This is an archived snapshot of W3C's public bugzilla bug tracker, decommissioned in April 2019. Please see the home page for more details.

This archived bug list includes all the bugs for the product or component specified, including bugs that have been resolved.

Mon Apr 1 2019 18:02:52 UTC
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167 bugs found.
ID Product Comp Assignee Status Resolution Summary Opened Changed
1249 XPath / XQuery 1 chamberl CLOS WORK [XQuery] Is it too restrictive to only allow last path step to return atomic values? 2005-04-14 2005-04-18
1250 XPath / XQuery 1 chamberl CLOS WORK [XQuery] the typed value of a document node 2005-04-14 2005-05-05
1261 XPath / XQuery 1 chamberl CLOS LATE [XQuery] Meta type for Sequence Type 2005-04-20 2005-05-04
1262 XPath / XQuery 1 chamberl CLOS FIXE Typed value of empty element constructor: 2005-04-20 2005-05-04
1270 XPath / XQuery 1 chamberl CLOS FIXE "omit-xml-declaration" should be implementation-defined 2005-04-25 2005-05-04
1272 XPath / XQuery 1 chamberl CLOS WORK 3.7.4 In-scope Namespaces of a Constructed Element looks buggy 2005-04-26 2005-05-04
1282 XPath / XQuery 1 chamberl CLOS FIXE Typo in "Content", 1.e.ii.C.III 2005-05-03 2005-05-05
1283 XPath / XQuery 1 chamberl CLOS FIXE [XSLT/XQuery] Needless difference between XSLT and XQuery in base URI handling 2005-05-03 2005-06-10
1304 XPath / XQuery 1 chamberl CLOS FIXE [XQuery] Serialization parameter "version" should be implementation-defined 2005-05-04 2005-05-11
1306 XPath / XQuery 1 chamberl CLOS FIXE Construction mode preserve with copy-namespaces no-preserve 2005-05-04 2005-06-30
1307 XPath / XQuery 1 scott_boag CLOS FIXE [XQuery] Line Endings 2005-05-05 2005-09-29
1310 XPath / XQuery 1 chamberl CLOS FIXE Missing consistency constraint on global element, attribute, or type names 2005-05-07 2005-05-09
1346 XPath / XQuery 1 chamberl CLOS FIXE extraction and preservation of xml:lang 2005-05-11 2005-05-30
1347 XPath / XQuery 1 chamberl CLOS FIXE Please more non-US examples 2005-05-11 2005-05-30
1348 XPath / XQuery 1 chamberl CLOS WONT problems of serialization of atomic values by inserting spaces 2005-05-11 2005-05-30
1349 XPath / XQuery 1 chamberl CLOS FIXE not requiring CDATA is good 2005-05-11 2005-05-30
1350 XPath / XQuery 1 chamberl CLOS FIXE please change URILiteral to IRILiteral 2005-05-11 2005-06-29
1351 XPath / XQuery 1 chamberl CLOS INVA please have a feature to choose between XML 1.1 versus XML 1.0 2005-05-11 2005-06-09
1352 XPath / XQuery 1 chamberl CLOS FIXE update table which refers to the serialization spec 2005-05-11 2005-06-30
1366 XPath / XQuery 1 chamberl CLOS FIXE [XQuery] some editorial comments on 1 Introduction 2005-05-11 2005-07-01
1367 XPath / XQuery 1 chamberl CLOS FIXE [XQuery] some editorial comments on 2.6 Comments 2005-05-11 2005-07-07
1368 XPath / XQuery 1 scott_boag CLOS FIXE [XQuery] some editorial comments on 3.2 Path Expressions 2005-05-11 2007-02-25
1369 XPath / XQuery 1 chamberl CLOS FIXE [XQuery] some editorial comments on 3.4 Arithmetic Expressions 2005-05-11 2005-07-01
1370 XPath / XQuery 1 chamberl CLOS FIXE [XQuery] some editorial comments on Attributes 2005-05-11 2005-07-07
1371 XPath / XQuery 1 chamberl CLOS FIXE [XQuery] some editorial comments on Content 2005-05-11 2005-07-07
1372 XPath / XQuery 1 chamberl CLOS FIXE [XQuery] some editorial comments on Boundary Whitespace 2005-05-11 2005-07-08
