Audio Working Group Teleconference

13 Nov 2014

See also: IRC log


+1.650.214.aaaa, mdjp, padenot, joe, Doug_Schepers, jdsmith, hongchan, rtoyg


<trackbot> Date: 13 November 2014

<mdjp> Previous meeting minutes -> http://www.w3.org/2014/10/27-audio-minutes.html

<mdjp> http://www.w3.org/2014/10/28-audio-minutes.html

<mdjp> Scribe: hongchan

Web Audio Conference Session

mdjp: Web Audio Conference at IRCAM
... the idea of having more representation from working group.

<mdjp> http://wac.ircam.fr/

mdjp: cwilso, padenot and me will be there.
... we're looking through many papers and they are great examples of user-based outlet.
... it is beneficial for use to provide support for them as we can.

Assign open issues which need WG decision to V1 or V.next

<joe> https://github.com/WebAudio/web-audio-api/milestones/Needs%20WG%20decision

joe: shall we just walk through this and discuss?

cwilso: https://github.com/WebAudio/web-audio-api/issues/373

…: I don't want to replace the buffer source node we already have.

…: we could add another node can be resued.

joe: this should be v.next.
... move on to next issue.


cwilso: this came up while domenic want to rebuild audio element on top of web audio api.
... it is about expanding features of decodingAPI.
... this should be v.next.

joe: don't we need some blanket solution?

cwilso, padenot: blanket solution is not appropriate.

joe: next inter-app audio. https://github.com/WebAudio/web-audio-api/issues/358

cwilso: defer decision - leave it as needs working group decision.

joe: what are we waiting for?

cwilso: we need some guidance from developers and users.


padenot: I like this proposal

cwilso: ok
... I need to rethrough comments but I think we're heading to the same goal.
... you can say ready for editing


cwilso: this is the big one, should go to v2.


padenot: straight forward to spec and doesn't break a thing.

cwilso: this is not possible with promise because it's repeating

it will change the signature in an unfortunate way

joe: we need to know what the signature is when the callback

<Domenic> in general progress + promises should be something like `getPromise(onProgressCallback).then(onSuccess, onFailure)`

<Domenic> but in this case... not good

<Domenic> streams is a better solution IMO for granular decoding

cwilso: I will follow up with domenic and alex to see what the right pattern for this

joe: I'll leave the review tag on it.


joe: it looks like chris wants to push this

rtoy: works for me

cwilso: I don't think analyzer is good for the process requires precision.


padenot: it doesn't break anything.

cwilso: you mean creating a new node
... certainly there are some demands for this.
... it is easy to implement but the problem is the stability of biquad filter

rtoy: i'd be happy to ignore this stability issue. then it's on developer's hand.

joe: what is the current proposal?

padenot: exposed coef as audioparam

rtoy: k-rate

joe: i'll mark this as v.1


joe: this is actually more than the progress
... changing the content of offline audio context as progress.
... my point of view - chair hat off - so you don't have create nodes up front.

cwilso: rendering the hour of audio to get one file is not great.

joe: that's what I think too.

padenot: yeah i might be doable

cwilso: there's is an alignment issue too.
... it is doable but this is going to be a fairly big undertaking.

joe: the question we should ask is - without it how offline context would be useful.
... as developer - offline context needs this to be useful

padenot: I think we can try for v1..

cwilso: yeah

joe: ok let's try. I will put it in the v1 bracket and we'll see.


cwilso: resampling might be done elsewhere not our problem.

joe: this is v.next


cwilso: if you change the playback rate it is hard to calculate the position.
... we don't have sample accurate hook - so users will be disappointed anyway.
... it is very good for visual feedback, and also good for making complex changes to playback rate. will make many things easier. (i.e. DJ app)

padenot: yeah I agree

joe: this goes to v.1


cwilso: this is about utilizing multiple audio tracks in media elements.
... adding a new node. not a breaking change. should be in v.1

joe: we need to have a clear way of determining the 'first' track.


cwilso: this is too late.

padenot: yes, next.


cwilso: I would say this is appendix for last call. Should keep it in v.1.
... non-normative description of all nodes.

joe: okay I put that it the proposal and we can revisit later.


padenot: this would be useful - will cause big change.

cwilso: I want to do the heavy lifting in the native code rather than the javascript.


cwilso: it should be in v.next

<mdjp> trackbot, end meeting

Summary of Action Items

[End of minutes]

Minutes formatted by David Booth's scribe.perl version 1.140 (CVS log)
$Date: 2014/11/13 18:04:27 $

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Succeeded: s/is done elsewhere/might be done elsewhere/
Found Scribe: hongchan
Inferring ScribeNick: hongchan
Default Present: +1.650.214.aaaa, mdjp, padenot, joe, Doug_Schepers, jdsmith, hongchan, rtoyg
Present: +1.650.214.aaaa mdjp padenot joe Doug_Schepers jdsmith hongchan rtoyg
Found Date: 13 Nov 2014
Guessing minutes URL: http://www.w3.org/2014/11/13-audio-minutes.html
People with action items: 

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