WG WoT Discovery WebConf/2020
Agendas from 2020
7 December 2020
Scribe: Farshid
- Minutes
- Scheduling
- Issues and PRs
30 November 2020
Scribe: Christian
- Minutes
- Scheduling
- Issues and PRs
23 November 2020
Scribe: Kaz
- Minutes
- Scheduling/Cancellations
- Issues and PRs
- Planning Next Steps
16 November 2020
Scribe: Andrea
- Minutes
- Planning Next Steps
- Issues and PRs
9 November 2020
Scribe: Farshid
- Minutes
- Planning Next Steps
- ??
- Issues and PRs
26 October 2020
Note: not a discovery meeting, but a breakout prep meeting. Minutes will be reviewed in main call.
- Breakout preparation
- Logistics
- Demo videos
- Demo scenarios
12 October 2020
Scribe: Christian Glomb
- Guest
- Christian Kurze, MongoDB
- Jack Dickinson, Conexxus
- Minutes
- TPAC Prep
- FPWD Updates
- Plugfest recap
- Issues and PRs
28 September 2020
Scribe: Cristiano
- Minutes
- Updates
- Plugfest activity
21 September 2020
Scribe: Andrea
14 September 2020
Scribe: Cristiano
Regrets: Christian_Glomb
- Minutes
- TPAC vF2F Planning
- Joint meeting agenda items: DID, Privacy, JSON-LD
- Directory security requirements
- Review PRs
- Review Issues
7 September 2020
Scribe: Kaz
- Minutes
- 17 Aug 2020 (not reviewed on Aug 24 or 31)
- 31 Aug 2020
- TPAC vF2F Planning
- Joint meeting agenda items: DID, Privacy, JSON-LD
- Schedule discussion for FPWD
- Review PRs
- Review Issues
31 August 2020
Scribe: Farshid
- Minutes
- Security and TD Issues
- Review PRs
- Review Issues
- TPAC Planning
- vF2F timeslot reservation
- Joint meeting agendas
- Plugfest plans
24 August 2020
Scribe: Christian Glomb
Regrets: Farshid
- Guests
- Christian Kurze
- Minutes
- Security and TD Issues
- Review PRs
- Review Issues
- Use case review
- Discovery Use Case (PR)
- Directories for TD Models
- Discovery Use Case (PR)
17 August 2020
Scribe: Farshid/Zoltan
- Minutes
- Review PRs
- Issues
- Use case review
- Discovery Use Case (PR)
- Directories for TD Models (previously known as TD Templates)?
- Discovery Use Case (PR)
10 August 2020
Scribe: Andrea
- Guests
- Christian Kurze
- Minutes
- MongoDB
- Review progress on draft
- Use case review
- Directories for TDTs
- PRs and issues
3 August 2020
Scribe: Daniel
Regrets: Christian
- Minutes
- Review progress on draft
27 July 2020
Scribe: David
Regrets: Christian
- Guests
- Christian Kurze
- Minutes
- Draft outline
- Publishing schedule update
- RDF Summaries
- Protocol to distinguish Directory from Thing
- Directory levels, query levels (profiles), JSONPath/XPath standardization...
- Use cases
- Discovery - wot-usecases PR 33
- Vertical connections: Retail, Smart City, Smart Home...
- Edge Computing - wot-usecases PR 31
- Discovery - wot-usecases PR 33
20 July 2020
Scribe: Cristiano
- Minutes
- Draft outline
13 July 2020
- Scribe: Farshid
- Minutes
- PRs
- Use cases
6 July 2020
- Scribe: Andrea Cimmino
- Minutes
- New requirements/discussion points from F2F
- Untyped introductions
- Links in directories
- UPnP as introduction
- Acronym for Thing (Description) Directory; "TD" is no good
- Proof chaining
- Define purpose(s) of TTL; protocol-specific requirements
- Streaming (for delivering large TDs from directories...)
- Local vs. global IDs
- OpenID
- New requirements/discussion points from Plugfest
- IDs from TDs troublesome as primary keys since they are optional
- JSON Path implementation incompleteness problem; XPath
- DNS-SD service types
- Issues
- PRs
- IETF Discovery Liaison
- Need to review IETF RFCs and drafts
- Manifests, etc.
29 June 2020
Cancelled - post F2F rest week.
22 June 2020
Cancelled. Regular schedule replaced with (virtual) F2F schedule.
15 June 2020
During the WoT Plugfest, but we need to meet (during the regular time) to finalize F2F presentation material.
- Guests
- F2F Planning
- Presentation planning
8 June 2020
Cancelled due to conflict with T2TRG/WoT Joint Workshop.
1 June 2020
- Guests
- Minutes
- F2F Planning
- PRs and issues
- Design document
25 May 2020
- Minutes
- Review PRs and Issues
- Review requirements document
- Discuss how to capture "design decisions" (resolutions) and alternatives
- https://github.com/w3c/wot-discovery/blob/master/design.md
- Additional resolutions needed for
- Use of HTTP for directory services
- Use of JSON-LD 1.1 to encode results from directory services
- Allow directories to return more than one result
- Part-of-TD return values allowed for each result
- Pagination at result granularity (up to full TD)
- Allow use of JWT for directory service authentication
- API for directory service will be described with a TD (version "next" as needed)
- For discussion
- Allow use of OAuth2 (flow TBD) for directory service authentication
- Allow use of WebID (certificate rather a token; would need "cert" scheme) for directory service authentication
- Use of out-of-band information model (avoid modification of TDs in case of signed TDs) for timestamps, etc.
