RDivF: Keyword Search Diversification over RDF Data
Name of the tool: | RDivF: Keyword Search Diversification over RDF Data |
Home page: | RDivF: RDF Diversification |
Date of latest release: | |
Programming language(s) that can be used with the tool: | Java |
Relevant semantic web technologies: | RDF, RDFS, OWL, SPARQL |
Categories: | SPARQL Endpoint, Search Engine, Special Browser, RDF or OWL Browser |
See also: | http://www.dblab.ntua.gr/~bikakis/RDivF.html |
Public mailing list: | |
Preferred project URI: | http://www.dblab.ntua.gr/~bikakis/RDivF.html |
DOAP reference: | |
Company or institution: |
(Tool description last modified on 2013-12-29.)
RDivF (RDF + Diversity) is a diversification framework for keyword search on RDF data. In RDF diversification, the main challenges arise from the fact that the structure of the RDF results, including additional semantics from the underlying RDF/S-OWL schema, needs to be exploited. This is in contrast to the case of diversifying unstructured search results, where the factor of content (dis)similarity is sufficient.
The RDivF framework exploits several aspects of the RDF data model (e.g., resource content, RDF graph structure, schema information) to answer RDF keyword queries with a set of diverse results.