
Apply the following changes to selected action items:

There are 938 actions.

ID State Title Person Due Date Associated with
ACTION-1 (edit) closed re-run tests with revised schema Thomas Roessler 2008-07-07 DO NOT USE 2
ACTION-2 (edit) closed Update XML Signature errata to reflect RFC version's reference changes, based on input from Don Eastlake Thomas Roessler 2008-12-31 Errata-XML Signature
ACTION-3 (edit) closed RNG Schema: Check on status with customer. Thomas Roessler 2008-07-07 DO NOT USE 2
ACTION-4 (edit) closed Arrange joint F2F meetings Frederick Hirsch 2008-08-18 WG-Coordination
ACTION-5 (edit) closed Check how the formal OASIS liasion is working. Frederick Hirsch 2008-08-19 WG-Coordination
ACTION-6 (edit) closed Investigate ebxml liasion Sean Mullan 2008-07-23 WG-Coordination
ACTION-7 (edit) closed Informally liase with WS-Fed Bruce Rich 2008-08-19 WG-Coordination
ACTION-8 (edit) closed Read this action's number Thomas Roessler 2008-07-23 WG-Tools
ACTION-9 (edit) closed Fix Tracker Thomas Roessler 2008-07-23 WG-Tools
ACTION-10 (edit) closed Update wg page to include issues link Frederick Hirsch 2008-07-23 WG-Web Site
ACTION-11 (edit) closed Ask for XPath 2.0 presentation to group Frederick Hirsch 2008-07-24 WG-Coordination
ACTION-12 (edit) closed Review archive from maint. group to revisit type issue Juan Carlos Cruellas 2008-07-24 XML Security 1.1 Requirements and Design Considerations
ACTION-13 (edit) closed Review streaming using 2nd edition Signature Konrad Lanz 2008-11-10 streaming reqmts
ACTION-14 (edit) closed Ask about namespaces/undeclarations in xml coordination group Frederick Hirsch 2008-07-24 WG-Coordination
ACTION-15 (edit) closed Provide proposal on xmlsec namespace approach to identify elements to be processed Brian LaMacchia 2008-07-24 Canonical XML Version 2.0
ACTION-16 (edit) closed Write up proposal regarding use of transform that has parameter for passing xml model Konrad Lanz 2008-08-19 free
ACTION-17 (edit) closed test from vivien (please disregard) 2008-07-22 WG-Tools
ACTION-18 (edit) closed test Thomas Roessler 2008-07-22 WG-Tools
ACTION-19 (edit) closed Evaluate Issues and Actions for appropriate placement Gerald Edgar 2008-08-19 WG-Tools
ACTION-20 (edit) closed Draft message about XPath 2 presentation to mailing list Frederick Hirsch 2008-08-05 WG-Coordination
ACTION-21 (edit) closed Propose ways to reduce dependencies on XML specs Kelvin Yiu 2008-08-05 free
ACTION-22 (edit) closed Review EXI docs that were published Ed Simon 2008-08-19 XML Security 1.1 Requirements and Design Considerations
ACTION-23 (edit) closed Contact EXI re signature/verification use cases Frederick Hirsch 2008-08-19 XML Security 1.1 Requirements and Design Considerations
ACTION-24 (edit) closed Review schema for improvements Scott Cantor 2008-11-30 ISSUE-43
ACTION-25 (edit) closed Give feedback on xml schema best practice in xml-cg Frederick Hirsch 2008-08-19 WG-Coordination
ACTION-26 (edit) closed Define products in tracker and associate with actions/issues Frederick Hirsch 2008-08-07 WG-Tools
ACTION-27 (edit) closed contact crypto hardware and suiteB experts in NSA regarding XML Security WG and possible involvement Robert Miller 2008-08-19 WG-Coordination
ACTION-28 (edit) closed update OASIS liaison information recorded at W3C: Thomas Roessler 2008-08-08 WG-Coordination
ACTION-29 (edit) closed test Issues entry and list generation Gerald Edgar 2008-08-19 WG-Tools
ACTION-30 (edit) closed Update xmlsec public page to include top information like original xml security public pages Shivaram Mysore 2008-08-19 WG-Web Site
ACTION-31 (edit) closed Investigate ebXML liaison (see ACTION-6) Thomas Roessler 2008-08-19 WG-Coordination
ACTION-32 (edit) closed Document requirements and assumptions in simple signing strawman Kelvin Yiu 2008-08-19 XML Security 1.1 Requirements and Design Considerations
ACTION-33 (edit) closed Do something Frederick Hirsch 2008-08-26 WG-Tools
ACTION-34 (edit) closed Set up questionnaire for next meeting Thomas Roessler 2008-08-26 WG-Tools
ACTION-35 (edit) closed Contact XML Processing WG Frederick Hirsch 2008-08-26 WG-Coordination
ACTION-36 (edit) closed Take a look at NIST document Brian LaMacchia 2008-08-26 XML Security 1.1 Requirements and Design Considerations
ACTION-37 (edit) closed Write up scenario for simple sign Scott Cantor 2008-08-26 XML Security 1.1 Requirements and Design Considerations
ACTION-38 (edit) closed Enlist kelvin to write up scenarios he's interested in; split of classes Brian LaMacchia 2008-08-26 XML Security 1.1 Requirements and Design Considerations
ACTION-39 (edit) closed Contribute web service related scenario Hal Lockhart 2008-08-25 XML Security 1.1 Requirements and Design Considerations
ACTION-40 (edit) closed Solicit and contribute long-time archival requirements Chris Solc 2008-08-26 XML Security 1.1 Requirements and Design Considerations
ACTION-41 (edit) closed Solicit and contribute requirements and assumptions from workflow scenarios Chris Solc 2008-08-26 XML Security 1.1 Requirements and Design Considerations
ACTION-42 (edit) closed Elaborate on "any document" requirement vs canonicalizing xml:base Thomas Roessler 2008-08-26 XML Security 1.1 Requirements and Design Considerations
ACTION-43 (edit) closed Write about constrained nodesets requirement Pratik Datta 2008-08-26 XML Security 1.1 Requirements and Design Considerations
ACTION-44 (edit) closed Send email on ordering and layering of xml signatures Frederick Hirsch 2008-08-26 XML Security 1.1 Requirements and Design Considerations
ACTION-45 (edit) closed Produce template for requirements document Thomas Roessler 2008-08-26 XML Security 1.1 Requirements and Design Considerations
ACTION-46 (edit) closed Arrange CVS access for Brad Hill Thomas Roessler 2008-08-20 WG-Tools
ACTION-47 (edit) closed Add error noted in to c14n 1.1 errata page Thomas Roessler 2008-09-01 Errata-C14N
ACTION-48 (edit) closed Put the link for the proposed errata Thomas Roessler 2008-09-02 Errata-C14N
ACTION-49 (edit) closed Edit the best practices document Bradley Hill 2008-09-02 XML Signature Best Practices
ACTION-50 (edit) closed Draft a strawman for alternative to xpath transform Pratik Datta 2008-09-02 free
ACTION-51 (edit) closed Provide proposal on list regarding transform primitives Konrad Lanz 2008-09-02 free
ACTION-52 (edit) closed Attempt summarizing recent discussions as input for design document Konrad Lanz 2008-09-02 free
ACTION-53 (edit) closed Review comments from Scott and propose document change, Pratik Datta 2008-09-09 XML Signature Best Practices
ACTION-54 (edit) closed Provide a presentation to the working group introducing NVDL. Robert Miller 2008-09-16 free
ACTION-55 (edit) closed Check with WS-Federation regarding XML Signature 2nd edition references Bruce Rich 2008-11-11 WG-Coordination
ACTION-56 (edit) closed Propose text for KeyInfo processing in best practices. Scott Cantor 2008-09-16 XML Signature Best Practices
ACTION-57 (edit) closed Review best practices document from implementation standpoint Bruce Rich 2008-09-16 XML Signature Best Practices
ACTION-58 (edit) closed Review best practices document from implementation standpoint Juan Carlos Cruellas 2008-09-16 XML Signature Best Practices
ACTION-59 (edit) closed Review best practices document from implementation standpoint Pratik Datta 2008-09-16 XML Signature Best Practices
ACTION-60 (edit) closed Review best practices document from implementation standpoint Konrad Lanz 2008-09-16 XML Signature Best Practices
ACTION-61 (edit) closed Review best practices document from implementation standpoint Brian LaMacchia 2008-09-16 XML Signature Best Practices
ACTION-62 (edit) closed Review best practices document from implementation standpoint Sean Mullan 2008-09-16 XML Signature Best Practices
ACTION-63 (edit) closed Review best practices document from implementation standpoint Robert Miller 2008-09-16 XML Signature Best Practices
ACTION-64 (edit) closed Review best practices document from implementation standpoint Chris Solc 2008-09-16 XML Signature Best Practices
ACTION-65 (edit) closed Document use case and semantics of byte-range signatures. Chris Solc 2008-09-16 XML Security 1.1 Requirements and Design Considerations
ACTION-66 (edit) closed Follow up with xsl to get documents related to serialization Frederick Hirsch 2008-09-23 WG-Coordination
ACTION-67 (edit) closed Edit best practices to implement Scott's and his own changes; see Sean Mullan 2008-09-30 XML Signature Best Practices
ACTION-68 (edit) closed Implement, Sean Mullan 2008-09-30 XML Signature Best Practices
ACTION-69 (edit) closed Propose text to address concern of non-naive implementations not being vulnerable to attack Frederick Hirsch 2008-09-30 Implementation language
ACTION-70 (edit) closed Propose disclaimer for SOTD Thomas Roessler 2008-09-30 XML Signature Best Practices
ACTION-71 (edit) closed Update examples with absolute namespace URIs and regenerate signatures Pratik Datta 2008-09-30 XML Signature Best Practices
ACTION-72 (edit) closed Contribute synopsis for each best practice Frederick Hirsch 2008-09-30 XML Signature Best Practices
ACTION-73 (edit) closed Provide proposal to adapt Requirements scope Magnus Nyström 2008-09-30 XML Security 1.1 Requirements and Design Considerations
ACTION-74 (edit) closed Summarize recursive retrievalmethod point Konrad Lanz 2008-09-30 XML Signature Best Practices
ACTION-75 (edit) closed Schedule XProc follow-up at Cannes F2F Frederick Hirsch 2008-10-14 WG-Coordination
ACTION-76 (edit) closed Provide best practices reference for XAdES Konrad Lanz 2008-10-14 Timestamp References
ACTION-77 (edit) closed Update best practices document for section titles Sean Mullan 2008-10-14 XML Signature Best Practices
ACTION-78 (edit) closed Will add the time stamp reference to the best practices Pratik Datta 2008-10-14 XML Signature Best Practices
ACTION-79 (edit) closed Apply edits proposed in ISSUE-53, ISSUE-55 and ACTION-70 Frederick Hirsch 2008-10-14 XML Signature Best Practices
ACTION-80 (edit) closed Propose answer to Konrad Lanz 2008-10-14 WG-Coordination
ACTION-81 (edit) closed Provide draft answer to hoylen, Konrad Lanz 2008-10-14 xml-namespace-handling
ACTION-82 (edit) closed Propose specific erratum for ISSUE-50 Thomas Roessler 2008-11-30 dsig example typo
ACTION-83 (edit) closed Prepare best practices for publication Thomas Roessler 2008-11-30 XML Signature Best Practices
ACTION-84 (edit) closed Edit proposed principles section, update title and document contents Frederick Hirsch 2008-10-27 XML Security 1.1 Requirements and Design Considerations
ACTION-85 (edit) closed Update the proposal on a ByteRange Transform Chris Solc 2008-11-11 XML Security 1.1 Requirements and Design Considerations
ACTION-86 (edit) closed Clean up proposal Kelvin Yiu 2008-10-27 XML Security 1.1 Requirements and Design Considerations
ACTION-87 (edit) closed Add link to comment list to public page Thomas Roessler 2008-11-30 WG-Web Site
ACTION-88 (edit) closed Look at the EXI use cases Ed Simon 2008-10-27 WG-Coordination
ACTION-89 (edit) closed Update homepage with information test suites Thomas Roessler 2008-12-22 WG-Web Site
ACTION-90 (edit) closed Provide a draft for the requirements document of the simple signing requirements. Kelvin Yiu 2008-10-27 XML Security 1.1 Requirements and Design Considerations
ACTION-91 (edit) closed Provide a draft for the requirements document for long term signatures. Juan Carlos Cruellas 2008-10-26 XML Security 1.1 Requirements and Design Considerations
ACTION-92 (edit) closed Propose text for note providing an index to XML Security URIs Kelvin Yiu 2008-10-27 DO NOT USE
ACTION-93 (edit) closed Write a draft for w3c note outlining Signature transform simplification for Frederick Hirsch 2008-10-27 free
ACTION-94 (edit) closed Provide draft note on new algorithms for 1.1 Kelvin Yiu 2008-10-28 XML Security 1.1 Requirements and Design Considerations
ACTION-95 (edit) closed Introduce Kelvin to W3C spec editing Thomas Roessler 2008-12-07 WG-Tools
ACTION-96 (edit) closed Send kelvin information about editing tools Thomas Roessler 2008-11-30 WG-Tools
ACTION-97 (edit) closed Add transforms requirements material to requirements draft Pratik Datta 2008-10-22 XML Security 1.1 Requirements and Design Considerations
ACTION-98 (edit) closed Draft database certificate use case and requirements for document, share on mail list Konrad Lanz 2008-10-22 XML Security 1.1 Requirements and Design Considerations
ACTION-99 (edit) closed Email list with specifics on this performant implementaiton Konrad Lanz 2008-11-11
ACTION-100 (edit) closed Email proposal regarding 2 ds:References, old and new Konrad Lanz 2008-11-11 free
ACTION-101 (edit) closed Provide roadmap for XML Security releases Frederick Hirsch 2008-11-11 WG-Coordination
ACTION-102 (edit) closed Check on DTDs with W3C Frederick Hirsch 2008-11-09 WG-Coordination
ACTION-103 (edit) closed Provide updated email on best practices issue Juan Carlos Cruellas 2008-11-11 XML Signature Best Practices
ACTION-104 (edit) closed Investigate NVDL constraints, such as ordering of schema sections Robert Miller 2008-11-10 free
ACTION-105 (edit) closed Get in touch with RFC 4050 authors Kelvin Yiu 2008-11-18 XML Security Algorithm Cross-Reference
ACTION-106 (edit) closed Work the text in the proposal to the req doc Magnus Nyström 2008-11-18
ACTION-107 (edit) closed Look at XSL streaming Pratik Datta 2008-11-18 free
ACTION-108 (edit) closed Provide Proposal re Consolidated Certificate Encoding Proposal Scott Cantor 2008-11-25 ISSUE-70
ACTION-109 (edit) closed Add Magnus' work to Requirements Document Frederick Hirsch 2008-11-25
ACTION-110 (edit) closed Draft Proposal re Schema Defaults and Best Practices Magnus Nyström 2008-11-25
ACTION-111 (edit) closed Add default attribute language to Best Practices doc Frederick Hirsch 2008-12-09
