Tracker summary for Pierre-Anthony Lemieux

Timed Text Working Group Tracker

Open Actions

There are 0 open actions.

Open Issues

There are 20 open issues listed in the system.

ID State Title Raised on Product Open Actions
ISSUE-179 (edit)
px measure
OPEN Interpreting the pixel measure 2012-08-24 TTML2 0
ISSUE-231 (edit)
Individual character rotation
OPEN Individual character rotation 2013-05-30 TTML2 0
ISSUE-237 (edit)
Inline space
OPEN Inline space 2013-05-30 TTML2 0
ISSUE-243 (edit)
OPEN smpte:information (source material information) 2013-05-30 TTML2 0
ISSUE-301 (edit)
Apply TTML 2 profile to IMSC
OPEN IMSC should reflect revised TTML 2 profile mechanism 2014-02-26 TTML IMSC 2.0 0
ISSUE-376 (edit)
OPEN Missing XML declaration 2015-03-19 TTML 1.0 0
ISSUE-386 (edit)
No use case for "any" contentProfiles
OPEN There's no apparent use case for the "any" term in ttp:contentProfiles 2015-04-10 TTML2 0
ISSUE-391 (edit)
OPEN Yiddish in captions/subtitles 2015-06-11 TTML IMSC 2.0 0
ISSUE-435 (edit)
Generic font-family names in TVTT
OPEN Forbidden font family names 2015-09-23 TTML WebVTT mapping note 0
ISSUE-436 (edit) OPEN Move Overview to Annex 2015-09-23 TTML WebVTT mapping note 0
ISSUE-437 (edit)
#time-clock in tvtt
OPEN #time-clock is forbidden 2015-09-23 TTML WebVTT mapping note 0
ISSUE-438 (edit)
#length-cell in TVTT
OPEN Forbidden #length-cell 2015-09-23 TTML WebVTT mapping note 0
ISSUE-439 (edit) OPEN #length-pixel forbidden 2015-09-23 TTML WebVTT mapping note 0
ISSUE-440 (edit) OPEN Add support for ittp:aspecRatio 2015-09-23 TTML WebVTT mapping note 0
ISSUE-441 (edit) OPEN Support for itts:forcedDisplay 2015-09-23 TTML WebVTT mapping note 0
ISSUE-442 (edit) OPEN Adding background-image support 2015-09-23 TTML WebVTT mapping note 0
ISSUE-443 (edit) OPEN #backgroundColor-region forbidden 2015-09-23 TTML WebVTT mapping note 0
ISSUE-444 (edit) OPEN Forbidden timeExpressions 2015-09-23 TTML WebVTT mapping note 0
ISSUE-445 (edit) OPEN Line breaking algorithm 2015-09-23 TTML WebVTT mapping note 0
ISSUE-446 (edit) OPEN Should be a subset of IMSC1 2015-09-23 TTML WebVTT mapping note 0

Tracker: documentation, , originally developed by Dean Jackson, is developed and maintained by the Systems Team <>.
$Id: 57073.html,v 1.1 2019/11/12 10:09:05 carcone Exp $