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Community & Business Groups

XForms Users Community Group

A group for XForms users to discuss the use of XForms and propose changes and additions to the markup.

Group's public email, repo and wiki activity over time

Note: Community Groups are proposed and run by the community. Although W3C hosts these conversations, the groups do not necessarily represent the views of the W3C Membership or staff.

Chairs, when logged in, may publish draft and final reports. Please see report requirements.

XForms Users Community Group

This group gives us a number of resources:

  1. A wiki.
  2. An irc channel [irc://] If you don’t have an IRC user agent, you can always use .
  3. Mailing lists ( and

You are encouraged to join: note that you don’t have to be a member of W3C to join, but you do have to agree to an IPR statement.

The initial aims of the group are:

  1. To encourage users of XForms to bring their discussions here, for discussion of techniques, usage, and suggestions to improvements and additions to the language.
  2. Allow people to contribute to the XForms test suite.
  3. Allow people to maintain the list of implementations.
  4. Allow the XForms Working Group to give updates on XForms 2.
  5. Move the XForms+HTML Note/Rec document over to xformsusers to incubate it.

This last is a note documenting how you combine XForms with (X)HTML; it will be converted to wiki markup and put on the Community Group’s wiki, allowing group members to contribute to it.

This is of course only an initial list of aims, brainstormed by the Working Group. It is up to the Users Group to further develop this list.

Currently the group has no chair. The group will decide on a chair once it has reached sufficient size.

For more information about Community Groups, see Community and Business Groups.