August 28th, 2015 Conference agenda
Posted on:Friday , August 28, 2015 at 4.00pm GMT (11.00am Boston Time).
Meeting duration: 45 mins ± 5 min
- Start
- Participants introduction (30 seconds each one)
- Pick a scribe (volunteer –if no, pick one randomly)
- Presenting tools and materials: Please first read, edit or share your criticism on mailing list about the section 2.2:Commitments and requirementsand section 2.3:Domestic standards of procedures
- The meeting
- Short introduction of ScheMed CG
- Domestic standards of procedures (approval by consensus -Count objections)
- Commitments and requirements (approval by consensus -Count objections)
- ScheMed concepts mappings
- Vocabulary format
- Vocabulary content
- Agnostic about clinical information models
- Current version of proposal: content discussions
Note: Please read it first at the Github repository -.rdfa files so we can be at the same line- SWOT analysis
- urgent editions
- coming editions
- future plan
- Coming meetings
- Task planning
You are free to add/suggest any other agenda item until Wednesday 26th, 2015 at 00.00am GMT; Final agenda will be then share thereafter.