EME pushed forward
Posted on:EME goes forward despite consensus have been not achieved. People in the group continue to say that the lack of consensus cannot stop the work. I’ve read the policies and it indeed say so:
“Dissenters cannot stop a group’s work simply by saying that they cannot live with a decision.”
Not that we haven’t put reasonable objections over the table. Quite the contrary. The reasons why EME is not acceptable have been explained lot of times by a wide spread of different people. Repeating them all here is out of the scope of this post.
If you keep reading the policies, there’s also this snippet:
“Groups should favor proposals that create the weakest objections. This is preferred over proposals that are supported by a large majority but that cause strong objections from a few people.”
It is clear that this is quite the case now. Although, the dissenters aren’t few. We are many, and we are not members from the same organization as some pretend to imply. As for myself, I don’t belong to any organization at all.
In conclussion, according to the policies of the W3C, EME standard should have been thrown away long ago. Under the current circumstances, the policies are being breached continuously for the shake of the content industry.
What I propose is:
If current <video> tag isn’t enough for the content owners, they should strive on server side software no matter how expensive is it. Why should PC owners pay for their shake? Have we to support and accept client software that is against our interests? You want to earn money from your content. It is OK to do so, but do so honestly and not luring your customers into accepting your handcuffs.
I think video streaming is enough to stop most users from stealing your content. Hackers will always be able to manage things as they please, so why keep trying? All you’re doing with that attitude is annoying the very people who wish to pay for it.
Very thoughtful and interesting (and I didn’t know the rules beforehand, so even better, I learned something!)