ShEx 2.0 Candidate Release
Posted on:The ShEx Community Group would like to invite public review of three deliverables:
- Shape Expressions (ShEx) Primer
- Shape Expressions Language 2.0
- Shape Expressions Test Suite including:
- 337 schemas in three representations:
- ShExC: compact syntax
- ShExJ: JSON-LD 1.0 syntax
- ShExR: Turtle syntax
- 927 validation tests.
- 101 ShExC negative syntax tests
- 7 negative structure tests.
- 337 schemas in three representations:
The test suite has a Implementation Report including 4 of the 5 implementations:
For feature requests please note the features in the 2.1 milestone:
Many of these have been implemented and tested but are not in this version of the specification. We invite feedback from the community on issues with the documents or tests, new feature prioritization and new feature use cases.
Comments are welcome on the ShEx Community Group mailing list (archived):
Readers may also wish to join the ShEx Community Group:
- Andra Waagmeester
- Dimitris Kontokostas
- Eric Prud’hommeaux
- Gregg Kellogg
- Harold Solbrig
- Iovka Boneva
- Jose Emilio
- Labra Gayo
- Karen Coyle
- Katherine Thornton
- Tom Baker