W3CWeb Accessibility initiative

WAI: Strategies, guidelines, resources to make the Web accessible to people with disabilities

Information Architecture
WAI Web Site Redesign Project

Page Contents

New /users/

* do we want to add a top level navigation category or not?

I think a top level navigation for these documents is definitely a good idea. Currently, they are together with other documents, and it would be difficult for users to find them.

I think a top level navigation on the WAI home page is merited

* if no, where should the new documents go in the current information architecture?


> * if yes, which documents should go in the new category?

I think the current list looks good, I am just not sure about <http://www.w3.org/WAI/EO/changelogs/cl-accessibility-n-usability.html> as this could be too technical for an end user.

Definitely the ones that are there, and perhaps there are others.
My main concern is this one: Involving Users in Web Projects for Better, Easier Accessibility
I think the document belongs, but the text below it doesn't emphasize how it might be useful to end-users to be aware of what WAI is suggesting to companies/organizations in this regard.
I do think the link-names need to remain constant i.e. they need to reflect the document name for consistency, if nothing else. I think the document names are fairly approachable/understandable for folks who might find this page.

I agree with Alan that the documents titles are not as good as plain sentences about what the visitor seeks.

> * if yes, what should it be called? if you were an "average" "user", what would words in the navigation would lead you to select them thinking that there was material there for you?

I wonder what advocacy organizations might suggest i.e. what they can see from their site stats in terms of what people are searching for from search engines that bring them to pages on their sites that are similar to these.

Instead of User Perspective I would title the list "Where to look for Web Access Help"

Difficult to predict, I guess we need to ask this directly to some users.

How about these?

"For Web users"
"For users"
"Accessibility for you"
"Your accessibility"
"My accessibility"
"My accessibility needs"

"Web accessibility for users"
"What Web accessibility means for you"
"How can WAI help you access the Web"

Active Users
User Actions

more perspectives

This sounds like a useful new dynamic for WAI that could help introduce end users to WAI's work and perhaps encourage them to become involved or at least provide feedback, and to look "behind the scenes" at the technical work.

It needs to be made clear whether these resources are aimed directly at the users or at third parties who will repackage them for the users. Perhaps include an introductory paragraph that welcomes the user directly.

It might be useful to hide or at least demote some of the other navigation that an end user could see as confusing clutter.

Alternative title ideas might be "Web accessibility for users" or "What Web accessibility means for you" or "How can WAI help you access the Web".

Some of them, like "How People with Disabilities Use the Web" and "Involving Users in Web Projects for Better, Easier Accessibility" will not help users directly, but it might be useful to explain how they can be useful. For example, for the "Involving Users" document, say "If you are an end user, you can help improve web site accessibility by becoming involved in the design process". For the "How People with Disabilities Use the Web" document, say that it can help you understand how other people with similar or other disabilities use the web and are affected by inaccessibility.

Going beyond what Shawn asks about, perhaps the "Involving Users" document could address end users and explain how they can become involved. This could be a bridge between it and the "How to Contact Organizations" document. Take the "How to Contact" document a step further and suggest the possibility that the complainant might actually become involved in the organisations design process.

It could also include the "How to Change Text Size or Colors" page [1] and/or include a link to it in the planned "Better Web Browsing" document.

I think that it does need a top-level category or at least a prominent place on the home page. It should perhaps also fit into a broader effort across the whole of W3C, to make people aware of just who important the W3C's work is to them as individuals. More important will be to get links to this page out on other sites around the Web where people can find them, and that needs a clear statement of what the section is about, to ensure that the message is conveyed clearly.

The content should be oriented to what users are looking for, rather than using the document titles as section headings. Like "I want to: Contact and organisation with an inaccessible website; Understand how other people with my disability use the Web; Help improve Web site design; Find out how to use my browser"