ACTION-429: Make change to section 2.1 adding new sentence

Make change to section 2.1 adding new sentence

Frederick Hirsch
Due on:
November 13, 2009
Created on:
November 6, 2009
Associated Product:
XML Security 1.1 Requirements and Design Considerations
Related emails:
  1. Updated F2F Minutes for Review and Approval (from on 2009-11-19)
  2. Agenda: Distributed Meeting 2009-11-17 (from on 2009-11-16)
  3. Updated Signature 11 with s14 sentence (from on 2009-11-07)

Related notes:

from minutes
final text: Use of KeyInfo is optional, however note that senders and receivers must agree on how it will be used through a mechanism out of scope for this specification.
<tlr> section 2.1, [s14-16]

Frederick Hirsch, 7 Nov 2009, 14:05:34

Display change log.

Chair, Staff Contact
Tracker: documentation, (configuration for this group), originally developed by Dean Jackson, is developed and maintained by the Systems Team <>.
$Id: 429.html,v 1.1 2017/01/10 16:23:57 carine Exp $