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Community & Business Groups

BDE-Climate action, environment, resource efficiency and raw materials Community Group

This group is now closed, its work has moved to the Big Data Europe Community Group.

This is one of 7 Community Groups established under the BigDataEurope Project, a Coordination and Support Action under the European Union's Horizon 2020 Programme, each one tailored to a specific Societal Challenge. The discussions in this group will be used to design and realise the ICT infrastructure needed to benefit from big data technologies, maximising the opportunities of the latest European RTD developments, including multilingual data harvesting, data analytics, and data visualisation.

This Community Group is specifically interested in the challenge related to climate action, environment, resource efficiency and raw materials and is led by the Institute of Nuclear & Radiological Sciences & Technology, Energy & Safety (I.N.RA.S.T.E.S.) at NCSR Demokritos.

This group will not publish specifications.

Group's public email, repo and wiki activity over time

Note: Community Groups are proposed and run by the community. Although W3C hosts these conversations, the groups do not necessarily represent the views of the W3C Membership or staff.

13th International Conference on Meteorology, Climatology and Atmospheric Physics COMECAP 2016

The Department of Meteorology and Climatology and the Laboratory of Atmospheric Physics of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, in collaboration with the Hellenic Meteorological Society have the pleasure of inviting you to the 13th International Conference on Meteorology, Climatology and Atmospheric Physics (COMECAP 2016).Preview

The Conference will be held at Thessaloniki, in 19-21 September 2016 and will be hosted at the Aristotle University Research Dissemination Cente

More information on:

Stakeholder consultation to shape the SC5 Work Programme 2018-2020

The external stakeholder consultation to shape the SC5 Work Programme 2018-2020 has just been launched.

The consultation document is available here:

and background information on the whole process is here:

The consultation is open until Friday 8th April.

Please feel free to pass on this information to your own networks of stakeholders.
As stated in the consultation document, responses should be sent to

Big Data Europe presented at European Innovation Partnership (EIP) on Water Conference and ICT4Water

Today, 09.02.2016, the annual European Innovation Partnership (EIP) on Water Conference started inLeeuwarden, the Netherlands with a full day of ~20 workshops and working group meetings et al….

The Big Data Europe (BDE) project was presented in a 15 minutes talk in the course of a half-day workshop of the ICT4Water Cluster, a cluster that brings together all ICT related R&D&I projects of FP7 and H2020 and above to orchestrate activities, learn from each other et. al.

For more information and slides please visit the BDE blogpost

SC5 BDE Presentation in the EGU General Assembly, Vienna, 17-22 April, 2016

Abstract Title: Towards Supporting Climate Scientists and Impact Assessment Analysts with the Big Data Europe Platform

Authors: Iraklis Klampanos (1), Diamando Vlachogiannis (1), Spyros Andronopoulos (1), Antonio Cofiño (2), Angelos Charalambidis (1), Rob Lokers (3), Stasinos Konstantopoulos (1), and Vangelis Karkaletsis (1)
(1) National Center for Scientific Research “Demokritos”, Greece

(2) Universidad de Cantabria, Spain

(3) Alterra, Wageningen UR, The Netherlands

EGU2016  Session ESSI3.3 Earth science on Cloud, HPC and Grid

1st online hangout wrap-up: Big Data in the Climate domain

The National Centre for Scientific Research “Demokritos” (Climate domain) and Franhaufer IAIS (Project coordinator) organized on January 12, 2016 the first online hangout about Big Data in the H2020 Societal Challenge SC5 “Climate action, environment, resource efficiency and raw materials” in the framework of the BigDataEurope (BDE) project.
The aim was to introduce the activities and recent developments on the use of Big Data in Climate action within BDE and present the first pilot use case that will be developed and implemented in the BigDataEurope integrator platform.
The first presentation by Simon Scerri of the Fraunhofer Institute was an overview of the aims, rationale and activities of the BDE project. In the context of SC5 the basic motivation for BDE is to show the societal value of Big Data and lower the barrier for using Big Data technologies in terms of required effort and resources and when there is limited data science experience and skills.
Then, Diamando Vlachogiannis presented the aims and actions undertaken to serve Societal Challenge 5 “Climate action” within BDE. As climate science progresses, the provision and availability of climate data at a highly increasing rate could impose problems to users to a great extent, in handling and using such big datasets efficiently and sufficiently. The management and effective manipulation of climate “Big Data” is of vital importance to those engaged in climate research and climate services. To this end, BDE project aims at providing to users and stakeholders an integrated stack of tools to handle, publish and exploit large-scale data resources.
Following that, Andreas Ikonomopoulos introduced the BDE architectural overview, background and expectations of the platform. It was emphasised that the envisaged implementation integrates mature, existing, open-source components into a comprehensive software stack suitable for serving and consuming interoperable data. The platform will be available as an open source implementation maximizing software re-usability and community involvement, while paving the newcomer path to data products and services.
Finally, Spyros Andronopoulos presented a description of the SC5 first pilot to be implemented on the BDE platform. The organisation responsible for the compilation of the pilot is NCSR “Demokritos”. The pilot has been designed taking into account the user requirements collected and analysed through the project actions (workshop, questionnaires, etc.). The pilot aims to facilitate the process of dynamical downscaling from global climate data to regional / local scales with the support of tools aggregated on the BDE platform. The overall first pilot objectives are focused on improving the productivity of climate researchers (through e.g. easier management, ingestion and transformation of external data, making use of existing infrastructure and procedures) and creating opportunities for pilots across communities within the BDE platform (by e.g. climate change impact assessment studies on sectors such as energy, food and agriculture).
The online hangout was concluded with a short (due to lack of time) discussion about the pilot and related technical issues (e.g. data formats).
The BDE SC5 team thank all of you who have contributed to the online hangout and the workshop this year and invite you to sign up for the newsletter to stay informed and up-to-date!

