Next steps for the group
Posted on:After the release of our final report, in February 2022, we had the opportunity to present the project to several publishers and publishers associations in European countries and start discussing possible pilots in order to gather feedback on the first release of the protocol.
We found that the interest for the “TDM opt-out” solution is growing fast, in particular since ChatGPT was released. GPT-3, the LLM (Large Language Model) behind ChatGPT, constitutes an impressive example of the potentiality of AI agents when processing digital publications, and rightsholders from different sectors of the content industries are looking for an effective machine readable solution for managing TDM rights on their content.
The TDMRep effort is especially interesting for the IPTC (International Press Telecommunications Council), which develops standards for the News Industry and has started exchanging ideas with us.
This group will therefore continue its work on refining the specification and study possible extensions to meet the requirements of specific sectors of the content industry and to facilitate the integration of our work with other metadata standards (such as the IPTC standard for photos) and content formats (e.g. to embed TDMRep metadata in PDF resources).
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