycam: happy to align on the same number of levels
BogdanBrinza: I think ti's the
interoperable behaviour we'd want anyway
... the other part is the URL standard reference, it's just
BogdanBrinza: issue 6 is about "Animated mode", should we remove this
<AmeliaBR> This is the section of SVG 2 that currently defines which resources may be in external elements:
BogdanBrinza: oh I propose changing "external references" to "references to external resources"
heycam: it's not being referenced by anything, so let's remove it
nikos: does the OT spec still reference "secure animated mode"?
heycam: maybe
BogdanBrinza: soudns like there was some attempt to address the CORS concerns
AmeliaBR: to clarify, the
"secure" modes are currently used
... when you embed SVG as an image, you're using this "secure
animated mode"
... we don't have uses where no scripts, but do support
external files
... so 3.3 Animated mode there aren't any uses of that
BogdanBrinza: sounds fair
AmeliaBR: there are static
renderers that do support external references, so there's a
benefit for recognising that his extists
... don't know if it's needed in this context
BogdanBrinza: for external
resources, you only have a single level of depth, and there is
no script in those resources
... it sounds like we're talking about policies, rather than
... and the modes references policies
shepazu: that's what it's doing
BogdanBrinza: there is some slight different
shepazu: sounds fine to fix that
AmeliaBR: the purpose of having
these modes is that other specs can reference these and clearly
say that e.g. HTML can SVGs will run in "secure animated mode",
and this spec defines that
... so some other spec for some XML format could reference a
static mode where the image is static, animations don't run,
but external fonts and other embeds are allowed
... I don't see anything wrong with efining all the different
combiantoisn and giving them names
... so that other specs can clearly reference them and have a
clear definition
BogdanBrinza: that is what I
... they should be defined as single entities, but currently
modes try to explain more than just the policies, but they
should be purely about the policies
... if needed we can expand with new policies, but still keep
the same modes
RESOLUTION: Keep the modes, define them in terms of policies, basically as a table mapping modes to specific policies.
BogdanBrinza: next, issue 7
AmeliaBR: that's the same
BogdanBrinza: issue 8 and 9 are
about HTML in foreignObject
... issue 9 is editorial, add examples
... issue 8 I'm not sure I understand it. "what should we say
about when to rasterize the content?"
... pixellated form controls?
AmeliaBR: I think that's an
obsolete issue
... this was like transforms/filters applied to SVG content
with forms in foreignObject
... but now we have transforms/filters applied to HTML
BogdanBrinza: looks like
implementations don't pixellate now
... last issue, 10, this is a todo for defining SVG in
AmeliaBR: I think I'd like to see
here, in general to HTML/SVG/MathML, a sentence that says what
the effect of viewport is on child content, but that's not
quite correct (it's not a separate document)
... but that's where it becomes an issue, what's the parent
size / coordinate system that that foreignObject creates, and
just to have a sentence about the content of the foreignObject
being drawn into a container that has the width/height and
coordinate system established by the foreignObject
BogdanBrinza: sounds like this is defined in section 4.1
AmeliaBR: that's part of it
BogdanBrinza: so SVG viewports establish the containing block for HTML, and vice versa -- using SVG in HTML context, then the containing block establishes the viewport
AmeliaBR: so maybe generalise that rule and not make it specific to HTML, for one thing it's anything CSS-styled content that could be some other XML language who knows
BogdanBrinza: yes that's CSS context, not HTML
AmeliaBR: then if you put an <svg> inside a <foreignObject> then we can treat the <svg> has having a CSS box parent
BogdanBrinza: yes
... there's nothing special about <svg> in
<foreignObject> that we need to specify
ed: right
<paradisaeidae> Wow, had never though of such a thing: <svg> inside a <foreignObject>
AmeliaBR: the key thing is that a foreignObject creates a CSS box, and any content you put inside it that requires a CSS box layout concept of a container/parent would then use that
BogdanBrinza: I have a feeling we
discussed this in Paris for some of the other chapters,
... we talked about interactions between viewports and
containing lbocks
... I think that's the same as we're discussing right now
AmeliaBR: are you ok with rewriting this just to make a single generic description?
BogdanBrinza: I'd imagine we have
something somewhere in SVG 2?
... to point to
ed: the initial continaing block?