1373 XPath / XQuery 1 scott_boag CLOS FIXE [XQuery] some editorial comments on A.1 EBNF (productions) 2005-05-11 2005-09-29
1374 XPath / XQuery 1 scott_boag CLOS FIXE [XQuery] some editorial comments on A.1 EBNF (notation) 2005-05-11 2005-09-29
1375 XPath / XQuery 1 scott_boag CLOS FIXE [XQuery] some editorial comments on A.1.1 Grammar Notes (general) 2005-05-11 2005-09-29
1376 XPath / XQuery 1 scott_boag CLOS FIXE [XQuery] some editorial comments on A.1.1 grammar-note: parens 2005-05-11 2007-02-25
1377 XPath / XQuery 1 scott_boag CLOS FIXE [XQuery] some editorial comments on A.1.1 grammar-note: lt 2005-05-11 2005-09-29
1378 XPath / XQuery 1 scott_boag CLOS FIXE [XQuery] some editorial comments on A.1.1 grammar-note: leading-lone-slash 2005-05-11 2007-02-25
1379 XPath / XQuery 1 scott_boag CLOS FIXE [XQuery] some editorial comments on A.1.1 grammar-note: comments 2005-05-11 2007-02-25
1380 XPath / XQuery 1 scott_boag CLOS FIXE [XQuery] some editorial comments on A.1.1 grammar-note: xml-version 2005-05-11 2005-09-29
1381 XPath / XQuery 1 scott_boag CLOS FIXE [XQuery] some editorial comments on A.1.1 grammar-note: reserved-function-names 2005-05-11 2007-02-25
1382 XPath / XQuery 1 scott_boag CLOS FIXE [XQuery] some editorial comments on A.1.1 grammar-note: occurrence-indicators 2005-05-11 2007-02-25
1383 XPath / XQuery 1 scott_boag CLOS FIXE [XQuery] some editorial comments on A.2 Lexical structure 2005-05-11 2007-02-25
1384 XPath / XQuery 1 scott_boag CLOS FIXE [XQuery] some editorial comments on A.2.1 Terminal Types 2005-05-11 2005-09-29
1385 XPath / XQuery 1 scott_boag CLOS FIXE [XQuery] some editorial comments on A.2.2.1 Default Whitespace Handling 2005-05-11 2007-02-25
1386 XPath / XQuery 1 scott_boag CLOS FIXE [XQuery] some editorial comments on A.2.2.2 Explicit Whitespace Handling 2005-05-11 2007-02-25
1387 XPath / XQuery 1 scott_boag CLOS FIXE [XQuery] some editorial comments on A.2.3 Comments 2005-05-11 2007-02-25
1388 XPath / XQuery 1 scott_boag CLOS FIXE [XQuery] some editorial comments on A.3 Reserved Function Names 2005-05-11 2007-02-25
1389 XPath / XQuery 1 scott_boag CLOS FIXE [XQuery] some editorial comments on A.4 Precedence Order 2005-05-11 2005-09-29
1390 XPath / XQuery 1 scott_boag CLOS INVA [XQuery] suggested alternate wording for A.2 and some A.1.1 2005-05-11 2005-09-29
1395 XPath / XQuery 1 chamberl CLOS FIXE [XQuery] Empty order specification applies to NaN too? 2005-05-12 2005-05-18
1396 XPath / XQuery 1 chamberl CLOS FIXE [XQuery] Appropriatness of XPDY0050 for paths starting with / and // 2005-05-12 2005-05-18
1412 XPath / XQuery 1 scott_boag CLOS INVA [XQuery] Grammar: Allowing comments between $ and QName 2005-05-13 2005-09-29
1414 XPath / XQuery 1 chamberl CLOS WONT [XQuery] Semantics: Treatment of untyped values with value comparisons 2005-05-13 2005-09-29
1416 XPath / XQuery 1 chamberl CLOS FIXE [XQuery] Specification of XQuery encoding in prolog 2005-05-13 2005-06-10
1417 XPath / XQuery 1 chamberl CLOS FIXE [XQuery] Grammar: void() and empty() 2005-05-13 2005-06-11
1446 XPath / XQuery 1 chamberl CLOS WONT [XQuery] Editorial: boundary whitespace example 2005-05-14 2005-06-30
1447 XPath / XQuery 1 chamberl CLOS FIXE [XQuery] strip construction and is-id on attributes 2005-05-14 2005-06-10
