W3C gratefully acknowledges O'Reilly for hosting this workshop.
Workshop Sponsor
W3C organizational sponsors
If you're interested in being a sponsor, please contact J. Alan Bird at or +1 617 253 7823. For additional information, please visit the Sponsorship program.
Venue and Logistics
The Chairs and Program Committee represent a cross-section of the industry and will review all submissions to plan and finalize the workshop invitation list and agenda.
The workshop program will run:
- Monday Feb 11th from 1 PM to 6 PM
- Tuesday Feb 12th from 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM.
Submitted Position papers
The list of Submitted Position papers is now available.
Hosted by O'Reilly at
New York Marriott Marquis Hotel
Astor Ballroom, 7th Floor
1535 Broadway
New York, NY 10036 USA.
The workshop will be collocated with the O'Reilly Tools of Change for Publishing Conference (TOC 2013), Feb 12-14th.
W3C members save 20% on any TOC Conference registration package. Contact your AC Rep to get the discount code before you register for TOC.
The program committee will select and invite workshop participants after reviewing paper submissions. [A workshop registration email will be sent to you around January 15th 2013.]
Participants of the workshop can take advantage of a discounted rate for lodging at the New York Marriott Marquis Hotel, as negotiated for the participants of TOC.
In order to receive the group room rate, you must use the TOC Hotel Reservation Online and identify yourself as attending O'Reilly Media Tools of Change 2013.
Dealine for TOC negotiated hotel discount rate with the Marriott is Tuesday, 22 January.