Tag Archives: overlay fact sheet

U.S. Attorney-General on Overlays: Cites Community Group Work

U.S. Attorney-General Addresses Accessibility Overlays in Ruling The U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) addressed accessibility overlays, as nearly a dozen commentors had requested, in its recently released ADA Title II regulatory ruling. In its response DOJ cited this community group’s … Continue reading

Annual Review Meeting at this TPAC, You’re Invited

Our community group will once again participate in W3C’s annual week-long technical gathering, better known as TPAC. We will host an introduction to our working document, “Capabilities Inventory,” discuss future directions for the document and how it can serve for … Continue reading

Road Testing Capabilities at the NFB Convention

At the 2023 National Federation of the Blind Convention in Houston we were able to introduce attendees to the intricate nuances of overlays, and particularly how our Community Group focuses on enhancing “accessibility at the edge” in support of multiple accessibility scenarios and not just screen reader users. Continue reading

Interest In Our Work is Growing

More people are bringing more diverse viewpoints into our Monday Teleconference conversations, all of which are being reflected in our document, Overlay Capabilities. We believe that one of our two major sections, Meeting User’s Needs, is near completion. We feel … Continue reading

Progress Report: 46 Overlay Capabilities

We are working our way through forty-six explicit capabilities that are often facilitated by overlays. This is not a fixed number, it could be expanded or contracted as people contribute more. We’re examining these overlay facts from three essential viewpoints. … Continue reading

What Is Your Preferred Teleconference Day & Hour?

Dear Colleagues, With the W3C Technical Plenary event in Vancouver behind us, we’re excited to canvas our intrepid community group for a Zoom teleconference time. We’d like to propose meeting weekly, at least for a few months to give each … Continue reading