Online Hangout: Big Data in the Climate domain

In the framework of the BigDataEurope H2020-ICT-2014 CSA, the BigDataEurope Consortium organizes a webinar (online hangout) to discuss the applications of Big Data in the Climate domain.

You are invited to find out more about the BigDataEurope project and contribute with your ideas on Tuesday 12 January 2016 from 11:00 to 12:00 CET.

Speakers from NCSR DEMOKRITOS (Climate domain) and Fraunhofer IAIS (project coordinator) will introduce the Climate Action Societal Challenge in BigDataEurope and present the 1st pilot use case that will be developed and implemented in the BigDataEurope platform.

Please register for free in Registration Form.


BDESC5.1 Workshop 20150615 Report_final _ PUBLIC

This document is a summary of the 1st BigDataEurope SC5 workshop, held in Brussels, on June 15, 2015. The aim of the first BDE SC5 workshop was the identification of current and future challenges for Big Data and data management in the Climate and integration of Earth Observation data domain. The Big Data of SC5 focus mainly on real-time monitoring, stream processing and data analytics. The workshop focused on the elicitation of the user requirements to support the design and realization of the necessary ICT infrastructure on which the deployment and use of the BDE platform (aggregator) could be based.

Invitation To JPI Climate Symposium

Designing Comprehensive Open Knowledge Policies to Face Climate Change Vienna / October 22-23, 2015

Facing societal challenges like climate change implies to rethink the manner how data and information are managed to generate knowledge with problem-solving character. In a context marked by a growing demand of openness within our societies, climate research activities have a unique opportunity to increase their credibility and their influence when executing mitigation and adaption policies. To do so, comprehensive approaches that bear in mind both barriers and potentialities of approaches like “Open Access” or “Open Science” are needed.

The Joint Programming Initiative “JPI Climate” ( is a European network of national funding organisations working together to coordinate jointly their climate research agendas and to fund new transnational research initiatives. JPI Climate is committed with transparency both in its daily business and also by promoting it in the climate research community, and therefore is glad to invite you to the symposium “Designing Comprehensive Open Knowledge Policies to Face Climate Change” (Vienna, October 22-23). This event will address 3 aims:

To foster the discussion on how to promote, design and implement effective and comprehensive policies towards what is called “Open Access” and “Open knowledge” within the climate-relevant research community (including policy makers, funding agencies, research institutions, practitioners and non-academic stakeholders like NGOs, SMEs, or from the civil society).

To build capacity through the presentation and discussion of good practices from both the climate research (including research funding organisations and foundations) and other fields of knowledge.

To reinforce and legitimatise the JPI Climate Guidelines on Open Knowledge (recently adopted by the JPI Climate GB: as a toolbox for policy makers and research funding organisations when designing and executing climate research policies.

By participating in the sessions you have the chance to involve yourself in the discussions, to present your own views, to share visions and opinions and to get to know innovative developments in this issue. All this regardless of your previous experience in the topic.

If you have interest to participate, please fill in the following online registration form ( and do not hesitate to spread this invitation to those persons and institutions which may be interested in.

Further information about the event is available at the JPI Climate website ( You can also contact us on for further questions.

We look forward to meeting you in Vienna!

Best regards,

Alexis Sancho Reinoso

Scientific coordinator

University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna

JPI Climate CSA






Summary of 1st Community BDE SC5 Workshop

Location – Vertretung des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen bei der Europäischen Union, Brussels
Date – June 15, 2015

The first BigDataEurope SC5 workshop was held with the intention to identify the current as well the future Big Data challenges in the Climate domain. The challenges and complexities faced during Big Data implementations in the area were identified and discussed, while typical applications of Big Data technologies were presented. Stakeholder requirements were collected to support the design and realization of the required computational infrastructure that will make use of the Lambda-Architecture. The development process will be tightly aligned with the societal challenge needs to ensure seamless and transparent integration of the proposed implementation in existing solutions. The BigDataEurope platform will integrate mature, existing, open-source components into a comprehensive software stack suitable for serving and consuming interoperable data.

Key challenges identified in applying Big Data approaches to Climate Action were the following:

  • Data management tools and practices currently common in the domain and /or in the participating organizations
  • Problems in getting, processing, analysing and storing the data
  • Identification of tasks using large (internal and/or external) datasets
  • Discussion of use cases of interest
  • Functional and non-functional requirements for the big data platform
  • Identification of tools/systems/databases/resources -gaps applied
  • Practical or technical restrictions that might impede access and processing of the data
  • Implementation of the Open Access to Research Data policy promoted by the EC to all projects funded under H2020
  • Legal concerns that could be encountered in the usage of (Big) Data management solutions
  • Identification of key roadblocks influencing policy requirements.

We are happy to announce the JPI CLIMATE SYMPOSIUM on “Designing Comprehensive Open Knowledge Policies to Face Climate Change” Vienna, October 22-23, 2015

JPI Climate, the European climate research alliance, has assumed the challenge of fostering robust Open Access and Open Knowledge policies. In order to reinforce this issue in its vision, objectives and governance principles (see rationale box below), JPI Climate offers an open discussion forum to the climate research community. This symposium will therefore contribute to put the issue of climate change at the top of the international political agenda in a year with landmark character due to the decisive summits taking place.

For more information, you may visit: