From Semantic Web Standards

SPARQL Query Language for RDF


RDF is a directed, labeled graph data format for representing information in the Web. This specification defines the syntax and semantics of the SPARQL query language for RDF. SPARQL can be used to express queries across diverse data sources, whether the data is stored natively as RDF or viewed as RDF via middleware. SPARQL contains capabilities for querying required and optional graph patterns along with their conjunctions and disjunctions. SPARQL also supports extensible value testing and constraining queries by source RDF graph. The results of SPARQL queries can be results sets or RDF graphs.

The current version of SPARQL is SPARQL 1.1, which supersedes the older version published in 2008. SPARQL 1.1 consists of 11 documents; The best is to look at the separate SPARQL 1.1 Overview document, which lists all the documents and how they relate to one another.

Recommended Reading

A number of textbooks have been published on RDF, RDFS, and on Semantic Web in general. Please, refer to a separate page listing some of those, as maintained by the community. That list also includes references to conference proceedings and article collections that might be of general interest.

Tools that are listed as relevant to SPARQL

(Note that you can browse tools per tool categories or programming languages, too.)

Last modified and/or added

The description of the following tools have been added and/or modified most recently.

All relevant tools

This is a list of all tools listed on this wiki, and that are marked as relevant to SPARQL.

  • 4store (triple store).
  • outdated-ARC RDF Store (triple store). Directly usable from PHP
  • AllegroGraph RDF Store (programming environment, reasoner, triple store, development environment, rdfs reasoner). Directly usable from Java, LISP, Python, Prolog, C, Ruby, Perl
  • Apache Jena (programming environment, reasoner, triple store, rdfs reasoner, rule reasoner, owl reasoner, parser). Directly usable from Java
  • Mobi (programming environment, development environment). Directly usable from Java, Javascript
  • Mulgara Semantic Store (triple store). Directly usable from Java
  • Ontop (reasoner, rdfs reasoner, owl reasoner, rdf generator, sparql endpoint, rdb2rdf, converter). Directly usable from Java
  • Ontopic Studio (reasoner, rdfs reasoner, owl reasoner, rdf generator, sparql endpoint, rdb2rdf, converter).
  • OpenLink Virtuoso (reasoner, triple store, rdfs reasoner, owl reasoner, rdf generator, sparql endpoint, rdb2rdf). Directly usable from Java, Python, C, Ruby, Perl, PHP, Javascript, C++, ActionScript, Tcl, Obj-C
  • Oracle Spatial and Graph 19c (reasoner, triple store, owl reasoner). Directly usable from Java
  • GraphDB (reasoner, triple store, rdfs reasoner, owl reasoner, sparql endpoint). Directly usable from Java, C
  • RDFLib (programming environment, triple store). Directly usable from Python
  • RDFox (reasoner, triple store, rdfs reasoner, rule reasoner, owl reasoner). Directly usable from Java, C++
  • Redland RDF Application Framework (programming environment). Directly usable from Java, Python, C, Ruby, Perl, PHP, Tcl, Obj-C, C-sharp
  • SPARQLer (sparql endpoint, validator).
  • Sesame (programming environment, reasoner, triple store, rdfs reasoner, parser). Directly usable from Java, Python, PHP
  • Spyder (sparql endpoint, rdb2rdf).
  • Talis Platform (triple store, sparql endpoint).