1448 XPath / XQuery 1 scott_boag CLOS FIXE [XQuery] Grammar: Longest token vs delimiting terminal 2005-05-14 2007-02-25
1449 XPath / XQuery 1 chamberl CLOS WONT Shuld 'to' be reseved? 2005-05-15 2005-07-01
1450 XPath / XQuery 1 chamberl CLOS FIXE [XQuery] IETF MIME Internet Type (media type) appendix comments 2005-05-16 2005-09-29
1451 XPath / XQuery 1 chamberl CLOS WONT [XQuery]: Optional indicator in direct element and attribute constructors 2005-05-16 2005-09-29
1452 XPath / XQuery 1 chamberl CLOS WONT [XQuery]: "deterministic" indicator for external functions 2005-05-16 2005-09-29
1458 XPath / XQuery 1 chamberl CLOS DUPL XQST0082 should be a dynamic error not a static error 2005-05-17 2005-07-28
1465 XPath / XQuery 1 chamberl CLOS FIXE Security conditions in App. I 6 2005-05-18 2005-06-08
1489 XPath / XQuery 1 chamberl CLOS FIXE Missing overflow/underflow/truncation rules for literals 2005-05-31 2005-07-21
1494 XPath / XQuery 1 chamberl CLOS FIXE [XQuery] encoding names 2005-06-14 2005-08-29
1626 XPath / XQuery 1 chamberl CLOS FIXE [XQuery] editorial: Content: handling boundary whitespace 2005-07-15 2005-07-20
1665 XPath / XQuery 1 chamberl CLOS INVA user-defined tree navigation primitives 2005-07-16 2005-09-29
1848 XPath / XQuery 1 chamberl CLOS FIXE [XQuery] Module Imports 2005-08-16 2005-08-31
1857 XPath / XQuery 1 chamberl CLOS FIXE [XQuery] attribute xmlns:p {"uri"} isn't an error 2005-08-18 2005-08-31
1861 XPath / XQuery 1 chamberl CLOS FIXE [Xquery] Text node constructors: parent property 2005-08-19 2005-09-14
1928 XPath / XQuery 1 chamberl CLOS WONT [XQuery] Recursive imports and fowards references 2005-08-31 2005-09-30
1998 XPath / XQuery 1 chamberl CLOS FIXE Inconsistency wrt module import new text 2005-09-07 2006-02-28
2150 XPath / XQuery 1 chamberl CLOS FIXE [XQuery] Processing model: promotion not part of normalization 2005-09-12 2005-09-14
2278 XPath / XQuery 1 chamberl CLOS FIXE XML 1.1 implementations SHOULD support 1.0-only mode 2005-09-21 2005-10-11
2305 XPath / XQuery 1 chamberl CLOS FIXE stable fragment ids in specifications (editorial) 2005-09-26 2005-09-28
2310 XPath / XQuery 1 chamberl CLOS FIXE 4.2 Module declaration 2005-09-28 2005-09-28
2318 XPath / XQuery 1 chamberl CLOS WONT SequenceType with occurrence in For/Some/Every expr doesn't make sense 2005-09-28 2005-09-29
2331 XPath / XQuery 1 chamberl CLOS WONT FLWORExpr and QuantifiedExpr symmetry. 2005-10-07 2007-02-25
2405 XPath / XQuery 1 chamberl CLOS INVA QueryBody for MainModule can be very difficult to parse 2005-10-21 2007-02-25
2460 XPath / XQuery 1 chamberl CLOS FIXE XQuery error XQST0088 2005-11-04 2006-01-04
2461 XPath / XQuery 1 chamberl CLOS FIXE [XQuery] Data model conformance 2005-11-04 2006-02-15
2462 XPath / XQuery 1 chamberl CLOS FIXE [XQuery] Escaping URILiterals 2005-11-04 2006-01-04
2535 XPath / XQuery 1 chamberl CLOS WONT One empty sequence is deep-equal to another, but they are not = 2005-11-18 2007-02-25
2542 XPath / XQuery 1 chamberl CLOS FIXE fn:id and fn:idref are not affected by ordering mode unordered 2005-11-21 2006-02-14
2546 XPath / XQuery 1 chamberl CLOS FIXE [XQuery] Type constraints on module import 2005-11-21 2006-02-14
2548 XPath / XQuery 1 jonathan.robie CLOS FIXE [XQuery] Change namespace binding for anyAtomicType, yearMonthDuration and dayTimeDuration 2005-11-22 2007-02-25
2610 XPath / XQuery 1 chamberl CLOS FIXE Is an invalid character reference a parse error? 2005-12-19 2006-02-14
