Web Science Education Workshop at ACM Web Science 2014 – Indiana University
Posted on:The Annual International Web Science Education Workshop will take place on the 23rd of June 2014 at Indiana University (Bloomington,USA) on the first day of the ACM Web Science Conference 2014.

This workshop will allow participants to present experiences, good practices and ideas.
A program committee will review 2 pages proposals and 2 pages position papers.
Accepted proposals and papers will be presented in 5 minutes oral presentations during the workshop.
The first goal of this workshop is to bring together researchers and members of the Web community involved in Web education: teachers, tutors, program coordinators, content designers and students, to have them present their programs, their courses, their teaching material and their experience with Web Science education.
The second goal is the creation and design of a collaborative platform to manage information, resources, teacher’s training, exchange of students or teachers, events, etc.
The third goal is to have this community share experiences and needs in the following directions:
- Explaining key learning outcomes, students profiles in WS education
- Program design (link with the professional environment)
- Trans-disciplinary teaching techniques and praxis
- Evaluation
- Cooperation and exchange (Activities / Students / Teachers)
- Teaching content design / resources sharing platforms
This workshop is organised by:
- Hans AKKERMANS, VU Amsterdam, Holland
- Stéphane B. BAZAN, Université Saint-Joseph de Beyrouth, Lebanon
- Susan HALFORD, University of Southampton, UK
- Clare HOOPER, University of Southampton, UK
- Steffen STAAB, Koblenz University, Germany
- Michalis VAFOPOULOS, National Technical University of Athens, Greece
- Mark WEAL, University of Southampton, UK
- Su WHITE, University of Southampton, UK
For more information:
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