ACTION-112 (edit) closed Draft text on DSA issues for 1.1 Brian LaMacchia 2008-12-09 XML Security Algorithm Cross-Reference
ACTION-113 (edit) closed Suggest text re versioning and namespaces for XML Signature Thomas Roessler 2008-12-22 XML Security Algorithm Cross-Reference
ACTION-114 (edit) closed Propose language improvements for 1.1 draft Scott Cantor 2008-12-09
ACTION-115 (edit) closed Craft language on encouraging XPath2 Filter for Best Practices doc Sean Mullan 2008-12-09
ACTION-116 (edit) closed Add approved certificate encoding text to drafts Frederick Hirsch 2008-12-09
ACTION-117 (edit) closed Propose a schema and language for bare key encoding in KeyInfo Scott Cantor 2008-12-23 XML Security Algorithm Cross-Reference
ACTION-118 (edit) closed Add web services text from Hal to Requirements draft Frederick Hirsch 2008-12-09
ACTION-119 (edit) closed Add pointer to Transforms note to Requirements draft Frederick Hirsch 2008-12-09
ACTION-120 (edit) closed Review SP 800-57 for HMAC-SHA256 item Kelvin Yiu 2008-12-09
ACTION-121 (edit) closed Add new algorithms to XML Encryption for 1.1 Kelvin Yiu 2009-01-14 XML Security Algorithm Cross-Reference
ACTION-122 (edit) closed Write up more detailed proposal in time for January F2F Pratik Datta 2008-12-16 free
ACTION-123 (edit) closed Add Juan Carlos material on long term sigs to Requirements Document Frederick Hirsch 2008-12-16 XML Security 1.1 Requirements and Design Considerations
ACTION-124 (edit) closed Follow up with Juan Carlos on ISSUE-56 Frederick Hirsch 2008-12-16
ACTION-125 (edit) closed draft best practice around xpath filter 2 Sean Mullan 2008-12-31 XML Signature Best Practices
ACTION-126 (edit) closed Call out local system access risks regarding XSLT Ken Graf 2008-12-23 free
ACTION-127 (edit) closed draft text on trade-off between different extensibility mechanisms, for BP draft Thomas Roessler 2009-08-18 XML Signature Best Practices
ACTION-128 (edit) closed document e-gov use cases Konrad Lanz 2009-01-06 XML Security 1.1 Requirements and Design Considerations
ACTION-129 (edit) closed Update signature properties based on feedback Frederick Hirsch 2009-01-06
ACTION-130 (edit) closed Create template for algorithm note Frederick Hirsch 2009-01-13
ACTION-131 (edit) closed Ping Tim Polk about likely 186-3 timing expectations Thomas Roessler 2009-01-13
ACTION-132 (edit) closed Add wording around DSAwithSHA1 for 1.1 to draft Brian LaMacchia 2009-01-13
ACTION-133 (edit) closed Update best practice with timestamp proposed changes Frederick Hirsch 2009-01-13
ACTION-134 (edit) closed Update conformance document for RSA-SHA256 Kelvin Yiu 2009-01-13
ACTION-135 (edit) closed Add requirements for RSA-SHA256 Kelvin Yiu 2009-01-13
ACTION-136 (edit) closed Propose stronger language on MD5 for 6.2 Thomas Roessler 2009-01-13
ACTION-137 (edit) closed Change URN= to URI= Kelvin Yiu 2009-01-20
ACTION-138 (edit) closed Compare to RFC 3279 to determine if they are consistent Phillip Hallam-Baker 2009-01-20
ACTION-139 (edit) closed <complexType name=\"NameCurveType\" must be \"NamedCurveType\" Kelvin Yiu 2009-01-20
ACTION-140 (edit) closed Change text in 6.2 to remove statement that there is only one digest Kelvin Yiu 2009-01-20
ACTION-141 (edit) closed Change URI in 6.2.3 to be SHA-384 Kelvin Yiu 2009-01-20
ACTION-142 (edit) closed Come up with identifiers and add to the algs doc for the new DSA algorithms Brian LaMacchia 2009-01-20 XML Security Algorithm Cross-Reference
ACTION-143 (edit) closed Summarize the i2os function and put it in the doc Kelvin Yiu 2009-01-20
ACTION-144 (edit) closed Drop the addresses section Kelvin Yiu 2009-01-20
ACTION-145 (edit) closed Change language to 4, to say if you need to interoperate with 4050 implementations then may do this. Kelvin Yiu 2009-01-20
ACTION-146 (edit) closed Add rfc 3279 to references Kelvin Yiu 2009-01-20
ACTION-147 (edit) closed Dtd isremove ref to ECDSAKeyValue in dtd in 4.0 Kelvin Yiu 2009-01-20
ACTION-148 (edit) closed Close the conplex type element in 5.5.4 Kelvin Yiu 2009-01-20
ACTION-149 (edit) closed Change reference X.9.63 to section G Kelvin Yiu 2009-01-20
ACTION-150 (edit) closed Check Java API dependencies/compatibility Sean Mullan 2009-01-20
ACTION-151 (edit) closed Propose changes Thomas Roessler 2009-01-20
ACTION-152 (edit) closed Implement versioning change in sig and encryption 1.1 Brian LaMacchia 2009-01-20
ACTION-153 (edit) closed Take issue to the schema working group Thomas Roessler 2009-02-11 XML Security Algorithm Cross-Reference
ACTION-154 (edit) closed Fix the URI in the document to Kelvin Yiu 2009-01-20
ACTION-155 (edit) closed Update text on 6.2 to reflect contemporary cryptanalysis on MD5, SHA1 Brian LaMacchia 2009-01-20
ACTION-156 (edit) closed Propose best practices for defending against collision generation... Bradley Hill 2009-01-20
ACTION-157 (edit) closed Draft proposal for ISSUE-84 Bradley Hill 2009-01-20
ACTION-158 (edit) closed Take pass through references in Dsig Core - update, split into normative/informative Frederick Hirsch 2009-03-30
ACTION-159 (edit) closed Include errata into the 1.1 documents Brian LaMacchia 2009-01-20
ACTION-160 (edit) closed Check on possibility for external RF commitments under patent policy Thomas Roessler 2009-02-04
ACTION-161 (edit) closed Fix AES 256 reference in block cipher table Kelvin Yiu 2009-01-20
ACTION-162 (edit) closed Section 9 to be headed RetrievalMethd Type Values Kelvin Yiu 2009-01-20
ACTION-163 (edit) closed Section 3 to be headed MAC Kelvin Yiu 2009-01-20
ACTION-164 (edit) closed Write headings for each section to expand definition, explain not normative etc. Scott Cantor 2009-01-20
ACTION-165 (edit) closed Propose changes to algorithms draft Thomas Roessler 2009-02-04
ACTION-166 (edit) closed Address X.509 issuer serial number length Scott Cantor 2009-01-21
ACTION-167 (edit) closed Set up questionnaire about meeting locations and times Thomas Roessler 2009-02-04
ACTION-168 (edit) closed Contribute additional text for transform note, to make clear what this document gets at Scott Cantor 2009-01-21 Canonical XML Version 2.0
ACTION-169 (edit) closed Update draft - Transform Note Pratik Datta 2009-01-21
ACTION-170 (edit) closed Write about C14n and DTD processing Bradley Hill 2009-01-21
ACTION-171 (edit) closed Draft a proposal for canonicalization improvements Konrad Lanz 2009-01-21
ACTION-172 (edit) closed Update the Publication Status page on the Wiki Frederick Hirsch 2009-01-21
ACTION-173 (edit) closed Draft some text in response to ISSUE-51 Scott Cantor 2009-01-21 schema normalization
ACTION-174 (edit) closed Update the transforms related to ISSUE-69 Pratik Datta 2009-01-21 ISSUE-69
ACTION-175 (edit) closed Send an email summarizing the points he's raised with the cut-and-paste in the chat. Konrad Lanz 2009-01-21
ACTION-176 (edit) closed Draft text for v1.1 signaling possible deprecation of Transforms in RetrievalMethod in 2.0 Scott Cantor 2009-01-22 XML Security Algorithm Cross-Reference
ACTION-177 (edit) closed Document requirements for RetrievalMethod Scott Cantor 2009-01-22
ACTION-178 (edit) closed Draft text for v1.1 on OCSPResponse subelement for X509Data Sean Mullan 2009-01-22 XML Security Algorithm Cross-Reference
ACTION-179 (edit) closed Either update the v1.1 draft with a consistent namespace URI suitable for ECC and OCSPResponse, or come back with technical reasons why that isn't possible Brian LaMacchia 2009-01-22
ACTION-180 (edit) closed Answer re status of RNG schema Frederick Hirsch 2009-01-22 XML Security Algorithm Cross-Reference
ACTION-181 (edit) closed Update RelaxNG schemea for 1.1 Frederick Hirsch 2009-01-22 XML Schemas (XSD)
ACTION-182 (edit) closed Update 1.1 namespace Brian LaMacchia 2009-01-22
ACTION-183 (edit) closed update widget signature and signature property drafts based on f2f discussion Frederick Hirsch 2009-01-16 XML Signature Properties
ACTION-184 (edit) closed Fix spelling in xml signature 1.1 and xml encryption 1.1 Frederick Hirsch 2009-01-16
ACTION-185 (edit) closed ECC can't be REQUIRED 2009-01-26
ACTION-186 (edit) closed Update proposal language for approval next meeting Brian LaMacchia 2009-02-03 XML Security Algorithm Cross-Reference
ACTION-187 (edit) closed Look into discussion archives behind x.962 changes Magnus Nyström 2009-02-03 XML Security Algorithm Cross-Reference
ACTION-188 (edit) closed Provide additional arguments for schema change Magnus Nyström 2009-02-03 XML Security Algorithm Cross-Reference
ACTION-189 (edit) closed Provide additional arguments for schema change Magnus Nyström 2009-02-03 XML Schemas (XSD)
ACTION-190 (edit) closed Update schema to make ecc changes from integer to cryptobinary and make changes to doc Brian LaMacchia 2009-02-03 XML Schemas (XSD)
ACTION-191 (edit) closed Research Appendix A.5.7 (\"Point to Octet String\") conversions for ECC Brian LaMacchia 2009-02-03 XML Security Algorithm Cross-Reference
ACTION-192 (edit) closed Review suggestion to change reference for EC point to OCtet string proposed by magnus Brian LaMacchia 2009-02-03 XML Security Algorithm Cross-Reference
ACTION-193 (edit) closed Add base64 clarification to dsig 1.1 Thomas Roessler 2009-02-03
ACTION-194 (edit) closed Add FIPS 180-2 reference to signature 1.1. document Brian LaMacchia 2009-02-03
ACTION-195 (edit) closed Update requirements document with algorithms proposal Frederick Hirsch 2009-02-03
ACTION-196 (edit) closed Draft text on section 6.1 about XPath, XPath Filter 2 and XSLT best practices Thomas Roessler 2009-02-10 XML Security Algorithm Cross-Reference
ACTION-197 (edit) closed Add first paragraph from Scott's RetrievalMethod proposal to section 4.4.3 Frederick Hirsch 2009-02-10
ACTION-198 (edit) closed Add exc c14n to 6.1 of XML Sig 1.1 Frederick Hirsch 2009-02-10
ACTION-199 (edit) closed Make changes to examples for 1.1 Frederick Hirsch 2009-02-10
ACTION-200 (edit) closed Send an email showing details on how proposal is different Magnus Nyström 2009-02-10 XML Security Algorithm Cross-Reference
ACTION-201 (edit) closed Make concrete proposal on whitespace removal c14n for XMLDSIG 1.1 Konrad Lanz 2009-02-10 XML Security Algorithm Cross-Reference
ACTION-202 (edit) closed Check on issue with referencing informational RFCs for material in XML Encryption Thomas Roessler 2009-02-10
ACTION-203 (edit) closed Check on proper EC Point conversion reference Brian LaMacchia 2009-02-10 XML Security Algorithm Cross-Reference
ACTION-204 (edit) closed Review new 962 and review hash proposal from magnus Brian LaMacchia 2009-02-10 XML Security Algorithm Cross-Reference
ACTION-205 (edit) closed Review new version of 962 and work with magnus on proposal Brian LaMacchia 2009-02-10
ACTION-206 (edit) closed Make long-lived signatures a new best practices topic Frederick Hirsch 2009-02-10
ACTION-207 (edit) closed Incorporate Scotts proposal on schema normalization best practice Frederick Hirsch 2009-02-10
ACTION-208 (edit) closed Draft editor's note concerning ECDSAKeyValueTyp Thomas Roessler 2009-02-17
ACTION-209 (edit) closed Incorporate ACTION-178 into draft Thomas Roessler 2009-02-17
ACTION-210 (edit) closed Put RetrievalMethod Types from RFC 4051 into xmlsec-algorithms Thomas Roessler 2009-02-17
ACTION-211 (edit) closed Update elliptic key value to magnus approach after checking that no major issue Brian LaMacchia 2009-02-17
ACTION-212 (edit) closed Provide bal hash text Magnus Nyström 2009-02-17
ACTION-213 (edit) closed Fix algorithm links in 6.1 (see e-mail just sent to list) Thomas Roessler 2009-02-24
ACTION-214 (edit) closed Write down a note summarizing discussion on algorithms to be included in the draft to be made public -due 17/02/2209 Thomas Roessler 2009-02-24
ACTION-215 (edit) closed Fix contributors' list Thomas Roessler 2009-09-30
ACTION-216 (edit) closed Add the text proposed in in the introductory section of the use case document Thomas Roessler 2009-02-24
ACTION-217 (edit) closed Add boilerplate language about optional algorithms Thomas Roessler 2009-08-18
ACTION-218 (edit) closed Send proposed changes to properties document on mail list Thomas Roessler 2009-02-24
ACTION-219 (edit) closed Change schema according to Thomas Roessler 2009-02-24 XML Schemas (XSD)
ACTION-220 (edit) closed Say on maling list how the EC point is to be converted Brian LaMacchia 2009-02-24
ACTION-221 (edit) closed Send e-mail on short names; WG review by EOB next day Thomas Roessler 2009-02-24
ACTION-222 (edit) closed Make proposal RIPE algorithms Konrad Lanz 2009-03-03 ISSUE-83
ACTION-223 (edit) closed Magnus and Frederick to check on hosting Magnus Nyström 2009-03-03
ACTION-224 (edit) closed Add as Optional AES Key Wrap with padding as proposed by tlr for editors draft of 1.1 post FPWD Thomas Roessler 2009-03-17
ACTION-225 (edit) closed Propose text for a note potentially to be added to XMLDSIG provide recommendation for the two higher security level curves with reference Kelvin Yiu 2009-03-03 XML Security Algorithm Cross-Reference
ACTION-226 (edit) closed Send an announcement to ws federaion tc about published security drafts Bruce Rich 2009-03-10
ACTION-227 (edit) closed Draft text encryption algorithms regarding ECC algorithms and what curves should be used Brian LaMacchia 2009-03-10
ACTION-228 (edit) closed Send a message to the list of closed issues and how they were closed Gerald Edgar 2009-03-10
ACTION-229 (edit) closed Work with Brian on how to express verifiable randomness of curves in XML schema Magnus Nyström 2009-03-17 XML Schemas (XSD)
ACTION-230 (edit) closed Prepare registration questionnaire for face-to-face Thomas Roessler 2009-03-24
ACTION-231 (edit) closed Update XML Encryption 1.1 for ACTION-227 proposal Brian LaMacchia 2009-03-24
ACTION-232 (edit) closed Update XML Dsig document for schema and semantics for curve validation Magnus Nyström 2009-03-24 XML Schemas (XSD)
ACTION-233 (edit) closed Propose text covering semantics for curve validation Magnus Nyström 2009-03-24
