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Join our TPAC Breakout Session

TPAC 2022 Breakout Session on Overlays

We are excited to announce a special Breakout Session on the important topic of accessibility overlays. This session at TPAC 2022 is open to anyone interested in discussing current and prospective edge technologies as they relate to enhancing accessibility. Attendance is free, we just ask you follow the Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct (more on that below). 

Date and time: 11:15 to 12:15 Pacific Time, Wednesday September 14th 2022.

Janina Sajka, the Accessibility at the Edge Community Group Chair, will open the meeting. Janina will call on a few attendees to make opening remarks, and then the floor will be open. The meeting follows W3C good practices for running groups which means, anyone attending can speak! To get your turn to speak and participate,

Please follow the following guidelines, based on the CEPC:

  • Appreciate and accommodate our similarities and differences.
  • Have empathy when discussing sensitive issues.
  • Treat everyone with respect.
  • Be honest, be truthful.
  • Be aware of how much time is taken up
  • Be sensitive to language differences. In particular, English is not the primary language of all participants (avoid idiomatic expression), speak slowly
  • Respect confidentiality and privacy.
  • Review W3C guidance for hybrid meetings
  • Time-box the conversations to allow them to keep moving forward

We will have a scribe selected in advance to take minutes of the meeting, which will be published afterwards. If you do not wish your comments captured by the scribe, just ask them to pause scribing before you speak. 

We look forward to this important kick-off! See you soon.

—– The A11y-Edge Team

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