Progress Update
Posted on:We are now meeting regularly on Mondays. See the calendar and join us!
What We’re Doing
We are working through a dispassionate and technical evaluation of overlay facts, capturing a list of things that overlays do (or claim to do). Examples include:
- User-triggered interaction/opt-in
- Runs automatically, no user action needed
- Portable cross-site profile expressing accessibility-oriented preferences
- Automated detection of WCAG violations
- Automated remediation of WCAG violations
- … and so on.
You can follow our progress here (Google Sheets).
How we are working on it:
Feel free to supply your own list of what overlays do, or claim to do, especially if you have additional functions that are not on our current list. You can submit a document to me (email to janina.sajka at gmail) or this community list, and come join our discussions.

– Janina Sajka, Chair