W3C Audio WG Meetings and Minutes
Face-to-Face Meetings
Our Next meeting will be 16 - 17 September 2019 in Fukuoka, Japan in conjunction with TPAC 2019 Agenda
Previous meetings
25-26 June 2019 in Redmond, WA hosted by Microsoft.
25-26 October 2018 in Lyon, France in conjunction with TPAC 2018 Draft Agenda
26-27 March 2018 in Cambridge, MA. F2f March 2018
6-7 Nov 2017 in Burlingame, CA in conjunction with TPAC 2017 Draft Agenda
20-21 June 2017 in Cambridge, MA. Draft Agenda
22-23 September 2016 in Lisbon, Portugal in conjunction with TPAC ([1]) Draft Agenda
7-8th April 2016 in Atlanta, hosted by Georgia Tech.
25 - 26 October 2015 at TPAC 2015 in Sapporo Japan ([2]) ([3])
1-2 June 2015 in Boston, hosted by Noteflight ([4]).
October 2014 2014 face-to-face meeting at TPAC 2014 in Santa Clara.
26 - 27 March 2013 2013 face-to-face meeting Google offices in San Francisco.
23 - 24 January 2013 2012 face-to-face meeting Google offices in Venice Beach, California.
Telcon Details
From January 2013 onwards we have had calls on Thursdays at Noon Boston time approximately every 2 weeks.
An iCal calendar is published for group members' convenience.
W3C currently uses WebEx for telcons. You can either phone in using the meeting code, or you can connect via your browser using your computer speakers and mic (requires Java).
- Phone: +1-617-324-0000
- Conference Code: 647 342 611
- WebEx URL:
You will need a password to access this meeting - the current password is available to working group members here
Log in using your W3C credentials
Please remember to log in to the Audio IRC channel prior to the meeting.
- Server:
- Port: 6665
- Channel: #audio
- Web interface:
Summaries, Meeting Minutes and Resolutions
- 13 Nov 2014: summary and minutes
- Topics
- Web Audio Conference Session
- Assign open issues which need WG decision to V1 or
- Next meeting to be held on FRIDAY 21st November 2014
- Topics
- 16 Oct 2014: summary and minutes
- Topics
- TPAC Bug Review
- Survey any existing tests for Web Audio and understand general testing practice by and for browser vendors
- Discuss the need for spec-clarification issues to be handled by spec editors.
- AudioPanner
- suspend/resume/close
- What priority to attach to Can generation of examples follow finalization of v1 spec?
- Topics
- Resolutions / Decision
- Rethink TPAC bug review
- Consolidate testing and plan for the future
- Assign issues to be V1 essentials
- Suggest an alternative approach to the panner node. Most likely involving splitting to 2 nodes (simple/advanced)
- Discuss webplatform docs and prioritise at TPAC
- Resolutions / Decision
- 2 Oct 2014: summary and minutes
- Topics
- AudioWorker progress
- Timing and Sequencing (re AudioWorker)
- TPAC and Last Call review requests
- Resolutions / Decision
- to document the onaudioprocess = no as way to GC a workernode
- that the discussion on tail-time reference should be postponed to TPAC
- that TPAC will start with a review/triage of issues with the full group
- that the issue triage will help us determine which issues we want to solve before Last Call
- that the balance between minimising latency with avoiding buffer overruns will be discussed at or after TPAC
- that we will try and identify groups to socialise with at TPAC, in preparation for future Last Call
- Topics
- 18 Sept 2014: summary
- Topics
- AudioWorkers
- Welcome Bill Hofmann, Dolby Labs
- Topics
- 28 Aug 2014: summary and minutes
- Topics
- progress on AudioWorker/ScriptProcessorNode
- communication/education on AudioWorker and changes to SPN
- heartbeat pub
- suspend()/resume()/release() on AudioContext
- Increasing buffer for power consumption purposes
- AOB - testing
- Resolutions
- RESOLUTION: publish webaudioapi to /TR after Audioworker changes included
- RESOLUTION: review webmidi issues after publication of webaudio, decide on Last call then
- Topics
- 07 Aug 2014: resulting CfC and minutes
- Topics
- ScriptProcessorNode in Workers - continued - results in proposal and CfC
- Topics
- 10 Jul 2014: summary and minutes
- Topics
- review of action items (and integration of RBJ's cookbook into spec)
- Prioritisation of issues (now tagging is done)
- Progress of scriptprocessornodes in workers issue
- Reminder - register for TPAC/face to face meeting
- Topics
- 19 Jun 2014: minutes
- Topics:
- issues triage (continued)
- review recent spec changes
- Topics:
- 05 Jun 2014: summary and minutes
- 15 May 2014: summary and minutes
- Topics:
- Constructors CfC
- WebAudio/Midi demos page
- Topics:
- 17 Apr 2014: summary and minutes
- Joint meeting with TAG on their review of web audio API:
- Topics:
- Layering -
- Promises -
- Constructors and Subclassing -
- f2f meeting
- 27 Mar 2014: summary and minutes
