W3C WoT – Marketing Task Force
The WoT Marketing task force is responsible for reaching out and collaborating with the community to increase the
adoption of the WoT. The Marketing Task Force works on promoting the W3C Web of Things in different ways such
as Web presence, Social Media presence, and more.
- TF-Lead:
Ege Korkan (Siemens AG)
The Marketing Task Force aims to reach out and support the wide Web of Things community.
Our charter contains the goals for a certain period of time.
The overall tasks of the task force are:
- Maintaining the web page
- Creating visual materials such as:
- Powerpoint templates
- Figures
- Animation
- Videos
- Establishing the representation of WoT like a brand identity at:
- WoT Repositories
- WoT Web Page
- WoT Wiki Pages
- WoT Twitter account and other possible social channels
- Reaching out to the wide community through:
- Social Media
- Web Pages
- Blog Posts
- Promotional Text and Videos
- Explainer Text and Videos
- Tutorial Text and Videos
- Assuring consistent style for all the points above