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Community & Business Groups

DAPT First Public Working Draft published today

W3C Blog post: Latest published version of DAPT on /TR: Plus, you may find it helpful to have a reminder of the requirements document: This specification is now suitable for “wide review” so do take a look … Continue reading

Work Group: Accessibility in Education

Work Group Facilitator: Tobias Christian Jensen <>Slack channel: The group has discussed adding accessibility to university curriculums but found this a big and challenging task. Instead, we decided to start out by providing guest lecturing about accessibility to schools … Continue reading

Overlay Capabilities: Major Update

We’re pleased to announce a major update of our draft report on Overlay Capabilities. Where previously these were simply a list of over 46 and prospective applications of overlays in support of accessibility, they’re now organized under two primary categories … Continue reading


Civic Technology and Open Government According to Wikipedia, “civic technology enhances the relationship between the people and government with software for communications, decision-making, service delivery, and political process. It includes information and communications technology supporting government with software built by … Continue reading