This is an archived snapshot of W3C's public bugzilla bug tracker, decommissioned in April 2019. Please see the home page for more details.

This archived bug list includes all the bugs for the product or component specified, including bugs that have been resolved.

Sat Mar 30 2019 19:56:54 UTC
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54 bugs found.
ID Product Comp Assignee Status Resolution Summary Opened Changed
25729 ARIA Spec jcraig RESO MOVE define aria attributes that include a human readable text string are translatable attributes 2014-05-15 2018-05-14
25852 ARIA Spec jcraig NEW --- editorial: add bug filing info 2014-05-21 2016-02-09
25949 ARIA Spec jcraig RESO MOVE Remove RDF references 2014-06-02 2018-05-03
25950 ARIA Spec jcraig RESO MOVE Harmonize role / state / property cross reference format 2014-06-02 2018-05-03
25951 ARIA Spec jcraig NEW --- aria-checked lists tristate value but includes an implicit undefined value 2014-06-02 2014-08-21
26034 ARIA Spec jcraig RESO MOVE ACTION-846: Clarify how CSS list numbering fits into text alternative computation in bullet 3 2014-06-11 2018-05-08
26035 ARIA Spec jcraig RESO NEED Write definition for static (in context of #listbox) defining element as not interactive like link or checkbox. 2014-06-11 2018-05-08
26036 ARIA Spec jcraig RESO FIXE Update #propcharacteristic_value to add "space-separated tokens" language and link to mapping section: 2014-06-11 2018-05-14
26037 ARIA Spec jcraig RESO MOVE Clean up instances of "space-delimited", "space delimited", and "space-separated." (ARIA 1.1) 2014-06-11 2018-05-03
26038 ARIA Spec jcraig RESO MOVE Move the text "User agents MUST provide a way for assistive technologies to be notified when states change, either through DOM attribute change events or platform accessibility API events." from 6.5.1 to the end of section 6.5 2014-06-11 2018-05-03
26039 ARIA Spec jcraig RESO MOVE Propose rewording or removal of excess notes in #aria-hidden, and propose new wording for APG. 2014-06-11 2018-05-03
26040 ARIA Spec jcraig RESO MOVE Clarify that aria-multiline should not be changed on the fly because it impacts role mapping 2014-06-11 2018-05-03
26041 ARIA Spec jcraig RESO FIXE Mention in aria-orientation that default is vertical for scrollbar, but usual default of horizontal applies to other roles 2014-06-11 2018-05-03
26042 ARIA Spec jcraig RESO FIXE Clarify it is an author error to include an ARIA global attribute on an element with an explicit or inherited role of presentation. 2014-06-11 2018-05-03
26043 ARIA Spec jcraig RESO FIXE Clarify if an author applies an ARIA global attribute on an element with an *explicit* role of presentation, the UA should ignore the presentation role and apply the default native semantic role for the element. 2014-06-11 2018-05-03
26044 ARIA Spec jcraig RESO MOVE Clarify if an author applies an ARIA global attribute on an element with an *inherited* role of presentation, the user agent should expose the element to the accessibility tree, but the UA can use its own heuristics to determine the role (any role, includ 2014-06-11 2018-05-14
26045 ARIA Spec jcraig RESO MOVE Update code samples on posinset/setsize to include comment that more clearly demonstrates that the other items are not in the DOM (these attrs are only required if DOM is incomplete) 2014-06-11 2018-05-14
26046 ARIA Spec jcraig RESO MOVE Add informative note that authors should not rely on rowgroup mappings on all platforms and therefore should not use additional attributes on an element with role rowgroup. 2014-06-11 2018-05-14
26047 ARIA Spec jcraig RESO MOVE Add author MUST that if you define setsize you MUST also define posinset. Define UA behavior if one is specified but the other is not. 2014-06-11 2018-05-08
26048 ARIA Spec jcraig RESO MOVE Add a translatable attributes section, to address the feedback on HTML bug 23337. 2014-06-11 2018-05-14
26049 ARIA Spec jcraig NEW --- Note on aria-activedescendant that HTML5 has a a native autocomplete attr that may be in conflict with this one. 2014-06-11 2014-06-11
