First online meeting – Tuesday, October 4th, 1pm (GMT+2 , Berlin time zone)
Posted on:Dear all,
according to the doodle poll we will have our first telco on Tuesday, October 4th, 1pm (GMT+2 , Berlin time zone).
Please use the following gotomeeting link: . Notes can be taken here:
Topics include but can be extended:
- Should we adapt the charter in terms of goals, meeting times?
- Which efforts will be done towards the first milestones? Who wants to participate?
- Milestone 1 (Q4/2016)
- Draft for a first test suite including various datasets as well as benchmark queries
- Draft for a first specification of benchmarking methods
- Collection of existing interfaces for NLI systems on the Web
- Milestone 2 (Q2/2017)
- Requirements for NLI Benchmarks
- First test suite including various datasets as well as benchmark queries
- First specification of benchmarking methods
- Draft for best practices for publishing natural language interfaces (and modules) on the web which unifies different approaches
- Milestone 1 (Q4/2016)
Best regards,