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Community & Business Groups

OWL: Experiences and Directions Community Group

Everything related to the Web Ontology Language.

Group's public email, repo and wiki activity over time

Note: Community Groups are proposed and run by the community. Although W3C hosts these conversations, the groups do not necessarily represent the views of the W3C Membership or staff.

SPARQL Reasoning Using An Aligned Ontology In Jena

If I have an aligned ontology in my hand that corresponds to a RDF graph in Jena, how can I issue SPARQL query to the RDF store through Jena such that inferences will be made with respect to the supplied ontology?(i.e my ontology file and RDF files are seperate, but I would like to use the knowledge in ontology for any SPARQL queries issued through Jena)

Extending Manchester Syntax

Hi all,

The expressiveness of OWL Manchester Syntax (omn) is limited compared to other OWL2 syntaxes.  For example, it is not possible to express GCIs in omn.  I would like to extend omn so that is has the expressiveness of all the other official OWL2 syntaxes.

This post is intended to start the ball rolling on discussion of and agreement on such an extension.  Please let this list know if you are interested to join this discussion. Some draft suggestions for how to extend omn to include GCIs will follow shortly.



Welcome to the OWLED Community Group

At OWLED 2012, I proposed that we form a Community Group to support the activist part of the OWLED mission, and the participants quickly decided that that’s what we wanted to do.

And here we are!

Over the next couple of weeks, I hope a significant number of people join up. At that point we can start organizing matters (e.g., chairs, etc.). But don’t wait to be organized to start doing stuff! Let’s get a list of possible projects going!