Proposal: General Workflow and Filename Extension
Posted on:As described in the e-mail to the public list, I propose the following general workflow and file extension for a CV 2.0.
Proposal: textual file format that can be exported into semantic HTML, SVG, and other file formats as well as a specification on how to convert it back
If the proposal is accepted, these are the follow-up tasks:
- define tags – main part of our specification
- write code for transformation that can be reused by developers who want to implement our specification
- design example templates in SVG
- write use cases
Filename Extension
Similar to .html, .css, .svg, and other formats, I also propose that we use a file extension called .cv2 that enables us to distinguish our specified resume tags from other text formats. Like HTML, CSS, and other source code, it is obviously a text file that is then parsed by software that understands this format.
Proposal: .cv2 as file extension name
According to the charter (section Decision Process), we need a group consensus or at least a 2/3 majority vote on this proposal where agreement as well as silence implies consensus.
If no objections arrive by August 31st 2015, this proposal is regarded as accepted. A small reminder: if you agree, please reply to the public mailing list – if all participants agree or disagree before the 31st of August, we can already move forward with our work. Thank you!