ACTION-234 (edit) closed Update XMLDsig with mandating exclusive c14n Frederick Hirsch 2009-03-24
ACTION-235 (edit) closed Propose to the list new proposal on including ASN.1 encoded SubjPubKeyInfo Scott Cantor 2009-03-24 XML Security Algorithm Cross-Reference
ACTION-236 (edit) closed Add ECKey value as child of KeyValueType Magnus Nyström 2009-03-24 XML Schemas (XSD)
ACTION-237 (edit) closed Highlight critical issues around the proposed c14n simplifications - maybe frame as questions for group to think about. Scott Cantor 2009-03-24 free
ACTION-238 (edit) closed Draft proposal to add identifiers for ECDSA-RIPEMD, RSA-WHIRLPOOL, ECDSA-WHIRLPOOL to XML Security Algorithms Cross-Reference (follow up to ACTION-222) Thomas Roessler 2012-09-30 XML Security Algorithm Cross-Reference
ACTION-239 (edit) closed Investigate alternative source for material in X9.62 Magnus Nyström 2009-03-31
ACTION-240 (edit) closed Add proposed text to 1.1 Magnus Nyström 2009-03-31
ACTION-241 (edit) closed Reach out to people on DTD question Frederick Hirsch 2010-08-18
ACTION-242 (edit) closed Add schema comment regarding ECKeyValue Magnus Nyström 2009-03-31 XML Schemas (XSD)
ACTION-243 (edit) closed Update 1.1 draft with DEREncodedKeyValue proposal Scott Cantor 2009-03-31 XML Security Algorithm Cross-Reference
ACTION-244 (edit) closed Update transforms note sec. 4.5 Pratik Datta 2009-03-31
ACTION-245 (edit) closed Update issues Gerald Edgar 2009-04-07
ACTION-246 (edit) closed Update Issues Gerald Edgar 2009-04-07
ACTION-247 (edit) closed Rework ISSUE-45 Gerald Edgar 2009-04-07
ACTION-248 (edit) closed Put together strawman for additional algorithm RFC Thomas Roessler 2009-04-13
ACTION-249 (edit) closed Send messages to wg regarding issues that probably can be closed, based on Pratiks proposal, ISSUE-27, ISSUE-29, ISSUE-30 Frederick Hirsch 2009-04-13
ACTION-250 (edit) closed Send msg to wg noting that ISSUE-47 should result in new requirement for requirements doc and then be closed Frederick Hirsch 2009-04-13
ACTION-251 (edit) closed Send msg to wg that ISSUE-45 can be addressed with multiple ds:Siganature elements. Is this good enough or is new requirement needed? Frederick Hirsch 2009-04-13
ACTION-252 (edit) closed Place on agenda item for ISSUE-61, ISSUE-63, ACTION-13 Frederick Hirsch 2009-04-13
ACTION-253 (edit) closed Ask for action to review BSP, close ISSUE-9 when done Frederick Hirsch 2009-04-13
ACTION-254 (edit) closed Add ISSUE-68 to agenda, follow up on bals proposal with editorial change to 1.1? Frederick Hirsch 2009-04-13
ACTION-255 (edit) closed Add retreival method type URI for DER encoded keyvalue Scott Cantor 2009-04-14 XML Security Algorithm Cross-Reference
ACTION-256 (edit) closed Update xref note with addtl type Uris Thomas Roessler 2009-04-14
ACTION-257 (edit) closed Randomized Hashing (RMX) and Signing (RSA-PSS) provide a Proposal Konrad Lanz 2009-04-14
ACTION-258 (edit) closed Share with web apps pointer to suite b docs Frederick Hirsch 2009-04-14
ACTION-259 (edit) closed Propoal for the C14N spec change Konrad Lanz 2009-04-14
ACTION-260 (edit) closed Respond to the proposed change Pratik Datta 2009-04-14
ACTION-261 (edit) closed Update xmlsec-algorithms draft to include aes key wrap with padding uris Thomas Roessler 2009-04-27
ACTION-262 (edit) closed Provide interop script for producing result tables as used before Thomas Roessler 2009-04-28
ACTION-263 (edit) closed Generate working examples for ISSUE-115 and review how toolkits handle the issue Ed Simon 2009-04-28
ACTION-264 (edit) closed Make publication request for signature properties for this thursday, 30 April Frederick Hirsch 2009-05-05
ACTION-265 (edit) closed Update signature properties for publication and place in proper location Thomas Roessler 2009-05-05
ACTION-266 (edit) closed Start email discussion on how different inputs to canonicalization could start ... Pratik Datta 2009-05-05
ACTION-267 (edit) closed Simplify canonicalization note Konrad Lanz 2009-05-05
ACTION-268 (edit) closed Draft some text for revision of 1.1 per above resolution Magnus Nyström 2009-05-12
ACTION-269 (edit) closed propose SIgnature 1.0 erratum on SHA 256 Thomas Roessler 2009-05-30
ACTION-270 (edit) closed compare text of IEFT encryption to that in current draft Magnus Nyström 2009-05-31
ACTION-271 (edit) closed compare text of IEFT encryption to that in current draft Brian LaMacchia 2009-05-31
ACTION-272 (edit) closed Update editor's draft of Derived Key spec to reference the schema with TR URI Magnus Nyström 2009-05-12 XML Schemas (XSD)
ACTION-273 (edit) closed Followup on PLAIN variant Thomas Roessler 2009-05-12
ACTION-274 (edit) closed Update best practices with proposal from Ken Graf, to call out local system access risks regarding XSLT Frederick Hirsch 2009-05-12
ACTION-275 (edit) closed Update Best Practices doc with Best practice on XPath Filter 2.0 preference, if available to 1.0 implementation. Frederick Hirsch 2009-05-12
ACTION-276 (edit) closed Include keywrap-pad in 5.1 Thomas Roessler 2009-05-12
ACTION-277 (edit) closed Send note template to Konrad Thomas Roessler 2009-05-12
ACTION-278 (edit) closed Update derived key draft to point to schema Magnus Nyström 2009-05-19 XML Schemas (XSD)
ACTION-279 (edit) closed Create interop matrix Pratik Datta 2009-05-19 XML SIgnature 1.1
ACTION-280 (edit) closed Produce test cases for derived keys Magnus Nyström 2009-05-19 XML Encryption 1.1
ACTION-281 (edit) closed Try to find an old apache impl without optimizations that we can use to compare performance numbers Sean Mullan 2009-05-19
ACTION-282 (edit) closed Check on state of DSA-sha256 Thomas Roessler 2009-05-19
ACTION-283 (edit) closed Update algorithm xref draft to note new status of sha-1 Thomas Roessler 2009-05-19
ACTION-284 (edit) closed Implement resolution concerning SHA-1 OIDs in 6.4.2 of XML Signature Thomas Roessler 2009-05-19
ACTION-285 (edit) closed Write a draft of an XML Digital Signature 2.0 specification Pratik Datta 2009-05-19
ACTION-286 (edit) closed Remove references to DTDs from the specification Scott Cantor 2009-05-19 XML SIgnature 1.1
ACTION-287 (edit) closed Align XMLENC 1.1 with XMLDSIG 1.1 Magnus Nyström 2009-05-20 XML Encryption 1.1
ACTION-288 (edit) closed Make updated to 5.6.2 and 5.6.3 to remove the explicit algorithm descriptions and add references to the IETF RFCs Magnus Nyström 2009-05-20
ACTION-289 (edit) closed Propose text on serialization issue for xml signature 1.1 Frederick Hirsch 2009-05-20 XML SIgnature 1.1
ACTION-290 (edit) closed Investigate how to fit in Key Encapsulation, possibly provide proposal for 1.1 Magnus Nyström 2009-05-27
ACTION-291 (edit) closed Draft a proposed fix for E02 for exc c14n Scott Cantor 2009-05-20 ISSUE-133
ACTION-292 (edit) closed Update Section 5.6 in Encryption for issue 99 Frederick Hirsch 2009-05-20 XML Encryption 1.1
ACTION-293 (edit) closed Update Associate product list in Open Actions tracker to include all docs Frederick Hirsch 2009-05-20 WG-Coordination
ACTION-294 (edit) closed Update best practices for this Frederick Hirsch 2009-05-20
ACTION-295 (edit) closed Update best practices to update best practice 1 to refer to best practice 2 Frederick Hirsch 2009-05-20 XML Signature Best Practices
ACTION-296 (edit) closed Send email about roadmap Frederick Hirsch 2009-05-20 WG-Coordination
ACTION-297 (edit) closed Propose change to 1.1 to address issue-105 Konrad Lanz 2009-05-20 ISSUE-105
ACTION-298 (edit) closed Propose change for HMAC output length to pad with leading 0s to octet boundary Konrad Lanz 2009-05-20
ACTION-299 (edit) closed Look at issue-110 and errata document for exc-c14n Scott Cantor 2009-05-20 visibly utilizes in Exc-C14N
ACTION-300 (edit) closed Create sample to illustrate ECDH-ES with AES key wrap Kelvin Yiu 2009-06-09 XML SIgnature 1.1
ACTION-301 (edit) closed Provide example of KEM message with the steps to get to the message. Magnus Nyström 2009-06-09
ACTION-302 (edit) closed Add note re ACTION-289 to document Frederick Hirsch 2009-06-09 XML SIgnature 1.1
ACTION-303 (edit) closed Correct doc on length of r and s Kelvin Yiu 2009-06-09 XML SIgnature 1.1
ACTION-304 (edit) closed Share information on status of RIPEMD-160 and strength to mailing list Kelvin Yiu 2009-06-09 XML SIgnature 1.1
ACTION-305 (edit) closed Remove 5.8 (and corresponding text in 5.1) from XMLEnc. Magnus Nyström 2009-06-09
ACTION-306 (edit) closed Update XML Signature 1.1 table of contents with missing entries Frederick Hirsch 2009-06-09
ACTION-307 (edit) closed Update xml encryption 1.1 table of contents with missing entries Frederick Hirsch 2009-06-09 XML Encryption 1.1
ACTION-308 (edit) closed Implement resolutions to remove material from section 9 in XML Signature 1.1 other than schema and rename section, from Frederick Hirsch 2009-06-12 XML SIgnature 1.1
ACTION-309 (edit) closed Create errata for XML Second Edition to remove material from section 9 other than schema, per Frederick Hirsch 2009-06-12
ACTION-310 (edit) closed Add text to XMLDsig 1.1 discouraging use of RSA-SHA1 and ECDSA-SHA1 Magnus Nyström 2009-06-16 XML SIgnature 1.1
ACTION-311 (edit) closed Teach Frederick how to tame the pubrules dragon Thomas Roessler 2009-06-16
ACTION-312 (edit) closed Check with IETF SMIME on KEM normative statements Magnus Nyström 2009-06-16 XML Encryption 1.1
ACTION-313 (edit) closed Update errata document for XML Signature, adding E02 as distributed by Frederick Hirsch and marking E01 and E02 accepted Thomas Roessler 2009-06-16
ACTION-314 (edit) closed Implement SEC 1 resolution to update SEC 1 reference in Signature 1.1 to version 2.0, remove X.962 reference and refer to SEC 1 v2 instead Magnus Nyström 2009-06-16 XML SIgnature 1.1
ACTION-315 (edit) closed Add byte range use case and requirements Frederick Hirsch 2009-06-16
ACTION-316 (edit) closed Introduce nazeera and aleksey; find out xmlsec release dates Thomas Roessler 2009-06-22
ACTION-317 (edit) closed Move derived key spec into XML Enc 11 and create separate KDF section with mandatory 800-56 Magnus Nyström 2009-06-23 XML Encryption 1.1
ACTION-318 (edit) closed Create new draft recommendation spec on Key Encapsulation; use proposal on list as basis Magnus Nyström 2009-06-23 Key Encapsulation
ACTION-319 (edit) closed And brian to update DH & ECDH sections to take advantage of new KDF section Kelvin Yiu 2009-06-23
ACTION-320 (edit) closed Draft language for HMAC section, 6.3.1 Brian LaMacchia 2009-06-23 ISSUE-105
ACTION-321 (edit) closed Implement RESOLUTION: accept change proposed in with modification of last sentence to DSA with 1024-bit prime moduli SHOULD NOT be used for signatures that will be verified beyond 2010 , also changing REQUIRES signature verifiers to implement DSA only for keys of 1024 bits Frederick Hirsch 2009-06-29 XML SIgnature 1.1
ACTION-322 (edit) closed Implement RESOLUTION: Add Camellia identifiers to algorithm cross reference Frederick Hirsch 2009-06-29 XML Security Algorithm Cross-Reference
ACTION-323 (edit) closed Write a proposal for use of Alg IDs for KDF key Magnus Nyström 2009-06-30 XML Encryption 1.1
ACTION-324 (edit) closed Review for normative and informative Cynthia Martin 2009-06-30
ACTION-325 (edit) closed Propose changes to Signature references Cynthia Martin 2009-06-30
ACTION-326 (edit) closed Update ACTION 319 for explicit URI Brian LaMacchia 2009-07-14
ACTION-327 (edit) closed Update DSS security warning Frederick Hirsch 2009-07-14
ACTION-328 (edit) closed Update xml encryption references Frederick Hirsch 2009-07-14 XML Encryption 1.1
ACTION-329 (edit) closed Review and update explain documents for xml signature and encryption Frederick Hirsch 2009-07-14
ACTION-330 (edit) closed Update algorithms doc per Thomas Roessler 2009-07-14
ACTION-331 (edit) closed Review E07 and E02 for Exclusive C14n Konrad Lanz 2009-07-14
ACTION-332 (edit) closed Review wording Konrad Lanz 2009-07-14
ACTION-333 (edit) closed Draft one-pager that says "derived key stuff has been folded into encryption Thomas Roessler 2009-07-16
ACTION-334 (edit) closed Update KDF3 name to ConcatKDF Magnus Nyström 2009-07-21 XML Encryption 1.1
ACTION-335 (edit) closed Integrate into XMLEnc Magnus Nyström 2009-07-21 XML Encryption 1.1
ACTION-336 (edit) closed Update xml signature references and update explain.html for those changes Thomas Roessler 2009-07-21
ACTION-337 (edit) closed Update explain documents with material from Cynthia Frederick Hirsch 2009-07-21
ACTION-338 (edit) closed Check in explain documents with material from Cynthia Frederick Hirsch 2009-07-21
ACTION-339 (edit) closed Review proposed exclusive c14n errata E02, E07 Konrad Lanz 2009-07-21 Errata - Exclusive Canonicalization
ACTION-340 (edit) closed Fold upcoming signature erratum into 1.1 working draft Thomas Roessler 2009-07-21
ACTION-341 (edit) closed Update exc-c14n errata Thomas Roessler 2009-07-21 Errata - Exclusive Canonicalization
ACTION-342 (edit) closed Post updated exc-c14n schema Thomas Roessler 2009-07-21 Errata - Exclusive Canonicalization
ACTION-343 (edit) closed Provide link to updated schema in exclusive c14n document Thomas Roessler 2009-07-21 Errata - Exclusive Canonicalization
ACTION-344 (edit) closed Transition request for fpwd of generic hybrid Frederick Hirsch 2009-07-28 XML Security Generic Hybrid Ciphers
ACTION-345 (edit) closed Review 2.0 sig docs Ed Simon 2009-08-10 XML Signature 2.0
ACTION-346 (edit) closed Review 2.0 sig docs Kelvin Yiu 2009-08-10 XML Signature 2.0
ACTION-347 (edit) closed Review 2.0 sig docs Scott Cantor 2009-08-10 XML Signature 2.0
ACTION-348 (edit) closed Review 2.0 sig docs Brian LaMacchia 2009-08-10 XML Signature 2.0
ACTION-349 (edit) closed Add section on extensibility and byte ranges to signature 2.0 Pratik Datta 2009-07-28 XML Signature 2.0
ACTION-350 (edit) closed Propose text to align node set result treatment for XSLT and XPath in 1.1 spec Ed Simon 2009-08-04
ACTION-351 (edit) closed Summarize design rationale for xsd:any in note in spec Pratik Datta 2009-08-18 XML Signature 2.0