2692 XPath / XQuery 1 chamberl CLOS FIXE for $p at $p in EXP return $p 2006-01-11 2006-03-28
2710 XPath / XQuery 1 scott_boag CLOS FIXE [xqueryx and xquery] extra white space in pragma content 2006-01-13 2006-06-13
2724 XPath / XQuery 1 chamberl CLOS FIXE Context position : some inconsistencies about what it is supposed to be. 2006-01-18 2006-02-23
2792 XPath / XQuery 1 chamberl CLOS WORK attribute(*, xs:anyType) 2006-02-01 2007-02-25
2921 XPath / XQuery 1 chamberl CLOS FIXE Provide an exemple of a numeric range used as filter epression 2006-02-23 2006-03-14
2949 XPath / XQuery 1 chamberl CLOS INVA Please note that 'Modules' and 'Collections and Default Collection' are implemented 2006-02-28 2007-02-25
2950 XPath / XQuery 1 chamberl CLOS FIXE Modules binding the xml/xmlns prefix is valid 2006-02-28 2006-07-10
2977 XPath / XQuery 1 chamberl CLOS FIXE Handling of external function declarations 2006-03-06 2006-03-19
2999 XPath / XQuery 1 chamberl CLOS WONT typeswitch: how to handle case clauses specifying the same type 2006-03-11 2006-03-16
3011 XPath / XQuery 1 chamberl CLOS INVA Add clarifying note for typeswitch case matching 2006-03-16 2006-03-19
3061 XPath / XQuery 1 chamberl CLOS FIXE inconsistent treatment of the absence of declarations in Section 4 of the XQuery Rec. 2006-03-30 2006-04-22
3086 XPath / XQuery 1 chamberl CLOS FIXE fn:boolean and ordering mode unordered 2006-04-05 2006-04-21
3092 XPath / XQuery 1 chamberl CLOS FIXE value comparisons: example inconsistent to semantics 2006-04-07 2006-04-21
3112 XPath / XQuery 1 chamberl CLOS INVA xsi namespace prefix is said to be predeclared and bound to fixed namespace URIs in one section but not in another 2006-04-11 2006-04-25
3174 XPath / XQuery 1 chamberl CLOS LATE XQueryX trivial embedding 2006-05-02 2007-02-25
3299 XPath / XQuery 1 chamberl CLOS FIXE Editorial, 3.8.3: variable reference in code example is missing '$' 2006-05-21 2006-05-30
3305 XPath / XQuery 1 chamberl CLOS WONT Cardinality +/* on range variables 2006-05-31 2006-06-07
3308 XPath / XQuery 1 chamberl CLOS WONT Which error to raise for attributes with the same node-name in a direct element constructor? 2006-06-01 2006-06-06
3314 XPath / XQuery 1 chamberl CLOS FIXE 3.14 Extension Expressions, what can the namespace URI contain? 2006-06-05 2006-06-14
3410 XPath / XQuery 1 chamberl CLOS FIXE Editorial: Refrences to XDT namespace still remaining 2006-06-27 2006-08-01
3416 XPath / XQuery 1 chamberl CLOS FIXE [XQuery] Base URI of a constructed element 2006-06-30 2007-02-25
3440 XPath / XQuery 1 chamberl CLOS DUPL [XQuery] remnants of the xdt namespace remain 2006-07-10 2006-07-11
3485 XPath / XQuery 1 chamberl CLOS FIXE [XQuery] relative URILiteral 2006-07-18 2007-02-25
3637 XPath / XQuery 1 chamberl RESO FIXE [XQuery] Adjacent text nodes 2006-08-28 2007-06-15
3650 XPath / XQuery 1 chamberl CLOS FIXE Error code on element(*, test:unknownType) is ambiguous -- XPST0001/XPTY0004? 2006-09-04 2006-10-16
3654 XPath / XQuery 1 chamberl CLOS FIXE Editorial: Confusion over error condition 2006-09-05 2006-10-16
3660 XPath / XQuery 1 chamberl CLOS FIXE Unclear what to do on external variable with no value 2006-09-06 2006-09-14
3661 XPath / XQuery 1 chamberl CLOS WORK Custom inference rules and XPST0005 2006-09-06 2006-09-18
