(Revised) PSI Directive Theme: Policies & Legislation
Governments have established various PSI re-use policies and legislation thus adopting various relevant approaches. However, all different approaches adopted by the European Union member states apply to the common rules set in the (Revised) PSI Directive. Applying to common rules eliminates the barriers to the crossborder offer of products and services, and enables comparable public data sets to be re-usable for pan-European applications based on them.
Open data policies that encourage the wide availability and reuse of public sector information for private or commercial purposes, with minimal or no legal, technical or financial constraints, can play an important role in kick-starting the development of new services based on novel ways to combine and make use of such information, stimulate economic growth and promote social engagement.
The aim of the Best Practices falling under this selection element is to present success stories, recommendations, achievements, effective processes and suggested actions illustrating how different Member States have formed and implemented governmental open data policies. Examples cover various aspects that support PSI policies (e.g. legislation, strategic actions, planning issues, organisational issues, policy positioning in public statements of intent).
These Best Practices would be of interest to policy makers and public sector representatives that are involved in forming or implementing the governmental open data policy, open data providers in Public Administrations but also government data consumers.