- Joint meeting with TAG on their review of web audio API:
- Going through the TAGFeedback - tagged issues in github:
- Topics:
- Data races
- Workers for ScriptProcessorNodes and/or AudioContext
- Serialization and Introspection
- Layering
- 06 Mar 2014: summary and minutes
- Topics:
- oscillatornode issues
- audio EQ cookbook
- Topics:
- 20 Feb 2014: summary and minutes
- Topics:
- Report on Web MIDI Session at NAMM
- Visible data races (and scriptprocessornodes in workers)
- Topics:
- 06 Feb 2014:
- Topics:
- Dezippering (revisited)
- Cross-origin media requests
- Topics:
- 16 Jan 2014:
- Topics:
- stop function of AudioBufferSourceNode
- Topics:
- 19 Dec 2013:
- Topics:
- De-zippering
- Data Races (assigning remaining issues)
- Resolution
- smoothing by default on all audioparam when setting .value, essentially an alias to settargetvalueattime, time constants TBD
- Topics:
- 5 Dec 2013:
- Topics:
- Oscillators (phase, mathematical, etc)
- stop() and stop() again
- Issues triage
- upcoming f2f meeting
- High Resolution Time Level 2 FPWD/LC
- Topics:
- 21 Nov 2013:
- Topics:
- MIDI session at TPAC
- Dezippering
- Web Array Math API CG
- MediaElementAudioSource test
- Resolutions:
- forbid the use of MediaElementAudioSource (and also mediastreamAudioSource) with OfflineAudioContext
- Topics:
- 7 Nov 2013:
- Topics:
- (the rest of the) data races
- oscillatornode phase
- timeline on publishing of web midi
- Resolutions:
- publish a new WD of the Web MIDI API spec
- resolution to have the triangle waveform starting at 0 at t=0, with a positive slant
- Topics:
- 17 Oct 2013:
- Topics
- Example sections and warehouse photos
- TAG feedback processing
- Unprefixing and best practices / documentation
- Review of recent webmidi changes
- Topics
- 03 Oct 2013:
- Topics
- unprefixing
- MIDI support
- Heartbeat drafts
- Resolutions
- Publish new heartbeat WD of webaudio
- Topics
- 19 Sept 2013:
- Topics
- Oscillator folding
- Behavior of source nodes on connect/disconnect
- ScriptProcessorNode behavior without JavasScript references
- DynamicsCompressorNode.reduction is read-only AudioParam
- Resolutions
- For oscillator folding, we resolved to add a way to use mathematical oscillators
- We resolved to make/keep DynamicsCompressorNode.reduction a readonly float, and document side chain compression use case
- Topics
- 5 Sept 2013:
- Topics
- AudioBuffer data race
- Review of recent changes to the draft spec
- Resolutions
- Adopt "Roc's proposal" for the Audiobuffer data race issue
- Topics
- 29 August 2013:
- Topics
- New Web Audio API Editors
- data race issue (webaudio)
- Resolutions
- Move Web Audio API versioning and issues to github
- The group will not meet at TPAC
- Chairs to send CFC for the "audiobuffer data races issue" around ROC's proposal
- Topics
- 15 August 2013:
- Topics
- Web Audio API editor role
- Topics
- 1 August 2013:
- Topics
- Bug 17374 - Drop sections 16, 17 and 19
- Bug 20681 - spatial coords should just be in metres
- Bug 17339 - De-zippering is not defined
- Bug 17366 - Oscillator types are not defined
- Bug 17378 - AudioBufferSourceNode.playbackRate not strictly defined
- Topics
- 11 July 2013:
- Topics
- Removing #OldNames
- data race issue (webaudio)
- inputs/outputs (webmidi)
- Resolutions
- Remove the AudioBuffer? createBuffer(...); interface (consensus reaached and DONE)
- Remove the #OldNames section - currently marked as informative (consensus reached, TBD by editor)
- Topics
- 20 June 2013:
- Topics
- interplay between deprecated names/interfaces in the Web Audio API
- support for prefixed (webkitAudioContext) and unprefixed implementations of the spec
- impact of "breaking changes" on the planning of implementation release
- Topics
- 25 May 2013:
- Topics
- offlineAudioContext
- Testing
- Topics
- 9 May 2013:
- Topics
- OfflineAudioContext
- Testing
- Implementation status
- Topics
- 25 April 2013:
- Topics
- Clarify the definition of various time-related values
- "finished" event on AudioBufferSourceNode and OscillatorNode
- MDN Web Audio Doc
- ScriptProcessorNode testing
- Topics
- 26/27 March 2013: F2F_Mar_2013
- Topics
- Web Audio API V1 / Feature freeze
- Web Audio API walk through and live edit
- Web Midi
- Testing
- Guest session
- vendor prefixes & "deprecated" interface
- Web workers
- Next call date
- Resolutions
- WebIDL should be construed as normative
- Implementations are to omit functions from DOM bindings that are not implemented (e.g. createXXXNode where XXX isn't supported)
- We'll support both "old" and "new" interfaces in the spec, have the noteOn etc in a separate section. Change the deprecation methods to "alternate names" and explain that they exist in the spec for historical reasons.
