ACTION-678: Add editorial warning about potential future changes to XPath subset

Add editorial warning about potential future changes to XPath subset

Pratik Datta
Due on:
October 26, 2010
Created on:
October 19, 2010
Related emails:
  1. Agenda - Distributed Meeting 2010-12-14 (from on 2010-12-14)
  2. RE: Updates to XPath profile (from on 2010-10-28)
  3. Updates to XPath profile (from on 2010-10-28)
  4. Agenda - Distributed Meeting 2010-10-26 (from on 2010-10-25)
  5. Draft minutes from Oct 19 (from on 2010-10-19)

Related notes:

Not clear about this action.

Pratik Datta, 28 Oct 2010, 07:06:57

Earlier we were considering that there could be user defined XPath subsets, and XML Signature 2.0 would allow signatures to specify which subset they were using.

But now we have decided that this XPath subset is the only subset that XML Signature 2.0 will allow. So this action isn't applicable any more.

Pratik Datta, 13 Dec 2010, 00:45:28

Earlier we were considering that there could be user defined XPath subsets, and XML Signature 2.0 would allow signatures to specify which subset they were using.

But now we have decided that this XPath subset is the only subset that XML Signature 2.0 will allow. So this action isn't applicable any more.

Pratik Datta, 13 Dec 2010, 00:53:13

Display change log.

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