ACTION-352 (edit) closed Propose concrete examples for multiple nodeset cases Ed Simon 2009-08-18
ACTION-353 (edit) closed Draft text explaining meaning of URI attribute on Reference element Ed Simon 2009-08-18
ACTION-354 (edit) closed Circulate draft schema for Transform Pratik Datta 2009-08-18 XML Signature 2.0
ACTION-355 (edit) closed Send list of detailed comments to mail list on signature 2.0 and c14n2.0 Ed Simon 2009-08-18
ACTION-356 (edit) closed Send revised version of 2009Jul/0067 e-mail Ed Simon 2009-08-18
ACTION-357 (edit) closed Add warning to implementation wiki Frederick Hirsch 2009-09-08
ACTION-358 (edit) closed Add jdk7 implementation to wiki Sean Mullan 2009-09-08 WG-Coordination
ACTION-359 (edit) closed Respond to Anders once ACTION-360 completed Frederick Hirsch 2009-09-08 ISSUE-143
ACTION-360 (edit) closed Make change to schema for use=required Brian LaMacchia 2009-09-08 XML SIgnature 1.1
ACTION-361 (edit) closed Edit 2.0 spec to remove material from previous version unless incorporated in 2.0, specifically old transform model. Make clear 1.1 still allowed.. Pratik Datta 2009-09-08 XML Signature 2.0
ACTION-362 (edit) closed Edit best practices to incorporate change for ACTION-127 as in Frederick Hirsch 2009-09-08 XML Signature Best Practices
ACTION-363 (edit) closed Respond on substantive comments on XSD schema in RelaxNG email. Scott Cantor 2009-09-08 XML Security RELAX NG Schemas
ACTION-364 (edit) closed Get feedback from implementers on XPath approach Pratik Datta 2009-09-15
ACTION-365 (edit) closed Propose extension point for include/exclude grammar in 2.0 draft Scott Cantor 2009-09-15 XML Signature 2.0
ACTION-366 (edit) closed And bal to coordinate offline Thomas Roessler 2009-09-29 ISSUE-91
ACTION-367 (edit) closed Remove note in section in XML Signature 1.1 Brian LaMacchia 2009-09-29
ACTION-368 (edit) closed Update XPath in XML Signature 2.0 Pratik Datta 2009-09-29
ACTION-369 (edit) closed Draft a proposal for using URI to identify section syntax Scott Cantor 2009-09-29
ACTION-370 (edit) closed Update signature 2.0 draft and remove URI from selection element and keep it in reference only Pratik Datta 2009-09-29
ACTION-371 (edit) closed Add id and position handling in step in draft Pratik Datta 2009-09-29 XML Signature 2.0
ACTION-372 (edit) closed Create an issue for the discussion in email Ed Simon 2009-09-29
ACTION-373 (edit) closed Discuss ISSUE-124 with tlr Frederick Hirsch 2009-10-06 WG-Coordination
ACTION-374 (edit) closed Review ISSUE-135 Frederick Hirsch 2009-10-06 ISSUE-135
ACTION-375 (edit) closed Last call with ISSUE-137 discussion Frederick Hirsch 2009-10-06 ISSUE-137
ACTION-376 (edit) closed Start a discusson on the list to schema XMLDSIG-1.1 validation Ed Simon 2009-10-06
ACTION-377 (edit) closed Edit the reference to RFC-5649 Brian LaMacchia 2009-10-06 ISSUE-137
ACTION-378 (edit) closed Add Implementations link to public home page Frederick Hirsch 2009-10-06 WG-Web Site
ACTION-379 (edit) closed Ask on list about interop participation and which topics can be tested Frederick Hirsch 2009-10-06 WG-Coordination
ACTION-380 (edit) closed See if xmlspec can include strikeouts and inserts markup Thomas Roessler 2009-10-06
ACTION-381 (edit) closed Locate original c14n test case applicable to ISSUE-141 and update ISSUE-141 with link Pratik Datta 2009-10-06
ACTION-382 (edit) closed Add guidance on semantic equivalence to Signature 2.0 related to ISSUE-131, which defaults, how equivalent does it get Pratik Datta 2009-10-06 XML Signature 2.0
ACTION-383 (edit) closed Provide reference to performance paper Sean Mullan 2009-10-06
ACTION-384 (edit) closed Ask xml coordination about use of multiple schemas and validation Frederick Hirsch 2009-10-13
ACTION-385 (edit) closed Implement change in , adding "to" before "obtain" Frederick Hirsch 2009-10-13 XML Encryption 1.1
ACTION-386 (edit) closed Look at WS-I BSP constraints on DSig Hal Lockhart 2009-10-13
ACTION-387 (edit) closed Propose text for requirements for issue-45 Gerald Edgar 2009-10-13
ACTION-388 (edit) closed Propose text for requirements for issue-60 Gerald Edgar 2009-10-13
ACTION-389 (edit) closed Propose requirements text for issue-63 Gerald Edgar 2009-10-13
ACTION-390 (edit) closed Consolidate ISSUE-127 and issue-60 Frederick Hirsch 2009-10-13 EXI Requirements
ACTION-391 (edit) closed See if issue-131 is covered in requirements doc Gerald Edgar 2009-10-13
ACTION-392 (edit) closed See if issue-131 is covered in requirements doc Gerald Edgar 2009-10-13
ACTION-393 (edit) closed Announce 2.0 to oasis security tcs, draw attention to points Frederick Hirsch 2009-10-19 WG-Coordination
ACTION-394 (edit) closed Update permissions and style for approved minutes at Thomas Roessler 2009-10-15 WG-Coordination
ACTION-395 (edit) closed Copy minutes from to Thomas Roessler 2009-10-15 WG-Coordination
ACTION-396 (edit) closed Implement suggestion on multiple schemas Thomas Roessler 2009-12-01
ACTION-397 (edit) closed review xml signature 1.1 explain document and errata Gerald Edgar 2009-10-27
ACTION-398 (edit) closed review xml encryption 1.1 explain document and errata Cynthia Martin 2009-10-27
ACTION-399 (edit) closed Ask Ed Simon to review /TR/exi-impacts Thomas Roessler 2009-10-20
ACTION-400 (edit) closed propose concrete next steps to address ISSUE-63 in 2.0 Hal Lockhart 2009-11-03
ACTION-401 (edit) closed Send note to WG calling for volunteers on randomized hashing Thomas Roessler 2009-10-20
ACTION-402 (edit) closed Document issue-136 requirement, prefix rewriting Frederick Hirsch 2009-10-20 ISSUE-136
ACTION-403 (edit) closed Introduce Pratik D, Michael Kay Thomas Roessler 2009-10-20 WG-Coordination
ACTION-404 (edit) closed Draft language that codifies history why DERKeyValue is not child of KeyValue (for section 4.4 of xmldsig-core1) Brian LaMacchia 2009-10-20
ACTION-405 (edit) closed Update xml signature 1.0 errata page with proposed text Thomas Roessler 2009-12-14
ACTION-406 (edit) closed Make proposal on list to address SP80056AConcatKDF in XML Encryption 1.1 concern Magnus Nystrom 2009-10-27
ACTION-407 (edit) closed Contact Michael Kay re F2F or call in Frederick Hirsch 2009-10-27 WG-Coordination
ACTION-408 (edit) closed See if WS-Fragment joint discussion possible at TPAC Frederick Hirsch 2009-10-27 WG-Coordination
ACTION-409 (edit) closed Revisit text() with regards to XPath profile Pratik Datta 2009-10-27 XML Signature 2.0
ACTION-410 (edit) closed Review updated relaxng schema Ed Simon 2009-10-27 XML Schemas (XSD)
ACTION-411 (edit) closed Perform measurement related to transform octet conversion Pratik Datta 2010-06-30 Performance
ACTION-412 (edit) closed Review ISSUE-115 Ed Simon 2009-10-27
ACTION-413 (edit) closed Update approved minutes for 20 Oct - move location and restyle/permission Thomas Roessler 2009-10-29
ACTION-414 (edit) closed Review requirements to see if we can split into 1.1 and 2.0 requirements Frederick Hirsch 2009-10-29 XML Security 1.1 Requirements and Design Considerations
ACTION-415 (edit) closed Check on status of Makoto email list access Frederick Hirsch 2009-11-03 WG-Coordination
ACTION-416 (edit) closed Ask Makoto re 1.1 relax ng schema Frederick Hirsch 2009-11-03 DO NOT USE 2
ACTION-417 (edit) closed Update requirements as proposed Frederick Hirsch 2009-11-03 XML Security 1.1 Requirements and Design Considerations
ACTION-418 (edit) closed Copy draft minutes from to Thomas Roessler 2009-11-04 WG-Coordination
ACTION-419 (edit) closed Implement the KDF change Brian LaMacchia 2009-11-12
ACTION-420 (edit) closed Share with Norm the RELAX schema Frederick Hirsch 2009-11-12
ACTION-421 (edit) closed Look at the 1.1 schema Ed Simon 2009-11-12 XML Schemas (XSD)
ACTION-422 (edit) closed Propose wording to improve KEYINFO explanation Cynthia Martin 2009-11-12
ACTION-423 (edit) closed Add reference to "best practices" to XML digial signature 1.1 Frederick Hirsch 2009-11-12 XML SIgnature 1.1
ACTION-424 (edit) closed Share performance information with the EXI group Frederick Hirsch 2009-11-12 WG-Coordination
ACTION-425 (edit) closed Indicate sources of implementaitons Sean Mullan 2009-11-12
ACTION-426 (edit) closed Run performance tests on non-optimized Signature implementation Pratik Datta 2010-06-30 Performance
ACTION-427 (edit) closed Look if correct style sheet is used for Frederick Hirsch 2009-11-13
ACTION-428 (edit) closed Edit requirements 2.0 removing design section and exmples Frederick Hirsch 2009-11-13 XML Security 1.1 Requirements and Design Considerations
ACTION-429 (edit) closed Make change to section 2.1 adding new sentence Frederick Hirsch 2009-11-13 XML Security 1.1 Requirements and Design Considerations
ACTION-430 (edit) closed Edit the XML Encryption explanation document to make changes identified by Cynthia. Frederick Hirsch 2009-11-13 XML Encryption 1.1
ACTION-431 (edit) closed Fix "they" in RFC2119 section throughout all documents Thomas Roessler 2010-01-31
ACTION-432 (edit) closed Talk to sean about possible resources Thomas Roessler 2009-12-14 WG-Coordination
ACTION-433 (edit) closed Propose C14N erratum to address issue Thomas Roessler 2009-12-01
ACTION-434 (edit) closed Propose "final" disposition of Referencing syntax Scott Cantor 2009-11-13 XML Signature 2.0
ACTION-435 (edit) closed confirm or cancel 16/17 June face-to-face Frederick Hirsch 2010-02-28 WG-Coordination
ACTION-436 (edit) closed Review requirements for issue-63 text Thomas Roessler 2009-12-01
ACTION-437 (edit) closed Move sig/enc core 1.1 specs to respec; resolve ISSUE-147 as side effect Frederick Hirsch 2009-12-05
ACTION-438 (edit) closed check 1.1 requirements against enc, sig EDs Shivaram Mysore 2009-11-16 ISSUE-149
ACTION-439 (edit) closed Draft text for xml encryption 1.1 for handing EXI Thomas Roessler 2009-12-01
ACTION-440 (edit) closed Proposed a resolution to issue-141 Thomas Roessler 2009-12-01
ACTION-441 (edit) closed Review BSP 1.1 ( with respect to Signature 1.1 and Encryption 1.1 Cynthia Martin 2009-11-13
ACTION-442 (edit) closed Propose text for RSA for Issue-82 (DSA already done) Brian LaMacchia 2009-11-14
ACTION-443 (edit) closed Glue together the two pieces of today's irc log & minutes, and remove his twitter link while he's at it Thomas Roessler 2009-11-14 WG-Coordination
ACTION-444 (edit) closed Post minutes from both days of F2F. Thomas Roessler 2009-11-14
ACTION-445 (edit) closed Update shortnames in requirement docs Frederick Hirsch 2009-11-14 XML Security 1.1 Requirements and Design Considerations
ACTION-446 (edit) closed Update publication wiki Frederick Hirsch 2009-11-14 WG-Coordination
ACTION-447 (edit) closed Review wrapping attack article, Cynthia Martin 2009-11-17
ACTION-448 (edit) closed Hand 1.1 bibliography to Cynthia when converted to respec Frederick Hirsch 2009-11-24
ACTION-449 (edit) closed Review 1.1 bibliographies (depends on ACTION-448) Cynthia Martin 2009-11-24
ACTION-450 (edit) closed Check on Suite B AES-GCM Brian LaMacchia 2009-11-24
ACTION-451 (edit) closed Review the Pratik AES-GCM proposal with Magnus Magnus Nystrom 2009-11-24 XML Encryption 1.1
ACTION-452 (edit) closed Review the XML ENC v1.1 document Scott Cantor 2009-11-24 XML Encryption 1.1
ACTION-453 (edit) closed Review XML ENC v1.1 Ed Simon 2009-11-24
ACTION-454 (edit) closed Introduce Ed Simon and joerg Schwenk Thomas Roessler 2009-11-24 WG-Coordination
ACTION-455 (edit) closed Review plans for RNG schema Frederick Hirsch 2009-11-24 XML Schemas (XSD)
ACTION-456 (edit) closed Review workshop papers regarding strengthening id based references with respect to wrapping attacks Scott Cantor 2010-06-15 XML Signature 2.0
ACTION-457 (edit) closed add RNG Schema to XML Signature 1.1 Frederick Hirsch 2009-12-11 XML Schemas (XSD)
ACTION-458 (edit) closed Forward bsp comments to paul cotton Frederick Hirsch 2009-12-15
ACTION-459 (edit) closed Edit Signature 1.1 with the MgmtData changes Frederick Hirsch 2009-12-15 XML SIgnature 1.1
ACTION-460 (edit) closed Look if diff of 1.1 editors draft from 2nd edition is possible Frederick Hirsch 2009-12-15 XML SIgnature 1.1
ACTION-461 (edit) closed Start a discussion on the list about concatKDF bit string hash interoperability issues Bruce Rich 2009-12-15
ACTION-462 (edit) closed Add ISSUE-141 erratum to C14N 1.1 errata Thomas Roessler 2009-12-15
ACTION-463 (edit) closed Add HMAC erratum to signature 1.0 errata Thomas Roessler 2009-12-15
ACTION-464 (edit) closed Implement MgmtData change proposed by Sean, and to change title to 4.5.8 Frederick Hirsch 2009-12-22 XML SIgnature 1.1
ACTION-465 (edit) closed Help with understanding if we can go to last call for 1.1 and then structure separate conformance clause document after last call? Thomas Roessler 2009-12-22
ACTION-466 (edit) closed Incorporate RSA key size text into document Frederick Hirsch 2009-12-22 XML SIgnature 1.1
ACTION-467 (edit) closed Add action-404 proposal into editors draft, history why DERKeyValue is not child of KeyValue Frederick Hirsch 2009-12-22 XML SIgnature 1.1
ACTION-468 (edit) closed Confirm whether optional features require 2+ implementations or only one. Thomas Roessler 2010-01-12 WG-Coordination
ACTION-469 (edit) closed Add aes-gcm to enc 1.1 Frederick Hirsch 2009-12-22 XML Encryption 1.1
ACTION-470 (edit) closed Change "see below" to link to section 6.2 in xml sig 1.1 Frederick Hirsch 2009-12-22
ACTION-471 (edit) closed Add SHA-1 warning to 6.2.1 and fix DSS reference in sig 1.1 Frederick Hirsch 2009-12-22 XML SIgnature 1.1
ACTION-472 (edit) closed Add ConcatKDF note Frederick Hirsch 2009-12-22 XML Encryption 1.1
ACTION-473 (edit) closed Update xml enc processing proposal with more detail and addressing wg concerns Thomas Roessler 2010-01-31 XML Encryption 1.1
ACTION-474 (edit) closed Review xml signature 1.1 Frederick Hirsch 2009-12-23
ACTION-475 (edit) closed Review xml encryption 1.1 Frederick Hirsch 2010-01-29 XML Encryption 1.1