- Topics
- 14 March 2013:
- Topics
- OfflineAudioContext / Memory footprint
- F2F and testing
- The issue of ScriptProcessorNode not being an EventTarget
- Resolution
- Agreement that the suggestion made by Dominic ( was a good solution to the ScriptProcessorNode EventTarget/Callback issue
- Topics
- 28 February 2013:
- Topics
- Web MIDI security / permission model
- F2F logistics
- Use of EventListener for onaudioprocess:
- WebRTC and web audio API
- Web Audio / Web Midi at next W3Conf
- Resolution
- Agreement on the proposal of a Web MIDI security model split between system exclusive messages and the rest
- Topics
- 14 February 2013:
- Topics
- multi-channel layouts section of the web audio spec:
- possible creation of a "version 1" of the Web Audio spec
- Topics
- 10 January 2013:
- Topics
- Web MIDI security / permission model
- Migrating web midi versioning and issues to github
- Topics
- 19 December 2012:
- Topics
- New co-chair: Chris Lowis (BBC)
- Upcoming face-to-face meeting: 26-27 March, SF/Mountain View area
- Teleconferences: Thursdays noon Boston from January. Next call 10th Jan 2013
- Testing: looking at the w3c test harness and framework
- Topics
- 5 December 2012:
- Topics
- Testing. Discussion on test harness, automated testing, etc.
- Midi spec issues.
- Teleconference time
- Resolution
- Closing Issue 19975 by deciding to go with a simple single message protocol.
- Topics
- 21 November 2012:
- Topics
- Testing: understanding the specificities of conformance testing. We will probably need a mix of automated/human testing
- Face-to-face meeting - end of March?
- Document Milestones (
- Mozilla (and other) implementations of web audio api
- Topics
- 17 October 2012:
- Topics
- Publishing FPWD of MIDI spec
- Channel handling (and layouts) in web audio API
- Re-joining the Audio WG
- Resolutions
- Agreement to publish Web MIDI API First Public Working Draft
- Adding a (readonly) attribute for channel layout in webaudio destination nodes
- Topics
- 26 September 2012:
- Topics
- TPAC update / next face-to-face meeting
- Quick update on recent changes to the specs / early implementations
- Chartering
- Graph introspection / determine connection state of an AudioNode
- DAP / HTML Media Capture
- Resolutions
- Face-to-face meeting is cancelled, the group is exploring possibility of a f2f in January in North America
- We decided to not look into an interface to determine the connection state of an AudioNode yet. Postponed for a later phase of work.
- We agreed that The HTML Media Capture specification should define its relationship with GetUserMedia(), and that it should follow the same naming/approach to access to video/microphone as getUserMedia()
- Topics
- 12 September 2012:
- Topics
- Interface naming (update)
- Revisiting the circular graph issue
- Use Cases and Requirements review
- Loop start/stop points
- Logistics / TPAC
- Resolutions
- noteGrainOn replaced by an overloaded start() method
- Two suggestions for feedback loops: one to specify the minimum as a block of 128 samples (which would make things sound differently on platforms with different sample sizes, but that was deemed acceptable in the same way as graphics look different on platforms with different frame rates and power). The other was to not specify it and let implementations choose their minimum delay.
