Community & Business Groups

Participants in the Games Community Group


More on how to choose chairs
  • Tom Greenaway's profile picture

    Tom Greenaway

    Google LLC

  • Andrzej Mazur's profile picture

    Andrzej Mazur

    Individual CLA commitment

  • No Photo

    Noel Meudec



  • No Photo

    Andrew Ackerman

    Individual CLA commitment

  • Ben Adams's profile picture

    Ben Adams

    Illyriad Games

  • No Photo

    Sandy Aggarwal

    Individual CLA commitment but affiliated with Mizuho Group

  • No Photo

    adeel ahmad

    Individual CLA commitment

  • No Photo

    Kemal Ahmed

    Individual CLA commitment

  • Fabio Alessandrelli's profile picture

    Fabio Alessandrelli

    Godot Engine

  • No Photo

    John Allsopp

    Individual CLA commitment but affiliated with Web Directions Pty Ltd

  • No Photo

    Cathy Besse

    Individual CLA commitment but affiliated with Azerion

  • Olivier Biot's profile picture

    Olivier Biot

    Individual CLA commitment but affiliated with Melon Gaming Limited

  • Koen Bollen's profile picture

    Koen Bollen


  • No Photo

    J. Albert Bowden

    Individual CLA commitment

  • Levi Broadnax's profile picture

    Levi Broadnax

    Individual CLA commitment

  • No Photo

    Binh Bui

    British Broadcasting Corporation

  • Huy Bùi's profile picture

    Huy Bùi

    Individual CLA commitment

  • No Photo

    Ann Burkett

    Individual CLA commitment

  • No Photo

    Nicholas Burris

    Google LLC

  • No Photo

    Fernando Campos

    Individual CLA commitment but affiliated with Nuuvem

  • Melvin Carvalho's profile picture

    Melvin Carvalho

    Individual CLA commitment

  • No Photo

    Shaofei Cheng

    Shanda Interactive Entertainment Limited

  • Jonathan Chetwynd's profile picture

    Jonathan Chetwynd

    Individual CLA commitment

  • Desigan Chinniah's profile picture

    Desigan Chinniah

    Coil Technologies, Inc.

  • No Photo

    Florin Ciornei


  • François Daoust's profile picture

    François Daoust


  • Richard Davey's profile picture

    Richard Davey

    Individual CLA commitment

  • Mark DeLoura's profile picture

    Mark DeLoura

    Individual CLA commitment

  • No Photo

    Patryk Dobrosz

    Individual CLA commitment but affiliated with T-Mobile Polska

  • Erik Dubbelboer's profile picture

    Erik Dubbelboer

    Individual CLA commitment

  • No Photo

    Dethe Elza

    Individual CLA commitment

  • Gaëtan Faramaz's profile picture

    Gaëtan Faramaz


  • Marie-Claire Forgue's profile picture

    Marie-Claire Forgue


  • Paul Gadi's profile picture

    Paul Gadi

    Outplay Games

  • No Photo

    Guitong Geng

    Individual CLA commitment

  • Anthony Goodchild's profile picture

    Anthony Goodchild

    British Broadcasting Corporation

  • Steven Goodwin's profile picture

    Steven Goodwin

    Third Space Learning

  • mathew groves's profile picture

    mathew groves

    Goodboy Digital

  • Yang Gu's profile picture

    Yang Gu

    Intel Corporation

  • No Photo

    Ashley Gullen

    Scirra Ltd

  • No Photo

    Feng Guo

    Individual CLA commitment

  • Barbara Hochgesang's profile picture

    Barbara Hochgesang

    Intel Corporation

  • No Photo

    Shelly Huang

    Individual CLA commitment

  • Ismail Siraje Ittembe's profile picture

    Ismail Siraje Ittembe

    Individual CLA commitment

  • Paul Changjin Jeong's profile picture

    Paul Changjin Jeong

    HTML5 Converged Technology Forum

  • Jukka Jylänki's profile picture

    Jukka Jylänki

    Unity Technologies

  • No Photo

    Russell Kay

    YoYo Games Ltd.