26050 ARIA Spec jcraig RESO FIXE Change presentation example from <span> to generic <example> element which does not have the same baggage as span, with varying cross-browser implementations. 2014-06-11 2018-05-03
26051 ARIA Spec jcraig RESO FIXE Clarify that aria-hidden="false" does not override hidden state of ancestor elements 2014-06-11 2018-05-03
26052 ARIA Spec jcraig RESO FIXE Clarify that aria-hidden="false" does not override the hidden state of parent nodes, only the current node. 2014-06-11 2018-05-03
26053 ARIA Spec jcraig RESO FIXE Resolve comment from Mike Smith for ARIA 1.1 2014-06-11 2018-05-14
26054 ARIA Spec jcraig NEW --- Clarify example in #presentation that indicates <span> is always mapped to presentation; it's not true if an element has focusability, event handlers, or some other properties 2014-06-11 2014-06-11
26055 ARIA Spec jcraig RESO FIXE TAC 2B lists "select or combobox" which is redundant b/c combobox is a type of select 2014-06-11 2018-05-03
26085 ARIA Spec jcraig RESO WONT accessible description shouldn't duplicate accessible name 2014-06-13 2018-05-03
26223 ARIA Spec jcraig RESO FIXE WAI ARIA Spec gives example of form field in a label, html5 says that's not ok. 2014-06-27 2018-05-03
26307 ARIA Spec jcraig RESO MOVE Definition of "owned" is not strict enough; should actually be direct children, not any descendant 2014-07-11 2018-05-08
26617 ARIA Spec jcraig RESO WONT Changelog section: Add "See full log in %Git repo link%" 2014-08-20 2018-05-08
26627 ARIA Spec jcraig RESO WONT Ed notes in #aria-describedat citing Dominic and Alex should link to the full comments 2014-08-21 2018-05-11
27495 ARIA Spec jcraig RESO FIXE spec requires use of aria-hidden with display:none 2014-12-03 2018-05-03
27575 ARIA Spec jcraig RESO MOVE The Roles model introduces a potential timing problem 2014-12-11 2018-05-03
27576 ARIA Spec jcraig RESO FIXE Generic UI control role is required 2014-12-11 2018-05-11
27683 ARIA Spec jcraig RESO FIXE Typos in specification of 'aria-labelledby' 2014-12-21 2018-05-03
27788 ARIA Spec jcraig RESO MOVE Allow group as child of listbox 2015-01-08 2018-04-18
27798 ARIA Spec jcraig RESO WONT Clarify that an assistive technology must use the author-provided 'aria-describedby' on an alertdialog 2015-01-11 2018-05-03
27866 ARIA Spec jcraig RESO MOVE Need an aria-interactive attribute to indicate a control has its own keyboard handlers 2015-01-20 2018-05-08
27870 ARIA Spec jcraig RESO MOVE Allow specifying step size for range controls 2015-01-21 2018-05-14
27871 ARIA Spec jcraig RESO FIXE Add an ARIA attribute to allow elements to specify their keyboard shortcut. 2015-01-21 2018-05-14
27910 ARIA Spec jcraig RESO FIXE Aria-checked doesn't list all of the roles where it's used 2015-01-27 2018-05-14
28161 ARIA Spec jcraig RESO WONT nameFrom mismatch between spec and the RDF of roles taxonomy 2015-03-07 2018-05-03
28163 ARIA Spec jcraig NEW --- Browsing mode recommendations/requirements don't reflect reality 2015-03-07 2015-03-07
28164 ARIA Spec jcraig RESO WORK Browsing mode requirements should be more consistent 2015-03-07 2018-05-03
28165 ARIA Spec jcraig RESO FIXE How does an author set a tree as inert? 2015-03-07 2018-05-03
28187 ARIA Spec jcraig RESO MOVE Introduce role="key" 2015-03-10 2018-05-03
28317 ARIA Spec jcraig RESO FIXE Need aria-roledescription for a localized description of an app-specific role 2015-03-23 2018-05-03
28413 ARIA Spec jcraig RESO MOVE Clarify use of aria-label on elements with no role 2015-04-06 2018-05-14
28677 ARIA Spec jcraig RESO MOVE aria-hidden content misleading 2015-05-22 2018-05-03
28934 ARIA Spec jcraig RESO MOVE Add role="image" as synonym for role="img" 2015-07-09 2018-05-14
29001 ARIA Spec jcraig RESO MOVE aria-current, aria-describedat and aria-roledescription are not categorised under "Taxonomy of WAI-ARIA States and Properties" categories 2015-07-29 2018-05-14
29126 ARIA Spec jcraig RESO MOVE Should a <ul> allow a role="navigation" 2015-09-14 2015-09-14
29581 ARIA Spec jcraig RESO FIXE aria-posinset and aria-setsize are not listed as supported attributes for the roles menuitem, menuitemcheckbox, and menuitemradio 2016-04-20 2018-05-03
54 bugs found.