TouristAttraction extension proposal
Posted on:Hi all,
one of my students, Elisabetta Triolo, is working on a proposal of a host extension for the TouristAttraction class of
She studied the structure of some important tourism platforms such as TripAdvisor, ParisInfo, Gogobot, and she tried to define what a tourist attraction is, by reading information and publications such as the Wikipedia definition, the Lorenzo Canova’s study of attractions, Lucia Varra’s article about tourist destination.
The whole extension has been published here.
In addition, an owl version of the extension is available here and it’s possible to find an explanation of the project here.
It’s important for us to have feedback from the community, in order to improve the structure of the class and its subclasses, and, hopefully, add this as an host extension of the project.
Thanks in advance for your attention,
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