W3C gratefully acknowledges O'Reilly for hosting this workshop.
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Workshop Day 1 - Monday, 11 February
Topics for this day - [Minutes from Day 1 ]
- Welcome and Introduction
- Keynote
- Session 1: Standardization issues for Presentation (CSS, Fonts)
- Session 2: Analysis of OWP and ePub/eBooks, relationship to current standards
13:00-13:30 Registration
13:30-14:00 Welcome and Scene Setting
Moderator: Karen Myers (W3C)
- {10 mn} Brief introduction from the Organizing Committee, Thierry Michel (W3C) [Slides]
- {20 mn} Welcome to the Workshop, Jeff Jaffe (W3C) [Slides]
14:00-14:30 Keynote
- {25 mn} Extending W3C current work, collaboration with IDPF, Bill Mc Coy (IDPF) [Slides]
14:30-16:00 Session 1: Presentation
(CSS, Fonts, etc.)
Moderator: Alan Stearns (Adobe)
- {10 mn} Opera Software's Position Paper, Lars Erik Bolstad (Opera Software) [Slides ]
- {10 mn} The Future of Reading- How state of the art typography can deliver great reading experiences in eBooks and on the Web, Vladimir Levantovsky (Monotype) [Slides]
- {10 mn} Enrichment of eBook User Interfaces: A Skeuomorphic Approach, Jaejeung Kim (Kaist) [Slides]
- {25 mn} Raise the Web Platform to eBook Standards, Alan Stearns (Adobe) [Slides]
- {35 mn} Discussion and Feedback
16:00-16:30 Afternoon break
16:30-18:00 Session 2: OWP and EPUB/eBooks
Moderator: Markus Gylling (IDPF and the Daisy Consortium)
- {25 mn} The Good and the Bad in the EPUB3. Relationship with W3C. Complexity of building a Wysiwyg EPUB editor, Daniel Glazman (Disruptive Innovations) [Slides]
- {10 mn} HarperCollins Publishers Position Paper, Soo Choi (HarperCollins Publishers) [Slides]
- {10 mn} Making Robust Digital Books: Bridging the Gap Between Standards and the Marketplace, Dave Cramer (Hachette Book Group) [Slides]
- {10 mn} Its 2050: What am I reading?, Kim Marriott (Clayton School of IT) [Slides]
- {10 mn} Bridging the Gap between eBook Readers and Browsers, Robert Glushko and Erik Wilde, University of California at Berkeley) [Slides]
- {25 mn} Discussion and Feedback
Workshop Day 2 - Tuesday 12 February
Topics for this day - [Minutes from Day 2 ]
- Wrap-up of Day1 sessions
- Keynote 2
- Session 3: Accessibility
- Session 4: DRM
- Session 5: Metadata, Annotations
- Wrap-up of Day2 sessions
8:00-8:30 Breakfast
8:30-9:15 Decisions on Future Work
Moderator: Philippe Le Hégaret (W3C)
- {45 mn} Wrap-up of Day1 sessions and Q & A [Slides]
9:15-9:30 Keynote
9:30-10:30 Session 3: Accessibility
Moderator: Janina Sajka (W3C PFWG Chair)
- {20 mn} Position Statement from DAISY Consortium, George Kerscher (DAISY Consortium) [Slides ]
- {10 mn} Accessibility Issues in Digital Publishing, Janina Sajka (W3C PFWG Chair) [Slides ]
- {10 mn} Embedded Assessments within eBooks: Interactivity, Accessibility, Connectivity, Security and Standards, Mark Hakkinen (Educational Testing Service) [Slides]
- {20 mn} Discussion and Feedback
10:30-11:00 Morning break
11:00-12:30 Session 4: DRM
Moderator: Jim Dovey (Kobo)
- {25 mn} Content Protection Strategies for ePublishing, Jim Dovey (Kobo) [Slides]
- {10 mn} Samsung's Positioning Paper, Youngwan (Samsung) [Slides]
- {10 mn} Benetech: Social DRM for Accessibility, Gerardo Capiel (Benetech) [Slides]
- {10 mn} Buy Once, Sync Anywhere, Oliver Brooks (Valobox) [Slides]
- {35 mn} Discussion and Feedback
12:30-13:30 Lunch
List of suggested restaurants nearby Times Square
13:30-15:00 Session 5: Metadata, Annotations
Moderator: David Wood (3 Round Stones Inc)
- {20 mn} Metadata Overview, Mark Bide (EDItEUR) [Slides]
- {10 mn} Open Annotation Community Group Position Statement, Robert Sanderson and Paolo Ciccarese (Co-Chairs of the W3C Open Annotation CG) [Slides]
- {10 mn} Bringing Magazines to the eBook Channel with EPUB 3 and PSV, Peter Meirs (Time Inc) [Slides]
- {10 mn} Designing a Roadmap to a New Bibliographic Information Ecosystem: Where ebook metadata fits in, Todd Carpenter (NISO) [Slides]
- {10 mn} Developing and Applying Rights Expression using ODRL and RightsML, Stuart Myles (Associated Press) [Slides]
- {30 mn} Discussion and Feedback
15:00-15:30 Afternoon break
15:30-16:15 Decisions on Future Work
Moderator: Liam Quin (W3C)
- {45 mn} Wrap-up of Day2 sessions and Q & A [Slides]
16:15-16:30 Conclusion
Moderator: Ivan Herman (W3C)
- {15 mn} Wrap-up of the Workshop [Slides
18:00 O'Reilly TOC Reception
Participants to the W3C eBooks Workshop are invited to this event
List of Attendees to the W3C eBooks Workshop