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The network for innovation in European public sector information

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Share-PSI is the pan European network offering advice on implementation of the (Revised) PSI Directive, formally the European Directive on the Public Sector Information.

It comprises many of the government departments responsible for implementing the (Revised) PSI Directive across Europe along with standards bodies, academic institutions, commercial organisations, trade associations and interest groups. A series of workshops in 2014 and 2015 identified what does and doesn't work, what is and isn't practical, what can and can't be expected of different stakeholders.

Advice is offered as a set of Best Practices. Each of these is a stand alone document that is based on one or more case studies presented during the workshop series. Best Practices are supported by evidence of their implementation, details of which are provided in one or more guidance documents that are produced by EU Member States. These are referred to within the Share-PSI network as Local Guides. Each guide is tailored to a specific EU Member State or region, bearing in mind the local legislative, administrative and infrastructural environment in which the (Revised) PSI Directive is implemented. As well as geographically local guides, other guidance documents exist for specific sectors such as geospatial and business data.

The Share-PSI network operates in parallel with, but is constituted separately from, the W3C Data on the Web Best Practices Working Group. The latter is concerned solely with providing advice on the technical aspects of sharing data on the Web. The Share-PSI network partners have contributed to this work and have developed further advice on non-technical aspects of implementing the (Revised) PSI Directive.

The Best Practices

The Best Practices are arranged into 13 themes designed to help navigate to solutions developed by others when tackling a particular problem.

Follow the links below for more about each theme and the related Best Practices.

The Revised PSI Directive

The original PSI Directive entered into force in 2003 and was revised in July 2013. It encourages public sector organisations to make as much of their information available for reuse as possible. It does not mandate that information that is not available be made so, but it does mandate that use of information that is already available should be encouraged, particularly by commercial companies, but at no more than the marginal cost of making it available. That is, the public sector should not see its information as an asset to be sold as a means to fund its regular activities.

Information can be made available in any form: written texts, databases, audio and audio visual files etc.


Advice presented in these pages is the work of the Share-PSI Thematic Network, co-funded by the European Commission under the ICT Policy Support Programme (ICT PSP) as part of the Competitiveness and Innovation Framework Programme; Agreement no. 621012. It is not part of any W3C process and has not been endorsed by the W3C Membership.


For more information about Share-PSI 2.0 Thematic Network, contact the technical coordinator Phil Archer <> (ERCIM/W3C).

A large group of people posing for the camera
The Share-PSI partners at the final face to face meeting, 16-17 March 2016 at the University of Zagreb (click for full size image). Left to right: Davide Allavena (Politecnico di Torino, Italy, replacing Lorenzo Canova), Raj Mack (City of Birmingham, UK), Anne Kauhanen-Simanainen (Ministry of Finance Finland), Fatemeh Ahmadi Zeleti (Insight Centre for Data Analytics, Ireland), Hannes Kiivet (Estonian Information Systems Authority), Dino Girardi (University of Lapland/ODI), José-Luis Roda (University of La Laguna, Spain), Džiugas Tornau (UABLD/Graphity, Lithuania), Livar Bergheim (Difi, Norway for Heather Broomfield & Øystein Åsnes), Chris Harding (The Open Group), Emma Beer (Open Knowledge), Pekka Koponen (Forum Virium Helsinki), James Smith (Open Data Institute), Martin Alvarez-Espinar (CTIC, Spain), Slim Turki (Luxembourg Institute of Science & Technology), Jan Kučera (University of Economics, Prague), Jens Klessmann (Fraunhofer FOKUS, Germany), Martin Herzog (]init[, Germany), Joseph Azzopardi (Malta Information Technology Agency), Georg Hittmair (Compass/PSI Alliance, Austria), András Micsik (SZTAKI, Hungary), Phil Archer (W3C), Dolores Hernandez (Ministry of Finances and Public Administrations, Spain), Uldis Bojārs (IMCS, University of Latvia), Mateja Prešern (The Slovenian Ministry of the Interior and Public Administration), Peter Winstanley (Government of Scotland), Vjeran Strahonja &[; Neven Vrček (University of Zagreb, Faculty of Organization and Informatics), Benedikt Kämpgen (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology), Michiel de Keyzer (PwC, Belgium), Valentina Janev (Institute Mihajlo Pupin, Serbia), Johann Höchtl (Danube University Krems), Ales Veršič (Ministry of Public Administration, Slovenia), Miska Knapek (for Peter Krantz, Sweden), Athina Trakas (Open Geospatial Consortium). Not present in Zagreb but very much part of the Share-PSI group: Harris Alexopoulos & Yannis Charalabidis (University of the Aegean), André Lapa (Agência para a Modernização Administrativa, Portugal), Giorgia Lodi & Gabriele Ciasullo (Agenzia per l'Italia Digitale), Daniel Pop (West University of Timişoara), Nancy Routzouni (The Hellenic Ministry of Administrative Reform and E-governance), Makx Dekkers (AMI Consult), Noël Van Herreweghe (Informatie Vlaanderen). Any member of the network can be contacted via Phil Archer.

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