BogdanBrinza: how ICB maps to viewport and vice versa
ed: section 4.1
nikos: just going back, this example is pixellated in firefox
<AmeliaBR> I think this is the section Bogdan is referring to:
heycam: don't think it's an issue that needs to be in the spec
stakagi: this was an issue Chris
Little brought up
... he wanted content for technical drawings, maps. I prepared
a wiki page
... with current implementation status
... in this wiki page, in the Conformance chapter of SVG 2 I
think that there is no requirement to add normative
<AmeliaBR> Wiki page:
stakagi: but for more convenience for content creators I want to add an explanation from this wiki page
AmeliaBR: it's been an issue we
brought up a couple of times
... that people are annoyed when they translate data and come
up agains the single precision flaot numeric precision
... and for perf reasons nobody wants to require better than
single precision floats
... so it's a nice compromise to have authoring (tool) guidance
on how to deal with the limitations of the single precision
coord system
... whether that's a separate authoring guidance spec or an
appendix I don't mind
stakagi: one point, I added Conformance Criteria, the viewer must use double for CTMs, but the TM itself need only be single
heycam: is there an existing appendix where it would make sense?
AmeliaBR: maybe in Conform where we have conformance class for authoring tools?
<scribe> ACTION: stakagi to add non-normative authoring guidance about content precision to conform.html [recorded in]
<trackbot> Created ACTION-3836 - Add non-normative authoring guidance about content precision to conform.html [on Satoru Takagi - due 2016-02-12].
ed: I wanted to experiment with
this from the SVG Strokes module
... I created a simple polyfill using dash arrays to emulate
corner behaviour
... if you look at this link, which should work in any browser,
you see I've highlighted the corners using this feature
... the first polyfill version doesn't handle rounded rect
corners, which turned out to be a bit more difficult
... but the spec has noted this as an issue
... where corners should be drawn, all over the arcs?
... this does depend on path length computation methods
... but it does show a way to do a polyfill that could work
before browsers implement this
... I also went ahead and did a second demo, where you can
specify several corner lengths
shepazu: what is the shape with the rectangle with something in it?
ed: that's a polyline
... I chose not to draw corners on each side, just highlighting
the corners not the end points
shepazu: why wouldn't this work in Edge?
AmeliaBR: it's an XHR error
ed: in the second demo I use
multiple lengths for the different corners
... in the middle rect, you can see two corners have longer
... and looking at the star I used more different lengths
... so with multiple corners you repeat similarly to
shepazu: how does stroke-dashcorner array with stroke-dasharray?
Tav: [stole my question!]
ed: hopefully should be defined
in the spec
... I didn't mix in the dasharrays that might exist on elements
in this demo
... the way it's meant to work is you spread the dasharray
between the corners
... and adjust the gaps so that it looks nice, with
AmeliaBR: the way we spec it is you dash the corners first, then dash each line segment independnetly with these extra properties to make it look properly
shepazu: what it sounds a bit
like with this collection of features that it's approaching
... might be good to think about it like that
Tav: this deals with corners, what about paths? drawing a map, when you want to have intersections with 3 different regions look nice
ed: in this first simple impl,
this uses the new path api polyfill
... it provides you with getting the normalized path seg data
out from the path
... I'm just looking for lineto elements
heycam: I think something else would be needed to solve the map intersection case
ed: there are a few issues in the
Strokes spec I noted down
... one is issue 8, which says that the points at which the
dashcorner are painted include the start/end points of every
... I think we shouldn't do that
ed: another thing I noticed is
that one thing that makes it hard to polyfill is that
dasharrays start over again for new subpaths
... it's difficult to get the dasharrays positioned
... you have to break it apart into several path elements
... if the dahsarray starts over, then you can't do anything
custom for that one
AmeliaBR: as in your might need a half dash?
ed: you want a new dasharray per subpath
AmeliaBR: your polyfill will have to define every single dash in the whole path
ed: I know we decided that's the
way it works
... I think you can still break up the element if you need
heycam: pretty sure dashing works like that everywhere
AmeliaBR: if the worst we can say is that the polyfill is less performant that's ok
nikos: TPAC is in September,
Graphical Web is early November
... CSSWG is meeting in May 2nd week in US
... I feel like we're a bit constrained by Invited Experts who
might not be able to travel far/often
... so we should try to go where they are instead
shepazu: meeting with CSS is
usually productive
... I would hope that Amelia could attend in the US?
