Mission: Leading the Web to its Full Potential
Founded by Web inventor Tim Berners-Lee in 1994, W3C
- Providing the Vision to Lead.
- Engineering the Standards that Make the Web Work.
- From a Web of Documents ...
- ... converging toward One Web:
- of Data and Services
- on Everything
- for Everyone
- ... that is Interoperable, Trustworthy, Evolving with time

(Membership / Benefits
/ "At a Glance"
The Web Increased the Utility of the Internet
- Initial Web standards brought document-level
interoperability to the Internet
- HTTP provided a simple protocol over TCP/IP
- URI's provided unique identifiers and locators
- HTML provided links between parts of documents
- Globally-standard ways to author, identify, retrieve and
link documents
... revolutionized the way we live and do business
- If aim is to put more RFID- ed Things on the Internet
... should carefully consider -- and if possible, leverage -- existing
and emerging Web standards
From Web of Documents to Web of Data and Services
Recent and emerging W3C Standards aim to:
- Expand the Web to include more machine-understandable resources
- Enable interoperability (syntactic and semantic) between resources you
know must interoperable
- Enable interoperability between resources you don't yet
know must be interoperable
Recent and Emerging Standards
- Semantic Web: Data on the Web
- Standards for things, concepts, relationships and descriptions,
linked on the Web
- Easier to Understand, Search for, Share,
Re-Use, Aggregate, Extend information
- Web Services: Programs on the Web (see extra slides)
- Standards for program interfaces and interactions, linked on the
- Easier to Expose and Use services (and data they
Semantic Web
Machine-processable, global Web standards:
- Assigning unambiguous names (URI)
- Expressing data, including metadata (RDF)
- Capturing ontologies (OWL)
Accessible wherever you want it to be ...
... within and across enterprises ...
... on the Web.
Heart of the Semantic Web
- Semantic Web's Resource Description Framework: a W3C standard (Primer)
- Statements linking data so as to describe things (concepts,
objects, etc.)
- RDF : Data :: HTML : Documents
- Descriptive statements expressed as triples:
- (Subject, Predicate, Object) or (Subject, Property,
- Could be called: "Relational Data Format"

- Most useful, Web-wise, when these are URIs, e.g. for this presentation:
Current Web
- Minimal machine-processable information -- dumb links

Semantic Web - Enhancement of Current Web
- More machine-processable information: data connected by
[ellipses = resources; color = one data
source; x: = one ontology]
Enterprise Integration Today

Enterprise Integration on the "RDF Bus"

Semantic Web R&D Opportunities
- Research groups (e.g., MIT/DIG, UMD, UBristol,
- Commercial initiatives (Fujitsu, HP, IBM, Oracle,
Nokia, etc.)
- Conferences (e.g., ISWC, SemTech, etc.)
- Work with W3C to drive incubation and standardization
- Explore tools
- Create interoperability demonstrators
- Expose data as RDF
- Develop domain ontologies
- Develop maps between ontologies
- Start developing complex operations across domains
- Etc.
- Contribute to and leverage network effects as the Semantic Web
Thank You

Extra Slides
- W3C Work Organization
- Domains, Activities, Groups, Standards Stack
- W3C Membership
- Value proposition, how-to
- Web of Data and Services
- XML, Web Services, more Semantic Web
- Leadership network
- Member profile
- Member value
- How to join
W3C's International Leadership Network
Expanding base of the world's leading technology organizations
and technologists

W3C Membership by Country, Dec 2005 (click
to get history)
Member Profile
* popular
saying in Chinese business and government, from China’s Post-WTO Technology Policy: Standards,
Software and the Changing Nature of Techno-Nationalism, by Richard P. Suttmeier and Yao
- Leadership
- Introduce new ideas through submissions & workshops
- Drive new standards through Working Group
participation, review, implementation
- Provide strategic direction through seat on Advisory Committee
- Each Member has
one AC Representative
- Early insight into market trends
- Access Member & Team technical experts
- Track emerging technologies & markets through Member-confidential
- Implement standards & plan for procurement of new technologies
ahead of market
- Promoting image as innovator
- Participate in international media activities, press releases, testimonials
(e.g., MWI)
- Display organization and logo on W3C
site (250K visits/day)
- Display W3C Member
logo on organization's page
- Ensure & enjoy benefits of royalty-free implementation of Web
- Join
- Public participation and accountability
- Web Services
- Extra Semantic Web
- Foundation for W3C's standards
- XML Activity
- Evolving standards: Core, XSL, Schema, DOM, URI, I18N
- Emerging standards:
- Future of XML
Web Services

Semantic Web: Applications Connected by Concepts

The End