Interest In Our Work is Growing
Posted on:More people are bringing more diverse viewpoints into our Monday Teleconference conversations, all of which are being reflected in our document, Overlay Capabilities.
We believe that one of our two major sections, Meeting User’s Needs, is near completion. We feel we gathered all the relevant facts and are now editing that section primarily for clarity. Meanwhile, we’re focusing on the other major section of this report, Meeting Content Provider’s Needs. In this age of mashup content it’s very important to understand the impact on accessibility of content gathered by from multiple sources and assembled, perhaps by the Content Delivery Network (CDN), for delivery to the end user. All the facts for this section aren’t quite yet in the document, but getting them properly described is our current focus.
We continue to develop diagrams to express the mutual relationship of the website source and the various edge technologies that create today’s typical end-user’s experience. The architecture is meant to embrace accessibility overlays as well as edge technologies in the planning stages, such as a reporting URL for reporting accessibility failures. The draft diagram below shows the cloud, user and edge labelled according to vocabulary we are curating together in the community group. A cloud at top is labeled “Content Provider”, a rectangle at bottom is labeled “User”, and a cloud on the left, roughly between the two, labeled “Edge Service Provider”. An arrow points from the Content Provider to the User which merges with an arrow pointing from the Edge Service Provider, to the User, whose device integrates and renders the result.

Please know, it’s not too late to join the discussion! Mondays at 1 PM Boston time. You can see the calendar here, and click to join the community group.
As always, your comments and contributions will help us get all relevant facts captured and properly presented!