AmeliaBR: I can't make promises unless someone finds a grant for me
shepazu: Tav, could you travel in May to the US?
Tav: might be difficult
... I'll have some money, have a designated budget, but it
would exhaust it
shepazu: I think it would be
useful to have a F2F with CSS but I understand the
... do we need to schedule a F2F?
nikos: lots of us can only
dedicate time to SVG around F2Fs
... it's more a case of where and when
... so TPAC and Graphical Web are close together, a month
... we've been invited to meet at Graphical Web
Tav: that would be much more
practical for two reasons
... one, for me, the one time I attended TPAC the day and a
half we spent wasn't much
... a long way to go for 1.5 days
... two, I will probably be going to Graphical Web
... so it would be a small incremental cost to stay for a WG
nikos: I feel similarly about
... quite short, good but we tend to get more done at other
dedicated WG meetings
shepazu: I think the point of
TPAC is to coordinate with other WGs
... and if we don't find we need to coorindate with groups
other than CSS...
Rossen: I agree that meeting with
CSS is awesome, whenever we have the opportunity to do it
... the one other thing I wanted to put on the table, would we
having any specific goals in May or whenever?
... one of the specific goals we had as a WG from Linkoping,
was to come here and be ready to have CR
... we are underdelivering on that goal
... one thing reasonated with me is that nobody is putting
efforts outside of F2Fs, so if F2Fs are a forcing function for
spec writing, then I would be in favour of meeting
... as long as we can find a place and time
... but I'm trying to explore options where we can still make
progress without needing to meet F2F
shepazu: I think Rossen raises a
great point
... I think we should set a goal for May, if we thought that
we're close enough to get something done by May it might
indicate some dedicated speccing days-- we've tried to do that
in the past, it's only worked sometimes
... having weekly goals towards May
... since that's not far away
... regarding Graphical Web vs TPAC, I'm really busy at
... as much as I would like to have SVG at TPAC, pragmatically
it's not practical for me to do all my WG stuff at TPAC
nikos: a crazy idea might be to meet sooner than May
AmeliaBR: there is the April
Libre Graphics conference
... there's a chance I'll be there but can't promise
... that's London early April
... 15-18 April
Tav: I will most likely be
... Inkscape will have a hackfest before that
Rossen: if we're organising
around community engagement opportunities, it would be cool we
could brag about shipping SVG 2
... the other thing, attracting implementor interest
... if and when we're done with this CR stage, it would be
great to start talking about where we go next
... and how do we rev all the impls
... I've stated this before, as an implementor I am waiting for
this to be stable and rubber stamped before I put resources
onto this
Tav: that confuses me a little, as you're talking about modularization with CSS
Rossen: and I'm waiting for this
module to be done
... I think I made some attempts to modularize other things out
of it
... and yes I want to see what will happen with the next
Tav: you would consider implementing some of the stable parts?
Rossen: if it's in a stable SVG
2? yes
... I cannot commit on implementations/releases of products,
what I can say is: if/when the spec is stable, we'll have a lot
better chance of attracting implementation
... much easier to implement, particuarly if it's a gap,
against a stable spec that's not going to keep going
... so, when are we going to ship?
... if F2F is a forcing function, I would be in favour of
having it whenever/whereever
... but there needs to be more -- to justify the expense -- we
need more data to say that's actually going to happen
... or if we're pretty much there and just need to nail down a
few things
... which was our assumption coming here
nikos: part of the issue with this F2F is that's early in the year and with Christmas/breaks people weren't spending time on it
AmeliaBR: so the question is, if another F2F is set up in April/May, can people commit to working for the next few months to get a publication ready spec
nikos: so Text and Cooridnates need to get fixed
Tav: I would hope to get Text done in a month
nikos: so is it worth having a F2F at Libre Graphics?