- Publish the Use Cases document once we incorporate initial feedback
- We decided on a good way to handle loop start/stop points see bugzilla:
- Topics
- 22 August 2012:
- Topics
- Renaming interfaces
- Remaming noteOn/noteOff to start/stop or play/stop
- Renaming setTargetValueAtTime (and other AudioParam methods)
- Teleconference schedule
- JavascriptAudioNode
- Resolutions
- noteOn/noteOff renamed to start/stop, the old name will be mentioned in informational section in the spec
- Setting audioparam value while there is an automation curve will cancel that automation curve and set value immediately
- setTargetValueAtTime becomes setTargetAtTime
- We need a method to get a readonly reading of the combined value when using audioparam automation curve
- Topics
- 1-15 August 2012:
- Issues discussed
- sync/delay issue with custom nodes
- revisiting the native vs custom nodes discussion
- Issues discussed
- 15-31 July 2012:
- Issues discussed
- JavaScriptAudioNode processing in workers
- discussions on how connections (and disconnections) work and should work (issue and thread)
- Drafts
- New public Working Draft of the Web Audio API
- Proposal for a DSP API spec discussion and early draft
- Issues discussed
- 1-14 July 2012:
- Topics
- Issues discussed
- Issues closed and Resolutions
- 12-30 June 2012:
- Topics
- Doug started an interesting and important thread on testing.
- Issues discussed
- Issues closed and Resolutions
- AudioParam.units were removed from the web audio API spec
- The issue on Node creation syntax was dropped
- Topics
- 13 June 2012:
- Topics
- Testing approach, existing tests and test roles in the group
- Short rechartering update
- Topics
- 30 May 2012:
- Topics
- Overview of Opera issues -
- ISSUE-24 CircularRouting
- Resolution:
- It is OK to have a circular graph so long as there is a delay. The minimum delay should be 128 samples
- Topics
- 23 May 2012:
- Topics
- Clarifying the issues process
- Charter, MIDI draft
- Usage/Reference to OpenAL
- Frequency of teleconferences
- Topics
- 9 May 2012:
- Topics
- Spec Roadmap
- JavaScriptNode buffer size and delay (ISSUE-13 and ISSUE-14)
- Resolutions
- The group will publish the mediastream processing API as a note
- Our new charter will document the focus on the web audio API as our audio processing spec
- The group will publish the use cases & requirements as a WD, with a view to publish as a note
- Features left out of scope for the v1 of web audio API will be documented in the UC&R Note
- Topics
- 2 May 2012:
- Topics
- new members
- ISSUE-12: Loop start/stop points
- ISSUE-6: Audio Param Constructor
- ISSUE-9: Channel handling
- ISSUE-5: Pausing a sub-graph
- Spec Roadmap
- Resolutions
- Resolution: Close ISSUE-6, start keeping a "backlog" of features we are keeping out of the v1 spec
- Topics
- 25 Apr 2012:
- Topics
- Review of web audio API ED changes
- Channel handling (ISSUE-9)
- Gain negative or above 1 (ISSUE-10)
- Offline audio context (ISSUE-11)
- midi and charter
- Resolutions
- Resolution: Close ISSUE-10, as recent changes to the ED of web audio API satisfy the group's requirements
- Topics
- 16 Apr 2012:
- Topics
- Decide on the time/day for our teleconferences through Autumn 2012
- Decide on whether we will meet at TPAC and/or for another f2f
- Quick review of issues "Pending Review" (ISSUE-3, ISSUE-5, ISSUE-7)
- review of recent editor's draft changes
- Resolutions
- Resolution: we will say yes to meeting at TPAC, assess later whether we need/want to hold another f2f, possibly in East Coast USA
- Resolution: close ISSUE-3 as satisfying as is, make sure we document limits in the number of contexts - not necessarily in the spec but in some developer doc
- Topics
- 2 Apr 2012:
- Topics
- ISSUE-8: numberOfOutputs of RealtimeAnalyserNode
- ISSUE-4: Setting sample rates for individual JavaScriptProcessingNodes
- ISSUE-6: AudioParam constructor
- Resolutions
- Resolution: make the output for the realtimeanalysernode optional
- Resolution: add a constructor parameter for audio context to specify sample rate - make sure to specify that default is best unless needed
