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The XQuery spec (section 5.3) says "A conforming implementation may choose to claim conformance to [Contruction from an Infoset|PSVI]". It doesn't actually say what an implementation has to do in order for such a claim to be valid. The answer to the question isn't obvious, because PSVIs and Infosets don't have any real existence: they are abstract models rather than concrete data structures. As an implementor I can attempt an argument along the following lines: * I can take a JDOM as input * there is a defined mapping from JDOM to the Infoset * If I take a JDOM as input, then the Infoset that it represents has been converted to XDM in a way that's consistent with the XDM specification This works reasonably well for Infoset, because there's a number of well-known XML document representations with a defined mapping to the Infoset. Even here there's wriggle room however. If JDOM doesn't define a mapping to the InfoSet, can I define the mapping myself, and thus claim conformance? WIth PSVI it's altogether more difficult. My product doesn't allow you to supply a PSVI as input, other than a PSVI subset represented in a proprietary format implemented only by my own product. It does allow you to supply a source XML file and a schema as input, and produces results consistent with validating that document against that schema and converting the resulting PSVI to the XDM. Can I claim conformance with "Construction from a PSVI" or not? I don't know what the conformance section should say, but it's meaningless if it says that it's entirely up to the implementor whether they choose to claim conformance or not. Michael Kay previously raised at
An XML processor creates either a PSVI or an Infoset, so these conformance claims make it fairly straightforward to say that two processors create the same Data Model instance from an XML document represented as a stream of characters. I find this useful. If you use an API such as JDOM, then I agree that there is wiggle room - we do not have conformance claims for DOM, JDOM, etc. And the standard APIs are not typed, so only the Infoset mapping would really apply. For a type-aware DOM, such as the one in Xerces, you could define a PSVI mapping. I believe we should retain the conformance claims for the Infoset and PSVI mappings. The fact that there is no standard mapping from the XML APIs to an Infoset or PSVI does not mean these are not useful. XML documents are an important case.
I'm not suggesting we should drop the conformance criteria; we just need to flesh out what they actually mean. Instead of saying "A product may claim conformance", we need to say "A product may claim conformance if XYZ". I think this probably needs to be along the lines you suggest: "A product may claim conformance with the Infoset mapping if it is able to generate an XDM document instance from source XML, producing the same XDM instance that would be produced by generating an Infoset from the source XML as described in XYZ, and then generating an XDM document from the infoset as described in PQR." -- and similarly for the PSVI. This gets around the problem that infosets and PSVIs are not tangible objects that can be supplied as input to a product in by a portable test suite.
Mike, The Query working group considered your comment at its meeting on 01 Feb 2006. The group agreed to make an editorial change to Section 5.3 (Data Model Conformance) in the XQuery specification to clarify that the normative definitions for constructing XDM from an infoset or PSVI are found in the Data Model specification. Since you were present at this discussion, I have marked this issue as Closed. Regards, Don Chamberlin (for the Query working group)