AmeliaBR: if you organise it I will come
nikos: for me I could get there if it's after Libre Graphics
ed: it would be easier for me, being there
Rossen: my vote would certainly
be May since I'll be at CSS/Houdini
... could I come in April? don't know
BogdanBrinza: it would be challening for me to attend in April
nikos: one advantage to getting a
few people together, we could VC with other people if any
issues come up for discussion
... for May...
shane: 9-11 CSS, 12-13
... need to let us know as soon as possible if SVG wants to
meet there
Rossen: if the goal of meeting is
to write specs, perhaps you should go with April, the people
most involved in spec work can summit
... that's good for Erik, Tav, Amelia can maybe attend
... other option is: if we're meeting as a WG, if we need to
work on open issues, then you want a bigger quorum. seems like
May in US is a better option for that.
shepazu: a hybrid option is to have an editor's meeting at Libre Graphics and then have a F2F in May with CSS
AmeliaBR: so April will be clean everything up so in May we have a document we agree with shipping?
nikos: I could come to both, if
that's what needs to be done
... I think if we got together in London, it would be pretty
... if people could commit to telcons until then for talking
about issues, we'll have a lot of stuff ticked off to get
finished at that spec meeting
<birtles> scribenick: birtles
Rossen: SF will be busy at that time
nikos: we'll go with April and discuss May after the break
<lunch break 1h>
<nikos> AmeliaBR: we're mostly back
<heycam> ScribeNick: heycam
nikos: I think if we have a
meeting in April, and Tav, myself, Amelia and maybe Erik get
together, that would be a productive meeting
... in terms of reviewing and finishing off the spec text
... not for talking about issues
... if we meet in May it's in the US, where we're likely to
have Rossen, myself, Shane, Bogdan maybe
... if we get the spec done at the April meeting, issues will
start getting raised as we make our way through the test
... if we met in May even without the April meeting, what would
be on the agenda for May?
... so meeting later than May, to discuss issues that arose
from test writing sounds better
... so let's have the small meet in April to get the spec
finished, then plan a meet mid-year once we've had some time to
work on tests and collecting issues from that
... so something like July, don't know where though
RESOLUTION: Spec editors will meet in April adjacent to Libre Graphics, no meeting in May, organising SVG meeting July or so later.
shane: as an implementor, best
bet for getting new SVG features in browsers is to make them
... so they need to integrate well with HTML
... I don't have any specific advice, but the extent to which
SVG interopates well with HTML will affect how likely it is
these are implemented
AmeliaBR: some of these features are make SVG behave more like HTML
Tav: there are a variety of
things that already work in HTML, and we just need to make sure
they work in SVG
... like text-orientation, the font features, so we just have
to make sure when they're implemented for HTML they work in SVG
... the filter shorthands for example work in HTML in Chrome
but not in SVG
ed: that's right
Tav: so that should be low hanging fruit to pick up
shane: that might be low hanging
fruit, but there has to be demand
... if you want to think like an implementor, they're going to
be looking at what the general webdev public demands
... if there's no demand from authors then it won't be
Tav: it's a chicken and egg
... what I'm going to do, is I'll start enabling some things in
Inkscape output
nikos: we could start tracking
what features are actually implemented
... so we can get a handle on what is starting to be
Rossen: also, as an implementor,
I want something that is stable
... if it's not stable I'm not going to look atit
... when I talk to my management, they don't want to know about
SVG until there's something which you can print and you don't
have reprint many times
... it's the door-opener
... I have spoken to some other implementations that have large
adoption, and they have similar feedback
shepazu: so you're saying stabilise, then we'll pay attention
Rossen: yes, that's what I've been saying for 15 months
shepazu: because SVG is a large spec, is stabilising chapters a reasonable thing? or it has to be the whole thing?
Rossen: can we break these chapters into their own modules and say this thing is CR?
AmeliaBR: at this point that would slow things down
Rossen: it seems like the spec is
going in the right direction though
... here's a simple kind of conversation that will happen in a
company like ours
... you look at the history you see a spec that has been in
development for the last 12 years, in order to have faith in
this work you need to see the rubber stamp
... as an implementor I want to go and do that work, but can't,
because I'm resource bound
... when someone looks at a spec that has been going on for
that long, how do they know it's not going to keep going for
another 13 years?