ACTION-476 (edit) closed Review xml signature 2.0 Frederick Hirsch 2011-01-20 XML Signature 2.0
ACTION-477 (edit) closed Fix links and editorial issues for xml enc 1.1 Frederick Hirsch 2009-12-23
ACTION-478 (edit) closed Fix links and editorial issues for xml sig 1.1 Frederick Hirsch 2009-12-23
ACTION-479 (edit) closed Send agenda for 5 Jan Frederick Hirsch 2009-12-23 WG-Coordination
ACTION-480 (edit) closed Create issues for 2.0 from 1.1 review Frederick Hirsch 2010-01-12 WG-Coordination
ACTION-481 (edit) closed Check on follow-up status on WS-RA discussion Frederick Hirsch 2010-01-12 WG-Coordination
ACTION-482 (edit) closed Update approved minutes from 15 december, permissions and style - Thomas Roessler 2010-01-12 WG-Coordination
ACTION-483 (edit) closed Update HMAC output warning with text from Brian: "Signatures must be deemed invalid if the truncation length is below the larger of (a) half the underlying hash algorithm's output length, and (b) 80 bits" Frederick Hirsch 2010-01-12 XML SIgnature 1.1
ACTION-484 (edit) closed Review Cynthia comments on best practices, update best practices Frederick Hirsch 2010-01-15 XML Signature Best Practices
ACTION-485 (edit) closed Review actions assigned to Konrad and summarize which can be closed and which need further action Thomas Roessler 2010-02-09 WG-Coordination
ACTION-486 (edit) closed Update XML Signature Properties to correct schema, add stand-alone schema file Frederick Hirsch 2010-01-15 XML Signature Properties
ACTION-487 (edit) closed Test validation of examples against rnc schema for signature properties Scott Cantor 2010-01-19 XML Schemas (XSD)
ACTION-488 (edit) closed Rephrase ECC note as appropriate, if needed Thomas Roessler 2010-01-26 XML SIgnature 1.1
ACTION-489 (edit) closed Cause another ping to Certicom Thomas Roessler 2010-01-19 WG-Coordination
ACTION-490 (edit) closed Attempt to validate signature properties against rnc schema Frederick Hirsch 2010-01-19 XML Signature Properties
ACTION-491 (edit) closed Suggest reference for SHA-1 to list for XML Signature 1.1, indicating weakness of SHA-1 Hal Lockhart 2010-01-19 XML SIgnature 1.1
ACTION-492 (edit) closed Review XSD Signature 1.1 schema snippets vs standalone XSD 1.1 schema Thomas Roessler 2010-01-19 XML SIgnature 1.1
ACTION-493 (edit) closed Add text to documents regarding authoritative schema (ISSUE-165) to drafts listed in issue Frederick Hirsch 2010-01-19 XML SIgnature 1.1
ACTION-494 (edit) closed Add revision of AES-GCM to xml encryption 1.1 Frederick Hirsch 2010-01-19 XML Encryption 1.1
ACTION-495 (edit) closed Ask makoto regarding RNG schema for generic hybrid ciphers Frederick Hirsch 2010-01-19 XML Security Generic Hybrid Ciphers
ACTION-496 (edit) closed Update 2.0 draft based on scott's proposal for 2.0 mode references Pratik Datta 2010-01-19 XML Signature 2.0
ACTION-497 (edit) closed Update signature properties to state where properties must be placed, ISSUE-173 Frederick Hirsch 2010-01-25 ISSUE-173
ACTION-498 (edit) closed Check namespace document and signature algorithms check Thomas Roessler 2010-01-26
ACTION-499 (edit) closed Check in on IANA media type *update* procedures Thomas Roessler 2010-02-09 WG-Coordination
ACTION-500 (edit) closed Update namespace section in Encryption 1.1 Thomas Roessler 2010-01-26 XML Encryption 1.1
ACTION-501 (edit) closed Make minor editorial updates noted in Frederick Hirsch 2010-01-26 XML Encryption 1.1
ACTION-502 (edit) closed Propose new model for RetrievalMethod in 2.0 Scott Cantor 2010-01-26
ACTION-503 (edit) closed Raise use of XML Signature 1.1 in OASIS SSTC Scott Cantor 2010-01-26 WG-Coordination
ACTION-504 (edit) closed Remind ws-sx of xml signature 1.1 Hal Lockhart 2010-01-26 WG-Coordination
ACTION-505 (edit) closed Update acknowledgements in Requirements 1.1 and 2.0, also for Signature Properties Thomas Roessler 2010-01-26
ACTION-506 (edit) closed Update sotd and note in document with change for ISSUE-179 Thomas Roessler 2010-02-02
ACTION-507 (edit) closed Review XML Encryption 1.1, including proposed processing model changes Brian LaMacchia 2010-02-02 XML Encryption 1.1
ACTION-508 (edit) closed Review Encryption 1.1, including proposed processing model changes Pratik Datta 2010-02-02
ACTION-509 (edit) closed Help with updating XML Signature 2.0 bibliography Frederick Hirsch 2010-02-02 XML Signature 2.0
ACTION-510 (edit) closed Propose explanation of use of content vs. element in implementations Pratik Datta 2010-02-09
ACTION-511 (edit) closed Propose next steps on media type registration (ISSUE-180) Thomas Roessler 2010-04-30 XML Encryption 1.1
ACTION-512 (edit) closed Look at XML Encryption content vs. element options when content equals element Ed Simon 2010-02-09
ACTION-513 (edit) closed Announce last call outside w3 Frederick Hirsch 2010-02-16 WG-Coordination
ACTION-514 (edit) closed Remind RIM/Certicom of Last Call time period Thomas Roessler 2010-02-16 WG-Coordination
ACTION-515 (edit) closed Propose the schema addition for issue-186 Aldrin J D'Souza 2010-02-23 ISSUE-186
ACTION-516 (edit) closed Make last call comment and proposed change Scott Cantor 2010-02-16 XML SIgnature 1.1
ACTION-517 (edit) closed Provide proposed update to Signature Properties document Frederick Hirsch 2010-02-16 XML Signature Properties
ACTION-518 (edit) closed Draft email and check with tlr regarding it before sending Juan Carlos Cruellas 2010-02-16
ACTION-519 (edit) closed review C14N 2.0 draft Scott Cantor 2010-03-30 XML Signature 2.0
ACTION-520 (edit) closed Circulate list of differences on xmlsec mailing list Pratik Datta 2010-02-23 WG-Coordination
ACTION-521 (edit) closed Check with EXI group on Type parameter Thomas Roessler 2010-03-07 WG-Coordination
ACTION-522 (edit) closed Review action-13 results Pratik Datta 2010-02-23
ACTION-523 (edit) closed review C14N 2.0 draft Ed Simon 2010-03-30 Canonical XML Version 2.0
ACTION-524 (edit) closed Update Signature Properties with changes referring to XAdES as agreed on 16 Feb 2010 call Frederick Hirsch 2010-03-01 XML Signature Properties
ACTION-525 (edit) closed Incorporate RNG schema update into RNG schemas draft Frederick Hirsch 2010-03-01 XML Schemas (XSD)
ACTION-526 (edit) closed Implement change agreed on 16 Feb for ISSUE-187 resolution Frederick Hirsch 2010-03-01 ISSUE-187
ACTION-527 (edit) closed Share pubrules info with pratik Frederick Hirsch 2010-03-02 WG-Coordination
ACTION-528 (edit) closed Review issue-188 related to xenc:Agreement referenced from XML Signature 1.1 Magnus Nystrom 2010-03-02
ACTION-529 (edit) closed Add KeyInfoReference to Signature 2.0 (ISSUE-182) Pratik Datta 2010-03-02 XML Signature 2.0
ACTION-530 (edit) closed Check generic hybrid cipher RNG section Frederick Hirsch 2010-03-02 XML Security Generic Hybrid Ciphers
ACTION-531 (edit) closed Review algorithms cross reference and update the document Thomas Roessler 2010-03-02 XML Security Algorithm Cross-Reference
ACTION-532 (edit) closed Update XML Encryption 1.1 editors draft with resolution proposed by Magnus in Frederick Hirsch 2010-03-08 ISSUE-188
ACTION-533 (edit) closed Implement proposed change to XML Encryption 1.1 per proposal to resolve ISSUE-186 Aldrin J D'Souza 2010-03-09 XML Encryption 1.1
ACTION-534 (edit) closed Implement proposed generic hybrid cipher changes Magnus Nystrom 2010-03-09 XML Security Generic Hybrid Ciphers
ACTION-535 (edit) closed Add section on RNG schema to Generic Hybrid Cipher Frederick Hirsch 2010-03-09 XML Security Generic Hybrid Ciphers
ACTION-536 (edit) closed Propose revised C14N20 URI (with Pratik) Thomas Roessler 2010-03-09 Canonical XML Version 2.0
ACTION-537 (edit) closed And thomas to work out mutually agreeable 2.0 URIs Pratik Datta 2010-03-09 XML Signature 2.0
ACTION-538 (edit) closed Provide proposal related to namespace wrapping attacks once XPath profile available Meiko Jensen 2010-03-09 XML Signature 2.0
ACTION-539 (edit) closed Review C14N20 draft Meiko Jensen 2010-03-09 Canonical XML Version 2.0
ACTION-540 (edit) closed Ask Makoto regarding implementations and interop Frederick Hirsch 2010-03-09 WG-Coordination
ACTION-541 (edit) closed Review sha384 with tlr, re cross-ref, sig Frederick Hirsch 2010-03-16 WG-Coordination
ACTION-542 (edit) closed Check on issue related to other and any in XML Enc, see Scott Cantor 2010-03-16 XML Encryption 1.1
ACTION-543 (edit) closed Make proposals for the last two points noted in ISSUE-43 comments Scott Cantor 2010-06-01 ISSUE-43
ACTION-544 (edit) closed Review ISSUE-162, regarding Object/Manifests language and transforms Pratik Datta 2010-06-15 ISSUE-162
ACTION-545 (edit) closed Update xml signature 1.1 and xml encryption 1.1 to replace ECPublicKey with ECKeyValue, for ISSUE-194 Frederick Hirsch 2010-03-17
ACTION-546 (edit) closed Respond regarding ISSUE-134 Frederick Hirsch 2010-04-06 ISSUE-195
ACTION-547 (edit) closed Confirm that RetrievalMethod warning remains in 2.0 draft of signature Pratik Datta 2010-06-15 XML Signature 2.0
ACTION-548 (edit) closed Ed to review XPath Profile Ed Simon 2010-04-20 XML Signature 2.0
ACTION-549 (edit) closed Provide proposal related to generic parameter relatedto xsiTypeAware Scott Cantor 2010-04-20 ISSUE-204
ACTION-550 (edit) closed Implement editorial changes from scott and ed Pratik Datta 2010-04-20 Canonical XML Version 2.0
ACTION-551 (edit) closed Ask Dom about URI sorting question Frederick Hirsch 2010-04-20
ACTION-552 (edit) closed Ask on list about interop and implemention plans for 1.1 features, including encryption and also 2.0 Frederick Hirsch 2010-04-27 WG-Coordination
ACTION-553 (edit) closed Contact implementers known from hmac affair regarding potential interop participation Thomas Roessler 2010-07-31 WG-Coordination
ACTION-554 (edit) closed Review c14n comments from meiko, incorporate into doc, flagging with email any concerns for discussion Pratik Datta 2010-04-27 Canonical XML Version 2.0
ACTION-555 (edit) closed Add clarifications re sorting into c14n2 document Pratik Datta 2010-04-27 Canonical XML Version 2.0
ACTION-556 (edit) closed Review text related to Object tag for consistency with 2.0 model Pratik Datta 2010-06-15 XML Signature 2.0
ACTION-557 (edit) closed Edit ISSUE-162 to reflect need to include object and manifest in 2.0 Scott Cantor 2010-04-27 ISSUE-162
ACTION-558 (edit) closed Draft charter extension request Frederick Hirsch 2010-04-28 WG-Coordination
ACTION-559 (edit) closed Investigate schema vs. DTD Ed Simon 2010-05-04 XML Signature 2.0
ACTION-560 (edit) closed Add digest to example in Section 2.5 Pratik Datta 2010-05-04 Canonical XML Version 2.0
ACTION-561 (edit) closed Review ISSUE-196 Thomas Roessler 2010-05-04 Canonical XML Version 2.0
ACTION-562 (edit) closed Provide streaming-canonicalization proposal Meiko Jensen 2010-05-04 Canonical XML Version 2.0
ACTION-563 (edit) closed Remove xml:lang and xml:space from example in 2.4.2 Pratik Datta 2010-05-04 Canonical XML Version 2.0
ACTION-564 (edit) closed Remove the second sentence in the default namespace definition in Sec. 2.5 Pratik Datta 2010-05-04 Canonical XML Version 2.0
ACTION-565 (edit) closed Come up with a proposal for inspecting the IncludedXPath and ExcludedXPath for prefixes and marking them as visibility utilized Meiko Jensen 2010-05-04 Canonical XML Version 2.0
ACTION-566 (edit) closed Update XML Encryption 1.1 with changes from Frederick and his proposed changes, , also to give value to PartyVInfo="" should have value in example Magnus Nystrom 2010-05-11 XML Encryption 1.1
ACTION-567 (edit) closed Change generic hybrid ciphers namespace to /2010/ghc Magnus Nystrom 2010-05-11 XML Security Generic Hybrid Ciphers
ACTION-568 (edit) closed And bal to review relationship between ghc and material in encryption Magnus Nystrom 2010-06-01
ACTION-569 (edit) closed Implement changes to Generic Hybrid Ciphers as proposed by Frederick, and revisions from Magnus, Magnus Nystrom 2010-05-11 XML Security Generic Hybrid Ciphers
ACTION-570 (edit) closed Revise gh namespace section Thomas Roessler 2010-05-04 XML Security Generic Hybrid Ciphers
ACTION-571 (edit) closed Review references in generic hybrids and encryption 1.1 Frederick Hirsch 2010-05-11 WG-Coordination
ACTION-572 (edit) closed Get encryption 1.1 and GHC pubrules-ready Frederick Hirsch 2010-05-11
ACTION-573 (edit) closed Create issue on DTDs, entities, defaulting, schema validation for C14N 2.0 Scott Cantor 2010-05-11 ISSUE-201
ACTION-574 (edit) closed Send his proposal on prefix rewriting to the list Scott Cantor 2010-05-11 XML Signature 2.0
ACTION-575 (edit) closed Update algorithm cross-reference for GHC namespace change Frederick Hirsch 2010-05-18
ACTION-576 (edit) closed Add "high performance profile" to c14n2 Pratik Datta 2010-06-22 Canonical XML Version 2.0
ACTION-577 (edit) closed Propose more general mechanism for QNames in content Scott Cantor 2010-05-18
ACTION-578 (edit) closed Provide signature best practice proposal related to external references Thomas Roessler 2010-05-18 XML Signature Best Practices
ACTION-579 (edit) closed Update c14n2 with proposal from ACTION-574 Pratik Datta 2010-06-22 Canonical XML Version 2.0
ACTION-580 (edit) closed Review c14n 2.0 for parsing-related options; propose removal (or add octet-stream processing to 2.0) Pratik Datta 2010-06-01
ACTION-581 (edit) closed make proposal around IDness of attributes Scott Cantor 2010-06-15 ISSUE-203
ACTION-582 (edit) closed Update best practices with ACTION-578 text Thomas Roessler 2010-06-01
ACTION-583 (edit) closed Create qnames issue, link to ACTION-549 Scott Cantor 2010-06-01 ISSUE-204
ACTION-584 (edit) closed Update xml encryption with change for LC-2386 Frederick Hirsch 2010-06-08
ACTION-585 (edit) closed Review proposal for LC-2387 Thomas Roessler 2010-08-10
ACTION-586 (edit) closed Draft text about XPath risks for BP document Meiko Jensen 2010-06-08
ACTION-587 (edit) closed Add X509IssuerSerial text as proposed by Scott, Pratik Datta 2010-06-08
