Read Write Web — Q3 Summary — 2016
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The community group celebrates its 5th birthday this quarter. With almost 3000 posts (roughly 2 per day) from around 100 members a large number of topics have been raised, discussed and resolved. A bit thank you to to everyone that has been involved!
On the subject of statistics, there was a great paper produced by AKSW: LODStats: The Data Web Census Dataset which provides a comprehensive picture of the current state of a significant part of the Data Web. There was also a status update from the LDP Next Community Group and Data on the Web Best Practices is now a Candidate Recommendation.
TPAC 2016 got under way in Lisbon. While there was not a dedicated RWW session this year, many members of the group attended various related topics. There was some interest reported around the work on Verified Claims, which hopes to form a working group quite soon.
Communications and Outreach
Apart from TPAC, I was able to attend the 3rd annual Hackers Congress at Paralelni Polis, which aims to spread ideas of decentralization in technology. I was able to interact with some thought leaders in the crypto currency space and try to explain the decentralized nature of the web and how it can grow organically using standards to read and write. I also got a chance to talk to people form the remote storage project.
Community Group
Having reached the 5 year milestone, it is perhaps a good time to reflect on the direction of the community group. Do we want to keep going as we are, focus on specific topics, me more discussion oriented or more standards creation oriented? I’ll send out a questionnaire on this.
A thread on ways to (re) decentralize the web generated some discussion. There was also some discussion around the Internet of Things and a possible new framework for using Linked Data to read and write.
More work has been done in modularizing the solid linked data browser / editor into separate modular chunks (solid-ui, solid-app-set), that can be used to create apps on data, using a javascript shim. An analogy I like to think of is RSS being a structured data format but with some code it can become a useful application. Solid app set allows this to happen for any class of data. I am really enjoying this paradigm and have started to translate the apps I write. Here is an example of a playlist pane translation of a clients side app. Tim has written a lot more of these in the same repo.
Node solid server has progressed, with the permissions system being broken down into its own module, solid permissions. Also improvements have been made to the profile ui and the dashboard, which are still works in progress.
Much progress has been made on the document editor,, which is now also driving the Linked Data Notifications spec towards Candidate Recommendation, and integrating with the Web annotations specs. An slightly older screencast of functionality is available here, but I am told new ones will also be published very soon.
Last but not Least…
We welcome the launch of Cognoto.
Cognonto (a portmanteau of ‘cognition’ and ‘ontology’) exploits large-scale knowledge bases and semantic technologies for machine learning, data interoperability and mapping, and fact and entity extraction and tagging.
Check a sample term, or read more from this comprehensive blog post.