... that the message this WG must be able to send, to say it's
... to say it's stable and ready for implementation
... it's just this really long timeline that is holding us
... we did the same thing with CSS, at least in IE
... until 2.1 was stable there wasn't a good reason to go and
implement it
alex: from Chrome's PoV, my
experience in SVG and standards I agree with Rossen
... with the 1.2T timeframe, JSR226, there are other standards
bodies that want a stable spec before looking at it
... from Chrome's impl PoV it's irrelevant, but from a
standards PoV yes
birtles: I think what I'd be interested in is if SVG 2 feels like a lot, if there were some sort of subsets of low hanging fruit or things other implementors agreed or community votes, smaller packages of work available, that might be an easier sell
Rossen: but this is what CR is for
birtles: not talking about the
... we hate html5tests, it just counts the number of APIs you
implement, but if you have things like that it's a package of
work to say it's a goal to get this to pass
... saying the goal is "SVG 2" is a big sell
alex: I think the point of W3C process, CR is the thing to get things out the door
birtles: nothing to do with standardisation, I'm saying if someone else as an independent effort to say we think these 3 features are the most important ones out of SVG 2, we're going to make up a matrix...
Rossen: sure, but at this point
how do you know these will be the same features by the time the
spec is in CR?
... there's a Rec process for a reason
... so going out there and saying that you know these features
are going to be the way they are...
... there is a formalised standardisation process which serves
at least one thing that's good, which is "this is a stable
birtles: I'm just saying, as an implementor something that would be helpful is, after CR, to narrow the scope of what we do first
Rossen: prioritisation?
birtles: yes
... trying to say "lets do all of SVG 2" is an overwhelmingly
big task
... if someone wants to prioitise and agree on how to
prioritise that's an easier sell
Rossen: then you get into 80/20 problem
<Zakim> AmeliaBR, you wanted to recast discussion: which parts of the spec are stable enough to start building tests?
AmeliaBR: these all sound like
good points, and I think Rossen has clearly argued that it's no
use asking for impls until we get the rubber stamp
... but for our own purposes, we can still start breaking
things down into individual components as Brian was saying,
certain things are going to be different priority for
... and the other thing is testing
... even if some of us are still rewriting the Text chapter, if
another chapter is stable and people have time to write tests
they can move ahead with that
... and so that from that perspective it's still useful to have
a matrix of our own to keep track of which new features have
been introduced and we're confident it's not going to
nikos: the other topic is marking
features at risk for CR
... i don't really know the process for that sort of thing
alex: I think you just get implementor feedback about what things are likely to be implemented
shepazu: we mark features at risk
if we feel they're not going to be implemented
... with the new process, going back to CR which used to be
more painful, is streamlined
... so Process2015 streamlines with how you iterate on a
... It hink we should be resonbile without we try to portray
... it's not as useful to identify these at risk features
before CR now with the new process
BogdanBrinza: I might repeat
Rossen's view in a pragmatic way
... there have been features implemented in other browsers,
Inkscape; we'll gladly implement things we feel we need to
... features that are being used out there
... support in other browsers is great, and it shows the
... we're #3 or #4 browser now, so we're under no pressure to
... we will show our interest and implement things we have
nikos: at the April editor's
meeting we can enumerate all the SVG 2 feature, as a basis for
tracking implementation, what needs tests, and as a
communication tool with implementors
... for now let's just get the text in coords/text chapters
nikos: the question was raised by
chromium folks, about whether SVGZoomEvent is needed
... whether anyone uses it
... it wasn't clear to them from reading the spec how it should
... when currentScale changes the event should be fired, I
... there was some history with Opera Presto which had a
control to scale SVG content within the page
ed: apparently SVGZoomEvent
doesn't work in Chrome
... so I think they're looking to see whether they can drop
... not sure if people are trying to dependent on this
BogdanBrinza: are there use counters?
nikos: no mention of them
<paradisaeidae> Please don't drop SVGZoomEvent
AmeliaBR: I suspect it's very
poorly used just because there no active implementations right
now have user controlled pan and zoom options
... so I'm not sure whether anybody fires this event for pinch
zoom etc.
... so it's certainly an edge case
<paradisaeidae> Use counters are not potentialUseContersWhenUseIsUnderstoodCounters
Rossen: was the zoom event raised on user zoom or pinch zoom?
AmeliaBR: SVG used to have zoomAndPan, which users coul use to zoom in/out
<paradisaeidae> This is an area I did not have time to put to the panel last night.
AmeliaBR: and then authors could listen to this event to respond to these zooms
Rossen: you say there's interactivity where the user is interacting with SVG content, based on which other SVG content...
AmeliaBR: the idea was the
browser would show zoom UI
... but nobody does that
... (since Opera Presto was dropped)
Rossen: today we're hiding the interaction between pinch zooming and viewport more and more
<paradisaeidae> SVGZoomEvent can signal the level of detail to be rendered.