ACTION-588 (edit) closed Update signature schema with X509IssuerSerial change, and provide warning text Thomas Roessler 2010-06-08
ACTION-589 (edit) closed Create 2.0 schema with X509IssuerSerial change Pratik Datta 2010-06-08 XML Signature 2.0
ACTION-590 (edit) closed Create separate XPath profile document (from XML Signature 2.0) Pratik Datta 2010-06-08 XML Signature 2.0
ACTION-591 (edit) closed Add XPath profile document to roadmap Frederick Hirsch 2010-06-08
ACTION-592 (edit) closed Set up dial-in v attendance questionnaire for TPAC 2010 Thomas Roessler 2010-06-22
ACTION-593 (edit) closed Fix formatting of element names in section Frederick Hirsch 2010-06-22
ACTION-594 (edit) closed Write detailed proposal, not including xsi:type, based on Scott Cantor 2010-06-22 Canonical XML Version 2.0
ACTION-595 (edit) closed Send pointer to RDFa work on qname-like constructs Thomas Roessler 2010-06-22
ACTION-596 (edit) closed Add single xmlAncestors parameter that only supports inherit or none values to c14n2 Pratik Datta 2010-06-22 Canonical XML Version 2.0
ACTION-597 (edit) closed Add proposed text in to end of section 2.1 in C14N2 Pratik Datta 2010-06-22 Canonical XML Version 2.0
ACTION-598 (edit) closed Close LC-2390 with resolution no action via email with scott and list. Frederick Hirsch 2010-06-28
ACTION-599 (edit) closed Incorporate Object tag proposal as per Pratik Datta 2010-06-28 XML Signature 2.0
ACTION-600 (edit) closed Draft proposal of how update to 1.0 schema will work practically for existing implementations Thomas Roessler 2010-08-10
ACTION-601 (edit) closed Copy to Thomas Roessler 2010-07-06
ACTION-602 (edit) closed to figure out what ACTION-597 is Frederick Hirsch 2010-07-06
ACTION-603 (edit) closed Update best practice for ISSUE-207 Frederick Hirsch 2010-07-06 ISSUE-207
ACTION-604 (edit) closed Propose change for best practices for ISSUE-170 Hal Lockhart 2010-07-06
ACTION-605 (edit) closed Update references for C14N2, placing into normative vs informative to resolve ISSUE-200 Pratik Datta 2010-07-06
ACTION-606 (edit) closed See if we can extend ds:Reference with length of digested data without breaking backward compatibility Scott Cantor 2010-07-13
ACTION-607 (edit) closed Add to agenda item to remove id function from XPath profile Frederick Hirsch 2010-07-13
ACTION-608 (edit) closed Initiate feedback response to Magic Signatures Hal Lockhart 2010-08-03
ACTION-609 (edit) closed Review Magic Signatures and comment Ed Simon 2010-08-03
ACTION-610 (edit) closed Review magic signatures and comment Cynthia Martin 2010-08-03
ACTION-611 (edit) closed Update c14n2 with proposal and CURIE reference Pratik Datta 2010-08-03
ACTION-612 (edit) closed Extend section 3 of C14N2 to deal with options related to ACTON-594 proposal Scott Cantor 2010-08-03
ACTION-613 (edit) closed Add verification step for length verification in Signature 2.0 transform Pratik Datta 2010-08-03
ACTION-614 (edit) closed Review XPath Profile Meiko Jensen 2010-08-10
ACTION-615 (edit) closed Update URI for XPath in XML Signature 2.0 Pratik Datta 2010-08-03
ACTION-616 (edit) closed Check that Oracle interop keys are available in the repository Pratik Datta 2010-08-03
ACTION-617 (edit) closed Discuss interop with thomas, including ConcatKDF Frederick Hirsch 2010-08-03
ACTION-618 (edit) closed Make sure Makoto listed as author of RNG schema Frederick Hirsch 2010-08-03
ACTION-619 (edit) closed Review Meiko proposal for ACTION-538 Ed Simon 2011-01-12
ACTION-620 (edit) closed Review C14N2 references, ISSUE-200 Cynthia Martin 2010-08-10
ACTION-621 (edit) closed Propose ECC-related refactoring of spec Thomas Roessler 2010-10-31
ACTION-622 (edit) closed Propose wording for response to EXI WG on LC-2386 LC-2387 Thomas Roessler 2010-08-17
ACTION-623 (edit) closed Review schema update plan, Magnus Nystrom 2010-08-25
ACTION-624 (edit) closed Test action handling Frederick Hirsch 2010-08-18
ACTION-625 (edit) closed Review c14n2 parameters with regards to conformance and optionality Meiko Jensen 2010-08-31
ACTION-626 (edit) closed Remove <dsig2:DigestData> from The dsig2:Verification element in Signature 2 Pratik Datta 2010-08-24
ACTION-627 (edit) closed Add id verification proposal from meiko to Signature 2.0, Pratik Datta 2010-08-24
ACTION-628 (edit) closed Send email address book example of 1-pass vs 2-pass to list Meiko Jensen 2010-08-24
ACTION-629 (edit) closed Summarize discussion on issues and streaming use cases on email list Frederick Hirsch 2010-08-24
ACTION-630 (edit) closed Remove or update the change log in best practices Frederick Hirsch 2010-08-24
ACTION-631 (edit) closed Prepare RNG Schema and Best Practices for publication Frederick Hirsch 2010-08-24
ACTION-632 (edit) closed Fix agenda to change Sean affiliation from Sun to Oracle Frederick Hirsch 2010-08-24
ACTION-633 (edit) closed Review pubrules readiness of xpath 2.0, c14n2, sig 2 Frederick Hirsch 2010-08-24
ACTION-634 (edit) closed Run pubrules check on xpath 2, c14n2, sig2 after completing edits Pratik Datta 2010-08-24
ACTION-635 (edit) closed Copy to , remove "draft" notation, and make public style and permissions Thomas Roessler 2010-08-24
ACTION-636 (edit) closed Add dsig2:IDAttributes child of the dsig2:Verification element as proposed by Scott Cantor in Pratik Datta 2010-08-31
ACTION-637 (edit) closed Update URI per Pratik Datta 2010-08-31
ACTION-638 (edit) closed Make proposal for ISSUE-210, see also (uncomplicate section) Scott Cantor 2010-08-31
ACTION-639 (edit) closed Implement changes suggested in , also add note in core validation section Pratik Datta 2010-08-31
ACTION-640 (edit) closed Update references per Cynthia review Frederick Hirsch 2010-08-31
ACTION-641 (edit) closed Generate updated publication drafts after reference updates Frederick Hirsch 2010-08-31
ACTION-642 (edit) closed Update Streaming XPath Profile with changes in Pratik Datta 2010-08-31
ACTION-643 (edit) closed Propose text for best practices re ISSUE-212, attack noted in Meiko Jensen 2010-08-31
ACTION-644 (edit) closed Propose text for Streaming XPath Profile to note that 1-pass not always possible, giving examples where 1-pass is not possible Meiko Jensen 2010-08-31
ACTION-645 (edit) closed Request publication FPWD of Streamable XPath Profile Frederick Hirsch 2010-08-31
ACTION-646 (edit) closed Prepare manifest for publication Frederick Hirsch 2010-08-31
ACTION-647 (edit) closed Implement Cantor's proposed text to identify all attributes Pratik Datta 2010-09-07 XML Signature 2.0
ACTION-648 (edit) closed Flesh out 6.8, shuffle order of sections, define URI for C14N2, see ISSUE-160 Pratik Datta 2010-09-07 XML Signature 2.0
ACTION-649 (edit) closed Check in with Michael Sperberg-McQueen about decimal and bignums Thomas Roessler 2010-09-07
ACTION-650 (edit) closed propose choices for X509SerialNumber fix Thomas Roessler 2010-09-09
ACTION-651 (edit) closed Summarize errata process and RESOLUTION A versus C Thomas Roessler 2010-09-10
ACTION-652 (edit) closed Request conference bridge for XML Security TPAC F2F meeting Thomas Roessler 2010-10-01
ACTION-653 (edit) closed Review status of ISSUE-183 Frederick Hirsch 2010-09-09
ACTION-654 (edit) closed Provide some performance data related to implementing entire c14n2 with all options, to influence choices regarding conformance Meiko Jensen 2010-09-14
ACTION-655 (edit) closed Start email thread on which parameters to be treated as group Pratik Datta 2010-09-14
ACTION-656 (edit) closed Contact aleksey re review of 2.0 specs and optionality/conformance Frederick Hirsch 2010-09-14 WG-Coordination
ACTION-657 (edit) closed Initiate use case review for c14N2 Frederick Hirsch 2010-09-14 Canonical XML Version 2.0
ACTION-658 (edit) closed Provide proposal on scanning option Pratik Datta 2010-09-14
ACTION-659 (edit) closed Review newTransformModel URI and does URI need correct? in Signature 2.0 Pratik Datta 2010-09-14
ACTION-660 (edit) closed Propose changes to C14N2 to support enveloped signature Scott Cantor 2010-09-14 Canonical XML Version 2.0
ACTION-661 (edit) closed Summarize issue related to use of ID without DTD for discussion and resolution Pratik Datta 2010-09-14
ACTION-662 (edit) closed Add verification element to 2.0 schema Pratik Datta 2010-09-14
ACTION-663 (edit) closed Add decisions to next week's agenda from Meiko on Streaming Profile and Best Practices Frederick Hirsch 2010-09-14 WG-Coordination
ACTION-664 (edit) closed Propose examples for 2.0 mode in XML Signature 2.0 Meiko Jensen 2010-09-14
ACTION-665 (edit) closed Devise proposal for X509SerialNumber that does not involve changes to the /2000/09/xmldsig schema. Scott Cantor 2010-09-21 XML SIgnature 1.1
ACTION-666 (edit) closed Propose edits to XML Encryption examples wrt EXI response Thomas Roessler 2010-10-19
ACTION-667 (edit) closed Add text regarding potential 1-pass issues to XPath document, using proposal from Meiko Pratik Datta 2010-09-21
ACTION-668 (edit) closed Update best practices with proposal from Meiko Frederick Hirsch 2010-09-21
ACTION-669 (edit) closed Update list of tracker products to be more sensible Frederick Hirsch 2010-09-21 WG-Tools
ACTION-670 (edit) closed Add link to Meiko's paper (member only) and reference to web site Frederick Hirsch 2010-09-28
ACTION-671 (edit) closed Update RELAX NG schemas with new contribution from Makoto Frederick Hirsch 2010-10-04
ACTION-672 (edit) closed Answer whether W3 can make formal request for IPR disclosure without creating a PAG, and if so, does this happen when entering CR or earlier Thomas Roessler 2010-11-30
ACTION-673 (edit) closed Outline process for starting a PAG and share with WG Thomas Roessler 2010-11-30
ACTION-674 (edit) closed Update 1.1 with change for X509SerialNumber Scott Cantor 2010-10-05 XML SIgnature 1.1
ACTION-675 (edit) closed Incorporate X509Data element into 2.0 schema and document Pratik Datta 2010-10-08 XML Signature 2.0
ACTION-676 (edit) closed Discuss XPath profile roadmap with tlr Frederick Hirsch 2010-10-26
ACTION-677 (edit) closed Remove .. from XPath subset, Pratik Datta 2010-10-26
ACTION-678 (edit) closed Add editorial warning about potential future changes to XPath subset Pratik Datta 2010-10-26
ACTION-679 (edit) closed Update XPath profile to allow assertion to include all id references utilized by reference Pratik Datta 2010-10-26
ACTION-680 (edit) closed Add proposal to document, with clarification regarding double quotes and still allowing approach #3, Pratik Datta 2010-10-26
ACTION-681 (edit) closed Send magnus email re running additional test cases, including ghc Frederick Hirsch 2010-11-02 WG-Coordination
ACTION-682 (edit) closed Review Signature Properties testing Frederick Hirsch 2010-11-02
ACTION-683 (edit) closed Review newTransformModel URI, ACTION-659 Frederick Hirsch 2010-11-02 XML Signature 2.0
ACTION-684 (edit) closed Propose text related to mixed content for ISSUE-43 Scott Cantor 2010-11-02 XML Signature 2.0
ACTION-685 (edit) closed Review 2.0 examples from meiko, Gerald Edgar 2010-11-02
ACTION-686 (edit) closed Add sections on top-level expressions and predicate to XPath profile Pratik Datta 2010-11-08
ACTION-687 (edit) closed Produce top level grammar for XPath profile Meiko Jensen 2010-11-08
ACTION-688 (edit) closed Add id function at XPath top level Meiko Jensen 2010-11-08
ACTION-689 (edit) closed Limit to xpath profile during xml signature 2.0 generation in 2.0 mode Pratik Datta 2010-11-08
ACTION-690 (edit) closed Make explicit in grammar difference of included and excluded xpath, - ExcludedXpath can select attributes and element, whereas IncludedXPath can only select elements Meiko Jensen 2010-11-08
ACTION-691 (edit) closed Add security considerations section to xpath profile Pratik Datta 2010-11-08
ACTION-692 (edit) closed Add editorial note to c142 indicated only exclusive Pratik Datta 2010-11-08
ACTION-693 (edit) closed Ask EMC/Aldrin about Generic Hybrid Cipher implementation at EMC Frederick Hirsch 2010-11-08
ACTION-694 (edit) closed Ask Magnus/Microsoft about Generic Hybrid Cipher implementation/interop Frederick Hirsch 2010-11-08
ACTION-695 (edit) closed Update XPath profile from changes proposed during joint session with XSLT/XQuery Pratik Datta 2010-11-08
ACTION-696 (edit) closed Update interop wiki with test cases for PBKDF2 and ConcatKDF, Magnus Nystrom 2010-11-08
ACTION-697 (edit) closed Update PBKDF2 for SHA2 URI Magnus Nystrom 2010-11-08
ACTION-698 (edit) closed Check with sean on ECKeyValue Frederick Hirsch 2010-11-08
ACTION-699 (edit) closed Update interop wiki with suite B organization Cynthia Martin 2010-11-08
ACTION-700 (edit) closed Review xml signature properties interop status re widget signature Frederick Hirsch 2010-11-08
ACTION-701 (edit) closed Check with sean on status of implementations wiki Frederick Hirsch 2010-11-08
ACTION-702 (edit) closed Check with scott re interop, in particulars DEREncodedKeyValue, OCSP, KeyInfoReference Frederick Hirsch 2010-11-08
ACTION-703 (edit) closed Send cfc on resolutions Frederick Hirsch 2010-11-08
ACTION-704 (edit) closed Indicate if there are alternative means to xml:space to indicate preserving space, and to comment on actual use of xml:space Scott Cantor 2010-11-09
ACTION-705 (edit) closed Confirm suitability of exclusive Juan Carlos Cruellas 2010-11-09
ACTION-706 (edit) closed Propose definition section text for Included/ExcludedXPath elements for XML Signature 2.0 Scott Cantor 2010-11-09 XML Signature 2.0
ACTION-707 (edit) closed Remove EnvelopedSignature from section 6.7.1, Pratik Datta 2010-11-09
ACTION-708 (edit) closed Fix typo in XML Signature 2.0 in DigestDataLength description purpose c) Pratik Datta 2010-11-09
ACTION-709 (edit) closed Incorporate Meiko's examples in the document - ISSUE-217 Pratik Datta 2010-11-09
ACTION-710 (edit) closed Add reference to XPath profile in the XML Signature 2.0 doc Pratik Datta 2010-11-09