- Tentative Resolution: keep AudioParam constructor for a future version of the spec
- Topics
- 26 Mar 2012:
- Topics
- ISSUE-4: Setting sample rates for individual JavaScriptProcessingNodes
- ISSUE-5: Pausing a sub-graph
- ISSUE-7: Power of Two FFTs for RealtimeAnalyserNode
- Resolutions
- Resolution: an arbitrary size FFT is not needed for version 1
- Topics
- 19 Mar 2012:
- Topics
- Proposed use case: metronome
- ISSUE-4: setting sample rates for individual JavaScriptProcessingNodes
- Followup on UC-15, Video with multiple audio tracks
- New WD of Web Audio API published
- Discuss/document Issue: Pausing a subgraph
- face-to-face meetings
- Topics
- 12 Mar 2012:
- Topics
- Preparing new WD publication for Web Audio API
- Resolutions
- Resolution: we will republish the Web Audio API spec a few days after the last batch of edits are done, and will republish the other docs at a later point, when the group feels they are ready
- Topics
- 05 Mar 2012:
- Topics
- Welcome Matt Paradis,
- MIDI work starting,
- publishing new WD of web audio API,
- syncing video and audio,
- destroying AudioContext instances
- Resolutions
- Resolution: That the group will publish a new working draft of the Web Audio APi
- Topics
- 27 Feb 2012:
- Topics
- rechartering to look at MIDI,
- how we split our work;
- Spec differences document and how we gather feedback.
- Resolutions
- Resolution: the group will draft a new charter including MIDI work, we already have a couple of prospective editors
- Topics
- 20 Feb 2012:
- Topics
- Use Case priorities,
- reviews of recent changes in Web Audio spec,
- spec differences document
- Topics
- 13 Feb 2012:
- Topics
- New teleconference schedule (now to be two hours earlier than before)
- Prioritizing the use cases : Use Cases 1,2 and 7 were deemed the highest priority, with UC6 also a center of interest.
- Resolutions
- Resolution: meetings will be 7pm GMT mondays from now on
- Resolution: to see how large the overlap of requirements between UC 1,2 and 7 is - and split based them in simple/advanced if needed
- Topics
- 06 Feb 2012:
- Topics
- getUserMedia,
- Intro to Use Case Priorities,
- rechartering for MIDI APIs,
- differences between APIs document
- Topics
- 23 and 24 Jan 2012:
- Topics
- Major overhaul of the Use Cases and Requirements document
- Topics
- 16 Jan 2012:
- Topics
- f2f
- use cases
- Topics
- 09 Jan 2012:
- Topics
- use cases
- latency
- Topics
- 19 Dec 2011:
- Topics
- We've published our FPWDs! Now what?
- f2f
- Use cases and Requirements
- Next call
- Topics
- 12 Dec 2011:
- Topics
- publication of FPWD and names
- f2f logistics
- explaining the work on use cases and requirements
- Resolutions
- Resolution: The three documents will be Audio Processing API for the umbrella, and Web Audio API / Media Streaming API for the two proposals respectively.
- Topics
- 05 Dec 2011:
- Topics
- Olivier's intro
- F2F proposal
- decision on publishing "model"
- use cases and requirements document
- coordination with WebRTC
- Topics
- 01 Nov 2011: minutes of joint meeting with WebRTC
- Topics
- Status of Audio WG
- Topics
- 31 Oct 2011: (TPAC)
- Topics
- Where we are and how we got there.
- media capture API
- live-editing of use cases document
- Resolutions
- Resolution: no objection to moving to FPWD. There will be an e-mail call for objections to this publication
- Topics
- 18 Oct 2011:
- Topics
- API Proposals, use cases
- Topics
- 20 Jun 2011:
- Topics
- Administrativia
- News
- F2F Meeting during TPAC2011
- RTC methods for scheduling high numbers of consecutive/overlapping sounds
- Roadmap - Should the Audio WG group take on the larger domain of general temporal media graphs?
- DAW use-cases and the Web Audio spec
- Topics
- 06 Jun 2011:
- Topics
- Status of Linux Web Audio API bug
- Adding links for "Specs in discussion" to W3C Group Page
- Reconsiliation of Web Audio & Media Streaming architecture
- "Connect" Naming
- Topics
- 16 May 2011:
- Topics
- Possible bug in Web Audio with noteOn()
- Page reload issues in Chrome build.
- Topics
- 02 May 2011:
- Topics
- JavaScriptAudioNode
- Resolutions
- Resolution: remove buffer size from js audio node constructor
- Topics