  • Lars Knudsen's profile picture

    Lars Knudsen

    Individual CLA commitment

  • Alvar Laigna's profile picture

    Alvar Laigna

    Individual CLA commitment

  • Philip Laszkowicz's profile picture

    Philip Laszkowicz


  • Thanh Le's profile picture

    Thanh Le

    Individual CLA commitment

  • No Photo

    Beckett LeClair

    5Rights Foundation

  • No Photo

    Xinyi Liu


  • No Photo

    Robert Madsen

    SynapticSwitch, LLC

  • Luciene Bulhões Mattos's profile picture

    Luciene Bulhões Mattos

    Individual CLA commitment

  • No Photo

    Raf Mertens

    Individual CLA commitment but affiliated with Crazygames

  • No Photo

    Kasper Mol


  • Ken Moser's profile picture

    Ken Moser

    Marxent Labs

  • Chris Needham's profile picture

    Chris Needham

    British Broadcasting Corporation

  • No Photo

    Alicia NIE


  • Kai Ninomiya's profile picture

    Kai Ninomiya

    Google LLC

  • No Photo

    Ifeanyi Oraelosi

    Individual CLA commitment

  • Marco Pai's profile picture

    Marco Pai

    TianChao Times (Beijing) Technology Co., Ltd.

  • No Photo

    Siney Pang


  • No Photo

    Clement Pasteau

    Individual CLA commitment

  • No Photo

    Matet Prestoza

    Individual CLA commitment

  • No Photo

    Jianlin Qiu

    Intel Corporation

  • Jean-François RENAULD's profile picture

    Jean-François RENAULD

    Individual CLA commitment

  • Bernardo Rittmeyer's profile picture

    Bernardo Rittmeyer

    Individual CLA commitment but affiliated with Request Network Foundation

  • Björn Ritzl's profile picture

    Björn Ritzl

    Defold Foundation

  • No Photo

    Si Robertson

    Individual CLA commitment

  • No Photo

    Sergio Rojas

    Individual CLA commitment

  • No Photo

    Kenneth Russell

    Google LLC

  • No Photo

    Aurélio Santos

    Present Technologies

  • Trevor Sayre's profile picture

    Trevor Sayre

    Gradient Studios

  • Vincent Scheib's profile picture

    Vincent Scheib

    Google LLC

  • Adam Scott's profile picture

    Adam Scott

    Godot Engine

  • Alicia Sedlock's profile picture

    Alicia Sedlock

    Individual CLA commitment

  • No Photo

    seid seidi

    Individual CLA commitment

  • Yousuf Shaikh's profile picture

    Yousuf Shaikh

    Individual CLA commitment

  • Nick Shvelidze's profile picture

    Nick Shvelidze

    Individual CLA commitment

  • Michael[tm] Smith (sideshowbarker)'s profile picture

    Michael[tm] Smith (sideshowbarker)


  • Ana-Maria Sora's profile picture

    Ana-Maria Sora

    Individual CLA commitment

  • No Photo

    Nick Tipping

    British Broadcasting Corporation

  • No Photo

    ibon tolosana


  • No Photo

    Uchi Uchibeke

    Coil Technologies, Inc.

  • Mark van Diggelen's profile picture

    Mark van Diggelen

    SkillPod Media (Pty) Ltd

  • No Photo

    Robbert van Os

    Spil Games

  • No Photo

    Harry Wang


  • Timmy Willison's profile picture

    Timmy Willison

    Individual CLA commitment

  • Xiaoqian Wu's profile picture

    Xiaoqian Wu


  • Rachel Yager's profile picture

    Rachel Yager

    FortuneTimes Group

  • Dexter Yang's profile picture

    Dexter Yang

    Individual CLA commitment

  • No Photo

    zhonglei yang

    Alibaba Group

  • No Photo

    xinxin zeng

    Individual CLA commitment

  • Lei Zhai's profile picture

    Lei Zhai

    Intel Corporation

  • Wenli Zhang's profile picture

    Wenli Zhang

    Individual CLA commitment

  • No Photo

    Yajun Zhang


  • No Photo

    Jianjun Zhu

    Intel Corporation