- Query support (and format? Perhaps can just start with desired capabilities)
- Name/type registrations: DID link types, DHCP records, DNS-SD types, etc. for both devices and directories
- Kinds of directory services: fixed (.well-known), basic (keyword query, eg JSONPath/XPath), advanced (SPARQL).
- Other?
- When/how should we get started on a draft index.html
- Outline
- Editors
- https://w3c.github.io/manual-of-style/
- Schedule...
- Explainer
- Do this in parallel with the index.html?
18 May 2020
Cancelled due to conflict with AC meeting.
11 May 2020
- Guests
- Cristiano Aguzzi
- Minutes
- Review PRs
- Fujitsu's directory implementation
- UPM's use case - distributed directories for campus services
- Propose resolution about pagination
- Information model for "extra" data in directory
- Review requirements document
- https://github.com/w3c/wot-discovery/blob/master/requirements.md
- Discuss how to capture "design decisions" and alternatives
- Resolutions on two-phase approach, directories?
4 May 2020
- Minutes
- TD Template/Partial TD/"Part of TD" support
- TTL Support
- Multiple results
- Is there a standard we can adopt?
- In general need some way to avoid huge results...
- https://github.com/w3c/wot-discovery/issues/16
- Compare and contrast query/filter approaches
- Use case review
27 Apr 2020
- Minutes
- LinkSmart (WoT Thing Directory Implementation) Discussion Continuation
- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/wiki/linksmart/thing-directory/presentations/thing-directory-wot-call-2020-4-15.pdf
- Questions here... https://www.w3.org/2020/04/15-wot-minutes.html; summary: use case, meta-data, edgeX integration (and integration with other stacks...), ttl, validation with semantic extensions, notification of TD updates, search/filtering mechanism, partial TDs, dids, links for metadata
- TTL: https://github.com/w3c/wot-discovery/issues/18
- Queries: https://github.com/w3c/wot-discovery/issues/17
- Capture "Smart Building Energy Efficiency" Use case: https://github.com/w3c/wot-architecture/issues/481
- WoT Directories returning Partial TDs
- See resolution in 06 Apr 2020 minutes; should it be extended?
- Other PRs and Issues
20 Apr 2020
- Guests
- Bosch, Kevin Olotu
- New Members
- Fraunhofer, Shreekantha Devasya, Farshid Tavakolizadeh
- Minutes
- LinkSmart (WoT Thing Directory Implementation) Discussion Continuation
- WoT Directories returning Partial TDs
- See resolution in prev minutes; should it be extended?
- PRs and Issues
13 Apr 2020
- Cancelled - Easter Monday
6 Apr 2020
- Guests
- Bosch, Kevin Olotu
- Minutes
- Meeting Schedule
- Easter Monday
- PRs and Issues
30 Mar 2020
- Guests
- Bosch, Kevin Olotu
- Minutes
- PRs and Issues
23 Mar 2020
- Minutes
- (No call March 9)
- 16 Mar 2020 - Virtual F2F
- Continue discussion on Vorto repository and WoT TDs (with Kevin Olotu, Bosch)
- Vorto presentation from Virtual F2F
- Continue discussion of Conexxus/EdgeX PoC
- Conexxus/EdgeX presentation from Virtual F2F
- Discuss Two-Phase proposal
- PRs and Issues
16 Mar 2020
- Guests
- Introduction: Kevin Olotu, Bosch
- Virtual F2F Meeting
9 Mar 2020
- Minutes
- Directories and Queries
- Victor Charpenay - invite to discuss past WoT work
- Location semantics?
- Issues and PRs
2 Mar 2020
- Minutes
- Semantic Discovery (Koster)
- One Data Model, Semantic Discovery
- Discovery in Scripting API (Zoltan)
- Comparison to/integration with two-phase proposal
- Use Cases - Brainstorming
- Virtual F2F Planning
- Issues and PRs
24 Feb 2020
- Minutes
- Repo reorg
- Issues and PRs
- Review of DID
- Discovery in Scripting API (Zoltan)
- Semantic Discovery (Koster)
- One Data Model, Semantic Discovery
- Use Cases - Brainstorming
17 Feb 2020
- Minutes
- Ongoing org
- Discovery_TF wiki page
- Is older material (2015) but should be incorporated into current discussion
- Issues and PRs
- Review of DID
- Registries and resolution
- Use Cases - Brainstorming
10 Feb 2020
- IP Policy review for guests
- Organizational logistics
- Planning
- Create wot-discovery repo
- Moving existing proposal and backgrounder to wot-discovery repo
- Use Cases
- Other actions
- Upcoming events
- W3C Web and Networks presentation on edge computing Feb 13
- T2TRG Workshop on Friday March 20 prior to IETF
- Helsinki Workshop and F2F in June
- https://www.w3.org/WoT/IG/wiki/F2F_meeting,_6-11_June_2020,_Helsinki
- T2TRG/WoT will be on Monday June 8