3704 XPath / XQuery 1 chamberl CLOS FIXE [XQuery] xml:space attributes 2006-09-12 2007-02-25
3778 XPath / XQuery 1 chamberl CLOS FIXE description for xmlns/xml is contradictory 2006-09-29 2006-10-16
3781 XPath / XQuery 1 chamberl CLOS FIXE [XQuery] The list of functions affected by "unordered" (section 3.9) is possibly incorrect. 2006-10-01 2006-10-11
3787 XPath / XQuery 1 chamberl CLOS FIXE [XQuery] Code example I.4 with flaws 2006-10-02 2006-10-11
3842 XPath / XQuery 1 chamberl CLOS WONT [XQuery] 4.14 Variable Declaration: circularity 2006-10-17 2006-11-02
3849 XPath / XQuery 1 chamberl CLOS FIXE [XQuery] Copied nodes and in-scope namespaces 2006-10-18 2006-11-17
3951 XPath / XQuery 1 chamberl CLOS FIXE [XQuery] editorial: Multiple declarations of the same namespace prefix 2006-11-04 2007-02-25
4151 XPath / XQuery 1 chamberl CLOS FIXE [XQuery] XQTY0086 description is too limited 2007-01-05 2007-03-19
4321 XPath / XQuery 1 chamberl CLOS FIXE [XQuery] Importing the types used in the signature of an imported function 2007-02-13 2007-03-07
4418 XPath / XQuery 1 chamberl CLOS FIXE [XQuery] cyclic module imports 2007-03-28 2007-05-08
4441 XPath / XQuery 1 chamberl RESO INVA [XQuery] 2.3.4 Optimization rules unclear? 2007-03-31 2007-04-12
4443 XPath / XQuery 1 chamberl CLOS FIXE [XQuery] Unspecified how unprefixed attributes with namespace URIs are to be treated 2007-04-02 2008-06-26
4463 XPath / XQuery 1 chamberl RESO FIXE [XQuery] Missing rules for misuse of the xmlns namespace 2007-04-12 2008-04-29
4523 XPath / XQuery 1 chamberl CLOS LATE [XQuery] Default Unprefixed Namespace Handling is Problematic 2007-05-02 2007-07-10
4980 XPath / XQuery 1 chamberl CLOS INVA [XQuery] Optimization rules 2007-08-23 2007-09-19
5035 XPath / XQuery 1 chamberl CLOS INVA [XQ] Context item type 'none' in C.1 Static Context Components 2007-09-12 2012-01-20
5068 XPath / XQuery 1 jonathan.robie RESO WONT [XQuery] Ambiguity in 3.2.4 Abbreviated Syntax 2007-09-23 2009-03-17
5083 XPath / XQuery 1 chamberl RESO FIXE [XQuery] Namespace declaration attributes in direct element constructors 2007-09-26 2008-06-03
5089 XPath / XQuery 1 chamberl RESO INVA [XQuery] Namespace undeclarations in the query prolog 2007-09-29 2008-01-08
5224 XPath / XQuery 1 chamberl CLOS FIXE [XQuery] Dynamic context in global variable initializers 2007-10-24 2008-03-18
5236 XPath / XQuery 1 chamberl CLOS WONT [XQuery] err:XPST0008 vs. err:XPST0081 2007-10-30 2008-01-09
5288 XPath / XQuery 1 chamberl RESO WONT [XQuery] XPST0005 and conditional expressions 2007-11-27 2008-10-08
5290 XPath / XQuery 1 chamberl CLOS FIXE [XQuery] Unclear meaning of "collation" in order-by clause 2007-11-27 2008-09-03
5356 XPath / XQuery 1 chamberl CLOS DUPL [XQuery] PITarget string literals should follow NCName rules 2008-01-11 2008-01-23
5413 XPath / XQuery 1 chamberl CLOS WONT [XQuery] C.2: "scope" of 'function implementations' component 2008-01-24 2008-04-16
5471 XPath / XQuery 1 chamberl CLOS FIXE [XQuery] RFC 2396 unreferenced in XQuery 1.0 2008-02-10 2008-08-07
5647 XPath / XQuery 1 chamberl RESO WORK [XQuery] Default collection 2008-04-19 2008-04-19
5672 XPath / XQuery 1 chamberl CLOS INVA [XQuery] Evaluation of treat as 2008-05-01 2008-05-21
5722 XPath / XQuery 1 jonathan.robie RESO REMI [XQuery] Importing the same module from different modules. 2008-05-29 2009-02-24
5738 XPath / XQuery 1 jonathan.robie RESO REMI [XQuery] Constraints on schemas 2008-06-10 2009-02-24
