W3C发布Web内容无障碍指南(WCAG 2.1)规范工作草案
Posted on:2017年12月7日, W3C发布Web内容无障碍指南(Web Content Accessibility Guidelines, WCAG, 2.1)工作草案(Working Draft),集广泛审阅意见,并计划于2018年1月发布该文档的候选推荐标准(Candidate Recommendation)。从设计思路上,WCAG 2.1扩展了WCAG 2.0,涵盖了更广泛的建议,使得残障人士更容易地访问Web内容,并且也更便于一般用户使用。
欢迎公众于2018年11月12日之前,通过GitHub WCAG 2.1 GitHub repository,或者邮件列表public-agwg-comments@w3.org提交审阅意见。更多内容,请参阅英文原文。
WCAG 2.1 final Working Draft
A final Working Draft of Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.1 has been published for wide review before a planned advance to Candidate Recommendation in January 2018. Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.1, which extends Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.0, covers a wide range of recommendations for making Web content more accessible to people with disabilities, and more usable to users in general. Please comment no later than 12 January 2018 in the WCAG 2.1 GitHub repository or by email to public-agwg-comments@w3.org.