Rossen: so that you can implement efficient zooming in the GPU
shepazu: there's a difference between optical zoom and functional zoom. we're not talking about making the thing bigger, talking about drilling down into more details
Rossen: these things work well
today in response to touch events, etc.
... zooming is a user instantiated action which is controlled
on the app layer most of the time
... in that case, you know how your application should
... there's no reason to have another event to say the user did
a pinch gesture
... this is your app, you know what that gesture means
... without needing another event which means your
... what Amelia said makes sense, if the browser was allowing
zoom in a script-undetectable way, then it makes sense
<paradisaeidae> is pinch the only way zooming can be signalled?
shepazu: there's any number of
ways users can initiate these things
... however they did it, it's like an INDIE UI thing
... letting the page know that the user zoomed, the page
Rossen: if this is the case, why doesn't HTML have the same thing?
shepazu: the kinds of apps you build with HTML are different
Rossen: we have a semantic zoom
to say you can double tap to different menus, categories,
different levels of HTML layers
... nothing to do with CSS
... so I'm questioning the need for the necessity for this
alex: should put a use counter on it
<stakagi> Regardless of SVG, the event about zoom on web browsers is made confused.
nikos: according to the bug it's not implemented but it can be feature detected
AmeliaBR: it was implemented in
the Adobe viewer which had those controls
... I would argue against what some of what Rossen said, I'd
love to see a semantic zoom event
... the user did an input which normally means zoom on their
system, but I don't see the use of having an SVG specific
BogdanBrinza: looking at Chromium source it's declared but not used
nikos: sounds like there might be good use cases for this but it's not specced properly
AmeliaBR: we could for wording tie it into the znp control wording
nikos: sounds like this could be removed and looked at in a wholistic way later on
shepazu: just noting that INDIE UI hasn't been updated in a year or so, they seem to have something called zoomrequest but dropped in interest of spec speed
RESOLUTION: Remove SVGZoomEvent from SVG 2.
<nikos> scribenick: nikos
Tav: The spec right now uses
... It doesn't really match the CSS concept of
... which is to specify a region that an object is shrunk
Rossen: Here's a scenario: you
have a text element. The number one thing you want to do is say
wrap this text inside a shape (e.g. circle)
... and here are two or three other shapes, that if they
intercept with the shape inside, they subtract geometry from
the shape
... a nice term for describing this might be shape-subtract, or
... shape-subtract further changes the shape specified fro
shape-inside if there's an intersection
<ed> BogdanBrinza, heycam: do you both agree with suggestion not to list events from DOM Events / HTML?
Rossen: shape-outside was
confusing and the wrong thing to use because of it's ability to
change the geometry of the shape that is used for the exclusion
(as opposed to the shape that is rendered)
... we can use shape-outside in SVG 2 in the future but we have
to use it for the exact same purpose as in CSS, and that's not
the case with the current description of shape-outside
RESOLUTION: Rename shape-outside to shape-subtract to reflect that the way it is specified is different than shape-outside in CSS.
This is scribe.perl Revision: 1.144 of Date: 2015/11/17 08:39:34 Check for newer version at Guessing input format: RRSAgent_Text_Format (score 1.00) Succeeded: s/... there are/AmeliaBR: there are/ Succeeded: s/people are ignored/people are annoyed/ Succeeded: s/?// Found ScribeNick: heycam Found ScribeNick: birtles Found ScribeNick: heycam Found ScribeNick: nikos Inferring Scribes: heycam, birtles, nikos Scribes: heycam, birtles, nikos ScribeNicks: heycam, birtles, nikos WARNING: No "Present: ... " found! Possibly Present: AmeliaBR BogdanBrinza Rossen Tav alex birtles ed heycam https nikos paradisaeidae scribenick shane shepazu stakagi trackbot You can indicate people for the Present list like this: <dbooth> Present: dbooth jonathan mary <dbooth> Present+ amy WARNING: No meeting title found! You should specify the meeting title like this: <dbooth> Meeting: Weekly Baking Club Meeting WARNING: No meeting chair found! You should specify the meeting chair like this: <dbooth> Chair: dbooth Got date from IRC log name: 05 Feb 2016 Guessing minutes URL: People with action items: stakagi[End of scribe.perl diagnostic output]