5804 XPath / XQuery 1 chamberl RESO FIXE [XQuery] Version numbers in XQuery version declarations 2008-06-25 2017-04-28
5810 XPath / XQuery 1 jonathan.robie RESO WONT [XQuery] reasoning about fn:error() 2008-06-26 2009-03-07
5984 XPath / XQuery 1 chamberl CLOS FIXE [XQuery] xs:integer is not primitive 2008-08-24 2008-09-10
6292 XPath / XQuery 1 jonathan.robie RESO REMI [XQuery 1.0 errata] Error in erratum XQ.E19 - XQDY0044 2008-12-09 2009-02-10
6513 XPath / XQuery 1 jonathan.robie RESO FIXE [XQuery] inconsistent terminology in definition of derives-from() 2009-02-01 2009-10-06
6517 XPath / XQuery 1 jonathan.robie CLOS INVA [XQuery] Default namespace undeclarations 2009-02-02 2010-11-30
6557 XPath / XQuery 1 jonathan.robie RESO FIXE [XQuery] Editorial: Missing word in description of XQST0034 2009-02-11 2009-03-24
6693 XPath / XQuery 1 jonathan.robie CLOS FIXE [XQuery] Constructor functions for user-defined atomic types 2009-03-12 2009-03-20
6716 XPath / XQuery 1 jonathan.robie CLOS FIXE Guidelines for Module Import 2009-03-18 2009-03-20
6717 XPath / XQuery 1 jonathan.robie CLOS DUPL State explicitly that importing a schema with user-defined types adds to the available functions 2009-03-18 2009-03-20
6737 XPath / XQuery 1 jonathan.robie RESO FIXE example error 2009-03-25 2009-08-25
7163 XPath / XQuery 1 jonathan.robie CLOS FIXE [XQuery] String literals and predefined entity references 2009-07-29 2009-10-07
7529 XPath / XQuery 1 jonathan.robie RESO INVA [XQuery] General comparison argument conversion with xs:untypedAtomic and xs:NOTATION 2009-09-07 2009-10-20
7737 XPath / XQuery 1 jonathan.robie RESO FIXE Unclear rules for schema import 2009-09-27 2009-10-20
7797 XPath / XQuery 1 jonathan.robie RESO FIXE rename Latin-1 t oISO-8859-1 in MIME appendix 2009-10-02 2009-10-20
8265 XPath / XQuery 1 jonathan.robie RESO FIXE [XQuery] Do schema import, module import and module declaration add to the statically known namespaces? 2009-11-11 2011-09-06
8537 XPath / XQuery 1 jonathan.robie RESO FIXE [XQuery] computed attribute constructor issue raise by XQTS Bug #8480 2009-12-22 2010-02-17
8564 XPath / XQuery 1 jonathan.robie RESO FIXE [XQuery] orphaned error XQDY0096 2009-12-28 2010-03-21
9816 XPath / XQuery 1 jonathan.robie CLOS FIXE [XQuery] Is there really a need to prohibit checking of NOTATIONs during validation? 2010-05-27 2010-07-12
10978 XPath / XQuery 1 jonathan.robie RESO INVA [XQuery10] External variable declaration in main module with same name as another external variable in a library module 2010-10-05 2010-10-06
10989 XPath / XQuery 1 jonathan.robie CLOS FIXE [XQuery1.0] Attributes: quot-quot and apos-apos special regardless of delimiter? 2010-10-07 2011-02-15
11609 XPath / XQuery 1 jonathan.robie REOP --- [XQuery] error for mismatched tags 2010-12-27 2011-09-30
11710 XPath / XQuery 1 jonathan.robie RESO FIXE Rules for derives-from() when the dynamic type is not known statically 2011-01-09 2011-10-31
11986 XPath / XQuery 1 jonathan.robie REOP --- [XQuery] XQST0022 description inconsistent 2011-02-05 2015-10-06
12056 XPath / XQuery 1 jonathan.robie CLOS INVA [XQuery] error for "XML" as PITarget 2011-02-14 2011-02-16
13964 XPath / XQuery 1 jonathan.robie RESO DUPL Recap of XQST0022 in appendix F should have changed in second edition 2011-08-29 2011-08-29
167 bugs found.