ACTION-711 (edit) closed Add QnameAware elements and IDAttributes element to the examples (or check whether they're in and correct) Meiko Jensen 2010-11-09
ACTION-712 (edit) closed XPathAware child element of QNameAware to C14n2 Pratik Datta 2010-11-09
ACTION-713 (edit) closed Review XML Signature 2.0 requirements, Bruce Rich 2010-11-09
ACTION-714 (edit) closed Add warning in c14n 2.0 about not parsers not allowing to redefine xml* prefixes Pratik Datta 2010-11-09
ACTION-715 (edit) closed Add content on scanning algorithm (augment to remove duplicates), and information on where to emit the namespace declaration Pratik Datta 2010-11-09
ACTION-716 (edit) closed Propose text for xpath and best practices Meiko Jensen 2010-11-09
ACTION-717 (edit) closed Document the Performance improvements with 2.0 Pratik Datta 2010-11-09 XML Signature 2.0
ACTION-718 (edit) closed Create performance data draft Frederick Hirsch 2010-11-09
ACTION-719 (edit) closed Prepare for additional XML Signature 1.1 Last Call starting 9 November and ending 30 November 2010 Thomas Roessler 2010-11-16
ACTION-720 (edit) closed Update SOTD for XML Signature 1.1 Last Call publication Thomas Roessler 2010-11-16
ACTION-721 (edit) closed Review proposal for change to XML Encryption in response to EXI comment, Thomas Roessler 2010-11-16
ACTION-722 (edit) closed Update XML Encryption with proposal noted in Frederick Hirsch 2010-11-09
ACTION-723 (edit) closed Incorporate changes to XPath profile based on joint xslt/xquery F2F meeting, Pratik Datta 2010-11-19 XML Signature Streaming Profile of XPath 1.0
ACTION-724 (edit) closed Update change explanation for XML Signature 1.1 Frederick Hirsch 2010-11-22
ACTION-725 (edit) closed Update change explanation for XML Encryption Frederick Hirsch 2010-11-22
ACTION-726 (edit) closed Complete last call comment processing for exi, Frederick Hirsch 2010-11-23
ACTION-727 (edit) closed Share updated PBKDF2 and concatkdf test cases to list Magnus Nystrom 2010-11-23
ACTION-728 (edit) closed Send summary of differences of xslt and xml security streamability and XPath profiling to list Pratik Datta 2010-11-23
ACTION-729 (edit) closed Highlight potential issue with non-support for xml:base through removal of inclusive in xml signature and c14n2 drafts Pratik Datta 2010-11-23
ACTION-730 (edit) closed Check if 1.0 comment list for xml signature is forward to our active errata list Thomas Roessler 2010-11-23
ACTION-731 (edit) closed Respond to Sampo re Frederick Hirsch 2010-11-23
ACTION-732 (edit) closed Add example to signature 2.0 once Meiko shares text on list, see ACTION-711 Frederick Hirsch 2011-01-20 XML Signature 2.0
ACTION-733 (edit) closed Implement change for ACTION-638 Scott Cantor 2010-12-07 XML Signature 2.0
ACTION-734 (edit) closed Contact Meiko re actions and schedule Frederick Hirsch 2010-12-07
ACTION-735 (edit) closed Share original interop test for exclusive c14n that relates to issue Pratik Datta 2010-12-07
ACTION-736 (edit) closed Add grammar to XPath profile Pratik Datta 2010-12-14
ACTION-737 (edit) closed Summarize streamability issues and proposal for resolution to list Pratik Datta 2010-12-14
ACTION-738 (edit) closed Summarize roadmap if we were to have multiple document approach for 2.0 with respect to 1.1 Frederick Hirsch 2010-12-14
ACTION-739 (edit) closed Update 2.0 processing rules to separate 2.0 and compatibility mode as proposed in Frederick Hirsch 2010-12-14
ACTION-740 (edit) closed Provide proposal for change to selection section use of type/subtype, algorithm usages Scott Cantor 2010-12-14 XML Signature 2.0
ACTION-741 (edit) closed Summarize schema issues with Verification elements Scott Cantor 2010-12-14 XML Signature 2.0
ACTION-742 (edit) closed Propose text regarding and use of c14n2 Scott Cantor 2010-12-14 XML Signature 2.0
ACTION-743 (edit) closed Look for soap example from sx examples document suitable for 2.0, showing qnames, eg. xsi:type and use of ids Hal Lockhart 2010-12-14
ACTION-744 (edit) closed Implement change to 2.0 requirements document, to Remove section 3.2.3, Replace "some grammar" with "a mechanism" in section 3.2.2 Frederick Hirsch 2010-12-14
ACTION-745 (edit) closed Update errata for exclusive c14n per Thomas Roessler 2010-12-14
ACTION-746 (edit) closed Implement 2.0 mode name change Frederick Hirsch 2010-12-14
ACTION-747 (edit) closed Update XPath profile for Option 1 in proposal associated with ACTION-737 Pratik Datta 2010-12-21
ACTION-748 (edit) closed Update XML Signature 2.0 for Option 1 as proposed for ACTION-737 Scott Cantor 2010-12-21 XML Signature 2.0
ACTION-749 (edit) closed Create conformance section and move 6.1 material to it Frederick Hirsch 2010-12-21
ACTION-750 (edit) closed Implement change to schema and document for Verification element proposal as noted in message 47 for ACTION-741 Scott Cantor 2010-12-21 XML Signature 2.0
ACTION-751 (edit) closed Implement change for ACTION-742 Scott Cantor 2010-12-21 XML Signature 2.0
ACTION-752 (edit) closed Implement change to move compatibility material to new section Frederick Hirsch 2010-12-21
ACTION-753 (edit) closed Work on creating 2.0 example for Signature 2.0 Meiko Jensen 2010-12-21 XML Signature 2.0
ACTION-754 (edit) closed Add new section in 2.0 requirements regarding rational for new XPath profile based on Pratik's proposal Frederick Hirsch 2010-12-28
ACTION-755 (edit) closed Send notice of pending CR of XML Signature 1.1 and XML Encryption 1.1 to IETF Thomas Roessler 2011-03-03 WG-Coordination
ACTION-756 (edit) closed Share notice of pending CR with OASIS Frederick Hirsch 2011-01-11
ACTION-757 (edit) closed Review section references in 1.1 Frederick Hirsch 2011-01-11
ACTION-758 (edit) closed Update abstract and intro of c14N2 to remove relationship to C14N1 and exclusive in abstract and explain relationship in intro Pratik Datta 2011-01-11
ACTION-759 (edit) closed Update requirements section of c14n2 with context/exclusive c14n requirement and description Pratik Datta 2011-01-11
ACTION-760 (edit) closed Help simplify and clarify processing for Curie in C14N2 Thomas Roessler 2011-01-18
ACTION-761 (edit) closed Explain importance and need for Curie support Thomas Roessler 2011-01-18
ACTION-762 (edit) closed Clarify ACTION-729 Frederick Hirsch 2011-01-11
ACTION-763 (edit) closed Review ISSUE-198 and where algorithm should be placed Pratik Datta 2011-01-11
ACTION-764 (edit) closed Review placement of base64 alg in 1.1/2.0, should it be under transforms? Brian LaMacchia 2011-01-11
ACTION-765 (edit) closed Review 1.1 requirements and signature 1.1 and encryption 1.1 explain documents Frederick Hirsch 2011-01-18
ACTION-766 (edit) closed Implement change for base64 Brian LaMacchia 2011-01-18
ACTION-767 (edit) closed Review XML Encryption 1.1 references to external document sections, explain document and requirements Magnus Nystrom 2011-01-18
ACTION-768 (edit) closed Follow up on ISSUE-226 and byte range with Henrich Meiko Jensen 2011-01-18
ACTION-769 (edit) closed Add note to XML SIgnature to clarify use of id with URI versus XPath Pratik Datta 2011-01-18 XML Signature 2.0
ACTION-770 (edit) closed Figure out publication mechanics around CR & ECC Thomas Roessler 2011-02-10
ACTION-771 (edit) closed Review 1.1 requirements issues with Magnus Frederick Hirsch 2011-01-25
ACTION-772 (edit) closed Add wording about using IncludedXPath in favor of PositionAssertion Scott Cantor 2011-01-25 XML Signature 2.0
ACTION-773 (edit) closed Update signature 2.0 related to id and XPath Pratik Datta 2011-02-01 XML Signature 2.0
ACTION-774 (edit) closed Apply ID/IncludedXPath change to additional selection type Pratik Datta 2011-02-15 XML Signature 2.0
ACTION-775 (edit) closed Research XPath 1 vs 2 differences Pratik Datta 2011-02-15 XML Signature Streaming Profile of XPath 1.0
ACTION-776 (edit) closed Ask xml cg about xpath 1, 2, 3 Frederick Hirsch 2011-03-08 XML Signature Streaming Profile of XPath 1.0
ACTION-777 (edit) closed Check with Magnus re Microsoft and streaming implementation, XPath version choice Frederick Hirsch 2011-03-08 XML Signature Streaming Profile of XPath 1.0
ACTION-778 (edit) closed Propose changes to the XPath profile related to using XPath 2.0 Pratik Datta 2011-03-08
ACTION-779 (edit) closed Review test cases for 1.1 and summarize which are missing Gerald Edgar 2011-03-08
ACTION-780 (edit) closed Bring base64 work forward to 2.0, ISSUE-224 Frederick Hirsch 2011-03-08 XML Signature 2.0
ACTION-781 (edit) closed Check on commit message mechanism for xmlsec Thomas Roessler 2011-03-15
ACTION-782 (edit) closed Update draft with change to 10.7.2 Scott Cantor 2011-03-15
ACTION-783 (edit) closed Prepare publication drafts for validity, links and initial pubrules Frederick Hirsch 2011-03-15
ACTION-784 (edit) closed Prepare 2.0 drafts for publication on 24 March 2011 Thomas Roessler 2011-03-15
ACTION-785 (edit) closed Confirm that best practices have been documented for ISSUE-159 Meiko Jensen 2011-03-15
ACTION-786 (edit) closed Update PAG charter to fix broken link to mailing list archive, Archive is misspelled, correct link is Thomas Roessler 2011-03-15
ACTION-787 (edit) closed Update algorithms cross reference including impact of 2.0 on algorithms cross-reference, ISSUE-208 Frederick Hirsch 2011-04-12
ACTION-788 (edit) closed Contact Juan Carlos re XML Security 2.0 review Frederick Hirsch 2011-04-19
ACTION-789 (edit) closed Follow up with XML Coordination WG re XML Security 2.0 review Frederick Hirsch 2011-04-19
ACTION-790 (edit) closed Ask Makoto re XML Security 2.0 security review, with ePub consideration Frederick Hirsch 2011-04-19
ACTION-791 (edit) closed Request SAAG review of XML Sec 2.0 once spec is in LC Thomas Roessler 2011-04-19
ACTION-792 (edit) closed Prepare Last Call publication, for publication by next week Thomas Roessler 2011-04-19
ACTION-793 (edit) closed Review 1.1 interop to determine which gaps we have in 1.1 testing itself Gerald Edgar 2011-04-19
ACTION-794 (edit) closed Add test case prefix rewriting Pratik Datta 2011-04-19
ACTION-795 (edit) closed Prepare documents for publication Frederick Hirsch 2011-04-26
ACTION-796 (edit) closed Review xml sec charter extension, see, with possibility of 9 months vs 1 year Thomas Roessler 2011-04-26
ACTION-797 (edit) closed Coalesce performance actions Frederick Hirsch 2011-04-26
ACTION-798 (edit) closed Update publications page and web page with 2.0 Last call and updated publications Frederick Hirsch 2011-05-06
ACTION-799 (edit) closed Update C14N2 draft with note to clarify whitespace definition as XML definition, provide warning re using other libraries like Java Pratik Datta 2011-05-31
ACTION-800 (edit) closed Update C14N for 1-1 prefix to uri mapping Pratik Datta 2011-05-31
ACTION-801 (edit) closed Review C14N2 test case document Frederick Hirsch 2011-05-31
ACTION-802 (edit) closed Review comments from XML Core WG and formulate response, Pratik Datta 2011-06-14
ACTION-803 (edit) closed Propose language re xmlsec required for suite b description by Cynthia Frederick Hirsch 2011-06-14
ACTION-804 (edit) closed Send email to set up offline interop discussion with Microsoft, Oracle, Signature 1.1, Encryption 1.1 Frederick Hirsch 2011-06-14
ACTION-805 (edit) closed Review ISSUE-132 Frederick Hirsch 2011-06-14
ACTION-806 (edit) closed Review ISSUE-132, whether we need XML Encryption update to reflect changes in Signature 2.0 transform model Frederick Hirsch 2011-06-14
ACTION-807 (edit) closed Create draft for use of 2.0 transforms in XML Encryption 1.1 Frederick Hirsch 2011-06-17
ACTION-808 (edit) closed Send CfC for publication of encryption 2.0 transform draft Frederick Hirsch 2011-06-21
ACTION-809 (edit) closed Fix examples in signature 2.0 Pratik Datta 2011-06-21
ACTION-810 (edit) closed Review and respond to additional XML Core WG comments Pratik Datta 2011-06-21
ACTION-811 (edit) closed Update wiki with suite b changew Cynthia Martin 2011-06-21
ACTION-812 (edit) closed Prepare XML Enc 2.0 transforms for publication Frederick Hirsch 2011-07-05
ACTION-813 (edit) closed Update errata for XML Enc 1.1 with Thomas Roessler 2011-07-05
ACTION-814 (edit) closed Make namespace ("&xenc;") related edits in XML Encryption 1.1 Magnus Nystrom 2011-07-05
ACTION-815 (edit) closed Respond to marcos re cert order Frederick Hirsch 2011-07-05
ACTION-816 (edit) closed Update SIgnature 1.1 and 2.0 with change of SHOULD in 4.5 Frederick Hirsch 2011-08-09
ACTION-817 (edit) closed Prepare and submit best practices draft for publication Frederick Hirsch 2011-08-09
ACTION-818 (edit) closed Check in test cases document distributed by Gerald Frederick Hirsch 2011-08-09
ACTION-819 (edit) closed Update 2.0 11.3 text, including changes discussed in email Pratik Datta 2011-08-09
ACTION-820 (edit) closed Remind WG how to deprecate RetrievalMethod in 1.1 and disallow in 2.0 appropriately Thomas Roessler 2011-08-16
ACTION-821 (edit) closed Post suite b interop material from Cynthia Frederick Hirsch 2011-08-16
ACTION-822 (edit) closed Propose XML Encryption 1.1 changes Frederick Hirsch 2011-08-16
ACTION-823 (edit) closed Update 2.0 spec to treat RetrievalMethod same as in 1.1, specifically not disallow Transform within RetrievalMethod Frederick Hirsch 2011-08-16
ACTION-824 (edit) closed Update xml encryption schema and specification with addition of type for Algorithm in AlgorithmIdentifierType Frederick Hirsch 2011-08-23 XML Encryption 1.1
ACTION-825 (edit) closed Make formal response, import is for ds:Digest which is from original schema, hence no change needed Frederick Hirsch 2011-08-23
ACTION-826 (edit) closed Check with tlr re removing (and archiving) section 8 from xml encryption 1.1 Frederick Hirsch 2011-08-23 XML Encryption 1.1
ACTION-827 (edit) closed Advise on how to close LC-2372 if no response received from submitter of comment for resolution Thomas Roessler 2011-08-23
ACTION-828 (edit) closed Propose additional text for security considerations of xml encryption Hal Lockhart 2011-08-23
