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Community & Business Groups

High-Performance Computing Community Group

This community group is focused on bringing high performance computing (HPC) to the web. In particular, we're interested in making the computing and data resources that underlie simulation science, scientific computing, and data-centric science easily accessible through web browsers. Our members are working on APIs that expose HPC resources via the web, as well as gateways and web applications that take advantage of these APIs. The major goal of this community is to accelerate the pace of development of web-based HPC applications. Recognizing that we can build on each other's work, and that a consistent approach to developing such tools can enable features that require communication across multiple computing centers, we are interested in sharing technologies and ideas.

Group's public email, repo and wiki activity over time

Note: Community Groups are proposed and run by the community. Although W3C hosts these conversations, the groups do not necessarily represent the views of the W3C Membership or staff.

Next Meeting February 13

Our next meeting will be Thursday, February 13, at 2:00 p.m. Pacific Time via ReadyTalk (, access code 4864748). We have Chris Atwood from the U.S. Department of Defense’s HPC Modernization Program CREATE team. We’ll also take a look at progress in our HPC Gateway Handbook and find out who our next chairperson will be.

Call for Nominations

It’s time to elect a new chair! Please submit nominations to the public mailing list ( by February 3. You can volunteer your own name or the name of someone else, though that person will have to agree to run. If they have agreed already, please state that in your email.

Free Big Data Online Course!


We are thrilled to announce the free MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) on “Big Data Applications and Analytics”.  This is a beginner level course and you will enjoy it!  It is taught by Professor Geoffrey Fox at Indiana University, Bloomington.

The whole course is free. There are no pre-requisites except for your wish to learn about Big Data and it’s application areas. If you are a programmer, you can also follow the technology tracks and run the code sample provided. Feel free to enroll in the course at Watch videos, download the course material and join the discussion!

cglmooc Team


HPC and the Web BOF at SC13

Join us at SC13 in Denver, Colorado for the first ever HPC and the Web BOF! A chance to discuss common challenges and set the course for future collaboration, it will be held Tuesday, November 19, 5:30-7:00 p.m. (Mountain Time). This meeting is open to all SC13 technical program attendees, so spread the word. The HPC and the Web BOF will provide infrastructure builders, service providers, gateway developers, and other stakeholders a venue to exchange visions of how we can collectively leverage the web to enhance HPC in the next decade. Consisting entirely of interactive discussion between participants, it will offer the opportunity to engage in topics cutting across many different areas. These include, but are not limited to, development tools, APIs, data locality, federated identity, proprietary rights, job scheduling, and recommendation engines for scholarly activity.

Next Meeting October 3: Science Gateway Institute

Our next meeting will be October 3, 2 p.m. Pacific Time. We’re fortunate to have Nancy Wilkins-Diehr to tell us about the Science Gateway Institute. The SGW-I is A collaboration of six universities, headquartered at San Diego Supercomputer Center, that offers resources, services, experts and ideas for creating and sustaining science gateways. Note: There is no meeting scheduled for September.

August Meeting Info

Our next meeting will be August 1, 2:00 pacific time. Agenda: we’ll hear from David Skinner about the goings on at Globus World, then Kieron Mottley and Markus Binsteiner from New Zealand will tell us about the New Zealand eScience Infrastructure.

This time I’m trying a new web conferencing system that I’ve heard good things about, called BlueJeans. Connection info is below.

To join the Meeting:

To join with Skype:

To join via Browser:

To join via Room System:
Video Conferencing System: -or-

To join via Phone: (see all numbers)
+1 408 740 7256
+1 888 240 2560 (US or Canada only)

Meeting ID: 4203722980

BOF at SC 13

I’m planning to submit a request for a BOF at SC13 on the topic of HPC and the web. Is anyone interested in helping to organize that? We need to get a proposal in within the next 9 days. You don’t need to be a member of this group to participate or help organize.

July meeting: Mozilla Science Lab, iPlant, and Globus World

Mark your calendar for the next meeting of the W3C HPC community group. We have a special lineup this time, with guest speakers addressing new developments in making the web work for science. Mozilla recently announced the opening of its Mozilla Science Lab, and we’re fortunate to have lab Director Kaitlin Thaney talk to us about this exciting new initiative. We also have a demo on tap from Rion Dooley who will show us some of the new functionality recently rolled out in iPlant. And David Skinner will catch us up on all the activities at this year’s Globus World. It’s all happening July 11 at 2:00 Pacific Time. Hope you can join us!

Please register in advance by following this link:
Once you’ve registered,  you will receive call-in instructions via email.

An introduction to Mozilla Science Lab
Kaitlin Thaney, Mozilla Science Lab

New functionality in Agave, the iPlant API
Rion Dooley, TACC

Update from Globus World 2013
David Skinner, NERSC