First draft of future web payments interest group charter published
Posted on:Dear All,
I just published a first draft of the charter of the future Web Payments Interest Group (aka Web Payments Steering Group). This first draft is largely based on the output of the workshop in Paris last march.
The objective of this document is to drive the discussion and collect as much feedback as possible from the community.
There are a few specific points i would like to get comment on:
- The deliverable section is surely the most important one, defining the scope of the investigations. We have selected 3 major topics and it is essential to hear from the community if those topics are right, are consensual and are attractive for a big part of the actors. In particular, I’m interested to hear whether there are buzz-words or work items that might be problematic or at the opposite essential (but missing).
- Task forces: the topics described in the document are covering various areas of Web payments, and are likely concerning different players. It is therefore likely that the group will have a set of dedicated task forces on specific topics. In hte current charter, I haven’t put any task force description, and i tend to feel that this will come naturally during the work of the group. However, people may feel more comfortable having a deeper description of some of the work items. All feedback on this point is welcome.
- The audience of the future steering group: A big part of the groups at W3C, while restricted to W3C members and invited experts, are working in public and receiving public contributions. This is the option we put in this draft charter. I would be happy to know if the payment industry is more likely going to be interested in working in public or internally as a closed group and query the community on regular basis through the publication of draft documents.
All comments are welcome, either on the mailing-lists of this CG or privately to W3C team.
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