ACTION-829 (edit) closed Provide additional proposal text regarding xml encryption changes for pkcs1.5 Scott Cantor 2011-08-23
ACTION-830 (edit) closed Compose draft response for LC-4288 and share on xmlsec list for review Pratik Datta 2011-09-06
ACTION-831 (edit) closed Update xsd schemas with copyright and update RNG schema copyrights Frederick Hirsch 2011-09-13
ACTION-832 (edit) closed Respond to makoto re schema issue Frederick Hirsch 2011-09-13
ACTION-833 (edit) closed Send response re canonical xml Frederick Hirsch 2011-09-13
ACTION-834 (edit) closed Review XML Signature 1.1 and 2.0 treatment of RetrievalMethod Thomas Roessler 2011-09-13
ACTION-835 (edit) closed Check documents for up to date IETF references Frederick Hirsch 2011-09-20
ACTION-836 (edit) closed Close this action Thomas Roessler 2011-09-20
ACTION-837 (edit) closed Provide guidance text and to review SHA-1 with OAEP Brian LaMacchia 2011-09-20
ACTION-838 (edit) closed Update explanation of changes for XML Signature 1.1 Frederick Hirsch 2011-10-11
ACTION-839 (edit) closed Update explanation of changes for XML Encryption 1.1 Frederick Hirsch 2011-10-11
ACTION-840 (edit) closed Update XML Signature 1.1 and 2.0 with change in Pratik Datta 2011-10-11
ACTION-841 (edit) closed Add link to canonical XML 2.0 samples into the spec Pratik Datta 2011-10-11
ACTION-842 (edit) closed Propose updated spec language to address OAEP and SHA-1 issue Frederick Hirsch 2011-10-11
ACTION-843 (edit) closed Follow up on possible additional interop participants Frederick Hirsch 2011-10-11
ACTION-844 (edit) closed Update XML Encryption 1.1 with changes in Frederick Hirsch 2011-10-18
ACTION-845 (edit) closed Propose URI for sha 2 for mgf function Frederick Hirsch 2011-10-18
ACTION-846 (edit) closed Update algorithm cross-reference to reflect changes for xml encryption 1.1 Frederick Hirsch 2011-10-18
ACTION-847 (edit) closed Propose update to 2.0 algorithm requirements to encourage authenticating mode Pratik Datta 2011-10-18
ACTION-848 (edit) closed Contact OASIS ebXML community regarding large data issue and GCM Bruce Rich 2011-10-25
ACTION-849 (edit) closed Contact Microsoft re GCM and WS-Policy Frederick Hirsch 2011-10-25
ACTION-850 (edit) closed Review XML Encryption 1.1 security considerations and propose changes in light of today's discussion Hal Lockhart 2011-10-25
ACTION-851 (edit) closed Propose text regarding KeyLength and PBKDF2, assuming we do not change the schemna Pratik Datta 2011-10-25
ACTION-852 (edit) closed C14n2 and enc 1.1 test cases to publication list Frederick Hirsch 2011-10-25
ACTION-853 (edit) closed Add new security issue later this week Frederick Hirsch 2011-10-25
ACTION-854 (edit) closed Talk with thomas about encouraging implementation support for AES-GCM in existing algorithms Frederick Hirsch 2011-11-15
ACTION-855 (edit) closed Update XML Encryption 1.1 draft for AES-GCM mandatory to implement Frederick Hirsch 2011-11-15
ACTION-856 (edit) closed Discuss with magnus possible encryption algorithms suitable for streaming Brian LaMacchia 2011-11-15
ACTION-857 (edit) closed Ask regarding risk of use of GCM without checking tag during processing Pratik Datta 2011-11-15
ACTION-858 (edit) closed Send CfC for resolution to Publish CR drafts of Canonical XML 2.0, XML Signature 2.0 and Streaming Profile of XPath 1.0 this month Frederick Hirsch 2011-12-06
ACTION-859 (edit) closed Send CfC to move XML Encryption 1.1 CipherReference Processing using 2.0 Transforms to LC Frederick Hirsch 2011-12-06
ACTION-860 (edit) closed Review ACTION-841 Frederick Hirsch 2011-12-06
ACTION-861 (edit) closed Send message re closing ISSUE-230 Frederick Hirsch 2011-12-06
ACTION-862 (edit) closed Review FIPS and RSA-OAEP question in Hal Lockhart 2011-12-20
ACTION-863 (edit) closed Confirm correctness of C14N2 test case reference after publication Frederick Hirsch 2011-12-20
ACTION-864 (edit) closed Implement CR transition Frederick Hirsch 2011-12-20
ACTION-865 (edit) closed Contact parties re participation in interop for 2.0 Frederick Hirsch 2011-12-20
ACTION-866 (edit) closed Review XML Encryption 1.1 for schema and text description consistency and clarity Scott Cantor 2012-01-24
ACTION-867 (edit) closed Review XML Encryption 1.1 for schema and text description consistency and clarity Frederick Hirsch 2012-01-24
ACTION-868 (edit) closed Raise RFC 6476 with magnus Frederick Hirsch 2012-01-31
ACTION-869 (edit) closed Contact Brian/Magnus re 1.1 interop Frederick Hirsch 2012-01-31
ACTION-870 (edit) closed Check with John Bradley re JSON plans re MAC+CBC Scott Cantor 2012-02-28 XML Encryption 1.1
ACTION-871 (edit) closed Check with Microsoft regarding plans for JSON Frederick Hirsch 2012-02-28
ACTION-872 (edit) closed update interop status tables to reflect additional tests that need to be added Gerald Edgar 2012-02-28
ACTION-873 (edit) closed Prepare XML Encryption 1.1 and CipherReference Processing drafts for CR publication, make transition request etc Frederick Hirsch 2012-03-06 WG-Coordination
ACTION-874 (edit) closed Update XML Encryption 1.1 (including draft for CR publication) with changes for ACTION-867 Frederick Hirsch 2012-03-13
ACTION-875 (edit) closed Update XML Signature 1.1 and XML Encryption 1.1 to reference developer explain from sotd, including draft being prepared for CR publication Frederick Hirsch 2012-03-13
ACTION-876 (edit) closed Update test cases tables and send update to public list Gerald Edgar 2012-03-13
ACTION-877 (edit) closed Review 1.1 interop test document against explain summariy Frederick Hirsch 2012-03-13
ACTION-878 (edit) closed Update developer explain documents as on Note track Frederick Hirsch 2012-03-20
ACTION-879 (edit) closed Create draft interop test report, run assumptions by the team Frederick Hirsch 2012-03-20
ACTION-880 (edit) closed Contact sean regarding signature 1.1 interop and whether x509 enhancements were implemented Pratik Datta 2012-04-10
ACTION-881 (edit) closed Ask magnus re xml encryption 1.1 test cases document Frederick Hirsch 2012-04-10
ACTION-882 (edit) closed Ask bruce rich about xml encryption 1.1 interop Frederick Hirsch 2012-04-10
ACTION-883 (edit) closed Review C14N 20 test cases document Frederick Hirsch 2012-04-10
ACTION-884 (edit) closed Review CR features at risk for Signature Properties Frederick Hirsch 2012-05-01
ACTION-885 (edit) closed Update test cases document and send email clarifying changes Pratik Datta 2012-05-01
ACTION-886 (edit) closed Update XMLSignature 1.1 and XML Encryption 1.1 interop test reports to remove unneeded tests Frederick Hirsch 2012-05-22
ACTION-887 (edit) closed Draft text on HMAC truncation for XML Signature best practices Hal Lockhart 2012-05-22
ACTION-888 (edit) closed Distribute test case and result for testing XML Signature 1.1 HMACOutputLength minimum length Pratik Datta 2012-06-19
ACTION-889 (edit) closed Arrange publication of XML Signature Best Practices Frederick Hirsch 2012-07-10
ACTION-890 (edit) closed Check with team whether CR draft can have features marked as at risk during CR without an additional LC cycle Thomas Roessler 2012-07-31
ACTION-891 (edit) closed Put SHA-224 test cases and results for interop into CVS Pratik Datta 2012-07-31
ACTION-892 (edit) closed Check on adding KeyInfoReference Pratik Datta 2012-07-31
ACTION-893 (edit) closed Check on AES-128-GCM interop test Magnus Nystrom 2012-07-31
ACTION-894 (edit) closed Discuss with team and director process issues about Signature 1.1/Encryption 1.1 to rec with some optional URIs for algorithms that do not have 2 implementations Thomas Roessler 2012-08-31
ACTION-895 (edit) closed Send CfC to list to close out interop on RSA-OAEP key transport as we have it for one MGF function, question is that enough Frederick Hirsch 2012-07-31
ACTION-896 (edit) closed Share AES-128-GCM on list and add to the test cases document Frederick Hirsch 2012-08-21
ACTION-897 (edit) closed Confirm whether two implementations from one author are ok for DEREncodedKeyValue and KeyInfoReference specifically Thomas Roessler 2012-08-21
ACTION-898 (edit) closed Draft proposal and CfC on list to change algorithm requirement for RSA v1.5 Frederick Hirsch 2012-08-21
ACTION-899 (edit) closed Review and propose changes related to 2010 wording Frederick Hirsch 2012-08-28 ISSUE-233
ACTION-900 (edit) closed Contact Magnus regarding key agreement test cases and interop Pratik Datta 2012-08-28
ACTION-901 (edit) closed Send message to list regarding OCSPResponse and AES-128/192/256-pad Symmetric Key Wrap Frederick Hirsch 2012-08-28
ACTION-902 (edit) closed Check whether he can resource an additional implementer (Brent) to complete implementation and interop of XML Signature 1.1 X509Digest; DEREncodedKeyValue, KeyInfoReference, to eliminate issue of same author and to obtain two implementations for these Scott Cantor 2012-08-28
ACTION-903 (edit) closed Look into creating KeyInfoReference implementation and interop with Scott Pratik Datta 2012-08-28
ACTION-904 (edit) closed Follow up to fix formatting of XML Signature 1.1 and XML Encryption 1.1 schema and examples Frederick Hirsch 2012-08-28
ACTION-905 (edit) closed Edit XML Encryption 1.1 to change RSA 1.5 from Required to Optional Frederick Hirsch 2012-09-04
ACTION-906 (edit) closed Update XML Signature for key size language changes Frederick Hirsch 2012-09-04
ACTION-907 (edit) closed Update xml enc reference for SP800-56A Frederick Hirsch 2012-09-04
ACTION-908 (edit) closed Update XML Encryption 1.1 to move AES Key Wrap with Padding algorithm material to an informative appendix Frederick Hirsch 2012-09-04
ACTION-909 (edit) closed Update schema formatting in XML Signature 2.0 Frederick Hirsch 2012-09-12
ACTION-910 (edit) closed Update test cases document with new tests, Pratik Datta 2012-09-18
ACTION-911 (edit) closed Remove OCSPResponse element from XML Signature 1.1 and 2.0 as outlined in the CfC and also remove from the interop test report Frederick Hirsch 2012-09-25
ACTION-912 (edit) closed Put XML Signature 1.1 test case material from wiki into XML Signature 1.1. interop test report Frederick Hirsch 2012-09-25
ACTION-913 (edit) closed Merge XML Encryption 1.1 test case document into XML Encryption 1.1 interop test result document, once Pratik concludes updating XML Encryption 1.1 test case document (ACTION-910) Frederick Hirsch 2012-09-25
ACTION-914 (edit) closed Consult with XML Coordination Group to see if there is a community that would be interested in XML Security 2.0 and how to reach them Frederick Hirsch 2012-09-25
ACTION-915 (edit) closed Bring up issue of XML maintenance at XML Coordination group Frederick Hirsch 2012-09-25
ACTION-916 (edit) closed Outline timeline for completing 1.1 Rec and share with XML Security WG and PAG Frederick Hirsch 2012-09-25
ACTION-917 (edit) closed Prepare XML Signature 1.1 and XML Encryption 1.1 for Last Call publication and make publication request Frederick Hirsch 2012-10-02
ACTION-918 (edit) closed Prepare for FPWD publication of "XML Signature 1.1 Interop Test Report" and "XML Encryption 1.1 Interop Test Report" Frederick Hirsch 2012-10-02
ACTION-919 (edit) closed Prepare XML Signature 1.1 and XML Encryption 1.1 functional explanation documents for publication Frederick Hirsch 2012-10-02
ACTION-920 (edit) closed Check with W3C team on ISSUE-236 Frederick Hirsch 2012-10-30
ACTION-921 (edit) closed Update XML Signature 1.1 to address LC-2721 Frederick Hirsch 2012-11-20
ACTION-922 (edit) closed Propose additional security consideration for XML Encryption 1.1 key separation and update draft Frederick Hirsch 2012-11-20
ACTION-923 (edit) closed Update Roadmap page to reflect current status Frederick Hirsch 2012-11-20
ACTION-924 (edit) closed Confirm ok to add security consideration to XML Encryption 1.1 before PR Thomas Roessler 2012-12-04
ACTION-925 (edit) closed Send CfC to agree to put additional features in potential 1.2 if interest Frederick Hirsch 2012-12-11
ACTION-926 (edit) closed Send CfC that WG accepts the added XML Encryption 1.1 security consideration section as currently drafted Frederick Hirsch 2012-12-11
ACTION-927 (edit) closed Make CfC for proposed RESOLUTION: The XML Security working group agrees to progress XML Signature 1.1 to Proposed Recommendation, using the latest editors draft of 13 November 2012 that includes an update in response to LC-2721. Frederick Hirsch 2012-12-11
ACTION-928 (edit) closed Submit transition request to Proposed Recommendation for XML Encryption 1.1, XML Signature 1.1 and XML Signature Properties once Exclusion Period for XML Encryption 1.1 is completed, after 17 December and CfCs approved Frederick Hirsch 2012-12-11
ACTION-929 (edit) closed update XML Signature Best Practices to add latest key separation concern Frederick Hirsch 2012-12-11
ACTION-930 (edit) closed Send CfC for publishing these Notes Frederick Hirsch 2012-12-11
ACTION-931 (edit) closed Check with Jim D re use of C14N1 in streaming way Pratik Datta 2013-03-05
ACTION-932 (edit) closed Produce a C14N1.2 draft for next week Pratik Datta 2013-03-12
ACTION-933 (edit) closed Help Jim get setup with C14N2 source and editing Frederick Hirsch 2013-03-12
ACTION-934 (edit) closed Share link for updating phone numbers for group Frederick Hirsch 2013-03-12
ACTION-935 (edit) closed draft use cases and clarifying material for new canonicalization draft James Dovey 2013-03-12 Canonical XML Version 2.0
ACTION-936 (edit) open Share draft charter for XML Security maintenance with WG, clarify whether this will require re-joining Thomas Roessler 2013-04-02
ACTION-937 (edit) closed Follow up with XML CG about interest and possibility of doing this work in another WG, such as XML Core. Frederick Hirsch 2013-04-02
ACTION-938 (edit) open Share XML Normalization with Oracle XML team to determine interest, especially in interop Pratik Datta 2013-04-02

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