Co-chair meeting minutes: October 10, 2024
Posted on:MNX
Adrian has updated pull request #355, which is the proposal for how lyrics should be encoded. The change to use a dedicated user-defined key for the lyrics object was more involved, because it required changes to the doc generator tool as well in order to generate the specification and the JSON schema.
Having decided in the last co-chairs’ meeting that we would rename the originally proposed continue object to hyphen, after discussing the issue of Korean text raised by Samuel Bradshaw, we have decided to switch to an enumeration called type with values whole, start, middle, and end, defaulting to whole.
We also discussed renaming lyricLine, which is currently used to identify the individual row of lyrics belonging to an event: we want to use lyricLine to identify the whole line of lyrics, and propose that the existing lyricLine should be renamed eventLyricLine, making clear that it belongs to the lyrics local to that event.
We spent a bit of time discussing some of the notations that are often represented using lyrics in existing music notation software (for example, percussion sticking, harmonic analysis, figured bass, or even chant notation) and how these should be encoded in MNX. We had the idea of creating a kind of “kitchen sink” for rows of note-attached text to accommodate these kinds of use cases in the (short- to medium-term) absence of dedicated MNX encodings for these features. We would be interested to hear from the community about this issue, so Adrian will create a discussion on GitHub for feedback.
After we have completed this initial step of encoding lyrics, we’ll move on to lyric metadata, for example, whether a line of lyrics represents verse, chorus, translation, etc. Adrian will prepare a proposal for this after this pull request has been merged.
Next meeting
The next co-chairs’ meeting will be on Thursday 24 October 2024.