
From W3C Wiki

Tracking Protection Working Group

Info on the Tracking Protection Working Group is maintained on the group home page. The group uses this wiki for collecting certain quickly-changing resources; participants should feel free to make changes to help the group as a whole.

You can also see a list of past background memos and an ongoing list of editorial corrections, collected on the wiki.

Current work items:

Important dates

Change proposals

Change proposals currently under discussion

PHASES to resolve issues:
M0 (announcement): Initial call for change proposals; All change proposals should be drafted
M1 (discussion): Initial change proposals have been submitted; Discussion on change proposals; Call for final list of change proposals
M2 (discussion): List of change proposals is frozen; Discussion whether clear consensus emerges for one change proposal
M3 (announcement): Call for objections to validate / determine consensus
M5 (deadline): Deadline for inputs to call for objections (2 weeks after M3); Analysis starts
M7 (announcement): Results are announced

Change proposals under Call for Objections

List of all change proposals

Resolved change proposals