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eBooks: Great Expectations for Web Standards

A W3C Workshop on Electronic Books and the Open Web Platform

11-12 February 2013, New York, USA

ebooks photo


W3C gratefully acknowledges O'Reilly for hosting this workshop.


Workshop Sponsor

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W3C organizational sponsors

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If you're interested in being a sponsor, please contact J. Alan Bird at abird@w3.org or +1 617 253 7823. For additional information, please visit the Sponsorship program.

How to Participate

We want to know more about your state-of-the-art approaches.

  • Share your knowledge of the topics or other areas of interest to you.
  • Offer your experiences in using Web-based eBooks approaches.
  • Demonstrate prototypes of emerging technologies that could benefit from global Web standards.
  • Show research results or lessons learned to ensure others don't reinvent the wheel.

To ensure productive discussions, the workshop is limited to 80 attendees. Participation is free and open to W3C members and non-members. Each organization may provide a maximum of two attendees.

Position papers are required to be eligible to participate in this workshop. Organizations or individuals wishing to attend must submit a position paper explaining their perspectives on a workshop topic of their choice no later than 10 December 2012. Participants should have an active interest in the area selected, ensuring other workshop attendees will benefit from the topic and their presence.

Position papers should:

  • Explain the participant's perspective on the topic of the Workshop
  • Explain their viewpoint
  • Include concrete examples of their suggestions

Refer to the position papers submitted for a similar W3C workshop to see what a position paper generally implies.

Note: To help the organizers plan the workshop: If you wish to participate, please send email as soon as possible to team-electronic-books-chairs@w3.org stating:

  • that somebody from your organization plans to submit a position paper;
  • whether you want to send one or two participants;
  • whether or not you wish to offer a demo.

Please note that this expression of interest does not mean that you registered for the workshop. It is still necessary to submit a position paper for review by the Program Committee. If your position paper is selected by the Program Committee, you will receive a workshop invitation and registration link. Please see Section "Important dates" for paper submission and registration deadlines.

The Program Committee will ask the authors of particularly salient submissions to explicitly present their position at the workshop to foster discussion. Presenters will be asked to make the presentation slides publicly available on the workshop home page in HTML, PDF, or plain text.

Position papers should be submitted in English. All submissions should be one to five pages in length, although they may link to longer versions or appendices. Valid formats are (X)HTML (please use the W3C validator), PDF or plain text.

We will use EasyChair to manage the submission and review process.

Position papers will be published on the public Web page of the workshop. Submitting a position paper comprises a default recognition of these terms for publication.

The list of Submitted Position papers is now available.