How to contribute
Posted on:If you want to contribute to this community group, follow these steps:
Sign up for a public account:
- Go to the Public Account Request Form page. This step is quite easy: you just enter a first name (Given name), last name (Family name), and contact e-mail address, then submit the form with the “Create account” button.
- You may be required to state your company affiliation – if it is not in the list of companies you can choose from, then you’ll have to specify a new company and give some details like size of organization. This is only required to allow the W3C to make checks on intellectual property rights for any information you may submit. You will not be required to pay anything or provide anything else to be able to sign up and take part in the community groups! Ignore the stuff about membership fees
- The next screen asks you for a confirmation number – you should be sent this at the e-mail address you supplied in the previous step. You need to use it within seven days.
- You will now have to wait for the W3C to process your application. Once this is done, you’ll get an e-mail to give you your user name and password. Please change your password at the earliest convenience, using the link supplied in the e-mail.
Now you have your account, make sure you are logged in to the community group page (see the relevant link up the top). You should now be able to sign up to the group using the “Join this Group” button on this page.
Get involved with one or more of the above projects – to do so, visit their pages, liked in the right hand sidebar, where you can find out more about their activities, members and contact points. If you want to join a project, let the co-chairs know via the public-webed mailing list, and we’ll add you to the group.
Feel free to suggest improvements, updates to existing activities, and new activities: the best place to do this is the public-webed mailing list.
You can also discuss things with other members in the Web Education CG IRC channel: irc:// We will make sure the room has someone in it for as much of the time as possible.
To look at and update current and past project activities, and jot down ideas, you can go to the Web Education CG Wiki. Feel free to jot ideas down about activities you’d like to see us do, in the Ideas playground section.