Web of Things

Articles on the Web about the W3C Web of Things

Over the years, the W3C Web of Things has been featured in different articles such as press releases, news articles, blog posts, tutorials and more. This page aims to collect such articles and list them in a reverse chronological order. Under each article, the type of article, the publisher, the author (if available) and the publication date is noted. Articles of all languages are collected here, where non-english articles are prefixed with the language. Please refer to our policy document for information on which articles are chosen to be curated in this page. Also, note that W3C WoT WG and IG does not guarantee the validity of the articles.

If you are looking for other articles on the web about the W3C Web of Things, make sure that you include W3C keyword in your search queries. This is due to the fact that the Web of Things is a concept that predates the standardization activity and every article that includes the Web of Things in it is not necessarily coherent with the work at the W3C and thus does not use approaches with standardized components. Please also have a look at the history of Web of Things page and also at Wikipedia.